Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T) : Basics
Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T) : Basics, available at $89.99, has an average rating of 4.43, with 185 lectures, 13 quizzes, based on 5204 reviews, and has 19752 subscribers.
You will learn about The basic concepts of Geometric Dimensioning and tolerancing How to apply GD&T to a part drawing Why is GD&T needed and what are its advantages over the traditional method Practice what is learnt through thought provoking exercises with multiple problem sets in the Practice section Reinforce concepts with 50+ Questions Learn from a seasoned design engineer with real world experience in designing chassis systems This course is ideal for individuals who are Aspiring Mechanical design engineering students looking to learn the Subject of GD&T or Anyone from the manufacturing industry wanting to understand the core concepts of GD&T or Working design engineers who want to sharpen their engineering design knowledge and skills It is particularly useful for Aspiring Mechanical design engineering students looking to learn the Subject of GD&T or Anyone from the manufacturing industry wanting to understand the core concepts of GD&T or Working design engineers who want to sharpen their engineering design knowledge and skills.
Enroll now: Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T) : Basics
Title: Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T) : Basics
Price: $89.99
Average Rating: 4.43
Number of Lectures: 185
Number of Quizzes: 13
Number of Published Lectures: 170
Number of Published Quizzes: 13
Number of Curriculum Items: 198
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 183
Original Price: $64.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- The basic concepts of Geometric Dimensioning and tolerancing
- How to apply GD&T to a part drawing
- Why is GD&T needed and what are its advantages over the traditional method
- Practice what is learnt through thought provoking exercises with multiple problem sets in the Practice section
- Reinforce concepts with 50+ Questions
- Learn from a seasoned design engineer with real world experience in designing chassis systems
Who Should Attend
- Aspiring Mechanical design engineering students looking to learn the Subject of GD&T
- Anyone from the manufacturing industry wanting to understand the core concepts of GD&T
- Working design engineers who want to sharpen their engineering design knowledge and skills
Target Audiences
- Aspiring Mechanical design engineering students looking to learn the Subject of GD&T
- Anyone from the manufacturing industry wanting to understand the core concepts of GD&T
- Working design engineers who want to sharpen their engineering design knowledge and skills
The course is designed in a way to build from the basic concepts of engineering drawing towards more complex concepts. It starts with explaining the importance of an engineering drawing and going on to explain why GD&T the need has arisen and then a deep dive into the concepts of GD&T
If you are a total beginner the course will build progressively in terms of concepts to capture the core tenets of GD&T.
If you are a seasoned professional then the latter portions of the course will be useful to you
Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing is a body of knowledge and a symbolic language used to communicate design intent on an engineering drawing for manufacturing and inspection.
In this course you will learn , how exactly are the core concepts of GD&T built and how they are applied to drawings with multiple examples .
You will learn and appreciate the importance of the language over the traditional way of dimensioning and learn the possibilities of controlling the parts’ variations using various combinations of symbols and controls.
The course will cover the following topics
Overall perspective of what an engineering drawing is and why it is important.
The Need for GD&T then moving towards the introductory concepts of GD&T
A comprehensive comparison of Traditional method of tolerancing vs GD&T
A detailed look at Datums the most important concept in GD&T , How are they created? How are they applied? and what do they mean on the drawing?
A detailed look at Bonus tolerance and concept of virtual condition which lays a key role in Mating parts.
Explanation of Symbols and their inspection methods
Circularity and cylindricity
Symmetry and Concentricity
Finally we will have a look at the concept of Datum feature modifiers or Datum shift.
Each section has a Quiz and you will find practice exercises to practice your GD&T skills .
The course is designed in such a way that each and every point is captured as a sub topic with multiple short lectures which are to the point with condensed information.
At the end of the course, take a quiz with 30 insightful questions which will test your conceptual understanding of the subject.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction and Basics of Engineering drawing
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: My Learning journey and a Learning guide to GD&T
Lecture 3: Importance of Engineering Drawing
Lecture 4: The Three Major stakeholders
Lecture 5: Quality of Drawing
Lecture 6: Cost Of Drawing Error
Lecture 7: Examples of Drawing error
Lecture 8: 3D Model to 2D representation
Lecture 9: Orthographic Projection of 3D into 2D and 1st angle and 3rd angle projection
Lecture 10: What is Dimensioning?
Lecture 11: Concept of Tolerance
Lecture 12: Ways of representing tolerance
Lecture 13: Fits in Mechanical Assemblies
Lecture 14: Types of Fits and Selection
Lecture 15: Examples of types of fits
Lecture 16: How is Tolerance decided?
