Managing Training Development Projects
Managing Training Development Projects, available at $44.99, has an average rating of 5, with 78 lectures, 9 quizzes, based on 7 reviews, and has 10 subscribers.
You will learn about Explain how training development projects are managed Describe the phases of the ADDIE model Discuss the role of the training project manager and the instructional designer in each phase of the ADDIE model Learn how to create a training needs analysis, training schedule and budget Identify and manage risks during training development Identify best practices to manage training projects successfully This course is ideal for individuals who are Training Project Managers or Instructional Designers or Training Department Managers or Functional (project) managers who are responsible for training It is particularly useful for Training Project Managers or Instructional Designers or Training Department Managers or Functional (project) managers who are responsible for training.
Enroll now: Managing Training Development Projects
Title: Managing Training Development Projects
Price: $44.99
Average Rating: 5
Number of Lectures: 78
Number of Quizzes: 9
Number of Published Lectures: 78
Number of Published Quizzes: 9
Number of Curriculum Items: 94
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 94
Original Price: $74.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Explain how training development projects are managed
- Describe the phases of the ADDIE model
- Discuss the role of the training project manager and the instructional designer in each phase of the ADDIE model
- Learn how to create a training needs analysis, training schedule and budget
- Identify and manage risks during training development
- Identify best practices to manage training projects successfully
Who Should Attend
- Training Project Managers
- Instructional Designers
- Training Department Managers
- Functional (project) managers who are responsible for training
Target Audiences
- Training Project Managers
- Instructional Designers
- Training Department Managers
- Functional (project) managers who are responsible for training
This course is aimed at professionals who work on training development projects, including training department managers, training project managers, instructional designers and functional (project) managers who are assigned to manage the training for their solution. This course will guide you through all the steps you need to start, execute and finish a training development project, using the ADDIE development model. At the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
· Define common training terms and acronyms
· Describe the phases of the ADDIE model
· Identify roles on a training team
· Identify roles on a client’s project team
· List the skills that a project manager needs to succeed
· Conduct a Training Needs Analysis
· Explain the factors that go into recommending a training solution
· Conduct a training project kickoff meeting with the client
· Create a Training Statement of Work (SOW)
· Build a training schedule
· Calculate a training budget
· Define a Task Analysis
· Describe the process of developing a course outline
· Monitor client project progress
· Monitor course development progress
· Identify and manage risks
· Learn how to resolve issues that arise during project development
· Lead training reviews
· Perform course production and testing tasks
· Create a training survey
· Write communications to announce the availability of the training to students
· Review training surveys and interpret feedback
· Conduct a Lessons Learned meeting
· Explain the importance of archiving course materials
Throughout the course, we’ll use a sample training project to practice various activities. After each activity, suggested results will be reviewed.
For our sample project, we’ll have a training team that includes a project manager and an instructional designer. We’ll go through the ADDIE development model, focusing on the tasks of each training team member in each phase of ADDIE.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Course Welcome
Lecture 2: Course Introduction
Lecture 3: Instructor Introduction
Lecture 4: Course Goals and Objectives
Lecture 5: Course Audience
Lecture 6: Course Structure
Chapter 2: Terminology and Development Models
Lecture 1: Introduction to Terminology and Development Models
Lecture 2: Training Terminology
Lecture 3: The ADDIE Model
Lecture 4: Roles on a Training Team
Lecture 5: Roles on the Client's Project Team
Lecture 6: Skills a Project Manager Needs Most
Lecture 7: Summary of Terminology and Development Models
Chapter 3: Analyze Phase
Lecture 1: Introduction to the Analyze Phase
Lecture 2: Initial Client Outreach
Lecture 3: Conduct Training Needs Analysis
Lecture 4: Sample Training Project
Lecture 5: Summary of the Analyze Phase
Chapter 4: Training Project Kickoff (Analyze Phase continued)
Lecture 1: Introduction to Training Project Kickoff
Lecture 2: Training Team Tasks in the Analyze Phase (Project Kickoff)
Lecture 3: Forming the Training Team
Lecture 4: Recommending a Training Solution
Lecture 5: Discussing Roles & Responsibilities
Lecture 6: Sample Project Training Solution
Lecture 7: Conducting the Training Kickoff Meeting
Lecture 8: Conducting the Training Kickoff Meeting (continued)
Lecture 9: Creating the Training SOW
Lecture 10: Summary of Training Project Kickoff
Chapter 5: Training Project Planning (Analyze Phase continued)
Lecture 1: Introduction to Training Project Planning
Lecture 2: Training Team Tasks in the Analyze Phase (Project Planning)
Lecture 3: Creating a High-Level Training Schedule
Lecture 4: Calculating a Training Budget
Lecture 5: Summary of Training Project Planning
Chapter 6: Design Phase
Lecture 1: Introduction to the Design Phase
Lecture 2: Training Team Tasks in the Design Phase
Lecture 3: What is a Task Analysis?
Lecture 4: Creating a Task Analysis
Lecture 5: Developing a Course Outline
Lecture 6: Building a Detailed Schedule (part 1)
Lecture 7: Building a Detailed Schedule (part 2)
Lecture 8: Building a Detailed Schedule (part 3)
Lecture 9: Building a Detailed Schedule (part 4)
Lecture 10: Summary of the Design Phase
Chapter 7: Develop Phase (PM Tasks)
Lecture 1: Introduction to the Develop Phase (PM Tasks)
Lecture 2: Training Team Tasks in the Develop Phase (PM)
Lecture 3: Monitoring Client Project Progress
Lecture 4: Monitoring Course Development Progress
Lecture 5: Managing Risks
Lecture 6: Issues that may Impact Training Development
Lecture 7: Solutions to Issues that may Impact Training Development
Lecture 8: Updating the Training Schedule
Lecture 9: Attending Training Reviews
Lecture 10: Summary of the Develop Phase (PM Tasks)
Chapter 8: Develop Phase (ID Tasks)
Lecture 1: Introduction to the Develop Phase (ID Tasks)
Lecture 2: Training Team Tasks in the Develop Phase (ID)
Lecture 3: Building the Course
Lecture 4: Conducting Training Reviews
Lecture 5: Creating a Script and Narrating the WBT
Lecture 6: Performing WBT Production Tasks
Lecture 7: Summary of the Develop Phase (ID Tasks)
Chapter 9: Implement Phase
Lecture 1: Introduction to the Implement Phase
Lecture 2: Training Team Tasks in the Implement Phase
Lecture 3: Setting up Training Surveys
Lecture 4: Setting up Training Surveys (continued)
Lecture 5: Communicating the Availability of the Training
Lecture 6: Summary of the Implement Phase
Chapter 10: Evaluate Phase
Lecture 1: Introduction to the Evaluate Phase
Lecture 2: Training Team Tasks in the Evaluate Phase
Lecture 3: Reviewing Surveys
Lecture 4: Conducting a Lessons Learned Meeting
Lecture 5: Creating a Lessons Learned Document
Lecture 6: Archiving Course Materials
Lecture 7: Summary of the Evaluate Phase
Chapter 11: Course Wrap-up
Zeynep Nur Taspinar
Sr. Project Manager
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 0 votes
- 5 stars: 7 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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