Machine Learning with TensorFlow on Google Cloud
Machine Learning with TensorFlow on Google Cloud, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 4.61, with 58 lectures, 4 quizzes, based on 49 reviews, and has 4305 subscribers.
You will learn about Master the foundational principles behind simple ML models such as Linear and Logistic Regression models using TensorFlow. Construct intricate Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) to tackle more complex data challenges. Design Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) for image and pattern recognition tasks. Harness the capabilities of Google Cloud's Colab to execute Python codes for ML tasks efficiently. Explore the functionalities of Google Vertex and how it augments Jupyter notebook constructions. Implement end-to-end machine learning workflows, from data preprocessing to model deployment This course is ideal for individuals who are Aspiring data enthusiasts keen on exploring machine learning using TensorFlow. or Developers looking to leverage cloud infrastructure for ML tasks. or Professionals eager to combine TensorFlow's capabilities with Google Cloud. or Beginners seeking a structured introduction to ML on the cloud. or Experienced learners aiming to deepen their knowledge and skillset in the field of ML using TensorFlow on GCP. It is particularly useful for Aspiring data enthusiasts keen on exploring machine learning using TensorFlow. or Developers looking to leverage cloud infrastructure for ML tasks. or Professionals eager to combine TensorFlow's capabilities with Google Cloud. or Beginners seeking a structured introduction to ML on the cloud. or Experienced learners aiming to deepen their knowledge and skillset in the field of ML using TensorFlow on GCP.
Enroll now: Machine Learning with TensorFlow on Google Cloud
Title: Machine Learning with TensorFlow on Google Cloud
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 4.61
Number of Lectures: 58
Number of Quizzes: 4
Number of Published Lectures: 56
Number of Published Quizzes: 4
Number of Curriculum Items: 62
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 60
Original Price: $49.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Master the foundational principles behind simple ML models such as Linear and Logistic Regression models using TensorFlow.
- Construct intricate Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) to tackle more complex data challenges.
- Design Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) for image and pattern recognition tasks.
- Harness the capabilities of Google Cloud's Colab to execute Python codes for ML tasks efficiently.
- Explore the functionalities of Google Vertex and how it augments Jupyter notebook constructions.
- Implement end-to-end machine learning workflows, from data preprocessing to model deployment
Who Should Attend
- Aspiring data enthusiasts keen on exploring machine learning using TensorFlow.
- Developers looking to leverage cloud infrastructure for ML tasks.
- Professionals eager to combine TensorFlow's capabilities with Google Cloud.
- Beginners seeking a structured introduction to ML on the cloud.
- Experienced learners aiming to deepen their knowledge and skillset in the field of ML using TensorFlow on GCP.
Target Audiences
- Aspiring data enthusiasts keen on exploring machine learning using TensorFlow.
- Developers looking to leverage cloud infrastructure for ML tasks.
- Professionals eager to combine TensorFlow's capabilities with Google Cloud.
- Beginners seeking a structured introduction to ML on the cloud.
- Experienced learners aiming to deepen their knowledge and skillset in the field of ML using TensorFlow on GCP.
If you’re a budding data enthusiast, developer, or even an experienced professional wanting to make the leap into the ever-growing world of machine learning, have you often wondered how to integrate the power of TensorFlow with the vast scalability of Google Cloud? Do you dream of deploying robust ML models seamlessly without the fuss of infrastructure management?
Delve deep into the realms of machine learning with our structured guide on “Machine Learning with TensorFlow on Google Cloud.” This course isn’t just about theory; it’s a hands-on journey, uniquely tailored to help you utilize TensorFlow’s prowess on the expansive infrastructure that Google Cloud offers.
In this course, you will:
Develop foundational models such as Linear and Logistic Regression using TensorFlow.
Master advanced architectures like Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) for intricate tasks.
Harness the power and convenience of Google Cloud’s Colab to run Python code effortlessly.
Construct sophisticated Jupyter notebooks with real-world datasets on Google Colab and Vertex.
