Build a Backend REST API with Python & Django – Advanced
Build a Backend REST API with Python & Django – Advanced, available at $139.99, has an average rating of 4.67, with 157 lectures, 6 quizzes, based on 8718 reviews, and has 48867 subscribers.
You will learn about Setting up a local development server with Docker Writing a Python project using Test Driven Development Building a REST API with advanced features such as uploading and viewing images Creating a backend that can be used a base for your future projects or MVP Hands on experience applying best practice principles such as PEP-8 and unit tests Configure Travis-CI to automate code checks This course is ideal for individuals who are Intermediate programmers who already have some understanding of Python and want to skill up or Developers proficient in other languages but looking to add Python to their toolkit It is particularly useful for Intermediate programmers who already have some understanding of Python and want to skill up or Developers proficient in other languages but looking to add Python to their toolkit.
Enroll now: Build a Backend REST API with Python & Django – Advanced
Title: Build a Backend REST API with Python & Django – Advanced
Price: $139.99
Average Rating: 4.67
Number of Lectures: 157
Number of Quizzes: 6
Number of Published Lectures: 156
Number of Published Quizzes: 6
Number of Curriculum Items: 163
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 162
Original Price: £89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Setting up a local development server with Docker
- Writing a Python project using Test Driven Development
- Building a REST API with advanced features such as uploading and viewing images
- Creating a backend that can be used a base for your future projects or MVP
- Hands on experience applying best practice principles such as PEP-8 and unit tests
- Configure Travis-CI to automate code checks
Who Should Attend
- Intermediate programmers who already have some understanding of Python and want to skill up
- Developers proficient in other languages but looking to add Python to their toolkit
Target Audiences
- Intermediate programmers who already have some understanding of Python and want to skill up
- Developers proficient in other languages but looking to add Python to their toolkit
Welcome to the advanced course on how to Build a Backend REST API using Python, Django (3.2), Django REST Framework (3.12), Docker, GitHub Actions, Postgres and Test Driven Development!
Whether you’re a freelance programmer, tech entrepreneur, or just starting out building backends – this course will help lay the foundation of your knowledge base and give you the tools to advance your skills with some of the most in-demand programming languages today.
APIs are the unsung heroes behind the technologies that we all love and use religiously.
One of the most critical components for any tech-based business is an API. So knowing how to create an API from start to finish is a vital skill to have as a developer. You cannot build a successful app without a backend REST API!
In this course I’ll show you how to build an advanced API that handles creating and updating user profiles, changing passwords, creating objects, uploading images, filtering and searching objects, and more.
The best way to learn anything is to do it. So the practical application of the course — the project that you’ll build along side me — is an API. A recipe API, to be specific.
You will learn how to build an advanced recipe API that allows you to upload and store some of your favourite recipes from photos and the web.
You’ll learn how to create objects i.e. recipes with titles, price points, cooking times, ingredients and tags like “comfort food”, “vegan” or “dessert”. Think of it as a virtual recipe box.
By the end of this course you will have built a fully functioning REST API that can handle:
User authentication
Creating objects
Filtering and sorting objects
Uploading and viewing images
You’ll also learn, in detail how to:
Setup a project with Docker and Docker-Compose
Configure GitHub Actions to automatically run linting and unit tests
Write unit tests using the Django Test Framework
Apply best practice principles including Test Driven Development
Handle uploading media files with Django
Customize the Django admin
Configure a Postgres database
This course has one singular focus: To teach you how to create an advanced API from start to finish using best practice principles and Test Driven Development.
This course is NOT FOR YOU:
If you’re looking for a course to build an API, a front end, and deployment
If you’re looking to build 10 different apps in one course
If you want to learn lots of different technologies and approaches to app development in general
This is a hands-on course, with a bit of theory and lots of opportunities to test your knowledge.
The content is challenging but rewarding. Ready for it? Let’s dive in!
**PLEASE NOTE: You cannot run Docker on Windows 10 Home edition. This is because Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise is required in order to use Hyper-V which Docker uses for virtualization. To take this course you have two options. These are covered in Lecture 6, which is free to preview before purchasing the course.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Technical requirements
Lecture 2: API details & Upgrades
Lecture 3: Course structure
Lecture 4: Getting help
Chapter 2: App Design
Lecture 1: App overview
Lecture 2: Technologies
Lecture 3: Django project structure
Chapter 3: Test Driven Development
Lecture 1: What is Test Driven Development?
