Visual Studio Code for Developers 2024: Beginner to Advanced
Visual Studio Code for Developers 2024: Beginner to Advanced, available at $94.99, has an average rating of 4.64, with 238 lectures, 15 quizzes, based on 1513 reviews, and has 12114 subscribers.
You will learn about Optimize your productivity with Visual Studio Code. Master the fundamental features of Visual Studio Code. Customize Visual Studio Code to fit your needs, style, and personal taste. Install helpful extensions from the Extensions Marketplace. Work with repositories, git, and GitHub in Visual Studio Code. Learn how to work with the debugger and Jupyter Notebooks in Visual Studio Code. Optimize Visual Studio Code to work with Python and Web Development. Work with the integrated terminal and run commands. Add built-in code snippets, install new ones, and create custom snippets. Learn Visual Studio Code tips to optimize your productivity. This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginner developers who want to learn Visual Studio Code from the basics. or Developers who want to optimize their workflow and productivity with one of the most popular code editors. or Computer Science enthusiasts who wish to expand their knowledge of Visual Studio Code. or Experienced developers who want to start working with Visual Studio Code and learn its features. or Developers who want to learn more about the advanced features of Visual Studio Code such as the debugger, Jupyter Notebooks, Source Control, Python virtual environments, and more. or Everyone who would like to refresh their knowledge of Visual Studio Code. It is particularly useful for Beginner developers who want to learn Visual Studio Code from the basics. or Developers who want to optimize their workflow and productivity with one of the most popular code editors. or Computer Science enthusiasts who wish to expand their knowledge of Visual Studio Code. or Experienced developers who want to start working with Visual Studio Code and learn its features. or Developers who want to learn more about the advanced features of Visual Studio Code such as the debugger, Jupyter Notebooks, Source Control, Python virtual environments, and more. or Everyone who would like to refresh their knowledge of Visual Studio Code.
Enroll now: Visual Studio Code for Developers 2024: Beginner to Advanced
Title: Visual Studio Code for Developers 2024: Beginner to Advanced
Price: $94.99
Average Rating: 4.64
Number of Lectures: 238
Number of Quizzes: 15
Number of Published Lectures: 236
Number of Published Quizzes: 15
Number of Curriculum Items: 253
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 251
Original Price: $74.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Optimize your productivity with Visual Studio Code.
- Master the fundamental features of Visual Studio Code.
- Customize Visual Studio Code to fit your needs, style, and personal taste.
- Install helpful extensions from the Extensions Marketplace.
- Work with repositories, git, and GitHub in Visual Studio Code.
- Learn how to work with the debugger and Jupyter Notebooks in Visual Studio Code.
- Optimize Visual Studio Code to work with Python and Web Development.
- Work with the integrated terminal and run commands.
- Add built-in code snippets, install new ones, and create custom snippets.
- Learn Visual Studio Code tips to optimize your productivity.
Who Should Attend
- Beginner developers who want to learn Visual Studio Code from the basics.
- Developers who want to optimize their workflow and productivity with one of the most popular code editors.
- Computer Science enthusiasts who wish to expand their knowledge of Visual Studio Code.
- Experienced developers who want to start working with Visual Studio Code and learn its features.
- Developers who want to learn more about the advanced features of Visual Studio Code such as the debugger, Jupyter Notebooks, Source Control, Python virtual environments, and more.
- Everyone who would like to refresh their knowledge of Visual Studio Code.
Target Audiences
- Beginner developers who want to learn Visual Studio Code from the basics.
- Developers who want to optimize their workflow and productivity with one of the most popular code editors.
- Computer Science enthusiasts who wish to expand their knowledge of Visual Studio Code.
- Experienced developers who want to start working with Visual Studio Code and learn its features.
- Developers who want to learn more about the advanced features of Visual Studio Code such as the debugger, Jupyter Notebooks, Source Control, Python virtual environments, and more.
- Everyone who would like to refresh their knowledge of Visual Studio Code.
Welcome to Visual Studio Code for Developers, the course that you need to start working with one of the most popular code editors in the developer community. Learn Visual Studio Code with hands-on practice and detailed step-by-step explanations of the basic and advanced features of Visual Studio Code.
This course is for everyone who wants to master Visual Studio Code. If you are starting your coding journey or if you are an experienced developer, this course will help you masterVisual Studio Code and improve your productivity as a developer.
Estefania will take you step by step from the basic features of Visual Studio Code like working with files to more advanced features like debugging and source control to help you succeed and incorporate this amazing code editor into your daily workflow.
Visual Studio Code is Your Next Step Into the in-demand and powerful World of Software Development.
