CFD of External Aerodynamics and Turbomachinery
CFD of External Aerodynamics and Turbomachinery, available at $69.99, has an average rating of 4.05, with 155 lectures, based on 400 reviews, and has 5221 subscribers.
You will learn about Should be able to process geometry in Spaceclaim. Import model in ICEMCFD and create high quality tetra-prism mesh with proper resolution. Solve and post process problem in Fluent Be will be able to solve external aerodynamics using CFD techniques Solve turbomachinery CFD Understands turbulence modeling, boundary layer and Y+ This course is ideal for individuals who are Engineering and science students/professional who are using CFD for problem solving. or Undergrad, MS and PhD students who want to apply CFD in their research. It is particularly useful for Engineering and science students/professional who are using CFD for problem solving. or Undergrad, MS and PhD students who want to apply CFD in their research.
Enroll now: CFD of External Aerodynamics and Turbomachinery
Title: CFD of External Aerodynamics and Turbomachinery
Price: $69.99
Average Rating: 4.05
Number of Lectures: 155
Number of Published Lectures: 154
Number of Curriculum Items: 155
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 154
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Should be able to process geometry in Spaceclaim.
- Import model in ICEMCFD and create high quality tetra-prism mesh with proper resolution.
- Solve and post process problem in Fluent
- Be will be able to solve external aerodynamics using CFD techniques
- Solve turbomachinery CFD
- Understands turbulence modeling, boundary layer and Y+
Who Should Attend
- Engineering and science students/professional who are using CFD for problem solving.
- Undergrad, MS and PhD students who want to apply CFD in their research.
Target Audiences
- Engineering and science students/professional who are using CFD for problem solving.
- Undergrad, MS and PhD students who want to apply CFD in their research.
This is the most practical type of CFD course available online. This will enhance your CFD skill level from basic to very advanced level.
CFD is the is filed of science to solve fluid dynamics and heat transfer problems using numerical models on computer. With the advent of high end computers, it is now possible to solve these problems with great detail which will help you in preliminary and also in detailed design phase.
This is specially designed course for learning Ansys CFD at professional level . In this course, you will learn how to solve complex engineering problems in fluid dynamics using CFD techniques. You will go through each and every step of CFD simulation from geometry to meshing to solution and processing. You will master the CFD skills on external aerodynamics and turbomachinery in this course.
Our main emphasis is on the learning the actual process of CFD simulation. That is to extract important info from the given data, create geometry, clean geometry and create domain around it. This is done in Spaceclaim and design modeler. After that we mesh that geometry with state of the art CFD software such as ICEMCFD. Subsequently that mesh is imported into Fluent or CFX to solve the equations of flow and heat transfer numerically in iterative fashion. You will learn how to setup problem, how to apply most appropriate boundary conditions How to choose best turbulence model, what should be best Y+ value and how to choose and implement in your CFD model. After that you will about solution and solution and data monitoring.
After solution, you will learn how to post process results, how to understand them and most importantly how to compare them with available analytical and/or experimental data. In absence of these two options how to apply best practices to ensure highest possible quality of your CFD analysis.
Latest workshop added in this course is on April 02 2023:
“CFD Analysis of Tulip vertical axis wind turbine”
“Building CFD analaysis with atmospheric boundayr layer” April 30, 2023
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to course
Lecture 1: Course Introduction
Chapter 2: Problem description of workshop on missile
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Boundary layer, first cell height and Y+
Chapter 3: Geometry processing in Spaceclaim
Lecture 1: Opening Spaceclaim and important commands
Lecture 2: Importing cad model and changing display properties of geometry
Lecture 3: Cleaning geometry, re-creation of important surfaces and making solids
Lecture 4: Creating final missile model with fins as single part
Lecture 5: Fluid domain creation and saving file
Chapter 4: Workshop 2: Tetra Prism mesh generation in ICEM CFD
Lecture 1: Introduction, opening ICEMCFD, Working directory and surface resolution
Lecture 2: Creating Parts for boundary conditions
Lecture 3: Mesh settings and volue mesh generation using Octree method
Lecture 4: Improving surface mesh quality using laplace smoothing
Lecture 5: Creating density boxes and delaunay mesh
Lecture 6: Problem Description
Lecture 7: Prism mesh generation and editing
Lecture 8: Mesh info and mesh export for Fluent and CFX
Chapter 5: Workshop 3: Problem setup, solution and post processing in Fluent for Missile
Lecture 1: Opening mesh file, material properties, turbulence model and mesh units&quality
Lecture 2: Boundary conditions, solution settings and running case
Lecture 3: Post processing results and mesh adaptation for shock wave resolution
Chapter 6: Introduction and problem description for workshop 6,7&8
Lecture 1: Introduction and problem description for workshop 6, 7& 8
Chapter 7: Workshop 6a : Centrifugal Fan – Creating assembly
Lecture 1: Aligning Fan rotor and inlet cone
Lecture 2: Aligning Scroll with Fan rotor & Inlet cone
Lecture 3: Some advanced features of assembly creation in spaceclaim
Chapter 8: Workshop 6b : Creating centrifugal fan CFD model in Spaceclaim from iges model
Lecture 1: Importing IGES file and applying some preliminary settings
Lecture 2: Moving file to origin, deleting interface region and creating lines
Lecture 3: Recreating important surfaces
Lecture 4: Separating different components and some processing
Lecture 5: Creating final model of scroll with extended region at outlet
Lecture 6: Creating final model of Inlet-Cone with extended region at inlet
Lecture 7: Creating final model of centrifugal fan impeller
Chapter 9: Workshop 7 : Tetra-prism meshing of Centrifugal Fan
Lecture 1: Introduction and file import into ICEMCFD
Lecture 2: Creating Tetra-Prism mesh for Inlet-Cone and export in fluent format with BCs
Lecture 3: Creating Tetra-Prism mesh for Volute/Scroll : Build topology and parts
Lecture 4: Creating Tetra-Prism mesh for Volute/Scroll : Mesh generation and export
Lecture 5: Creating Tetra-Prism mesh for centrifugal fan impeller
Chapter 10: Turbomachinery CFD modeling in Fluent
Lecture 1: Introduction and discussion about SRF and MRF
Lecture 2: When to use MRF?
