Psychology of Learning (Accredited) Teaching Secrets Exposed
Psychology of Learning (Accredited) Teaching Secrets Exposed, available at $59.99, has an average rating of 4.05, with 17 lectures, 7 quizzes, based on 18 reviews, and has 57 subscribers.
You will learn about 1. Engage the audience 1. Engage the audience 1.1 Understand the difference between Hard and Soft Skills and how it relates to teaching. 1.1 Understand every adult student in your class. 1.2 Characteristics of a great trainer 1.3 Understand how Cognitive Distortions affect learning. 2. Build Rapport and keep it 2.1 Understand and use Indirect Communication in a teaching environment 2.2 Understand and use the Rules of Content Mastering Effectively 2.3 Understand the Characteristics of Learners 3. Understand Special Needs: 3.1 What special Needs are 3.2 The difference between Learning Barriers and Learning Disabilities 4. You will understand memory: 4.1 How adults and children remember 4.2 How we forget 4.3 Types of Memory 5. Understand the Effect of Words 5.1 Understand the positive and negative effect of words and how it affects learning 5.2 Know how to modify your presentation and communication to enhance learning 6. Understand difficult learners 6.1 Know how to deal with difficult learners in a group environment 6.2 Class rules and rapport connection 6.3 Know how to deal with difficult learners 7. Understand and effectively use Objectives 7.1 Effectively use Course Aim, Course Objective, and Lesson Objective in course design. This course is ideal for individuals who are Psychologists, Educational Therapists or Teachers of Children and Adults or Instructors and On-the-Job Trainers or Motivational Speakers or Beginner to Advanced or Any Students who want to discover their true way of learning. Regardless of what you are studying. It is particularly useful for Psychologists, Educational Therapists or Teachers of Children and Adults or Instructors and On-the-Job Trainers or Motivational Speakers or Beginner to Advanced or Any Students who want to discover their true way of learning. Regardless of what you are studying.
Enroll now: Psychology of Learning (Accredited) Teaching Secrets Exposed
Title: Psychology of Learning (Accredited) Teaching Secrets Exposed
Price: $59.99
Average Rating: 4.05
Number of Lectures: 17
Number of Quizzes: 7
Number of Published Lectures: 15
Number of Published Quizzes: 7
Number of Curriculum Items: 24
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 22
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- 1. Engage the audience
- 1. Engage the audience 1.1 Understand the difference between Hard and Soft Skills and how it relates to teaching.
- 1.1 Understand every adult student in your class.
- 1.2 Characteristics of a great trainer
- 1.3 Understand how Cognitive Distortions affect learning.
- 2. Build Rapport and keep it
- 2.1 Understand and use Indirect Communication in a teaching environment
- 2.2 Understand and use the Rules of Content Mastering Effectively
- 2.3 Understand the Characteristics of Learners
- 3. Understand Special Needs:
- 3.1 What special Needs are
- 3.2 The difference between Learning Barriers and Learning Disabilities
- 4. You will understand memory:
- 4.1 How adults and children remember
- 4.2 How we forget
- 4.3 Types of Memory
- 5. Understand the Effect of Words
- 5.1 Understand the positive and negative effect of words and how it affects learning
- 5.2 Know how to modify your presentation and communication to enhance learning
- 6. Understand difficult learners
- 6.1 Know how to deal with difficult learners in a group environment
- 6.2 Class rules and rapport connection
- 6.3 Know how to deal with difficult learners
- 7. Understand and effectively use Objectives
- 7.1 Effectively use Course Aim, Course Objective, and Lesson Objective in course design.
Who Should Attend
- Psychologists, Educational Therapists
- Teachers of Children and Adults
- Instructors and On-the-Job Trainers
- Motivational Speakers
- Beginner to Advanced
- Any Students who want to discover their true way of learning. Regardless of what you are studying.
Target Audiences
- Psychologists, Educational Therapists
- Teachers of Children and Adults
- Instructors and On-the-Job Trainers
- Motivational Speakers
- Beginner to Advanced
- Any Students who want to discover their true way of learning. Regardless of what you are studying.
This course received an international rating of 9.3!
This course is fully accredited with the International Association of Therapists.
Contrary to popular belief, children do not learn any different than adults!