During the course, you will learn how to:
Create, save, and edit files
Work with different panels, bars, and tools
Work with files and editors
Open foldersand edit their files and folders in the explorer
Use the searchfeature to find anything in your code
Work with the integrated terminal
Open Visual Studio Code, files, and folders from the command prompt
Install extensionsfrom the Extensions Marketplace
Work with extensions such as Prettier, ESlint, Python, React snippets, and Jupyter
Add built-in and custom code snippetsto your code
Use gitand version control in Visual Studio Code
Optimize your layout and tools to work with Pythonand Web Development
Create virtual environments for Python development in Visual Studio Code
Run the debuggerand add breakpoints to check your variables
Create, edit, and work with Jupyter Notebooks
Write Markdownfiles in Visual Studio Code
Much more
August 2024 New Updated Section 10.
June 2024 New Updated Section 9.
May 2024 New Updated Section 8.
May 2024 New Updated Section 7.
April 2024 New Updated Sections 5-6.
January 2024 New Updated Sections 1-4.
January 2024 New Keyboard Shortcuts PDF Handout for Windows and macOS.
November 2023 New Hide Editor Tabs.
August 2023 Updated Quizzes now include macOS keyboard shortcuts and new improvements.
July 2023 NewProfile Templates in Visual Studio Code.
July 2023 UpdatedNew article with a small change in the custom keyboard shortcuts user interface.
July 2023 UpdatedLecture on Customizing the Terminal (updated option in the Command Palette).
March 2023 NewProfiles in Visual Studio Code (New Section)
March 2023 NewPopular Extension: CodeSnap
March 2023 UpdatedHow to create a file (3 options)
January 2023 UpdatedHow to define custom snippets
November 2022 NewDrag and drop images and files
November 2022 New Customize the settings of an extension
November 2022 New File rename selection
November 2022 NewMove the terminal (right, left, bottom)
November 2022 NewHow to toggle the Menu Bar
October 2022 New How to customize the settings of a programming language (updated)
October 2022 New Toggle Full Screen Mode
October 2022 New Create Files and Folders Simultaneously
September 2022 New Sticky Scroll
Add New Visual Studio Code Skills To Your Resume
Visual Studio Code is currently one of the most popular code editors and its popularity continues rising every year. Whether you work in Data Science, Game Development, Web Development, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mobile Development, or if you are just starting your coding journey, Visual Studio Code will be a priceless tool for your daily work. Learning Visual Studio Code is your next step into the powerful world of software development.
Learning Material and Resources
Throughout the course, you will find these resources:
Video lectures: 7+ hours of carefully designed graphics, animations, and explanations.
Quizzes: check your knowledge interactively after each lecture with short quizzes and unlimited attempts.
Downloadable Files: follow the lectures step by step by downloading the code files.
Articles: read complementary articles to expand your knowledge.
Discussion Forums: ask questions on the discussion forums and discuss interesting topics with your peers. Your instructor, Estefania, will be very glad to help you.
You will learn so much more.
During the course, you will not just learn how to work with Visual Studio Code, you will also learn tips related to programming and programming languages like Python and JavaScript. You will learn how to create virtual environments in Visual Studio Code for Python development and how to install packages. You will learn how to write markdownfiles, which is the language used to write the READMEs that we see in GitHub repositories. You will learn how to choose and install extensions that will improve your productivity and much more!
Plus Tips and Tricks for the Visual Studio Code Pro
During the course, you will learn keyboard shortcuts and time-saving tips such as how to move a line up or down with your keyboard, how to copy a line above or below, how to shrink and expand your selection, how to format your file automatically, how to jump to the end and to the beginning of a file, and much more. So, if you are curious and you want to learn these amazing tips, don’t hesitate to enroll in the course and start your Visual Studio Code journey.
Why is this course unique?
This course is unique because of its emphasis on providing detailed and step-by-step explanations of the features of Visual Studio Code. We will dive deeper than other courses into more advanced features such as source control, debugging, markdown, and Jupyter Notebooks.
The video lectures are optimized for mobile devices. No more tiny code on a tiny screen! You will find constant zoom effects and large code that create an optimal learning experience on the go.
You will check your knowledge with short Quizzes that provide instant feedback, so you can see the correct answer immediately.
You will receive a certificate of completion that you can add to your resume and social media profiles to showcase your new skills.
You will also have lifetime access to the course and to all the new additions.
You are very welcome to watch the preview lectures and check out the full course curriculum.
If you are looking for an engaging, visual, and practical course, you’ve found it.
