dapp mastery – Ethereum token, NFT & DAO – Solidity & React
dapp mastery – Ethereum token, NFT & DAO – Solidity & React, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.6, with 77 lectures, based on 13 reviews, and has 89 subscribers.
You will learn about Fundamentals of creating DAPPs Complete solidity programming Create a crypto token Create NFT collection (ERC-721 standard) Create a DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) Create and deploy smart contracts on EVM blockchains Ethers js Blockchain This course is ideal for individuals who are Web 2 developer looking to learn to create DAPPs It is particularly useful for Web 2 developer looking to learn to create DAPPs.
Enroll now: dapp mastery – Ethereum token, NFT & DAO – Solidity & React
Title: dapp mastery – Ethereum token, NFT & DAO – Solidity & React
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.6
Number of Lectures: 77
Number of Published Lectures: 77
Number of Curriculum Items: 77
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 77
Original Price: $94.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Fundamentals of creating DAPPs
- Complete solidity programming
- Create a crypto token
- Create NFT collection (ERC-721 standard)
- Create a DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization)
- Create and deploy smart contracts on EVM blockchains
- Ethers js
- Blockchain
Who Should Attend
- Web 2 developer looking to learn to create DAPPs
Target Audiences
- Web 2 developer looking to learn to create DAPPs
Fully updated course for 2023 with latest version of Solidity, Ethereum and EthersJs.
One of the highest paying skills is Web3. The blockchain technology took the fintech industry by storm with transactions crossing billions of dollars. Even the transactions and market caps are in trillions of dollars, only 4% of the world population is using the crypto out of which only a small number of developers are available in Web3 space. This industry is early and it needs more developers for better innovation and bringing in new ideas.
This course is NOT FOR COMPLETE BEGINNERSin programming, We will be coding in HTML, CSS, Javascript/ReactJs and Solidity (programming language to write smart contracts).
If you are interested in learning Web3 and to develop Decentralized application, this course is for you!
In this course we will go step by step in creating our smart contracts, deploying them on the blockchain and finally creating our own DAPP for the smart contracts created.
We will learn by building:
Meme token – ERC20 standard based meme token
NFT collection – ERC721 standard based NFT collection which can be minted only using our meme token created before.
Finally, our own DAO – Decentralized autonomous organization.
The lessons with theory is covered using animations for better learning and the coding lessons are edited for crystal clear explanation.
After taking this course you will be able to:
Create smart contracts using Solidity (programming language used to create smart contracts on Ethereum).
Deploy smart contracts to the blockchain using hardhat.
Create frontends that connects with those smart contracts and display beautiful UI.
Learn to use the graph protocol for indexing blockchain data.
Be fluent in solidity programming language.
Create fully working DAPPs from scratch.
Learn to create your own crypto token, NFT collection and DAO.
Learn to work with IPFS for your NFT collection.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to Ethereum blockchain
Lecture 1: 1) introduction to Ethereum
Lecture 2: 2) Ethereum nodes
Lecture 3: 3) Ethereum accounts and creating your first Ethereum account on Metamask
Lecture 4: 4) Testnet
Lecture 5: 5) gas and opcodes
Lecture 6: 6) Block explorer
Lecture 7: 7) Ethereum scaling
Chapter 2: Solidity Mastery
Lecture 1: 1) Remix introduction
Lecture 2: 2) Contract ABI and bytecode
Lecture 3: 3) Solidity syntax
Lecture 4: 4) Datatypes
Lecture 5: 5) Enum, Struct and Mapping
Lecture 6: 6) Visibility
Lecture 7: 7) Functions in Solidity
Lecture 8: 8) Constructor
Lecture 9: 9) Storage vs Memory
Lecture 10: 10) Create a basic contract
Lecture 11: 11) Modifiers and Require statements
Lecture 12: 12) Payable, Receive and Fallback
Lecture 13: 13) Sending ethers from contract
Lecture 14: 14) Built-in global variables
Lecture 15: 15) Inheritance
Lecture 16: 16) Abstract contract and Interface
Lecture 17: 17) Library in Solidity
Chapter 3: Creating ERC20 token
Lecture 1: 1) What is ERC20
Lecture 2: 2) Interface for our token contract
Lecture 3: 3) Implementing functions for our token – Part 1
Lecture 4: 4) Implementing functions for our token – Part 2
Lecture 5: 5) Deploying our token to Sepolia Testnet
Chapter 4: Creating your first DAPP
Lecture 1: 1) Introduction and Installations
Lecture 2: 2) Setting up your project files
Lecture 3: 3) Wallet connection functions
Lecture 4: 4) Getting account balance from our contract
Lecture 5: 5) Transfer tokens form
Chapter 5: Create NFT collection
Lecture 1: 1) Introduction
Lecture 2: 2) Setting up our project folder
Lecture 3: 3) Creating ERC20 interface and importing base contracts
Lecture 4: 4) Creating state variables and constructor
Lecture 5: 5) Mint function
Lecture 6: 6) Overriding URI functions
Lecture 7: 7) Functions for the admin of the NFT contract
Lecture 8: 8) Compile contract and write deployment script
Lecture 9: 9) Deploying our contract to Sepolia Testnet using hardhat
Chapter 6: Create NFT collection frontend
Lecture 1: 1) Setting up our project folder
Lecture 2: 2) Create helpers and wallet connection
Lecture 3: 3) Get allowance
Lecture 4: 4) Handling approvals
Lecture 5: 5) Grid item component layout
Lecture 6: 6) Get NFT image metadata
Lecture 7: 7) Mint NFT using our ERC20 token
Lecture 8: 8) Show owner address for minted NFTs
Chapter 7: Create a DAO
Lecture 1: 1) What is DAO – definition for developers
Lecture 2: 2) Before we continue
Lecture 3: 3) Project setup
Lecture 4: 4) DAO contract interface – part 1
Lecture 5: 5) DAO contract interface – part 2
Lecture 6: 6) State variables and constructor
Lecture 7: 7) Implementing helper functions
Lecture 8: 8) Create proposal
Lecture 9: 9) Voting for proposals
Lecture 10: 10) Executing proposals
Lecture 11: 11) Writing hardhat deploy script and deploying to Goerli Testnet
Chapter 8: DAO – Indexing & querying – graph protocol
Lecture 1: 1) Installing graph and setting up our project folder
Lecture 2: 2) Create graph schema and subgraph yaml file
Lecture 3: 3) Create event handler script
Lecture 4: 4) Build and deploy our subgraph
Chapter 9: Create a DAO – Frontend
Lecture 1: 1) Setting up your React project
Lecture 2: 2) Wallet connection
Lecture 3: 3) Create proposal
Lecture 4: 4) List proposals from Graph protocol
Lecture 5: 5) Proposal Component
Lecture 6: 6) Proposal state
Lecture 7: 7) Voting on proposal – frontend
Lecture 8: 8) Execute proposal – frontend
Lecture 9: 9) Load more proposals
Lecture 10: 10) Conclusion
Chapter 10: Bonus
Lecture 1: 1) Using ethers js version 6
JAGADEEP manohar
Senior software developer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 3 votes
- 5 stars: 9 votes
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