The Java EE Course – build a Java EE app from scratch
The Java EE Course – build a Java EE app from scratch, available at $34.99, has an average rating of 4.4, with 98 lectures, based on 391 reviews, and has 1190 subscribers.
You will learn about Become a proficient Java EE developer Understand and build web apps with Servlets and JSP Understand and build robust EJB back end services Understand and use JPA to interact between applications and databases Expose REST web services that allow remote applications and JavaScript to interact with an application Understand and use resource and dependency injections This course is ideal for individuals who are Be interested in learning Java EE even if you don't have previous experience with it. or If you've never done any programming, you may prefer a programming fundamentals course first. It is particularly useful for Be interested in learning Java EE even if you don't have previous experience with it. or If you've never done any programming, you may prefer a programming fundamentals course first.
Enroll now: The Java EE Course – build a Java EE app from scratch
Title: The Java EE Course – build a Java EE app from scratch
Price: $34.99
Average Rating: 4.4
Number of Lectures: 98
Number of Published Lectures: 98
Number of Curriculum Items: 98
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 98
Original Price: $34.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Become a proficient Java EE developer
- Understand and build web apps with Servlets and JSP
- Understand and build robust EJB back end services
- Understand and use JPA to interact between applications and databases
- Expose REST web services that allow remote applications and JavaScript to interact with an application
- Understand and use resource and dependency injections
Who Should Attend
- Be interested in learning Java EE even if you don't have previous experience with it.
- If you've never done any programming, you may prefer a programming fundamentals course first.
Target Audiences
- Be interested in learning Java EE even if you don't have previous experience with it.
- If you've never done any programming, you may prefer a programming fundamentals course first.
Welcome to the Java EE course!
Learning Java EE shouldn’t be a pain.
This course is a complete Java EE learning solution geared especially toward beginners who have limited or no prior Java EE knowledge and experience.
We will build a full Java EE airline management application from scratch, and learn Java EE theory and practice in the process.
The initial release of the course covers the following topics:
* Servlets and JSP– Understand and build web apps with Servlets and JSP
* Enterprise Java Beans (EJB)– Understand and build robust EJB back end services
* Java Persistence API (JPA) – Understand and use JPA to interact between applications and databases
* REST Web Services (JAX-RS)– Expose REST web services that allow remote applications and JavaScript to interact with an application
* Understand and use resource and dependency injections
Teaching philosophy
Nodull slides that leave you asking how do I actually do anything of what’s shown.
I will show you everything in detail – installation, coding and deployment. I will not rush or skip any steps. I will show you the whole process.
If you see a piece of code on my screen, you will see me typing it from scratch and running it. I would never show Java code that I created before recording a lesson. All code will be typed and explained during the lessons from scratch.
Please see the sample videos, to get a sense of what the course is like.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Java EE Course Introduction
Lecture 1: Course Introduction
Chapter 2: Installation of Java, Glassfish and Eclipse IDE
Lecture 1: Installing the Java Development Kit
Lecture 2: Windows only Java configuration
Lecture 3: Installing Eclipse IDE
Lecture 4: Registering your JDK with Eclipse
Lecture 5: Installing Glassfish Server and Eclipse tools for Glassfish
Lecture 6: Running Glassfish server
Lecture 7: Importing existing projects into Eclipse IDE
Chapter 3: Servlets and JSP
Lecture 1: Creating a Servlet (for adding passengers to a flight)
Lecture 2: Creating a JSP (for showing an add passenger form)
Lecture 3: Creating an HTML form in our JSP (for adding passengers)
Lecture 4: Adding static resources to our JSP for better styling
Lecture 5: Creating a Java class that represents a passenger on a flight
Lecture 6: Getting passenger form data into a new passenger object on form submission
Lecture 7: Validating the form values the user submitted
Lecture 8: Showing form error messages
Lecture 9: Handling successful passenger form submissions
Lecture 10: Creating a Servlet Context Listener and adding the passenger list to the context
Lecture 11: Synchronization and Thread Safety when adding new passengers
Lecture 12: Improving form validation
Chapter 4: Enterprise Java Beans (EJB)
