Oil and Gas FPSO Overview, Technology & Design Consideration
Oil and Gas FPSO Overview, Technology & Design Consideration, available at $59.99, has an average rating of 4.06, with 93 lectures, based on 246 reviews, and has 1055 subscribers.
You will learn about FPSO Overview DIfferent types of Floating Platforms General Design Considerations Influencing FPSO Selection and Design Marine and Architectural Design Considerations of FPSO Production Facilities Design Considerations of FPSO FPSO Technologies like Turrets, This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone interested in learning about FPSO or Anyone interested in cross specialisation knowledge It is particularly useful for Anyone interested in learning about FPSO or Anyone interested in cross specialisation knowledge.
Enroll now: Oil and Gas FPSO Overview, Technology & Design Consideration
Title: Oil and Gas FPSO Overview, Technology & Design Consideration
Price: $59.99
Average Rating: 4.06
Number of Lectures: 93
Number of Published Lectures: 91
Number of Curriculum Items: 95
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 92
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- FPSO Overview
- DIfferent types of Floating Platforms
- General Design Considerations Influencing FPSO Selection and Design
- Marine and Architectural Design Considerations of FPSO
- Production Facilities Design Considerations of FPSO
- FPSO Technologies like Turrets,
Who Should Attend
- Anyone interested in learning about FPSO
- Anyone interested in cross specialisation knowledge
Target Audiences
- Anyone interested in learning about FPSO
- Anyone interested in cross specialisation knowledge
The course has its beginnings on my observation that many of my known senior engineers who have been working in FPSO (Floating Production, Storage and Offloading) unit design and construction do know much about the tankers features. The reality is they when you work in a EPC company you are kept so busy in your own area that you rarely get any time to know about the other specialisations and how your work impacts them.
And there is no structured training arranged by any of these companies
Because FPSOs are ship shaped, the tendency is for designers to approach the design of an FPSO as though it is primarily a ship with production facilities as cargo. An FPSO is a floating offshore production and storage facility which happens to be ship shaped. Therefore there has to be a change in the approach to its design to ensure that it is considered as a single integrated entity, as is the case for a fixed jacket installation
Seeing all this, I thought a course outlining all the marine, structural, production (process) and the layout features could be a good start to introduce the FPSO to the Udemy students.
The course is tilted to process engineer requirements, but includes marine , structural and layout aspects also.
Anybody who wants to know about oil and gas, FPSO units may benefit from this course.
The course is structured in a manner to help everyone including beginners in FPSO. At the beginning, FPSO vessel and Process overview is presented before moving into Process Design considerations. After this, “General Considerations” influencing the design of the vessel is provided. This gives a flavour of the issues that need “considerations” while deciding the vessel in which facilities will be built. Beyond this the Marine and Structural aspects of design are discussed. Finally a introduction to Deepwater system is presented.
The student of this course will be able to perform her job with a high level of awareness and effectiveness.
Lessons Learnt so far:
Many important lessons have been learnt in the first year of delivery. Some of them are:
1. It was understood that many students with diverse experience wish to take up this course. So it is useful to restate the meaning of the word “Design Considerations”.
Design Considerations are generally the things you think about before starting the major decisions about your design solution.
The knowledge provided by this course is aimed to enable the student to be aware of the diverse aspects that need to be considered while designing a FPSO.
2. Some students think that the “instructor is reading out the slides”. This is not the case. The instructor has prepared the slides to serve as a pointer to the students when the material is delivered.
3. Some young students may find this material “over the top” because of its multi-disciplinary nature. However, since the content is available lifelong, it will be of great value when they plan to get associated with a FPSO design, operation or maintenance.
Course structure
The intent of the course is to
present the FPSO vessel and production facility overview.
Provide the design considerations of the production facilities
Part 2 reviews a range of significant design related issues which have a bearing on the ability of the FPSO to ultimately function safely and efficiently over the time it is in the field. It covers matters such as the development of design philosophies, layout, and general system design. Although it does not attempt to fully address the design of the oil and gas production systems, it does touch on a number of issues, or contingent factors, connected with hydrocarbon recovery and processing which can have a significant bearing on the FPSOs ability to function as originally envisaged.
Present functional requirements, system design & equipment performance, sparing, safeguarding and shutdown, monitoring & control , maintenance, commissioning, layout, and interface requirements -
Delve into the general considerations influencing FPSO selection and design.
Green water, bottom slamming, tank sloshing, escape and evacuation, effects of movements.
Marine and Structural Design Considerations of FPSO
Deepwater systems and their Selection
This training should not be considered either as a detailed design guide or as a form of textbook on FPSO design. Neither are they a substitute for current statutory regulations that prevail now.
Important to note that “Design Considerations” are not same as “Sizing or Design” of equipment but they are critical from safety, operability and reliable operation of the “equipment systems”.
