Complete Express Framework Course – Sign Up Auth0 – Node.Js
Complete Express Framework Course – Sign Up Auth0 – Node.Js, available at $64.99, has an average rating of 4.33, with 73 lectures, based on 9 reviews, and has 3109 subscribers.
You will learn about Students will learn how to use the EJS library to create dynamic views for web applications Students will gain a deep understanding of how to work with JavaScript, Node, and Express to create efficient, scalable web applications Students will learn how to implement authentication and authorization for web applications using Passport Students will learn how to design and implement a robust and efficient SQL database for web applications Students will learn best practices for working with the Express Framework Students will gain knowledge of different routing methods, RESTful routes, handling form data, file uploads, middleware and how to handle error and logs This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is for beginner to intermediate web developers who want to master the Express Framework and build dynamic web applications. or This course is for web developers looking to gain hands-on experience with Passport and Auth0 and learn how to implement authentication and authorization. or This course is for developers who want to learn how to use EJS for templating engines and create dynamic views for web applications. or This course is for web developers who want to learn JavaScript, Node, and Express routing to create efficient and scalable web applications. or This course is for developers who want to gain a deep understanding of how to design and implement a robust and efficient SQL database. or This course is for web developers who want to learn various routing methods, RESTful routes, and techniques for handling form data and file uploads. or This course is for developers who want to understand how to use middleware for logging, body parsing, error handling and more. or This course is for developers who want to secure and authenticate web application with industry standard methods. It is particularly useful for This course is for beginner to intermediate web developers who want to master the Express Framework and build dynamic web applications. or This course is for web developers looking to gain hands-on experience with Passport and Auth0 and learn how to implement authentication and authorization. or This course is for developers who want to learn how to use EJS for templating engines and create dynamic views for web applications. or This course is for web developers who want to learn JavaScript, Node, and Express routing to create efficient and scalable web applications. or This course is for developers who want to gain a deep understanding of how to design and implement a robust and efficient SQL database. or This course is for web developers who want to learn various routing methods, RESTful routes, and techniques for handling form data and file uploads. or This course is for developers who want to understand how to use middleware for logging, body parsing, error handling and more. or This course is for developers who want to secure and authenticate web application with industry standard methods.
Enroll now: Complete Express Framework Course – Sign Up Auth0 – Node.Js
Title: Complete Express Framework Course – Sign Up Auth0 – Node.Js
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 4.33
Number of Lectures: 73
Number of Published Lectures: 73
Number of Curriculum Items: 73
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 73
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Students will learn how to use the EJS library to create dynamic views for web applications
- Students will gain a deep understanding of how to work with JavaScript, Node, and Express to create efficient, scalable web applications
- Students will learn how to implement authentication and authorization for web applications using Passport
- Students will learn how to design and implement a robust and efficient SQL database for web applications
- Students will learn best practices for working with the Express Framework
- Students will gain knowledge of different routing methods, RESTful routes, handling form data, file uploads, middleware and how to handle error and logs
Who Should Attend
- This course is for beginner to intermediate web developers who want to master the Express Framework and build dynamic web applications.
- This course is for web developers looking to gain hands-on experience with Passport and Auth0 and learn how to implement authentication and authorization.
- This course is for developers who want to learn how to use EJS for templating engines and create dynamic views for web applications.
- This course is for web developers who want to learn JavaScript, Node, and Express routing to create efficient and scalable web applications.
- This course is for developers who want to gain a deep understanding of how to design and implement a robust and efficient SQL database.
- This course is for web developers who want to learn various routing methods, RESTful routes, and techniques for handling form data and file uploads.
- This course is for developers who want to understand how to use middleware for logging, body parsing, error handling and more.
- This course is for developers who want to secure and authenticate web application with industry standard methods.
Target Audiences
- This course is for beginner to intermediate web developers who want to master the Express Framework and build dynamic web applications.
- This course is for web developers looking to gain hands-on experience with Passport and Auth0 and learn how to implement authentication and authorization.
- This course is for developers who want to learn how to use EJS for templating engines and create dynamic views for web applications.
- This course is for web developers who want to learn JavaScript, Node, and Express routing to create efficient and scalable web applications.
