Customer Analytics in SPSS
Customer Analytics in SPSS, available at $39.99, has an average rating of 4.2, with 33 lectures, based on 106 reviews, and has 22846 subscribers.
You will learn about Perform RFM analyses (recency, frequency, monetary value) Perform complex market segmentations using an advanced clustering method Generate profiles of the customers who responded to the past offers Identify the top responding geographical areas (postal codes) Estimate the contact probability of purchase and select the contacts with the greatest probabilities Predict the probability of purchase for new customers Compare campaign effectiveness (in terms of response rate) This course is ideal for individuals who are marketing students or marketing professionals or direct marketing professionals or marketing data analysts or customer analysts or anyone interested in learning customer analytics with SPSS It is particularly useful for marketing students or marketing professionals or direct marketing professionals or marketing data analysts or customer analysts or anyone interested in learning customer analytics with SPSS.
Enroll now: Customer Analytics in SPSS
Title: Customer Analytics in SPSS
Price: $39.99
Average Rating: 4.2
Number of Lectures: 33
Number of Published Lectures: 33
Number of Curriculum Items: 33
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 33
Original Price: $39.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Perform RFM analyses (recency, frequency, monetary value)
- Perform complex market segmentations using an advanced clustering method
- Generate profiles of the customers who responded to the past offers
- Identify the top responding geographical areas (postal codes)
- Estimate the contact probability of purchase and select the contacts with the greatest probabilities
- Predict the probability of purchase for new customers
- Compare campaign effectiveness (in terms of response rate)
Who Should Attend
- marketing students
- marketing professionals
- direct marketing professionals
- marketing data analysts
- customer analysts
- anyone interested in learning customer analytics with SPSS
Target Audiences
- marketing students
- marketing professionals
- direct marketing professionals
- marketing data analysts
- customer analysts
- anyone interested in learning customer analytics with SPSS
Learn how to get insights from your customer data, understand your customers deeply and target the right customers with the right products!
The SPSS program offers a comprehensive customer analytics tool – the Direct Marketing module. With this tool you can conduct powerful analyses without being an expert in statistics and data analysis.
The everyday interactions with your customer generates a high amount of valuable data. The customer marketing analysis is the best solution to transform these data into real knowledge. The goal of this analysis is to get you a precise view of your customers, identify the most profitable groups of customers and send them the most appropriate marketing messages.
The Direct Marketing toolkit in SPSS includes six practical analysis procedures. Each of these procedures has its own section in this course.
- The RFM analysis allows you to classify your customers according to the recency, frequency, and monetary value of their purchases. You can pinpoint your most valuable customers (those who buy often and spend much money), as well as adapt your strategy for each RFM customers (e.g. encourage new customers to buy more, reward good customers with discounts and prizes, re-gain old customers that stopped buying from you etc.)
- The cluster analysis procedure helps you segment your customers or prospects using their most relevant demographic, economic or behavioral characteristics. In each cluster you will find customers that are similar with eah other and different to the others. You can combine this procedure with other analyses, to identify the segments with the highest RFM values, for example, or to estimate the buying probability in each segment.
- The customer profiling technique helps you detect the customer groups with the highest response rate, based on the results of previous campaign. This way you can know in advance which customers are more likely to respond to your future offers. In consequence, you can significantly improve the targeting of your future campaigns, reduce campaign costs and increase sales and ROI.
- Another procedure allows you to identify the responses to your campaign by postal codes. This is extremely useful for direct mailing campaigns, because you can find out the geographical areas where most of your customers live. You can compare the response rate of each geographical zone to your target rate and decide where to send your future mailing packages so you can maximize your profits.
- The Direct Marketing module in SPSS also helps you estimate the probability of purchase for each contact in your list, using an advanced prediction analysis method (binomial regression). You can send your future messages only to the prospects who are most likely to buy from you and remove the inactive prospects from your list. Moreover, you can predict the probability of purchasing for new customers, those freshly added to your list.
- The Control Package Test method allows you to compare the effectiveness of two or more marketing campaigns. This is useful especially when you intend to test existing campaigns against new campaigns. The differences between the campaigns response rates are evaluated using the binomial test.
Most of the procedures above use sophisticated statistical analysis techniques to process your data. However, you don’t have to be a statistician in order to use them. You can get the results you need with a few clicks only, in a few seconds. This is what you will learn in this course.
Every procedure is explained live in SPSS, and the output is interpreted in detail. At the end of each section you can find a couple of practical exercises to strengthen your knowledge.
Join this course today and you will be able to analyze your customer data using state-of-the-art predictive techniques and make informed decisions!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: RFM Analysis
Lecture 1: Introduction to RFM
Lecture 2: Independent RFM
Lecture 3: Nested RFM
Lecture 4: Our Example Files
Lecture 5: Executing the Independent RFM Analysis When Data Are Customers
Lecture 6: Interpreting the Independent RFM Analysis When Data Are Customers
Lecture 7: Performing the Nested RFM Analysis When Data Are Customers
Lecture 8: Executing the Independent RFM Analysis When Data Are Transactions
Lecture 9: Interpreting the Independent RFM Analysis When Data Are Transactions
Lecture 10: Performing the Nested RFM Analysis When Data Are Transactions
Lecture 11: Practical Exercises
Chapter 3: Segmenting Customers
Lecture 1: Two-Step Cluster Technique – Introduction
Lecture 2: Performing the Cluster Analysis (1)
Lecture 3: Performing the Cluster Analysis (2)
Lecture 4: Practical Exercises
Chapter 4: Generating Customer Profiles
Lecture 1: Executing the Procedure
Lecture 2: Interpreting the Results
Lecture 3: Practical Exercises
Chapter 5: Identifying the Top Responding Postal Codes
Lecture 1: Running the Procedure
Lecture 2: Interpreting the Results
Lecture 3: Setting a Maximum Number of Contacts
Lecture 4: Practical Exercises
Chapter 6: Estimating Buying Probabilities
Lecture 1: Running the Procedure
Lecture 2: Interpreting the Output
Lecture 3: Validating Our Model
Lecture 4: Interpreting Validation
Lecture 5: Predict the Propensity to Purchase For New Contacts
Lecture 6: Practical Exercises
Chapter 7: Comparing Campaign Effectiveness
Lecture 1: Categorical Response Field
Lecture 2: Numeric Response Field
Lecture 3: Practical Exercises
Chapter 8: Download Links
Lecture 1: Download Your Files Here
Bogdan Anastasiei
University Teacher and Consultant
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 21 votes
- 4 stars: 32 votes
- 5 stars: 49 votes
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