Add “Visual Studio Code” to your resume and showcase your new skills!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Welcome to the Course: Visual Studio Code for Developers
Lecture 1: Welcome to the Course – Important Course Information
Lecture 2: Keyboard Shortcuts (PDF Handout)
Lecture 3: Introduce Yourself and Share your Goals
Chapter 2: Getting Started with Visual Studio Code
Lecture 1: Welcome to this Section
Lecture 2: What is Visual Studio Code? Introduction to Code Editors
Lecture 3: Download and Install Visual Studio Code
Lecture 4: Downloadable Course Resources
Lecture 5: Visual Studio Code Version, Updates, and Shortcuts
Lecture 6: The User Interface (Panels, Bars, and Tools)
Lecture 7: Quick Review and Important Tools
Lecture 8: Glyph Margin and Minimap
Lecture 9: How to Zoom the Editor
Lecture 10: Discussion Topic: Share your Thoughts
Chapter 3: Working with Files and Folders
Lecture 1: Welcome to this Section
Lecture 2: How to Create a File (3 Options)
Lecture 3: How to Save a File
Lecture 4: How to Open a File
Lecture 5: How to Open a Folder
Lecture 6: How to Open Multiple Files + Preview Mode
Lecture 7: How to Toggle Autosave
Lecture 8: How to Close a File and a Folder
Lecture 9: Discussion Topic: Share your Thoughts
Chapter 4: How to Edit a Project in the Explorer
Lecture 1: Welcome to this Section
Lecture 2: Introduction to the Explorer + How to Toggle the Explorer
Lecture 3: Create and Delete Files in the Explorer
Lecture 4: Create and Delete Folders in the Explorer
Lecture 5: Move Files and Folders in the Explorer
Lecture 6: Expand and Collapse Folders in the Explorer (+ Moving Multiple Files)
Lecture 7: Rename a File in the Explorer
Lecture 8: Drag and Drop a File
Lecture 9: Refresh the Explorer
Lecture 10: Collapse All Folders
Lecture 11: Discussion Topic: Share your Thoughts
Chapter 5: Search in Visual Studio Code
Lecture 1: Welcome to this Section
Lecture 2: Important Information (Our Demo App)
Lecture 3: Search in Visual Studio Code
Lecture 4: How to Search in the Sidebar
Lecture 5: 'code' Command Not Found? How to Add it to PATH
Lecture 6: Match Case
Lecture 7: Match Whole Word
Lecture 8: Searching with Regular Expressions
Lecture 9: Search and Replace
Lecture 10: Preserve Case and More Options
Lecture 11: Include and Exclude Files from Search
Lecture 12: Search Only in Open Editors
Lecture 13: Discussion Topic: Share your Thoughts
Chapter 6: The Integrated Terminal and the Command Prompt
Lecture 1: Welcome to this Section
Lecture 2: Introduction to the Terminal
Lecture 3: Launch Visual Studio Code from the Terminal
Lecture 4: Open Files in Visual Studio Code from the Command Prompt
Lecture 5: Open Multiple Files in Visual Studio Code from the Command Prompt
Lecture 6: The Integrated Terminal in Visual Studio Code
Lecture 7: Install Node.js to run npm start
Lecture 8: Multiple Terminals and the Terminal Shell
Lecture 9: Command Line Help
Lecture 10: Discussion Topic: Share your Thoughts
Chapter 7: Customize Visual Studio Code + Settings
Lecture 1: Welcome to this Section
Lecture 2: How to Open the Settings Panel
Lecture 3: Frequently Used Settings
Lecture 4: How to Change Tabs to Spaces and Spaces to Tabs
Lecture 5: Change the Number of Spaces per Level of Indentation
Lecture 6: Change the Theme
Lecture 7: How to Show or Hide the Minimap
Lecture 8: Multiple, One, or No Editor Tabs
Lecture 9: Resize Panels and Split the Editor
Lecture 10: Wrap Long Lines
Lecture 11: Customize the Settings for Each Programming Language
Lecture 12: Default Settings
Lecture 13: Customizing the Integrated Terminal
Lecture 14: Move the Terminal (Right, Left, Bottom)
Lecture 15: Bracket Pair Colorization
Lecture 16: Discussion Topic: Share your Thoughts
Chapter 8: Improve your Productivity in Visual Studio Code
Lecture 1: Welcome to this Section
Lecture 2: Important Keyboard Shortcuts
Lecture 3: How to Customize Keyboard Shortcuts
Lecture 4: Source: Default vs. System
Lecture 5: Editor Groups
Lecture 6: Jump Between Editor Groups
Lecture 7: Workspaces with Multiple Folders
Lecture 8: Full Screen Mode
Lecture 9: Toggle the Menu Bar
Lecture 10: Zen Mode in Visual Studio Code
Lecture 11: Fast Scrolling
Lecture 12: Sticky Scroll
Lecture 13: File Rename Selection
Lecture 14: Create Files and Folders Simultaneously
Estefania Cassingena Navone
Software Developer, Instructor and Technical Writer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 10 votes
- 2 stars: 11 votes
- 3 stars: 91 votes
- 4 stars: 446 votes
- 5 stars: 955 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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