Create an Elevator Speech: Get Noticed Remembered & Rewarded
Create an Elevator Speech: Get Noticed Remembered & Rewarded, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 4.15, with 29 lectures, based on 15 reviews, and has 94 subscribers.
You will learn about Explain the basics of elevator speeches ( ie. what they really are, why you need an enticing one, when to give yours) Identify the 6 components of a SuperStar elevator speech Deliver both a long and short version of your “verbal commercial” Recognize the importance of treating the elevator speech as part of a conversation This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is for people who recognize the importance of networking to achieve their career goal. Specifically, this course contains valuable information for Business Networkers (e.g. Entrepreneurs and Salespeople) and Career Networkers (e.g. employees who want to advance their careers and/or find a new job). It is particularly useful for This course is for people who recognize the importance of networking to achieve their career goal. Specifically, this course contains valuable information for Business Networkers (e.g. Entrepreneurs and Salespeople) and Career Networkers (e.g. employees who want to advance their careers and/or find a new job).
Enroll now: Create an Elevator Speech: Get Noticed Remembered & Rewarded
Title: Create an Elevator Speech: Get Noticed Remembered & Rewarded
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 4.15
Number of Lectures: 29
Number of Published Lectures: 29
Number of Curriculum Items: 29
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 29
Original Price: $39.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Explain the basics of elevator speeches ( ie. what they really are, why you need an enticing one, when to give yours)
- Identify the 6 components of a SuperStar elevator speech
- Deliver both a long and short version of your “verbal commercial”
- Recognize the importance of treating the elevator speech as part of a conversation
Who Should Attend
- This course is for people who recognize the importance of networking to achieve their career goal. Specifically, this course contains valuable information for Business Networkers (e.g. Entrepreneurs and Salespeople) and Career Networkers (e.g. employees who want to advance their careers and/or find a new job).
Target Audiences
- This course is for people who recognize the importance of networking to achieve their career goal. Specifically, this course contains valuable information for Business Networkers (e.g. Entrepreneurs and Salespeople) and Career Networkers (e.g. employees who want to advance their careers and/or find a new job).
People are busier than ever and form fast first impressions about the people they meet.
After the “Enticing Elevator Speeches: Achieve Your Career Goals 30 Seconds At A Time” course, you will be better able to create a succinct, clear message about you and your business that will help you stand out from the crowd, leave a favorable first impression on the people you meet, and reach your career goals.
This online course will help you develop a natural-sounding elevator speech that draws people in and helps you form meaningful connections. You will learn:
- the basics of elevator speeches
- what they really are
- why you need an enticing one
- when to give yours
- the 5 components of a SuperStar elevator speech
- how to deliver both a long and short version of your “verbal commercial”
- the importance of treating the elevator speech as part of a conversation
As a BONUS, you will have access to our audio library of elevator speeches, so you will be able to
- hear what a good one sounds like
- hear what a bad one sounds like
You can also get inspired by the 16 Enticing Elevator Speech Examples – and use them to refine YOUR elevator speech.
You will also receive access to these additional BONUSES:
- The “Stop-Giving-Me-So-Much-Work-To-Do!” elevator speech (For those who already have WAY too much to do, but have a hard time saying “no” when people ask them to take on even more.)
- The “Change Your Reputation” elevator speech (This is for people who find that their reputation always precedes them, but that reputation no longer serves them.)
- The “Yikes-I’m-Nervous-What-Do-I-Do-Now?!” technique (This is for when you are feeling stressed and anxious and afraid that you’re going to screw up and say or do something to embarrass yourself.)
You’ll have an opportunity to refine your elevator speech to stand out from the crowd, and use your Personalized Action Plan to become even more successful.
Time Investment
This course will take between 45-90 minutes to complete, depending on the time you spend in the course videos, on refining your elevator speech and crafting your action plan.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Start Here
Lecture 1: Welcome
Chapter 2: Module 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Video Module 1: Introduction
Chapter 3: Module 2: The Basics
Lecture 1: Video: Module 2: The Basics – Part 1
Lecture 2: Module 2: Speech 1
Lecture 3: Module 2: Speech 2
Lecture 4: Video: Module 2: The Basics – Part 2
Chapter 4: Module 3: The Conversation
Lecture 1: Video: Module 3: The Conversation
Chapter 5: Module 4 — Short Version
Lecture 1: Video: Module 4 — Short Version
Lecture 2: 1. Short: Mid-career Professional Looking to Advance
Lecture 3: 2. Short: Mid-Career Professional Seeking Different Contract Position
Lecture 4: 3. Short: Mid-Career Professional Looking to Change Reputation & Position 1
Lecture 5: 4. Short: Mid-Career Professional Looking to Change Reputation & Position 2
Lecture 6: 5. Short: Military Veteran Seeking Civilian Position
Lecture 7: 6. Short: Recent College Graduate Seeking First Full-Time Position
Lecture 8: 7. Short: Entrepreneur Seeking Prospects 1
Lecture 9: 8. Short: Entrepreneur Seeking Prospects 2
Chapter 6: Module 5: Long Version
Lecture 1: Module 5: Long Version
Lecture 2: 1. Long: Mid-Career Professional Looking to Advance
Lecture 3: 2. Long: Mid-Career Professional Seeking Different Contract Position
Lecture 4: 3. Long: Mid-Career Professional Looking to Change Reputation & Position 1
Lecture 5: 4. Long: Mid-Career Professional Looking to Change Reputation & Position 2
Lecture 6: 5. Long: Military Veteran Seeking Civilian Position
Lecture 7: 6. Long: Recent College Graduate Seeking First Full-Time Position
Lecture 8: 7. Long: Entrepreneur Seeking Prospects 1
Lecture 9: 8. Long: Entrepreneur Seeking Prospects 2
Chapter 7: Module 6: Take Action
Lecture 1: Take Action
Chapter 8: Bonus 1: “Stop-Giving-Me-So-Much-Work-To-Do!”
Lecture 1: Bonus 1: “Stop-Giving-Me-So-Much-Work-To-Do!”
Chapter 9: Bonus Module 2: The “Change Your Reputation” method —
Lecture 1: Bonus 2: Change Your Reputation
Chapter 10: Bonus Module 3: The “Yikes-I’m-Nervous-What-Do-I-Do-Now?!” technique
Lecture 1: “Yikes-I'm-Nervous-What-Do-I-Do-Now?!” technique 2
Michelle Braun
CEO at SuperStar Careers
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 1 votes
- 4 stars: 4 votes
- 5 stars: 9 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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