MBA ASAP Powerful Negotiation Strategies for Success
MBA ASAP Powerful Negotiation Strategies for Success, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 4.4, with 60 lectures, based on 12 reviews, and has 71 subscribers.
You will learn about You don't get what you want or deserve in life, you get what you negotiate The good news is Negotiation is a learnable skill that you can develop and hone to resolve conflicts, build agreements, and get deals done. Gain the skills and confidence you need to negotiate well and achieve better outcomes. Learn to master the art of negotiation and go build yourself an incredible future. The ability to negotiate effectively is a key to successful management and leadership. To accomplish our work, and meet our deliverables, in this new paradigm we rely on individuals and organizations over which we exercise no direct control. In this new world direct lines of authority have transformed into networks of collaboration, negotiation has become the primary form of decision-making. This course is filled with insights that apply to everyday negotiations. Hone new skills online with expert faculty. Free $15.99 book version of this course! This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone interested in honing their negotiation skills and developing the ability to produce wise agreements. It is particularly useful for Anyone interested in honing their negotiation skills and developing the ability to produce wise agreements.
Enroll now: MBA ASAP Powerful Negotiation Strategies for Success
Title: MBA ASAP Powerful Negotiation Strategies for Success
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 4.4
Number of Lectures: 60
Number of Published Lectures: 60
Number of Curriculum Items: 60
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 60
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You don't get what you want or deserve in life, you get what you negotiate
- The good news is Negotiation is a learnable skill that you can develop and hone to resolve conflicts, build agreements, and get deals done.
- Gain the skills and confidence you need to negotiate well and achieve better outcomes.
- Learn to master the art of negotiation and go build yourself an incredible future.
- The ability to negotiate effectively is a key to successful management and leadership.
- To accomplish our work, and meet our deliverables, in this new paradigm we rely on individuals and organizations over which we exercise no direct control.
- In this new world direct lines of authority have transformed into networks of collaboration, negotiation has become the primary form of decision-making.
- This course is filled with insights that apply to everyday negotiations.
- Hone new skills online with expert faculty.
- Free $15.99 book version of this course!
Who Should Attend
- Anyone interested in honing their negotiation skills and developing the ability to produce wise agreements.
Target Audiences
- Anyone interested in honing their negotiation skills and developing the ability to produce wise agreements.
The smartest people invest heavily in their education and skill development, recognizing that their human capital is their most marketable resource.
Skills are the most valuable thing you can acquire in this lifetime because they keep compounding until the day you die.
Real confidence isn’t about feeling good—it’s about being good. Instead of chasing the elusive feeling, chase skills, build knowledge, and do the work.
Don’t get mad, don’t get even, Get What You Want.
In Business as in Life – You Don’t Get What You Deserve, You Get What You Negotiate
If you never get a no from a client or experience resistance from the other side in a negotiation, you are not pricing yourself high enough and you are not being aggressive enough.
“This course is filled with insights that apply to everyday negotiations in business or your personal life.” Terry
A genuinely skilled will have an initial stance exaggerated enough to allow for a succession of concessions that result in a favorable final offer from the opponent but not so outrageous as to be perceived as insulting from the outset.
Learn to master the art of negotiation and go build yourself an incredible future. Gain the skills and confidence you need to negotiate well and achieve better outcomes.
Rule number one is that you will not get the richest condition you want, but the poorest condition you will accept. We get what we tolerate. We get not what we want, but what we’re ready to tolerate. You don’t get what you want, you get what you negotiate.
This course based on a field tested approach to negotiating and is designed to give you a competitive edge in any discussion or situation.
Learn to become a better negotiator through this five-step process. Negotiation is a learnable skill that you can develop and hone to resolve conflicts, build agreements, and get deals done.
Anyone can learn this method and apply it in all aspect of your life to make a great impact on your happiness, prosperity, ability to get what you want, and get things done.
Become a Better Negotiator today.
Make Your Life Happier and More Prosperous
Create Wise Agreements
Build Better Relationships
Become a More Capable Manager and Leader
Negotiating is the Most Powerful Skill at Your Control
Negotiations shape our lives. Think for a moment about how you make important decisions in you life – the decisions that have the greatest impact on your performance at work and your satisfaction at home. Most of those decisions you have to reach with others – through negotiation.
In this new world where direct lines of authority have transformed into networks of collaboration, negotiation has become the primary form of decision-making and a key to management and leadership.
Negotiation is not limited to the activity of sitting across a table discussing a contentious issue; it is the informal activity you engage in whenever you try to get something you want from another person. To get what we want we are compelled to negotiate. Become better at it.
Content and Overview
Learn the 5 step process to becoming a better negotiator.
This negotiating method provides a high probability process for accomplishing your specific goals while meeting these three general criteria:
Do no harm and improve relationships
Keep things orderly and productive
Produce sustainable agreements
You will learn this straightforward method of negotiating on the merits of legitimate interests. It is defined in five strategic steps that we go through in this course. These five elements can be employed in any situation to strike a deal or resolve conflict. Each stage in the method addresses an element of the negotiation process. To help make the stages memorable I have created an acronym PIANO where each letter stands for an element in the process:
People: Detach the individuals from the problem.