- This course is for developers who want to gain a deep understanding of how to design and implement a robust and efficient SQL database.
- This course is for web developers who want to learn various routing methods, RESTful routes, and techniques for handling form data and file uploads.
- This course is for developers who want to understand how to use middleware for logging, body parsing, error handling and more.
- This course is for developers who want to secure and authenticate web application with industry standard methods.
This Complete Express FrameworkCourse is the ultimate resource for developers of all levels looking to master the Express Framework, SQL, and the powerful combination of Passport.js and Auth0. Whether you’re just starting out with web development or have been working in the field for years, this course will provide you with the skills and knowledge you need to build robust, dynamic web applications.
Throughout the course, you’ll code along step-by-step with our experienced instructors as you learn how to build sign-in and sign-up functionality using Express Framework and Passport.js. You’ll gain hands-on experience working with popular strategies for authentication and authorization, such as Google, Facebook, and Auth0.
Our goal with this course is to teach you the working skills you need to start working as a junior or mid level developer at a job with added confidence from coding, get a job in the tech space, or innovate the world at your own choosing with your new found powers. This course will take you there!
The world is shifting more and more towards learning and working at home. This is an opportunity for you to start learning the most in demand skills, showcase those coding development skills, and gain the experiences you need to develop your passion into something real.
This course covers the following topics in detail:
EJS for templating engines: You’ll learn how to use the EJS library to create dynamic views for your web applications, and how to work with template variables and control structures.
JavaScript, Node.js, and Express.js routing: You’ll gain a deep understanding of how to work with JavaScript, Node.js, and Express.js to create efficient, scalable web applications. You’ll learn how to define routes, handle requests, and respond to requests using the Express Framework.
Building Facebook, Google, and Auth0 local strategies with Passport.js: You’ll learn how to use Passport.js to implement authentication and authorization for your web applications. You’ll work with popular strategies such as Google, Facebook, and Auth0 to provide your users with a secure and convenient way to sign in and sign up.
Creating a robust and efficient SQL database: You’ll learn how to design and implement a SQL database for your web applications. You’ll learn about best practices for database design, and how to work with SQL to query, insert, update and delete data from the database.
You’ll learn best practices for working with the Express Framework, and gain a solid understanding of how to work with Passport.js to build robust, secure authentication and authorization systems. You will also gain knowledge of different routing methods, RESTful routes and also how to handle form data and file uploads. Furthermore you’ll learn how to use middleware for logging, body parsing, error handling, and more. By the end of this course, you’ll have all the skills you need to build dynamic web applications using the Express Framework, SQL and also have a good understanding of how to secure and authenticate your application.
You do not need any web development or programming knowledge to get started!
This course requires zero prior knowledge to get started! Some basic web development skills including Javascript would definitely move you through the course at a much faster pace than others, however, this course includes introductory sections (they are purely optional) so that we all move through the key lessons together regardless of our skill level!
Please see the full curriculum, the free preview videos and whenever you’re ready…
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to master the Express Framework, SQL and web application security. Sign up now and start building amazing web applications today!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Application Set Up And Server Initialization
Lecture 1: Initializing The Express Project and Libraries
Lecture 2: Join Our Online Community
Lecture 3: Setting up the Express Manifest and JSON Package File
Lecture 4: Setting Up The Application Server Wiring
Lecture 5: Setting Up A Port and Save Conventions with Express