Both want to learn something interesting and relevant. How is their learning stimulated?
As a psychologist, educational therapist, teacher, or instructor the content of this course is definitely relevant to you.
Through 30 years of teaching adults from various backgrounds and ethnic groups, I realized that the traditional belief that a person is either a visual, audio, or kinesthetic learner is only part of the truth. In fact, it is not even 33% of the the way we learn.
These are called learning styles, but how do they get there? We need to know HOW that style is stimulated, and for every person it is different. So learning styles is different than the learning methods. Learning methods are ingrained in each individual. If this is identified, understood, and applied in during learning and teaching, the individual achieves amazing results!
An educational therapist is a professional who is trained to understand an individual child’s learning challenges, and the patterns and behaviors they have, but it does not stop there. This groundbreaking research will assist therapists, adult educators, and workplace on-the-job training experts to help individuals reach their full potential.
Educational Therapy is a form of therapy used to treat individuals with learning differences, disabilities, and challenges. This form of therapy offers a wide range of intensive interventions that are designed to resolve learners’ learning problems. These interventions are individualized and unique to the specific learner.
This type of therapy helps the student strengthen his/her ability to learn. The student engages in activities that help their academics comprehension, as well as, teach them skills in processing, focusing, and memory. There is a difference between traditional tutoring and educational therapy. Traditional tutoring deals specifically with academics while educational therapy deals with both the processing of information and academics. The educational therapist uses a variety of methodologies and teaching materials to help the student build on his/her academic competency.
Processing is the way students think and learn. All students learn differently and process information in a unique manner
Teaching Adults?
On-the-job Training?
Teaching Children?
Home Schooling?
But you are not reaching every listener.
Instructor/ teacher/ educator?
You are a great teacher, but your students do not learn like they should. Then what is missing?
As a speaker/ sales or educator of adults, you should ask questions!
Now, first, you will wonder why my courses are not expensive.
You see, by making it affordable, I can assist and empower so many more people.
Contrary to popular belief, children do not learn any different than adults. In fact, the way adults learn, is ingrained in them from a very young age. And if we can unlock this in children in schools today, they will learn faster, and more effectively. And will achieve great things!
Feed their curiosity and embrace their uniqueness. Do not put them in a box!
We are stuck in traditional teaching methods which are not as effective as they are believed to be.
Yes! Traditional teaching methods are ineffective!
Simply because we do not understand how our audience learn and process information, or what prevents them form doing so.
Every person is different, and they interpret information differently. However, there are some common characteristics we need to understand to present to any audience effectively. By effectively, I do not mean that you your content word for word. I mean every listener or participant will participate effectively to learn and remember what you present.
It is also important to know that the ways we believe people learn (Learning Styles); audio, visual, kinesthetic, are not learning methods, as is generally believed, and teaching by using only these, will prevent your audience from connecting. Yes, something is missing. The methods people use to get to the Learning Styles, are called Learning Modalities or Learning Methods.
And very few teachers, presenters, and trainers know this. It was not taught before, and unfortunately very few teachers know this secret.
Learn the hidden secret to effective learning!
Regardless of what audience you have, you want them to take home a thought, message, idea, etc.
Talk to them through their individual Modality. Unlock curiosity and memory.
Getting your audience to listen and pay attention may the most difficult to achieve in any presentation. How the audience absorb information is no different from how adults learn on a course. Understand the different learning styles and learning methodologies and adapt your presentation to watch your audience transform before you. Learn how every individual in any audience will feel you are talking to him/her specifically.
I mentor many speakers, trainers, teachers, instructors, motivational speakers, religious speakers, and group therapists around the world on working with difficult students, course design, advanced teaching skills, and “out-of-the-box-training-methods”, and they all found that this course answered many of their questions.
This course makes speakers talk!
What makes this course different?
We believe in providing high quality training at affordable prices. That way we can empower so many more people.
This course received great reviews and feedback on international Annual Training Conferences in the last year alone!
This is guaranteed to change the way you think when preparing your speech, talk, sermon, sales pitch, or class!
Regardless of what field of expertise you are and what you teach. It does not matter what level students (beginner to professor levels) are.
You MUST ask yourself:
+ what did the greatest teachers of all time know and do that got lost?
