Implementing Software Architecture of a Large-Scale System
Implementing Software Architecture of a Large-Scale System, available at $84.99, has an average rating of 4.67, with 83 lectures, based on 359 reviews, and has 6097 subscribers.
You will learn about Understand through code, the architectural challenges of developing large-scale systems – Scalability, Reliability, Deployment, Observability Code implementation of various tools and technologies used for making large-scale systems – Redis, RabbitMQ, Netflix, Fluentd, Elasticsearch, Kubernetes & more Downloadable code along with configuration, scripts and instructions to run a mini system on your laptop and on a cloud environment A practical demonstration of how systems are scaled and operated on both On-Premises environment and in Cloud environments This course is ideal for individuals who are Developers and Architects who want to learn the fine details of architecting large-scale systems It is particularly useful for Developers and Architects who want to learn the fine details of architecting large-scale systems.
Enroll now: Implementing Software Architecture of a Large-Scale System
Title: Implementing Software Architecture of a Large-Scale System
Price: $84.99
Average Rating: 4.67
Number of Lectures: 83
Number of Published Lectures: 83
Number of Curriculum Items: 83
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 83
Original Price: $39.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Understand through code, the architectural challenges of developing large-scale systems – Scalability, Reliability, Deployment, Observability
- Code implementation of various tools and technologies used for making large-scale systems – Redis, RabbitMQ, Netflix, Fluentd, Elasticsearch, Kubernetes & more
- Downloadable code along with configuration, scripts and instructions to run a mini system on your laptop and on a cloud environment
- A practical demonstration of how systems are scaled and operated on both On-Premises environment and in Cloud environments
Who Should Attend
- Developers and Architects who want to learn the fine details of architecting large-scale systems
Target Audiences
- Developers and Architects who want to learn the fine details of architecting large-scale systems
The best way to learn software development is to write code. The best way to learn software architecture is to build and run a system. This is exactly what you are going to do as part of this course!
This course is the next in the series of Developer to Architect courses. The previous course ‘Software Architecture & Technology of Large-Scale Systems’ was focused on the concepts and principles of software architecture that govern modern large-scale systems.
This course ‘Hands-On Implementation of Large-Scale Software Architecture’, is focused on implementing those software and solution architecture principles in a mock large-scale system (mini system or simply minisys) by using open source technologies.
It starts with a downloadable code base of a mini system. We evolve this mini system into a full-fledged large-scale system implementation as we move along with the course. Our goal is to learn the typical architectural challenges that are faced by any large-scale system and solve these challenges using modern tools, technologies, and methods.
You can learn about these challenges and their solutions by actually working on a live system. For the same, you can download a mini system code-base provided by NewTechWays on Bitbucket or Github. You can follow the instructions to download, build and run this codebase. Although the instructions and code automation is platform-agnostic, this course will make use of Google Cloud Platform using a Linux machine as our test environment for building and running the system. Later we will put our system in a Production kind of environment using Kubernetes on Google Cloud Platform.
As we move along with this course we will cover the following architectural challenges and use the following technologies as their solutions:
3 Tier Application
Webapp – Python Django
RESTful Service – Java Spring Boot
Database – PostgreSQL & Cassandra
SPA – ReactJS
Containerization of System
Docker Containers
Docker Compose
Request Routing in Microservices
Discovery – Netflix Eureka
Gateway – Netflix Zuul
Client-Side Load Balancer – Ribbon
Server-Side Load Balancer – Nginx
System Observability
Logging – Elasticsearch, Fluent, Kibana
Tracing – Jaeger
Monitoring & Alerts – Prometheus
Large-scale Data Management
Caching – Redis
Asynchronous Processing – RabbitMQ
Horizontal Data Partitioning – Cassandra
Production Deployment
Cloud Deployment – Kubernetes on GCP
Auto-scaling – Kubernetes
High Availability – Kubernetes
Rolling Upgrades – Kubernetes
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Course Overview
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Course Overview
Lecture 3: Course Content Pdf
Chapter 2: Work Environment Setup
Lecture 1: Work environment
Lecture 2: Create Linux workstation VM on cloud
Lecture 3: Build code
Lecture 4: Workstation VM backup
Chapter 3: System Components – Languages & Frameworks
Lecture 1: System components overview
Lecture 2: Running the system on cloud Linux VM
Lecture 3: Web app architecture and technology selection
Lecture 4: Python Django web app code overview
Lecture 5: Services architecture
Lecture 6: Services technology selection
Lecture 7: Java SpringBoot services code overview
Lecture 8: Database technology selection
Lecture 9: Postgres RDBMS schema overview
Lecture 10: Single page app technology selection
Lecture 11: ReactJS SPA architecture
Chapter 4: Docker Containers – Isolating component dependencies and environment
Lecture 1: Why containerize application components?