Lecture 6: Exercise – Meet the Online Community
Lecture 7: Running Our Express Server with Error Handling
Chapter 2: Database creation with SQlite3
Lecture 1: Introduction to SQLite3
Lecture 2: Database Schema for SQLite3
Lecture 3: Cryptographic Hashing and Inserting Users into the Database Securely
Lecture 4: Final Code Resource For Reference
Chapter 3: Configuring App Express
Lecture 1: Code Along – Complete Configuring App Express File
Lecture 2: Setting Up Routing
Chapter 4: EJS Templating Engines with Express
Lecture 1: Setting Up EJS with Routing
Lecture 2: CSS Styling with Templating Engines
Lecture 3: CSS Home Page Styling for EJS with Express
Lecture 4: Building The Index Page CSS and EJS including Form Updates
Lecture 5: Styling The Index App EJS and CSS
Lecture 6: Explicitly create the database build directory to exer
Lecture 7: Javascript Tags with EJS in Express
Lecture 8: Review of Project Build
Chapter 5: Authenticating Username and Password with Express and Passport
Lecture 1: Templating Engines wirth EJS of Login With Express Authentication
Lecture 2: Username And Password Local Strategy Code
Lecture 3: Rerouting Application and Authentication
Lecture 4: Import Additional Styles from CSS on Github
Lecture 5: Verify Session with Passport Local Strategy
Lecture 6: Log Out Functionality For Users And Live Interaction
Lecture 7: Sign Up Form and Styling with EJS
Lecture 8: Sign Up And Database Completion with Hashing And Salt
Chapter 6: Google Authentication with Express and Passport
Lecture 1: User Experience Update with Homepage
Lecture 2: Set Up Google Routing And Authentication Passport
Lecture 3: Set Up Google 0Auth2 And Credentials with API GCP
Lecture 4: Code Along To The Google Strategy Authentication From Passport with SQLite3
Lecture 5: Google Authentication Express Server Final Update
Chapter 7: Facebook Authentication and Passport Login
Lecture 1: Facebook Developers Platform and API Creation
Lecture 2: Facebook Strategy and Sign in with Passport and Express
Chapter 8: Auth0
Lecture 1: Setting up Auth0 with Express and Passport
Lecture 2: Auth0 Stratget and Implementation with Express and Passport
Chapter 9: Optional – Extra JavaScript Practice for Beginners
Lecture 1: Important Note About This Section
Lecture 2: How To Follow Along And Do Exercises In This Course – Code Sand Box
Lecture 3: What Is CodeSandBox Exactly and How To Sign In
Lecture 4: How To Use CodeSandBox – The Dashboard & Templates
Lecture 5: CodeSandBox File Architecture
Lecture 6: What are HTML CSS and JavaScript Basics with CodeSandBox
Lecture 7: Create a New Vanilla JS Template on CodeSandBox
Lecture 8: Building Out The Course Template on CodeSandBox
Lecture 9: Hook Up and Save Your Course Learning Template
Lecture 10: Final JavaScript Course Template Review
Lecture 11: What Are Arrays & Dimensions in JavaScript
Lecture 12: The Length Method in JavaScript
Lecture 13: What Are Complex & Multi-Dimensional Arrays in JavaScript
Lecture 14: Exercise Solution – What Are Complex & Multi-Dimensional Arrays in JavaScript
Lecture 15: Indexing Values in Arrays with JavaScript
Lecture 16: Accessing Arrays with Bracket Notation Example 1
Lecture 17: Accessing Arrays with Bracket Notation Example 2
Lecture 18: Exercise – Acessing City Weather Data Array
Lecture 19: Solution – Acessing City Weather Data Array
Lecture 20: Modifying Arrays And Unshift in JavaScript
Lecture 21: Modifying Arrays And Pop in JavaScript
Lecture 22: Exercise – Array Function for an Anime App
Lecture 23: Solution – Array Function for an Anime App
Lecture 24: Continue JavaScript Practice
Chapter 10: Templating Engines and Routing to Build out a Todo Exercise Application App
Lecture 1: Important Note About This Section
Lecture 2: Add Items To List in Database With Express and SQLit3
Lecture 3: Mapping and Filtering Database Info With Express
Lecture 4: Inserting Titles Into SQL Database with Express Routing
Lecture 5: EJS State Management And Updates with Express Routing and Locals
Lecture 6: Update Fetch Locals Into Response
Lecture 7: SetAttributes and Keycode Additions for Exer List
Lecture 8: Clear Items From App With EJS and Express Routing
Lecture 9: Finish Routing Form Data on Express Side for Exercise App
Lecture 10: Debugging Syntax From SQLite3 Database and EJS Formatting
Lecture 11: Final Review of EJS Express Passport and Node Libraries
Clarian North
Renowned figure turned instructor -
Media Training Worldwide Digital
A Full-Service Online Training Company
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 3 votes
- 4 stars: 1 votes
- 5 stars: 5 votes
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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