+ how do adults REALLY learn?
+ why do learners get disconnected in any class?
+ why are some students difficult in any class?
+ what prevents adults (or children) from learning)?
+ why do some people find learning hurtful and how can YOU fix it?
+ why do some people grow up afraid of learning?
+ how can you understand Every student in any class you teach, and in turn get better results from THEM?
+ how can you become THAT instructor everybody talks about and refer everyone to?
This course was presented at an International Annual Training Conference recently and received fantastic feedback!
I am sure you will find the content as interesting as I have when I designed the course.
(This course received great feedback from international instructor association members).
Do you want your students to perform even better?
So, you teach adults. Whether you are an instructor, teacher or educator, you work with adults every day.
You do everything you have learnt on your instructor course, but something is wrong… (your students don’t learn like they should)
On your course as a therapist, teacher, or instructor, you have learnt about:
Teaching principles:
Relating the known to the unknown
Progressing from simple to complex
Breaking a whole skill down into its components and teaching one at a time
Teaching methods:
Actual experience
When should simulated experience be used for safety reasons?
Role Play
Small group techniques
You do all this by the book and use the teaching principles and teaching methods…
Why is it that some students do not connect with you or the class?
Why does it look like some of the students are distant and just does not learn?
What prevents them from learning?
Do we as teachers understand how adult REALLY learn, or have we got it totally wrong?
What did the great teachers of ancient times do that got lost over the years?
How can I push up my class total pass rate?
How can I understand my students better, and in turn, get them to automatically learn better?
What can I do to help them remember the course content?
Would this course help if you teach children? OF COURSE!
This course will help you as a teacher to get out of the conventional box of teaching and get you to lift EVERY student to reach THEIR potential.
What if there are no dumb or unteachable student, but we as teachers brand thembecause we do not understand them?
I will see you on course!
This course received an international rating of 9.3!
Course Objectives
(what you should understand or be able to do at the end of the course)
1. Engage the audience
1.1 Understand the difference between Hard and Soft Skills and how it relates to teaching
1.2 Characteristics of a great trainer
1.3 Understand how Cognitive Distortions affect learning.
2. Build Rapport and keep it
2.1 Understand and use Indirect Communication in a teaching environment
2.2 Understand and use the Rules of Content Mastering Effectively
2.3 Understand the Characteristics of Learners
3. Understand Special Needs:
3.1 What special Needs are
3.2 The difference between Learning Barriers and Learning Disabilities
4. You will understand memory:
4.1 How adults and children remember
4.2 How we forget
4.3 Types of Memory
5. Understand the Effect of Words
5.1 Understand the positive and negative effect of words and how it affects learning.
5.2 Know how to modify your presentation and communication to enhance learning.
6. Understand difficult learners
6.1 Know how to deal with them in a group environment
6.2 Class rules and rapport connection
6.3 Know how to deal with difficult learners
7. Understand and effectively use Objectives
7.1 Effectively use Course Aim, Course Objective, and Lesson Objective in course design.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Module 1: Connect with every student
Lecture 3: Module 1.1.b Learner Participation
Lecture 4: Module 1.2 Characteristics of a Good Trainer
Lecture 5: Module 1.3 Indirect Communication and Connecting with the Audience
Chapter 2: Module 2
Lecture 1: Module 2.1 Processing Information
Lecture 2: Module 2.2 Engage Every Learner: Adult Learner Characteristics
Lecture 3: Module 2.3 Tying Loose Ends
Chapter 3: Module 3
Lecture 1: Module 3.1 Learning Barriers vs. Learning Disabilities
Chapter 4: Section 4 Memory: How we remember
Lecture 1: Module 4
Chapter 5: Module 5
Lecture 1: Module 5: The Effect of Words
Lecture 2: Module 5.1 Questions: Stupid Questions?
Lecture 3: Module 5.2 Effective Questioning
Chapter 6: Section 6
Lecture 1: Module 6: Dealing with Difficult Learners
Chapter 7: Module 7
Lecture 1: Module 7: Learning Objectives
Dr. Francois Meyer
Doctor (DTh), Adult Education Specialist, Life Coach
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 3 votes
- 4 stars: 4 votes
- 5 stars: 10 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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