I Can Write A Book (10-Day Book Writing Challenge)
I Can Write A Book (10-Day Book Writing Challenge), available at $44.99, has an average rating of 4.55, with 14 lectures, based on 45 reviews, and has 5193 subscribers.
You will learn about After taking this course, students will have the clarity and confidence to get started with writing their book and take the project through to completion. You will be able to finish writing your book in a structured manner rather than constantly feeling overwhelmed with scattered ideas. You will get access to some great mindset hacks to help you cross over the obstacles that cause 'writer's block'. You will get a step-by-step structure to organise your ideas and thoughts so you can package them into a meaningful book. You will be given worksheets and tools to help you master your writing productivity. You will also learn marketing and outreach strategies so your book gets the right visibility upon launch. And most of all, you will find that this course is the most important first step in establishing your authority in the marketplace as a published author! This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is for entrepreneurs, coaches, consultants and healers, who have an inspirational message to share with the world. or Also for coaches and consultants who want to create their first physical product to aid their consulting practice. or This course is great for coaches wanting to package their unique ideas in their own voice / flavour, into a book, which your customer can see, touch and feel. This increases your credibility and the client's trust in you. It is particularly useful for This course is for entrepreneurs, coaches, consultants and healers, who have an inspirational message to share with the world. or Also for coaches and consultants who want to create their first physical product to aid their consulting practice. or This course is great for coaches wanting to package their unique ideas in their own voice / flavour, into a book, which your customer can see, touch and feel. This increases your credibility and the client's trust in you.
Enroll now: I Can Write A Book (10-Day Book Writing Challenge)
Title: I Can Write A Book (10-Day Book Writing Challenge)
Price: $44.99
Average Rating: 4.55
Number of Lectures: 14
Number of Published Lectures: 14
Number of Curriculum Items: 14
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 14
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- After taking this course, students will have the clarity and confidence to get started with writing their book and take the project through to completion.
- You will be able to finish writing your book in a structured manner rather than constantly feeling overwhelmed with scattered ideas.
- You will get access to some great mindset hacks to help you cross over the obstacles that cause 'writer's block'.
- You will get a step-by-step structure to organise your ideas and thoughts so you can package them into a meaningful book.
- You will be given worksheets and tools to help you master your writing productivity.
- You will also learn marketing and outreach strategies so your book gets the right visibility upon launch.
- And most of all, you will find that this course is the most important first step in establishing your authority in the marketplace as a published author!
Who Should Attend
- This course is for entrepreneurs, coaches, consultants and healers, who have an inspirational message to share with the world.
- Also for coaches and consultants who want to create their first physical product to aid their consulting practice.
- This course is great for coaches wanting to package their unique ideas in their own voice / flavour, into a book, which your customer can see, touch and feel. This increases your credibility and the client's trust in you.
Target Audiences
- This course is for entrepreneurs, coaches, consultants and healers, who have an inspirational message to share with the world.
- Also for coaches and consultants who want to create their first physical product to aid their consulting practice.
- This course is great for coaches wanting to package their unique ideas in their own voice / flavour, into a book, which your customer can see, touch and feel. This increases your credibility and the client's trust in you.
Dear aspiring author,
Do you feel a burning desire to write it and spread your message but don’t know where to begin?
How would it feel if you could finally write that book which lies deep inside your heart and is bursting to come out of you?
You start jotting your book ideas in bits and pieces but don’t know how to put them together in a complete manuscript?
How would it feel to have absolute clarity about the contents and structure of your very own book?
What would it mean when you finally get a copy of this much dreamed-about book in your hands? And sign it for your readers? Or give it to someone in your niche, so they get to know you, like you and start trusting you through your story? It would mean BIG for you, I know!
You know you have a story.. A story that has the power to inspire many people around you.. But somewhere, deep down inside your heart, you still have these limiting beliefs because of which you haven’t give your own story enough weightage.. You might have an inspirational story of birthing your child or of transitioning your life from rags to riches, but you think you’re not the first one achieving this feat! So why bother writing a book on it, right? You might think:
- My success happened by chance and you just got lucky.. OR
- I’M not the only one who overcame that particular hurdle in life.. So what’s the big deal for it to be written in a book about.. OR
- Who would want to read my book? Or even if they did pick it up, why would they read it? OR
- Who am I to teach them this stuff?
Or even worse, if you are anything like I was before I published my first book, I used to believe, that successful authors were born with some special super-powers, and they had a secret code, not accessible to the common man! Hilarious, right? But really, that was my belief! Until I wrote my first book.
And as if all these beliefs were not enough, your mind tries to logic it out, saying things like:
- It’s too many words to write to make up a book (Forgetting the fact that you very comfortably speak more than a book’s worth of words in 1-2 days alone!)
- I could barely write a school essay.. Writing a book is far out! OR
- Now is not the time.. I’ll definitely do this someday, though.. OR
- Writing a book takes a lot of time and I don’t know if I can commit to that.
- Should I name the book or write the contents first?
- I’m too old to do it now OR
- I’m too young and no one will take me seriously OR
- I don’t have a great vocabulary OR
- I’m weak in grammar
And the list is endless…
In this 10-day challenge, we will teach you our complete book-writing formula, with the exact steps to write your first book, which we teach our premium clients in our 90-day author program. You will be able to extract all the knowledge and experiences from your heart and mind and lay it out in the form of a well-structured book!
All of the above and many more queries will find a resolution in the 10-day challenge #ICanWriteABook
You get a daily Worksheet and a video to play with and lots of feedback, accountability and teamwork!
Is it time you wrote your book? Or even gave it a fair chance by starting to take some inspired action around it?
Can’t wait to see your progress,
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Set that Mindset Right!
Lecture 1: Day 0: Welcome and Introduction
Lecture 2: Day 0: The Aspiring Author's Manifesto
Lecture 3: Day 1: The 3 Wives (What-Why-Who)
Lecture 4: Day 2: Plan-Declutter-Plan
Chapter 2: Create A Smart Framework
Lecture 1: Day 3: Chunk It Down
Lecture 2: Day 4.1: Idea Catcher
Lecture 3: Day 4.2: Name It
Chapter 3: Its Action Time Baby!
Lecture 1: Day 5: Story Time
Lecture 2: Day 6: Your Defining Moments
Lecture 3: Day 7: Your 6 Stories That Sell
Lecture 4: Day 8.1 Wordy Momentum
Chapter 4: The People Who Make It Happen!
Lecture 1: Day 8: The Prompt Helper
Lecture 2: Day 9: Whoo The Help
Chapter 5: And Its A Wrap!
Lecture 1: Day 10: Bring It Home
Shilpa Agarwal
Author Coach and Instructor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 8 votes
- 4 stars: 15 votes
- 5 stars: 21 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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