Start Python Programming: Fundamentals with Hands-on Project
Start Python Programming: Fundamentals with Hands-on Project, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4, with 131 lectures, 11 quizzes, based on 1 reviews, and has 5 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn Python from beginner to Intermediate through real-world examples and Projects. You will learn fundamental concepts of Python such as Variables, Operators, Loops and more. You will learn data processing libraries like NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib. Build projects from scratch using OOPs, Framework, Module & Packages like Customer service chatbot, personal Finance Tracker, Library Management system UI. Create a portfolio of real-world hands on Python projects to showcase proficiency and apply for developer positions. Create a database and models using the Django framework. Extract structured data from websites including HTML parsing. Automate industry-specific repetitive file management tasks efficiently using python. Understand advanced topics such as Decorators, Error Handling, Data Structure, Polymorphism, Inheritance, and more. Build a Master Project of Dashboard for Data analysis and Data visualization. This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is designed for both IT and non-IT professionals who want to learn Python programming. or If you want to start your coding journey. or Beginners and intermediates: If you’ve never coded before, you can learn Python step by step. or Learners and professionals looking to switch their career to Python. or Beginner Python Developer curious about Data Science, AI/ML, Web development, Data visualization and for more. It is particularly useful for This course is designed for both IT and non-IT professionals who want to learn Python programming. or If you want to start your coding journey. or Beginners and intermediates: If you’ve never coded before, you can learn Python step by step. or Learners and professionals looking to switch their career to Python. or Beginner Python Developer curious about Data Science, AI/ML, Web development, Data visualization and for more.
Enroll now: Start Python Programming: Fundamentals with Hands-on Project
Title: Start Python Programming: Fundamentals with Hands-on Project
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4
Number of Lectures: 131
Number of Quizzes: 11
Number of Published Lectures: 131
Number of Published Quizzes: 11
Number of Curriculum Items: 142
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 142
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn Python from beginner to Intermediate through real-world examples and Projects.
- You will learn fundamental concepts of Python such as Variables, Operators, Loops and more.
- You will learn data processing libraries like NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib.
- Build projects from scratch using OOPs, Framework, Module & Packages like Customer service chatbot, personal Finance Tracker, Library Management system UI.
- Create a portfolio of real-world hands on Python projects to showcase proficiency and apply for developer positions.
- Create a database and models using the Django framework.
- Extract structured data from websites including HTML parsing.
- Automate industry-specific repetitive file management tasks efficiently using python.
- Understand advanced topics such as Decorators, Error Handling, Data Structure, Polymorphism, Inheritance, and more.
- Build a Master Project of Dashboard for Data analysis and Data visualization.
Who Should Attend
- This course is designed for both IT and non-IT professionals who want to learn Python programming.
- If you want to start your coding journey.
- Beginners and intermediates: If you’ve never coded before, you can learn Python step by step.
- Learners and professionals looking to switch their career to Python.
- Beginner Python Developer curious about Data Science, AI/ML, Web development, Data visualization and for more.
Target Audiences
- This course is designed for both IT and non-IT professionals who want to learn Python programming.
- If you want to start your coding journey.
- Beginners and intermediates: If you’ve never coded before, you can learn Python step by step.
- Learners and professionals looking to switch their career to Python.
- Beginner Python Developer curious about Data Science, AI/ML, Web development, Data visualization and for more.
Create or develop your portfolio for one of the highest-demanding technologies, i.e., Python, from today in 2024.
Welcome to this comprehensive Python course that covers essential programming concepts and practical application. Whether you want to learn how to tackle real-life challenges with Python, already know the basic syntax, or new in programming, this course is for you! You will get over 100+ Video lectures along with practical implementation, Quizzes, resources like GitHub repository, cheat sheet and data sets. You don’t need to spend more than 10 hours, to have a solid foundation in Python Programming!
You will get expertise in building practical projects like chatbots, inventory management systems, Dashboard, order processing systems, Web scrapping, Finance Tracker and more.
With this clear, precise and straight-forward course, you will have strong grip over the following topic which will make you a confident Python developer
Python Basics
Python installation (MacOS, Windows)
Latest Version of Python –Python 3
Python environment setup (Google Colab, Visual Studio Code, Python IDLE)
Basic syntax
Variables and data types (int, float, str, bool)
Operators (arithmetic, comparison, logical)
Input and output
Control flow (if, else, Elif, nested if, for, while, break, continue)
Functions (types, definition, calling, parameters, return values)
Data Structures
Lists (creation, indexing, slicing, methods)
Tuples (creation, methods, indexing, immutability)
Dictionaries (creation, access, method)
Sets (creation, operations, methods)
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
Classes and objects
Attributes and methods
Inheritance (single, multiple, multi-level, hierarchical)
Python Applications
Data analysis and visualization (Pandas, Matplotlib)
Web development (Django)
Virtual Environment
Web scraping (Beautiful Soup, Request)
Additional Topics
Modules and packages
Error and exception handling
File handling
Lambda functions
Troubleshooting Common Python Problems
Database connectivity using SQLite
Python libraries (NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Plotly, Streamlit)
By the end of this course, you will have a strong foundation in Python, you will be able to work confidently in industries project, preparing you to excel in fields like data science, machine learning, web development, automation and empowers you to pursue roles such as Python Developer, AI engineer, data scientist, machine learning engineer, data engineer, back-end developer, full-stack developer, DevOps engineer, or software engineer.