Lecture 3: Setting up SRF model in Fluent
Lecture 4: Setting up Frozen Rotor model in Fluent and mesh interfaces
Lecture 5: Setting up mixing plane model in Fluent
Lecture 6: Setting up sliding mesh model in Fluent
Lecture 7: Boundary conditions for rotating and stationary domains
Lecture 8: Summary of different turbomachinery models in Fluent
Lecture 9: Difference between Frozen rotor, mixing plane and sliding mesh model
Lecture 10: Best practices for different type of simulation cases
Chapter 11: Workshop 8 : Frozen Rotor analysis of centrifugal fan in Fluent
Lecture 1: Launching fluent and Importing three domain mesh files using append command
Lecture 2: Setting up interfaces and Frozen Rotor model
Lecture 3: Turbulence model, near wall treatment, boundary layer and Y+
Lecture 4: Y+ contours for SST and K-Epsilon realizable model with scalable wall functions
Lecture 5: Boundary condition
Lecture 6: Solution methods & controls, residuals & monitors and solution
Lecture 7: Basic post processing of centrifugal fan : Contours, Vectors and Pathlines
Lecture 8: Generating Fan performance map – Advanced level post processing
Lecture 9: Creating solution animation
Chapter 12: Workshop 9: Ahmed Body CFD – Problem Description and important details
Lecture 1: Introduction to Ahmed Body workshop series
Lecture 2: Objectives of this workshop
Lecture 3: Problem description and geometry details
Lecture 4: Domain dimensions and general discussion of results and settings
Chapter 13: Workshop 9: Ahmed Body geometry generation in design modeler
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Starting workbench and design modeler
Lecture 3: 3_Ahmed body Sketch with all dimensions
Lecture 4: 3D model generation using extrude command
Lecture 5: Adding 4 legs using extrude and pattern commands
Lecture 6: Round, unite and rotate body to required location
Lecture 7: Creating domain for Ahmed body, symmetric model and removal of legs
Lecture 8: Creating named selection for boundary conditions
Lecture 9: Project and geometry open, save in different formats
Chapter 14: Workshop 9: Geometry editing of Ahmed Body in Spaceclaim
Lecture 1: Symmetric model using combine command
Lecture 2: Removing legs and moving origin to base of Ahmed body
Lecture 3: Mirror command to get full model using half model
Chapter 15: Workshop 9: Tetra-Prism mesh of Ahmed Body in ICEM CFD
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Y+, First cell height, and Y+ calculator in excel
Lecture 3: Discussion on hybrid wall functions by Knopp
Lecture 4: Boundary layer, first cell height and Yplus on Ahmed body
Lecture 5: Geometry import and creation of parts
Lecture 6: Global Mesh Size and Size function
Lecture 7: Setting mesh sizes on parts
Lecture 8: Creating density box for local mesh refinement in wake region
Lecture 9: Computing volume mesh using two methods and surface mesh smoothing
Lecture 10: Generating boundary layer mesh using prisms
Lecture 11: Mesh export and creating three meshes for mesh independence
Chapter 16: Workshop 9: Problem setup and solution in Fluent
Lecture 1: Problem setup in Fluent along with reference conditions
Lecture 2: Solving case in Fluent with optimum settings
Chapter 17: Workshop 9: Post processing of flow around Ahmed Body in Fluent
Sijal Ahmed
CFD Engineer,CFD Instructor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 16 votes
- 2 stars: 11 votes
- 3 stars: 51 votes
- 4 stars: 150 votes
- 5 stars: 172 votes
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