Interests: Emphasize interests, not postures.
Alternatives: Invent multiple options looking for mutual gains.
Norms: Insist that the result be based on objective standards.
Option: Have a clear idea of your course if you cannot strike an acceptable deal.
Anyone can learn this method and apply it in all aspect of your life to make a great impact on your happiness, prosperity, ability to get what you want, and get things done.
Become a Better Negotiator today!
There are four states in any relationship:
Tyranny and slavery are not positive outcomes and exit means no relationship, negotiation is the only one left. Negotiate everything. That will decrease the amount of disputes in your life.
The Golden Formula to High Converting Negotiation Strategies
A guide to mastering negotiations and multiplying your profit 10x!
What you’ll learn.
● The PIANO Formula.
● Strategies to Closing More Deals in Your Favor.
● Methods to Closing Higher Ticket Deals
● Techniques for Persuading Higher Salaries and Pay Raises.
● The Alternative Negotiation Process.
● The Correct Negotiation Mindset.
● Stages of the Negotiation.
● Negotiation Checklist for Profit Multiplying Deals.
● BONUS: What You Can Learn from FBI Negotiation Techniques.
Here is a negotiating tip: Don’t lie
“Lying is, almost by definition, a refusal to cooperate with others. It condenses a lack of trust and trustworthiness into a single act. It is both a failure of understanding and an unwillingness to be understood. To lie is to recoil from relationship.” Sam Harris
Seek first to understand and then to be understood.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Learn to be a Learning Ninja
Lecture 3: New World, New Rules
Lecture 4: Negotiation, Management and Leadership
Lecture 5: Negotiation Communication Nation book
Chapter 2: Principled Negotiation
Lecture 1: Principled Negotiation
Lecture 2: Navigating Agreement
Lecture 3: General Negotiation Criteria
Lecture 4: Emotional Barriers to Negotiation
Lecture 5: Emotional Intelligence
Lecture 6: 20 truths to live by
Chapter 3: Negotiating Problems, Issues and Challenges
Lecture 1: Positional Bargaining and Hard Bargaining
Lecture 2: Judgment of Solomon
Lecture 3: Soft Bargaining
Lecture 4: Negotiation in the Face of Complexity
Lecture 5: Critical Thinking Skills
Chapter 4: The Alternative Negotiating Process
Lecture 1: The Alternative Negotiating Process
Chapter 5: The Process: PIANO
Lecture 1: PIANO
Lecture 2: People
Lecture 3: Ad Hominem
Lecture 4: Communication
Lecture 5: Interests
Lecture 6: Alternatives
Lecture 7: Norms
Lecture 8: Options
Lecture 9: When to Say "No"
Lecture 10: How to Say No
Chapter 6: Four Stages
Lecture 1: Four Stages
Lecture 2: Analysis
Lecture 3: Planning
Lecture 4: Discussion
Lecture 5: Closing
Chapter 7: What You Can Learn from an FBI Negotiator
Lecture 1: 5 Lessons Can You Apply from FBI Negotiation Strategies
Chapter 8: Top Negotiation Models
Lecture 1: 4 Top University Negotiation Models
Lecture 2: Negotiation Frameworks
Lecture 3: How to Give Feedback
Chapter 9: Consulting Skills
Lecture 1: Consulting Skills
Chapter 10: Creativity and Brainstorming
Lecture 1: Creativity and Brainstorming
Lecture 2: Anti Productivity
Lecture 3: Innovation Models
Lecture 4: Visuals to Change Your Thinking
Lecture 5: Soft Skills
Lecture 6: How to Write Effective Emails
Lecture 7: Emotional Intelligence
Chapter 11: Negotiation Checklist
Lecture 1: Negotiation Checklist
Lecture 2: VC Due Diligence Checklist
Chapter 12: Negotiation Techniques for Financial Leaders
Lecture 1: Negotiation Techniques for Financial Leaders
Lecture 2: DCF valuation analysis
Lecture 3: Startup Funding Rounds
Lecture 4: The Art of Convincing Investors
Lecture 5: Convincing Partners: VC memo analyzing proposed YouTube investment
Lecture 6: Lead with Purpose and Vision
Lecture 7: Negotiating a Venture Capital Round
Chapter 13: Interviewing
Lecture 1: Interviewing
Lecture 2: Interview Red Flags
Lecture 3: Top Interview Questions
Chapter 14: Salary Negotiations
Lecture 1: AI Prompts to Master Salary Negotiations
Chapter 15: Understanding Market Size for Valuation in Negotiation
Lecture 1: TAM SAM SOM
Lecture 2: Market Size Matters
Chapter 16: Summary
Lecture 1: Summary
John Cousins
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 1 votes
- 4 stars: 5 votes
- 5 stars: 6 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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