The design of FPSOs involves the use of a large range of national and international laws, standards, codes of practice and specifications and so this training by definition, can refer selectively to only a very small number of these.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: FPSO Overview
Lecture 1: Q & A on FPSO
Lecture 2: FPSO Description – Storage & Offloading, Vessel Systems
Lecture 3: FPSO Description- Subsea, Topsides, Turret Systems
Lecture 4: FPSO Cargo Transfer & Hull Utilization overview
Lecture 5: FPSO Mooring Facility Overview
Chapter 2: General Considerations that influence FPSO Selection and Design
Lecture 1: General Regional Design Considerations
Lecture 2: Impact of Location & Environment
Lecture 3: Hull Sizing General Considerations
Lecture 4: Seakeeping Performance
Lecture 5: Layout
Lecture 6: Sea Escape and Evacuation
Lecture 7: Flares, Exhausts and Vents
Lecture 8: FPSO Layout Segregation
Lecture 9: Weight and Space
Lecture 10: Vessel Selection
Lecture 11: Oil and Gas FPSO Vessel Motion Definitions
Lecture 12: Effect of Oil and Gas FPSO Vessel Motion on Humans
Lecture 13: Effect of Oil and Gas FPSO Vessel Motion on Equipment Engineering
Lecture 14: Effect of Oil and Gas FPSO motion on Piping Engineering
Lecture 15: Model Tank Testing
Lecture 16: Crew Size and Accommodations
Chapter 3: FPSO Process Overview
Lecture 1: General oil and Gas Field Processing
Lecture 2: Oil and Gas Stabilization Process Overview
Lecture 3: Purpose of Oil and Gas, Water Separation / Stabilization Process
Lecture 4: Gas Sweetening & Dehydration system overview
Lecture 5: Gas Dehydration Facilty
Lecture 6: FPSO Oil and Gas Process Overview_1
Chapter 4: Oil and Gas Process Plant Production Facilities
Lecture 1: Separator Design Considerations
Lecture 2: Scrubber Design Considerations
Lecture 3: Heat Exchanger Design Consideration
Lecture 4: Front End Engineering of the Oil and Gas Process Plant
Lecture 5: Oil and Gas Plant System Sizing
Lecture 6: Oil and Gas FPSO Criticality Rating
Lecture 7: Oil and Gas Well Production Profiles & Flowsheeting
Lecture 8: Hydrocarbon & Non-Hydrocarbon Contingent Factors
Lecture 9: Topsides Flowlines & Manifolds Design Considerations
Lecture 10: Separation and Stabilization Plant Design Consideration
Lecture 11: Gas Compression Plant Design Considerations
Lecture 12: A Gas Treatment Scheme Description
Lecture 13: Gas Treatment Plant Design Guideline
Lecture 14: Water Injection
Chapter 5: Gas Dehydration
Lecture 1: Gas dehydration Introduction
Lecture 2: What are are Tension Leg Platforms?
Lecture 3: Definitions
Lecture 4: Desiccants
Lecture 5: Gas Dehydration Concept Process
Lecture 6: Water hydrocarbon system behaviour
Lecture 7: Solubility of water in Natural Gas
Lecture 8: Water Dew Point and Dew Point Depression
Lecture 9: Hydrates
Chapter 6: Deepwater Systems and their Selection
Lecture 1: Introduction to Deepwater Systems
Lecture 2: Types of Floaters
Lecture 3: SPAR
Chapter 7: Marine & Architectural considerations in FPSO design
Lecture 1: Subsea Template
Lecture 2: Basis for Selection of Deepwater System
Lecture 3: Marine & Structural Design Objective & Design Process
Lecture 4: Hull Configuration
Lecture 5: Primary Hull Structure
Lecture 6: Green Water
Lecture 7: Sloshing in Cargo Tanks
Lecture 8: Marine Engineering- Collision Damage: Causes, Consequences and Mitigation
Lecture 9: Bow Wave Impact
Lecture 10: Spread vs Turret Mooring Comparison
Lecture 11: Moorings
Lecture 12: Crude Oil Export
Chapter 8: FPSO Layout
Lecture 1: Layout Strategy
Lecture 2: Layouts contribution to Explosion and Fire prevention and impact reduction
Lecture 3: Escape Routes
Lecture 4: Layout Development and Design Criteria
Lecture 5: Layout and HSE
Chapter 9: FPSO Isolation Philosophy
Lecture 1: Section Contents
Lecture 2: FPSO Isolation Philosophy – Objective & Fluid Ranking
Lecture 3: Minimum Acceptable Standard for the isolations-1
Lecture 4: Minimum Acceptable Standard for the isolations- 2
Lecture 5: Minimum Acceptable Standard for the isolations-3
Lecture 6: Minimum Acceptable Standard for the isolations-4
Lecture 7: Vessel Isolation philosophy
Lecture 8: Cargo, Ballast Tank lines isolation
Lecture 9: Instrument Isolation Philosophy – 1
Lecture 10: Instrument Isolation Philosophy – 2
Lecture 11: Relief Valve Isolation Philosophy
Chapter 10: Chemical Dosing Systems in HRSG
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Chemical Dosing System
Lecture 3: Impacts of impurities on HRSG Performance
Lecture 4: Purpose of chemical dosing system
Lecture 5: Dosing methods
Lecture 6: Design considerations- water chemistry analysis
Lecture 7: Design considerations- Dosing point selection
Lecture 8: Dosing Equipment &Storage
Process Engineering Hacks
Process Engineering specialist with three decades experience
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 3 votes
- 2 stars: 4 votes
- 3 stars: 35 votes
- 4 stars: 84 votes
- 5 stars: 120 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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