But why dive into TensorFlow on Google Cloud? As machine learning solutions become increasingly critical in decision-making, predicting trends, and understanding vast datasets, TensorFlow’s integration with Google Cloud is the key to rapid prototyping, scalable computations, and cost-effective solutions.
Throughout your learning journey, you’ll immerse yourself in a series of projects and exercises, from constructing your very first ML model to deploying intricate deep learning networks on the cloud.
This course stands apart because it bridges the gap between theory and practical deployment, ensuring that once you’ve completed it, you’re not just knowledgeable but are genuinely ready to apply these skills in real-world scenarios.
Take the next step in your machine learning adventure. Join us, and let’s build, deploy, and scale together.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Course resources
Lecture 3: Google cloud – Google Colab vs Vertex AI
Chapter 2: Basics of Machine Learning
Lecture 1: Linear regression basics
Lecture 2: Logistic regression basics
Chapter 3: Perceptron – Introduction to neural network
Lecture 1: Introduction to ANN
Lecture 2: Single Neural Cell
Lecture 3: Example of a Perceptron
Lecture 4: What are Activation Functions
Lecture 5: Sigmoid Activation Function
Lecture 6: Linear regression case study
Lecture 7: Linear regression case study – demonstration
Lecture 8: Logistic regression case study
Lecture 9: Logistic regression case study – demonstration
Chapter 4: Artificial neural network
Lecture 1: Parallel vs Sequential Stacking
Lecture 2: Important terms
Lecture 3: How Neural Networks work
Lecture 4: Finding the optima using Gradient Descent
Lecture 5: Concept Behind Using Gradient Descent
Lecture 6: Back Propagation in neural network
Lecture 7: Types and Uses of Activation Functions
Lecture 8: Multiclass Classification
Lecture 9: Difference Between Gradient Descent and Stochastic Gradient Descent
Lecture 10: Epochs
Chapter 5: Creating arctificial neural network on Google Colab
Lecture 1: Information on Keras and Tensorflow
Lecture 2: Dataset for classification
Lecture 3: Normalization and Test-Train split
Lecture 4: Different ways to create ANN
Lecture 5: Building the Neural Network
Lecture 6: Compiling and Training the Neural Network model
Lecture 7: Evaluating performance and Predicting
Lecture 8: Building Neural Network for Regression Problem
Lecture 9: Complex ANN Architectures using Functional API
Lecture 10: Understanding Checkpoints and Callbacks in Keras
Chapter 6: CNN – Introduction
Lecture 1: CNN – Introduction
Lecture 2: CNN – Implementation
Lecture 3: Stride in CNN
Lecture 4: Padding in CNN
Lecture 5: Filters in CNN
Lecture 6: Example of Filters and Feature maps in CNN
Lecture 7: Channels in CNN
Lecture 8: RGB Channels Illustration
Lecture 9: Pooling layer in CNN
Chapter 7: CNN on Google Colab
Lecture 1: CNN model – Preprocessing
Lecture 2: CNN model – structure and Compile
Lecture 3: CNN model – Training and results
Lecture 4: CNN model – Impact of pooling layer
Chapter 8: Project – Creating CNN model from scratch
Lecture 1: Introduction to the project
Lecture 2: Data for the project
Lecture 3: Project – Data Preprocessing in Python
Lecture 4: Project – Training CNN model in Python
Lecture 5: Project in Python – model results
Chapter 9: Project : Data Augmentation for avoiding overfitting
Lecture 1: Project – Data Augmentation Preprocessing
Lecture 2: Project – Data Augmentation Training and Results
Chapter 10: Congratulations & about your certificate
Lecture 1: About your certificate
Lecture 2: Bonus Lecture
Start-Tech Academy
5,000,000+ Enrollments | 4.5 Rated | 160+ Countries
Rating Distribution
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- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 2 votes
- 4 stars: 20 votes
- 5 stars: 26 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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