Lecture 2: System with docker containers
Lecture 3: Dockerize django webapp
Lecture 4: Docker compose for automation
Lecture 5: Dockerize postgres database
Lecture 6: Dockerize java springboot services
Lecture 7: Dockerize reactjs single page app
Lecture 8: Running all dockerized components
Lecture 9: Running system with docker network
Lecture 10: Docker network and volumes
Lecture 11: System review with docker containers
Chapter 5: Microservices – Gateway, Discovery & Load Balancing
Lecture 1: Client routing challenge & Gateway services
Lecture 2: Netfix Zuul gateway service code and configuration
Lecture 3: Running system with Netfliz Zuul gateway service
Lecture 4: Static routing challenge & Discovery services
Lecture 5: Netflix Eureka discovery service code and configuration
Lecture 6: Running system with Netflix Eureka discovery service
Lecture 7: Client based & Server based Load balancing
Lecture 8: Netflix Ribbon load balancer code and configuration
Lecture 9: Running system with Nginx & Ribbon load balancers
Chapter 6: Centralized Logging with Elasticsearch, Fluentd & Kibana (EFK stack)
Lecture 1: System Observability – Logging, Tracing and Monitoring
Lecture 2: Logging challenges in large-scale systems
Lecture 3: Centralized logging architecture
Lecture 4: Incrementing VM capacity
Lecture 5: Configuration of Elasticsearch, Fluentd & Kibana (EFK stack)
Lecture 6: Observing system with Elasticsearch, Fluentd, Kibana stack
Chapter 7: Distributed Tracing with Uber Jaeger
Lecture 1: Tracing challenges in large-scale systems
Lecture 2: Distributed tracing architecture
Lecture 3: Distributed tracing with Uber Jaeger
Lecture 4: Distributed tracing core mechanism
Lecture 5: Uber Jaeger instrumentation code and configuration
Lecture 6: Observing API latency using Jaeger tracing
Chapter 8: Metrics Monitoring with Prometheus
Lecture 1: Metrics for large-scale systems
Lecture 2: Exposing application component metrics for Prometheus
Lecture 3: Prometheus configuration for metrics
Lecture 4: Observing system metrics through Prometheus
Chapter 9: Data Caching with Redis Cache
Lecture 1: Challenges of high request and data volume
Lecture 2: Caching for managing read only load
Lecture 3: Caching technology selection
Lecture 4: Service code changes for Redis cache
Lecture 5: Redis cache configuration
Lecture 6: Running system with Redis cache
Chapter 10: Asynchronous Processing with RabbitMQ
Lecture 1: Managing write only load for Async workflows
Lecture 2: Messaging queue technology selection
Lecture 3: Service code changes for RabbitMQ
Lecture 4: RabbitMQ configuration
Lecture 5: Running system with RabbitMQ
Chapter 11: Horizontal Scalability with Cassandra
Lecture 1: RDBMS Limitations and Data Partitioning
Lecture 2: Distributed database technology selection
Lecture 3: Cassandra schema vs Postgres schema
Lecture 4: Service code changes for Cassandra
Lecture 5: Cassandra configuration
Lecture 6: Running system with highly available Cassandra database cluster
Chapter 12: Deployment with Kubernetes on Google Cloud
Lecture 1: Moving from test deployment to production deployment
Lecture 2: Reasons for Kubernetes and Cloud deployment
Lecture 3: Kubernetes cluster architecture
Lecture 4: Setting up Cloud Container Registry
Lecture 5: Creating Kubernetes Cluster on Google Cloud
Lecture 6: Kubernetes configuration for the system
Lecture 7: Deploying system on Kubernetes
Lecture 8: Exposing system to Internet using External Load Balancers
Lecture 9: High availability with Kubernetes
Lecture 10: Auto-scaling with Kubernetes
Lecture 11: Rolling upgrades with Kubernetes
Lecture 12: Shutting down Kubernetes cluster
NewTechWays – Anurag Yadav
Making knowledge available for everyone
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 4 votes
- 2 stars: 3 votes
- 3 stars: 19 votes
- 4 stars: 108 votes
- 5 stars: 226 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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