Complete Web Developer Course to Build Premium Web Templates
Complete Web Developer Course to Build Premium Web Templates, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 4.05, with 176 lectures, 2 quizzes, based on 53 reviews, and has 406 subscribers.
You will learn about Develop premium web templates or your own responsive website with HTML5 and CSS3 and BootStrap3 Sell premium web templates at ThemeForest marketplace Create your own blog or affiliate site with WordPress Start earning money from freelance web development work Become a top professional web developer! This course is ideal for individuals who are Who should take this course : This course is for beginners interested in learning about web development , Students, Freelancers, Teachers, Want to Learn Web Development from very Beginning to Advance Level, Those who Want to develop premium web templates and sell on ThemeForest. or Who should not take this course : This course is not intended for those who want to learn individual topics in very deep level. I had focused on the topics you need to know to develop Premium Web Template , your own responsive website , blog site or your own affiliate site. So all are very focused to related topics It is particularly useful for Who should take this course : This course is for beginners interested in learning about web development , Students, Freelancers, Teachers, Want to Learn Web Development from very Beginning to Advance Level, Those who Want to develop premium web templates and sell on ThemeForest. or Who should not take this course : This course is not intended for those who want to learn individual topics in very deep level. I had focused on the topics you need to know to develop Premium Web Template , your own responsive website , blog site or your own affiliate site. So all are very focused to related topics.
Enroll now: Complete Web Developer Course to Build Premium Web Templates
Title: Complete Web Developer Course to Build Premium Web Templates
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 4.05
Number of Lectures: 176
Number of Quizzes: 2
Number of Published Lectures: 176
Number of Published Quizzes: 2
Number of Curriculum Items: 178
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 178
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Develop premium web templates or your own responsive website with HTML5 and CSS3 and BootStrap3
- Sell premium web templates at ThemeForest marketplace
- Create your own blog or affiliate site with WordPress
- Start earning money from freelance web development work
- Become a top professional web developer!
Who Should Attend
- Who should take this course : This course is for beginners interested in learning about web development , Students, Freelancers, Teachers, Want to Learn Web Development from very Beginning to Advance Level, Those who Want to develop premium web templates and sell on ThemeForest.
- Who should not take this course : This course is not intended for those who want to learn individual topics in very deep level. I had focused on the topics you need to know to develop Premium Web Template , your own responsive website , blog site or your own affiliate site. So all are very focused to related topics
Target Audiences
- Who should take this course : This course is for beginners interested in learning about web development , Students, Freelancers, Teachers, Want to Learn Web Development from very Beginning to Advance Level, Those who Want to develop premium web templates and sell on ThemeForest.
- Who should not take this course : This course is not intended for those who want to learn individual topics in very deep level. I had focused on the topics you need to know to develop Premium Web Template , your own responsive website , blog site or your own affiliate site. So all are very focused to related topics
Hello and welcome to the Complete Web developer course to build premium web template. I am so happy you are here. My name is Niamul and I am the Instructor for this course. You might be wondering “is this right course for me”. Wel let me see If I can help you , I designed this course for anyone who want to learn web development Eigther a true beginer who don’t know about web programming language or a advance developer who want to learn Premium web template development. I don’t assume you have any prior programming knowledge all is needed is the drive to learn.
So what is the course goal ?
- Develop premium web templates or your own responsive website with HTML5 and CSS3 and BootStrap3
- Sell premium web templates at ThemeForest marketplace
- Create your own blog or affiliate site with WordPress
- Start earning money from freelance web development work
- Become a top professional web developer!
Who should take this course?
This course is for beginners interested in learning about web development , Students, Freelancers who Want to Learn Web Development from very Beginning to Advance Level, Those who Want to develop premium web templates and sell on ThemeForest.
What you will Learn ?
You will learn HTML ,CSS , HTML5 , CSS3 , LESS , PHP , MYSQL , BootStrap3 , PSD to HTML5 Template Development and WordPress CMS.
What actually I am going to focus ?
I will start from very beginning to professional level. I will show you to prepare workstation like to setup IDE and Development Tools. I will show you how to convert a PSD to html5 Template and have Practical session about to develop your own blog or affiliate site with WordPress.
And obviously how to prepare file and upload premium template on envato marketplace and start selling premium templates.
Why learn from me ?
Well I am a Computer Science Graduate and Working as a Web Developer since 7 years. I am an Elite author at envato marketplace and selling premium templates there.
Anything bonus?
Yes obviously. I will include my 5 Premium Template for your practice with Extended license which is value of $8840 at Envato market.
So why late ? Go and Enroll with this course , Upload your premium template at envato marketplace and Make a Lot of money.
