React – The Complete Guide with React Hook Redux in 4hr
React – The Complete Guide with React Hook Redux in 4hr, available at $59.99, has an average rating of 4.2, with 140 lectures, based on 2019 reviews, and has 184938 subscribers.
You will learn about Build high performance and user friendly web app Realize the power of using component in React Unleash the power of JavaScript with the help of React This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone who want to start a career with React or Anyone who want to take the web development skills to the next level or Anyone who are interested in learning the most update technology It is particularly useful for Anyone who want to start a career with React or Anyone who want to take the web development skills to the next level or Anyone who are interested in learning the most update technology.
Enroll now: React – The Complete Guide with React Hook Redux in 4hr
Title: React – The Complete Guide with React Hook Redux in 4hr
Price: $59.99
Average Rating: 4.2
Number of Lectures: 140
Number of Published Lectures: 131
Number of Curriculum Items: 140
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 131
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Build high performance and user friendly web app
- Realize the power of using component in React
- Unleash the power of JavaScript with the help of React
Who Should Attend
- Anyone who want to start a career with React
- Anyone who want to take the web development skills to the next level
- Anyone who are interested in learning the most update technology
Target Audiences
- Anyone who want to start a career with React
- Anyone who want to take the web development skills to the next level
- Anyone who are interested in learning the most update technology
In this course you will learn to get start with React 16.8+ including what is JSX, how to use props to pass data to the children components, using the React hook useState and also styled component. We will not use more than 40 hours to talking to the same things again and again. You will learn all the react essential things within 4 hours.
Since this course is the mix of knowledge base and the project base.If you just want to learn the React knowledge fast, 4 hours is enough!!
After that we will also provide project to consolidate your understanding with react, and how to interact with backend like Firebase and also the payment with Stripe.
Which companies are using React now and why you need to learn?
Yahoo! Mail
New York Times.
Zendesk and more…
The above list of big companies taking huge leaps to embrace React, which signifies the extent to which the technology has raised its bars.
What you will learn in this course?
React components
Functional component
Styled component
UI framework like Reactstrap, Materializecss
Styled component
UI framework like Reactstrap, Materializecss
StripeStyled component
UI framework like Reactstrap, Materializecss
In this course you will learn to get start with React 16.8+ including what is JSX, how to use props to pass data to the children components, using the React hook useState and also styled component. We will not use more than 40 hours to talking to the same things again and again. You will learn all the react essential things within 4 hours.
Since this course is the mix of knowledge base and the project base.If you just want to learn the React knowledge fast, 4 hours is enough!!
After that we will also provide project to consolidate your understanding with react, and how to interact with backend like Firebase and also the payment with Stripe.
Which companies are using React now and why you need to learn?
Yahoo! Mail
New York Times.
Zendesk and more…
The above list of big companies taking huge leaps to embrace React, which signifies the extent to which the technology has raised its bars.
What you will learn in this course?
React components
Functional component
Styled component
UI framework like Reactstrap, Materializecss
Styled component
UI framework like Reactstrap, Materializecss
StripeStyled component
UI framework like Reactstrap, Materializecss
Course Curriculum
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: How to create a blank new react app
Chapter 1: [OPTIONAL] Quick review on es6
Lecture 1: var let and const
Lecture 2: The problem of using let in switch cases
Lecture 3: Template literal
Lecture 4: Arrow function
Lecture 5: Classes
Lecture 6: Spread operator
Lecture 7: Destructuring
Lecture 8: Primitive vs Reference
Lecture 9: Primitive vs Reference
Lecture 10: Import and export
Lecture 11: Array function
Lecture 12: For in For of
Lecture 1: What is JSX?
Lecture 2: Import CSS
Lecture 3: inline CSS
Lecture 4: Curly braces in react
Lecture 5: Styles object
Lecture 6: Fast track to convert CSS to JS object
Lecture 7: store jsx element to variable
Chapter 3: [REACT ESSENTIALS] Functional Component
Lecture 1: Create a list of card
Lecture 2: Create card component
Chapter 4: [REACT ESSENTIALS] Props
Lecture 1: Pass and receive props
Lecture 2: Pass multiple props
Lecture 3: The children of props
Chapter 5: [REACT ESSENTIALS] State
Lecture 1: useState and Change of State
Lecture 2: passing function to component
Lecture 3: Two way binding
Lecture 4: Conditional rendering
Chapter 6: [REACT ESSENTIALS] List
Lecture 1: Rendering a list of cards
Lecture 2: Delete a specific card
Lecture 3: Fix unique key error
Lecture 4: Change the name of a specific card
Chapter 7: [REACT ESSENTIALS] Style
Lecture 1: Dynamic style with javascript
Lecture 2: Dynamic style with classes
Lecture 3: Styled component
Lecture 4: Theme
Lecture 5: Extract the styled button
Chapter 8: [REACT ESSENTIALS] Lifecycle and useEffect
Lecture 1: Convert functional base to class base
Lecture 2: Convert Card component to class base component
Lecture 3: Life Cycle Methods Diagram
Lecture 4: React lifecycle – mounting
Lecture 5: React lifecycle – updating
Lecture 6: React lifecycle – unmounting
Lecture 7: useEffect
Lecture 8: useEffect clean up
Chapter 9: [REACT ESSENTIALS] React hooks – to improve the performance of the app
Lecture 1: useEffect fetch data with axios
Lecture 2: useEffect fetch a card
Lecture 3: React Context
Lecture 4: Multiple React Context
Lecture 5: useContext
Lecture 6: useReducer (Simpiflied)
Lecture 7: useReducer (Normal)
Lecture 8: multiple useReducer
Lecture 9: useReducer with useContext
Lecture 10: use of useReducer with useContext
Lecture 11: use useReducer with useEffect to fetch the data
Lecture 12: Beautify the list with ReactStrap / Bootstrap
Lecture 13: useMemo
Lecture 14: useMemo
Lecture 15: useRef
Lecture 16: useRef – deal with the unmount component problems
Lecture 17: useCallback – to prevent the recreation of function
Lecture 18: custom Hook – extract the logic
Lecture 19: custom Hook.- using in form
Chapter 10: [REACT ESSENTIALS] React Router
Lecture 1: React Router
Lecture 2: Link and NavLink
Lecture 3: Program to redirect
Lecture 4: Higher Order Component
Lecture 5: Fetch the posts by using axios
Lecture 6: Passing Parameters
Lecture 7: Fetch specific post and using Switch from React Router
Lecture 8: Page Not Found
Lecture 9: Protected Route
Lecture 10: Apply Protected Route
Chapter 11: [REACT ESSENTIALS] Redux
Lecture 1: Redux simplified version
Lecture 2: Reducer
Lecture 3: Store
Lecture 4: Actions
Lecture 5: Display the value with useSelector and also useDispatch
Lecture 6: Dispatch the login action
Chapter 12: [PROJECTS] Autocomplete search from remote api
Lecture 1: Start a new project, install axios and adminlte
Lecture 2: Create the onchangehandler function
Lecture 3: Make suggestions base on user input
Lecture 4: Render the suggestion list
Lecture 5: Select the suggestion
Chapter 13: [PROJECTS] Evernote Clone
Kim Chen
Registered teacher, MSc in Computer Science, Statistics
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 89 votes
- 2 stars: 107 votes
- 3 stars: 351 votes
- 4 stars: 663 votes
- 5 stars: 809 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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