Lecture 1: Introduction to Enterprise Java Beans (EJB)
Lecture 2: Creating a Stateless Session Bean
Lecture 3: Injecting an EJB into a Servlet
Lecture 4: Nature of Stateless Session Enterprise Java Beans – part I
Lecture 5: Nature of Stateless Session Enterprise Java Beans – part II
Lecture 6: Looking up EJBs through Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI)
Lecture 7: Session Beans Implementing a Local Interface
Lecture 8: Session Beans Implementing a Remote Interface
Lecture 9: Stateful Session Enterprise Java Beans
Lecture 10: Differences between Stateful and Stateless EJBs
Lecture 11: Looking up Stateful EJBs through Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI)
Lecture 12: Singleton Session Enterprise Java Beans
Lecture 13: Differences between Singleton and Stateful Enterprise Java Beans
Lecture 14: Adding a Stateful bean to the Session Context through Session Context Listener
Chapter 5: Java Persistence API (JPA) and relational databases
Lecture 1: Introduction to the Java Persistence API
Lecture 2: Starting the Derby (JavaDB) Database
Lecture 3: Creating a DataSource on the Glassfish server
Lecture 4: Connecting to the database with Eclipse
Lecture 5: Creating a Persistence Unit
Lecture 6: Creating a JPA Entity class for passengers
Lecture 7: Injecting an Entity Manager associated with out Persistence Unit
Lecture 8: Persisting a passenger object into the database
Lecture 9: Possible minor issue with Eclipse validation of our Persistence Unit
Lecture 10: Adding new JPA Entity classes for flight and airplane
Lecture 11: One to One relationship between Flight and Airplane
Lecture 12: Persisting objects in a One to One relationship (Flight and Airplane) – part I
Lecture 13: Persisting objects in a One to One relationship (Flight and Airplane) – part II
Lecture 14: One to Many relationship annotations (flights and its pilots)
Lecture 15: Persisting pilot objects – One to Many relationship groundwork
Lecture 16: Named Queries on Entity classes
Lecture 17: Using named queries to query by id
Lecture 18: Adding pilots to a flight – One to Many relationship completed
Lecture 19: Demo of the One to Many relationship between flight and its pilots
Lecture 20: Reading the list of available flights
Lecture 21: Creating a list of flights JSP
Lecture 22: Displaying in our flights JSP the pilots that belong to each flight
Lecture 23: Cascading and propogation of persist and remove actions
Lecture 24: Reading the list of all passengers
Lecture 25: Creating a list of passengers JSP
Lecture 26: Adding a JSP file of forms to add flights, passengers, pilots and airplanes
Lecture 27: Adding a flights through our JSP form
Lecture 28: Adding pilots to flights through our JSP form
Lecture 29: Demo of adding pilots to flights through our JSP form
Lecture 30: Many to Many annotations (flights and passengers)
Lecture 31: Groundwork to prepare our Servlets and EJBs for Many to Many operations
Lecture 32: Adding passengers through our JSP form
Lecture 33: Criteria queries of passenger and flight by id
Lecture 34: Completing adding a passenger to a flight (Many to Many)
Lecture 35: Demo of adding passenger to flight & Many to Many relationship discussion
Lecture 36: Displaying in the passengers JSP file the flight tickets that each passenger has
Lecture 37: Adding flight tickets to passengers (Many to Many) and demo
Chapter 6: REST Web Services with JAX-RS
Lecture 1: Introduction to Web Services with JAX-RS
Lecture 2: Installing a REST client application in a browser
Lecture 3: Adding a REST web services entry point to our airline application
Lecture 4: Creating a JAX-RS manged class
Lecture 5: Exposing WS that return the list of flights & passengers in JSON & XML
Lecture 6: Exposing WS that return a specific flight or passenger by id in JSON and XML
Lecture 7: Handling Not Found exceptions in our web services
Lecture 8: Adding new passengers WS
Lecture 9: Updating a passenger WS
Lecture 10: Demo of updating a passenger WS
Lecture 11: Updating a passenger WS done in a different way
Lecture 12: Deleting a flight WS (& cascade deleting its airplane and pilots)
Chapter 7: Maven essentials for Java EE development
Lecture 1: Introduction to Maven
Lecture 2: Installing Maven
Lecture 3: First console Java application with Maven
Lecture 4: Using Maven dependencies
Lecture 5: Maven Goals, Phases and Lifecycles (in theory)
Lecture 6: Maven Goals, Phases and Lifecycles (in practice)
Lecture 7: Maven Servlets and JSP webapp
Lecture 8: Multimodule Maven app 1
Lecture 9: Multimodule Maven app 2
Lecture 10: Troubleshooting and Multimodule Maven app 3
Daniel Chermetz
Software developer enthusiastic to teach & share knowledge
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 14 votes
- 2 stars: 15 votes
- 3 stars: 54 votes
- 4 stars: 159 votes
- 5 stars: 149 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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