Chapter 4: System Setup
Lecture 1: What to install
Lecture 2: Setup confirmation [Follow Along]
Chapter 5: Project Setup
Lecture 1: New project overview
Lecture 2: Create GitHub project [Follow Along]
Lecture 3: Docker and Django
Lecture 4: Define Python requirements [Follow Along]
Lecture 5: Create project Dockerfile [Follow Along]
Lecture 6: Create Docker Compose configuration [Follow Along]
Lecture 7: Linting and Tests
Lecture 8: Configure flake8 [Follow Along]
Lecture 9: Create Django project [Follow Along]
Lecture 10: Run project with Docker Compose [Follow Along]
Lecture 11: Project setup overview
Chapter 6: Configure GitHub Actions
Lecture 1: What is GitHub Actions
Lecture 2: Configuring GitHub Actions
Lecture 3: Create GitHub Actions config [Follow Along]
Lecture 4: UPDATE: docker-compose removed
Lecture 5: Test GitHub Actions [Follow Along]
Chapter 7: Test Driven Development with Django
Lecture 1: Testing in Django
Lecture 2: Write a test [Follow Along]
Lecture 3: Write a test using TDD [Follow Along]
Lecture 4: Mocking
Lecture 5: Testing web requests
Lecture 6: Common testing problems
Chapter 8: Configure Database
Lecture 1: Database architecture overview
Lecture 2: Add database service [Follow Along]
Lecture 3: Database configuration with Django
Lecture 4: Install PostgreSQL database adaptor [Follow Along]
Lecture 5: Configure database in Django [Follow Along]
Lecture 6: Fixing database race condition
Lecture 7: Create core app [Follow Along]
Lecture 8: Write tests for wait_for_db command [Follow Along]
Lecture 9: Add wait_for_db command [Follow Along]
Lecture 10: Database migrations
Lecture 11: Update Docker Compose and CI/CD [Follow Along]
Lecture 12: Summary
Chapter 9: Create User Model
Lecture 1: The Django user model
Lecture 2: Design custom user model
Lecture 3: Add user model tests [Follow Along]
Lecture 4: Implement user model [Follow Along]
Lecture 5: Normalize email addresses [Follow Along]
Lecture 6: Require email input [Follow Along]
Lecture 7: Add superuser support [Follow Along]
Lecture 8: Test user model [Follow Along]
Lecture 9: Summary of Create User Model
Chapter 10: Setup Django Admin
Lecture 1: Django admin overview
Lecture 2: Write tests for listing users [Follow Along]
Lecture 3: Make Django admin list users [Follow Along]
Lecture 4: Support modifying users [Follow Along]
Lecture 5: Support creating users [Follow Along]
Chapter 11: API Documentation
Lecture 1: Importance of API documentation
Lecture 2: Auto docs with DRF
Lecture 3: Install drf-spectacular [Follow Along]
Lecture 4: Configure URLs [Follow Along]
Lecture 5: Test Swagger UI [Follow Along]
Lecture 6: Summary
Chapter 12: Build user API
Lecture 1: User API design
Lecture 2: Create user app [Follow Along]
Lecture 3: Write tests for create user API [Follow Along]
Lecture 4: Implement create user API [Follow Along]
Lecture 5: Authentication
Lecture 6: Write tests for token API [Follow Along]
Lecture 7: Implement token API [Follow Along]
Lecture 8: Write tests for manage user API [Follow Along]
Lecture 9: Implement manage user API [Follow Along]
Lecture 10: Review user API in browser [Follow Along]
Lecture 11: Summary
Chapter 13: Build recipe API
Lecture 1: Recipe API design
Lecture 2: APIView vs Viewsets
Lecture 3: Write test for recipe model [Follow Along]
Lecture 4: Implement recipe model [Follow Along]
Lecture 5: Create recipe app [Follow Along]
Lecture 6: Write tests for listing recipes [Follow Along]
Mark Winterbottom
Full-Stack Software Engineer -
Brooke Rutherford
Brand & Marketing Communications
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 107 votes
- 2 stars: 131 votes
- 3 stars: 589 votes
- 4 stars: 2557 votes
- 5 stars: 5334 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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