Writing Enterprise Level PHP Code
Writing Enterprise Level PHP Code, available at $199.99, has an average rating of 4.15, with 32 lectures, 2 quizzes, based on 26 reviews, and has 78 subscribers.
You will learn about [CODE REVIEW] Work in a team for companies where applying best practices is a requirement. [CODE REVIEW] Filter out constructive feedback received by your teammates during code reviews and be able to apply it. [CODE REVIEW] Defend your code decisions in discussions by providing technical arguments and explaining benefits of your solutions. [BEST PRACTICES] Apply industry standard code practices. [BEST PRACTICES] Write clean, consistent code you will be proud of. [BEST PRACTICES] Refactor existing code like an experienced developer. [BEST PRACTICES] Build applications that are easy to debug, maintain and scale. [DESIGN PATTERNS] Solve tricky business requirements using the most commonly used design patterns. [OPERATIONS] Efficiently use GIT in the same way companies like Facebook, trivago do. [OPERATIONS] Use Docker to virtualise your PHP and MySQL environment. [ARCHITECTURE] Visualise architecture of any complex system. [ARCHITECTURE] Design even advanced asynchronous communication between components. [CAREER] Provide a repository to future recruiters demonstrating your architecture and programming skills. [BONUS] You will get access to further course content, yet to come! This course is ideal for individuals who are Every beginner PHP developer who wants to learn how to write high-quality enterprise level software. or Every developer using OOP looking for a way to level up his programming skills to be able to work on projects with large codebases. It is particularly useful for Every beginner PHP developer who wants to learn how to write high-quality enterprise level software. or Every developer using OOP looking for a way to level up his programming skills to be able to work on projects with large codebases.
Enroll now: Writing Enterprise Level PHP Code
Title: Writing Enterprise Level PHP Code
Price: $199.99
Average Rating: 4.15
Number of Lectures: 32
Number of Quizzes: 2
Number of Published Lectures: 32
Number of Published Quizzes: 2
Number of Curriculum Items: 34
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 34
Original Price: €219.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- [CODE REVIEW] Work in a team for companies where applying best practices is a requirement.
- [CODE REVIEW] Filter out constructive feedback received by your teammates during code reviews and be able to apply it.
- [CODE REVIEW] Defend your code decisions in discussions by providing technical arguments and explaining benefits of your solutions.
- [BEST PRACTICES] Apply industry standard code practices.
- [BEST PRACTICES] Write clean, consistent code you will be proud of.
- [BEST PRACTICES] Refactor existing code like an experienced developer.
- [BEST PRACTICES] Build applications that are easy to debug, maintain and scale.
- [DESIGN PATTERNS] Solve tricky business requirements using the most commonly used design patterns.
- [OPERATIONS] Efficiently use GIT in the same way companies like Facebook, trivago do.
- [OPERATIONS] Use Docker to virtualise your PHP and MySQL environment.
- [ARCHITECTURE] Visualise architecture of any complex system.
- [ARCHITECTURE] Design even advanced asynchronous communication between components.
- [CAREER] Provide a repository to future recruiters demonstrating your architecture and programming skills.
- [BONUS] You will get access to further course content, yet to come!
Who Should Attend
- Every beginner PHP developer who wants to learn how to write high-quality enterprise level software.
- Every developer using OOP looking for a way to level up his programming skills to be able to work on projects with large codebases.
Target Audiences
- Every beginner PHP developer who wants to learn how to write high-quality enterprise level software.
- Every developer using OOP looking for a way to level up his programming skills to be able to work on projects with large codebases.
Are you creating more bugs than you’re fixing?
Do you feel uncomfortable receiving feedback on your code?
Are you stuck with complex software that needs refactoring?
Do you want to improve your skills to keep up with best practises?
During this course, you will be introduced to the many techniques and best practices that I’ve learned throughout my coding journey. Together we will work on refactoring a legacy project, building a new one from scratch and designing complex architecture. We will focus on using simple, practical models and processes that are applicable in any software application.
Through every step of this journey, we will critique what is the right path to take to solve technical problems such that you are adequately equipped to take on complex of software projects.
Your course roadmap to enterprise level software engineer:
- You will start with complete fundamentals of clean code.
- Then you will learn how to write SOLID code regardless the framework.
- You will explore design patterns and find out how to directly solve some of the most common business requirements with ease, without re-inventing the wheel and learn how you can develop your knowledge even further without any other course!
- At the end you will be able to design an architecture of ANY system, software, regardless it’s complexity in a practical manner so your colleagues will be impressed every time you draw a diagram without getting lost in it.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Welcome!
Lecture 1: Meet the instructor! (skip if seen the promo video)
Chapter 2: Daily clean code
Lecture 1: Coding standards
Lecture 2: Installing CodeSniffer
Lecture 3: Clean coding standards violations with CodeSniffer
Lecture 4: Configuring CodeSniffer for real time analysis in PhpStorm
Lecture 5: Enterprise level GIT workflow
Lecture 6: Refactoring: Naming in nutshell
Lecture 7: Refactoring: Designing Scope Introduction
Lecture 8: Refactoring: Designing Scope 101
Lecture 9: Refactoring: Why Setters are evil and benefits of encapsulation
Chapter 3: Refactoring using S.O.L.I.D OOP principles
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Single Responsibility Principle
Lecture 3: Open-closed Principle
Lecture 4: Liskov Substitution Principle
Lecture 5: Dependency Inversion Principle
Lecture 6: Interface Segregation Principle
Chapter 4: Building real Symfony project using Design Patterns
Lecture 1: What are design patterns?
Lecture 2: How to choose the right design pattern?
Lecture 3: Installing Symfony 3 application
Lecture 4: Installing MySQL using Docker
Lecture 5: 1. Design Pattern: Simple Factory
Lecture 6: 2. Design Pattern: Builder
Lecture 7: 3. Design Pattern: Adapter
Lecture 8: Summary
Chapter 5: Designing practical and professional architecture
Lecture 1: What is software architecture?
Lecture 2: Practical guide to architecture design
Lecture 3: How to visualise an asynchronous communication
Lecture 4: Summary
Chapter 6: Code reviews the right way
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: What's the purpose of a code review?
Lecture 3: Code reviews best practices (Author/Reviewer)
Lecture 4: Filtering constructive feedback from inappropriate comments
Lukáš Lukáč
Technical Lead at trivago
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 5 votes
- 4 stars: 9 votes
- 5 stars: 12 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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