I will like to see you in my next lecture. Have a good day.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Setup Working Environment
Lecture 1: Welcome to the Course!
Lecture 2: Setup all necessary IDE and Tools
Lecture 3: Introduction with Sublime Text3 , Settings and Package Control
Lecture 4: Introduction with PhpStrom
Lecture 5: Introduction with GitHub and Trello
Lecture 6: [Activity] Write some basic code testing on IDE
Chapter 2: HTML ( part1 )
Lecture 1: Introduction to HTML
Lecture 2: HTML web layout and code pattern
Lecture 3: Head Part <head> tag
Lecture 4: Div Tags
Lecture 5: Heading and Paragraph Tags
Lecture 6: Block Level and Text Level Element
Lecture 7: [Exercise] Create the attach web layout
Chapter 3: HTML ( part2 )
Lecture 1: Essential Tags
Lecture 2: Use of Lists
Lecture 3: Hyperlinks
Lecture 4: Images
Lecture 5: Tables
Lecture 6: Horizontal Line, Blockquote, and Cite
Lecture 7: Form and Form Elements
Lecture 8: Various Forms
Lecture 9: [Exercise] Make the following list and Table
Chapter 4: HTML ( part3 )
Lecture 1: Standard HTML writing
Lecture 2: The W3C's HTML Validator
Lecture 3: [Activity] Validate a html code
Lecture 4: Conclusion of HTML
Chapter 5: HTML5 ( part1 )
Lecture 1: Introduction to HTML5
Lecture 2: HTML5 Code Pattern overview
Lecture 3: The Doctype
Lecture 4: The Simplest HTML Document Possible
Lecture 5: HTML Block and Inline Elements
Lecture 6: Header, Footer, and Navigation
Lecture 7: Articles and Section
Lecture 8: Asides
Lecture 9: Details
Lecture 10: The HTML5 Shiv
Lecture 11: Figures
Lecture 12: [Activity] Complete the basic web layout with HTML5
Chapter 6: Forms – HTML5 ( part2 )
Lecture 1: Email Inputs
Lecture 2: Url and Tel Inputs
Lecture 3: Search, Color, and Number Inputs
Lecture 4: New Form Attributes
Lecture 5: Progress and Meter
Lecture 6: [Activity] Make a form to collect data from job applicants with validator
Chapter 7: Feature Detection – HTML5 ( part3)
Lecture 1: Introduction to Feature Detection
Lecture 2: Modernizr
Lecture 3: Polyfills
Lecture 4: [Activity] Include modernizer in your project
Chapter 8: Browser History – HTML5 ( part4 )
Lecture 1: Browser History: pushState
Lecture 2: Browser History: popState
Lecture 3: [Exercise] Show a real example for browser history PushState and PopState
Lecture 4: Conclusion of HTML5
Chapter 9: CSS Basic ( part 1 )
Lecture 1: What is CSS?
Lecture 2: CSS in Action
Lecture 3: CSS Selectors
Lecture 4: Ways to Deploy CSS
Lecture 5: [Activity] Deploy css into your project
Chapter 10: Styling Specific Elements – CSS ( part 2)
Lecture 1: Styling Text Elements
Lecture 2: Styling Tables and Lists
Lecture 3: Styling Backgrounds
Lecture 4: Making a CSS Button
Lecture 5: Basic Difference in Padding and Margin
Lecture 6: Creating a Drop-Down Menu with CSS
Lecture 7: Understanding DIV ID and DIV CLASS
Lecture 8: Calling Nested Elements
Lecture 9: [Activity] Create a Drop Down menu
Chapter 11: Box Model – CSS ( Part 3 )
Lecture 1: Introduction to the Box Model
Lecture 2: Content Area
Lecture 3: Border and Outline Styling
Lecture 4: [Activity] Create a outline style around a image
Chapter 12: Details Selector Reference – CSS ( Part 4 )
Lecture 1: [attribute]
Lecture 2: Catch the Child
Lecture 3: [Activity] Create a nested list and apply there following style
Chapter 13: Putting Elements Together – CSS ( Part 5 )
Lecture 1: The Display Property
Lecture 2: In-Depth CSS Positioning
Lecture 3: Floating Elements
Lecture 4: [Activity] Make a fixed header
Lecture 5: Conclusion of CSS
Chapter 14: CSS3 Basic ( Part 1 )
Lecture 1: Introduction to CSS3
Lecture 2: Border-Radius
Lecture 3: Box-Shadow
Lecture 4: Prefixr
Lecture 5: Text-Shadow
Lecture 6: Gradients
Lecture 7: Media Queries
Niamul Hasan
Elite Author at Envato
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 4 votes
- 4 stars: 10 votes
- 5 stars: 36 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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