Lecture 17: An Example on applying preliminary tolerance to a drawing
Lecture 18: Drawing with Tolerances
Lecture 19: Engineering Drawing Template
Lecture 20: Examples of Engineering drawings
Lecture 21: Need from the Drawing
Lecture 22: What is a Feature?
Lecture 23: Examples on Features and non features
Lecture 24: Dimension types on drawings
Lecture 25: Exercise : Categorize the dimensions Size vs location
Lecture 26: How is Inspection of parts done?
Lecture 27: Examples of inspection of a part
Lecture 28: CMM inspection
Chapter 2: Need for GD&T.
Lecture 1: Tolerancing a pin with a gauge hole
Lecture 2: Issue with Traditional tolerancing – No Relative control of features
Lecture 3: Issue with Traditional tolerancing – Ambiguity in Inspection
Lecture 4: Issue with Traditional tolerancing – No Assembly consideration
Lecture 5: Issue with Traditional tolerancing – No control of Profiles
Lecture 6: Why GD&T is needed?
Lecture 7: Example of Parallel faces
Lecture 8: T slots example
Lecture 9: Poppet of Valve example
Lecture 10: When to use Co ordinate tolerancing and when not
Chapter 3: Introductory Concepts of GD&T
Lecture 1: Origins of GD&T
Lecture 2: Size, Form, Orientation and Location
Lecture 3: Example of a square pin : Types of deviations of feature
Lecture 4: What is GD&T ? What are the important concepts?
Lecture 5: The Feature control Frame
Lecture 6: Basic Dimensions
Lecture 7: Common Drafting Errors- Basic dimensions and Feature control frame
Lecture 8: Identify the drawing error in examples- Basic dimensions and FCF
Lecture 9: Feature of Size
Lecture 10: Identifying Feature of Size
Lecture 11: Identifying Feature of size Example 2
Lecture 12: Types of Features and Exercises on Feature of size
Lecture 13: Irregular Features of Size and comparison
Lecture 14: Comparison between GD&t and non GD&T
Lecture 15: Material Conditions
Lecture 16: Material conditions exercise along with feature and FOS
Lecture 17: Rule 1 of GD&T
Lecture 18: Rule 1 Examples and Over riding Rule 1
Lecture 19: Rule 1 : Bending of Pin and Exercises in Rule #1
Lecture 20: Need for Reference
Chapter 4: Datums
Lecture 1: Datums : Introduction
Lecture 2: How Datums are Created
Lecture 3: Datum and Datum Feature , Terminology
Lecture 4: Datum Reference Frame
Lecture 5: Datum reference frame CAD demonstration
Lecture 6: Datum Reference frame – 2 Cylindrical feature and 1 Planar feature
Lecture 7: Datum Reference frame – 2 Cylindrical feature and 1 Planar feature CAD
Lecture 8: Datum Reference Frame – 1 Cylindrical and 2 Planar feature
Lecture 9: Datum Reference Frame – 1 Cylindrical and 2 Planar feature CAD
Lecture 10: Building Datum Reference frame of a component – Step by step
Lecture 11: Datum reference frame exercises
Lecture 12: Selection of Datums
Lecture 13: Simple Process of Applying Datums
Lecture 14: Flowchart in selection of Primary Datum
Lecture 15: Examples of Datum Scheme selection
Lecture 16: Exercise in selection and sequencing of datums
Lecture 17: Tolerance Zone
Lecture 18: Define tolerance zones for each control – simple example
Lecture 19: How GD&T Helps Inspection?
Lecture 20: Tolerance zone Comparison for Position control of Hole
Lecture 21: Comparison Summary
Lecture 22: Case study : GD&T vs CT scheme of same part Part 1
Lecture 23: Case study : GD&T vs CT scheme of same part Part 2
Lecture 24: Inspection Requirements
Chapter 5: Bonus tolerance and Virtual condition
Lecture 1: Material Modifiers on Geometric tolerance
Lecture 2: Rule #2
Lecture 3: Material Modifiers Example
Lecture 4: Shaft Position Tolerance Brief
Lecture 5: Bonus Tolerance calculation- Shaft
Lecture 6: Hole position tolerance
Lecture 7: Bonus tolerance Hole
Lecture 8: Virtual Condition of Shaft
Lecture 9: Virtual Condition of Hole
Mufaddal Rasheed
Mechanical engineer, Product designer , Instructor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 57 votes
- 2 stars: 107 votes
- 3 stars: 692 votes
- 4 stars: 2241 votes
- 5 stars: 2107 votes
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