Let’s celebrate the first step towards your Python success together!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Course Overview
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Know these Tips before you start
Chapter 2: Start Python from here
Lecture 1: What, Why, How, and For Whom Python Is?
Chapter 3: Setting up Python Environment
Lecture 1: Python Installation on MacOS
Lecture 2: Python Installation on Windows
Lecture 3: How to Run Python Programs on the Cloud with Google Colab
Chapter 4: Python Variables and its Types
Lecture 1: Python Project: Understand Stories with User Input and Output
Lecture 2: Understand the concept of Variables by creating Mad Lib game
Lecture 3: Types of Variables
Lecture 4: Assigning Data Types to Variables
Lecture 5: Variable Manipulation
Chapter 5: Control and Looping Statements in Python
Lecture 1: Conditional Statements (if statement)
Lecture 2: Implement if statement: With Example
Lecture 3: Understand If and Else Statement
Lecture 4: Implement if and else statement: With Example
Lecture 5: Understand if-else ladder
Lecture 6: Implement if-else ladder: With example
Lecture 7: Understand Nested-if Statement
Lecture 8: Implement Nested-if Statement: With Example
Lecture 9: Installing and set up Visual Studio Code in MacOS : Write first Python program
Lecture 10: What is loops?
Lecture 11: Types of loops : while and for
Lecture 12: Debug Python Code in Visual Studio Code
Lecture 13: Practice Program 1: While loop and For loop
Lecture 14: Practice Program 2: While loop
Lecture 15: Practice Program 3: For loop
Lecture 16: Project 1: Customer Service Chat Bot
Chapter 6: Python Data Structures: List, Tuple, Dictionary
Lecture 1: Introduction to Data Structures
Lecture 2: Understanding List in Python
Lecture 3: Creating and Printing List
Lecture 4: How to print list using for and while loop
Lecture 5: Index in Python
Lecture 6: List Methods 1: insert(), append(), remove(), and pop()
Lecture 7: List Method 2: extent() Method
Lecture 8: List Method 3: sort(), clear(), reverse(), count()
Lecture 9: List Slicing
Lecture 10: Index Error: List Index Out of Range
Lecture 11: Check if list is empty or not
Lecture 12: Introduction to Tuple with Example
Lecture 13: Working with Tuple: Creation, Access, and Iteration
Lecture 14: Tuple Methods: count() and index()
Lecture 15: Introduction to Dictionary with Example
Lecture 16: Implement Dictionary Practically
Lecture 17: Print Dictionary Keys and Values using for Loop
Lecture 18: Methods of Dictionary
Lecture 19: Understanding Nested List, Tuple, and Dictionary with an example
Lecture 20: Project 2: Inventory Management System for retail store
Chapter 7: User-defined functions in Python
Lecture 1: What is User-defined function and its Importance?
Lecture 2: Implementing User-defined function practically
Lecture 3: Types of User-defined functions
Lecture 4: Understand Lambda Function in Python with example
Lecture 5: Implementing Lambda function
Lecture 6: Project 3: Order Processing System
Chapter 8: OOPs (Object-oriented programming) in Python
Lecture 1: What is OOPs and its benefits ?
Lecture 2: Class and Attributes in OOPs
Lecture 3: Implementing class and attributes practically
Lecture 4: Constructor in Python
Lecture 5: Create method inside the class
Lecture 6: Inheritance: Explained Practically
Lecture 7: Implementing Inheritance with real-life scenario: Part 1
Lecture 8: Implementing Inheritance with real-life scenario: Part 2
Lecture 9: Call Parent Class Method from Child Class
Lecture 10: Types of OOPs Inheritance
Lecture 11: Multiple Inheritance
Lecture 12: Multilevel Inheritance
Lecture 13: Hierarchical Inheritance
Lecture 14: Introduction to Access Modifiers: Public, Protected and Private
Lecture 15: Practical Example of Public Access Modifier
Lecture 16: Practical Example of Protected Access Modifier
Lecture 17: Practical Example of Private Access Modifier
Lecture 18: Decorators
Lecture 19: Project 4: Library Management System
Chapter 9: Module and Package in Python
Lecture 1: What is Module?
Lecture 2: Learn to create Module
Lecture 3: Learn to import Module
Lecture 4: Package in Python
Lecture 5: Implement Package program practically
Lecture 6: Project 5: Personal Finance Tracker
Chapter 10: Error and Exception Handling in Python
Lecture 1: What is Error? How to handle different types of Errors?
Lecture 2: Exception Handling using try and except
Lecture 3: Else block in Exception Handling
Lecture 4: Finally block in Exception Handling
Lecture 5: Built-in Exceptions
Lecture 6: Index Error in Exception Handling
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Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 1 votes
- 5 stars: 0 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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