2022 Visual Project Management 5S Asana and lean tools 3 in1
2022 Visual Project Management 5S Asana and lean tools 3 in1, available at $49.99, has an average rating of 4.1, with 42 lectures, 1 quizzes, based on 11 reviews, and has 75 subscribers.
You will learn about Create a visual workplace which allows even people unfamiliar with a process to identify wastes and errors Learn Visual Measures with MINITAB and EXCEL Learn Lean Visual Tools such as Kanban, e-Kanban and ANDON Learn about visual management with visual controls This course is ideal for individuals who are Professionals from any business or industry who want to improve their productivity and career or Lean and Six Sigma Yellow, Green or Black Belt professionals or Current or Aspiring Project Management Professionals or Current or Aspiring Business Analysts or Anyone working in mapping or documenting process It is particularly useful for Professionals from any business or industry who want to improve their productivity and career or Lean and Six Sigma Yellow, Green or Black Belt professionals or Current or Aspiring Project Management Professionals or Current or Aspiring Business Analysts or Anyone working in mapping or documenting process.
Enroll now: 2022 Visual Project Management 5S Asana and lean tools 3 in1
Title: 2022 Visual Project Management 5S Asana and lean tools 3 in1
Price: $49.99
Average Rating: 4.1
Number of Lectures: 42
Number of Quizzes: 1
Number of Published Lectures: 42
Number of Published Quizzes: 1
Number of Curriculum Items: 43
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 43
Number of Practice Tests: 1
Number of Published Practice Tests: 1
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Create a visual workplace which allows even people unfamiliar with a process to identify wastes and errors
- Learn Visual Measures with MINITAB and EXCEL
- Learn Lean Visual Tools such as Kanban, e-Kanban and ANDON
- Learn about visual management with visual controls
Who Should Attend
- Professionals from any business or industry who want to improve their productivity and career
- Lean and Six Sigma Yellow, Green or Black Belt professionals
- Current or Aspiring Project Management Professionals
- Current or Aspiring Business Analysts
- Anyone working in mapping or documenting process
Target Audiences
- Professionals from any business or industry who want to improve their productivity and career
- Lean and Six Sigma Yellow, Green or Black Belt professionals
- Current or Aspiring Project Management Professionals
- Current or Aspiring Business Analysts
- Anyone working in mapping or documenting process
What is Lean Visual Business Management?
In most of the management crashes, communication is one of the main reasons of the business problems. Visual management is all about making effective communication using cues so that key information can easily be transmitted to the workers or customers. Though it is commonly used to display information on targets, performance, warnings, expectations and standards, the key concept is whether or not someone is familiar with the particular business or service, he/she should be able to understand all the process visually regarding current state of work, work processes, navigate around the area and track the team’s performance.
What isn’t Lean Visual Business Management?
Many understand flowcharts and pictorial process layouts as Lean or Visual Management. Although flowcharts and pictorial instructions are some tools of lean management and visual management, they aren’t complete visual management themselves.
Starting with ‘WHY’-WHY should you try this course?
This course comes out of experience of a professional who has 10+ years of experience in Visual Management, Business Process Mapping and Flow-charting, Value Streaming the processes and Business Analysis. This course is based on Theory-Case Study-Practical Analysis-Test your Skills approach.
The Theorydeals with unique step by step problem identification, analysis, solving and control approach with different kinds and levels of Visual Tools such as Visual Displays, Visual Measures and Visual Controls. WHY-Because this creates a logical reading pathway to understand Visual Management from Beginner’s level of Visual Displays to advanced level of Visual Measures and Visual controls.
The Case Study Sectiondeals with simulated case studies. WHY-Because you should be able to understand the real life use of the skills you learn in theory.
The Analytical Sectiondeals with tutorials of MINITAB, EXCEL and COMPANION for Minitab to use and understand Visual Measures. WHY- Because you should be able to save your time, energy and resources while performing analysis and these tools will certainly help you improve your learning curve.
The Quiz ‘Test Your Skills’ Section deals with checking your knowledge after the section of the course is over. Finally the ‘Practice Test Section’helps you identify your weak and strong knowledge or skill areas. WHY-Because you should be perfect enough to practice the skills in real life scenario when you finish the course.
What’s inside the course (in a nutshell)?
In the Beginner’s levelof Difficulty, you will learn how to use the course, benefits and characteristics of visual management and different types of Visual management tools. You will also learn about work place organization, work standardization, visual work place and color coding. This will be followed by different quizzes and simulation case studies.
In the Advanced Levelof this course, you will further learn about different Visual Management Strategies using-
VISUAL DISPLAYS-Where you will study about different symbols used in visual displays, ANDON, KANBANand e-KANBAN, Cross Training Charts, Visual Footprints, Visual Work Instructionsand Red Tagging.
VISUAL MEASURES– Where you will study about BOS charts, Run charts, Pareto Charts and Histograms
VISUAL CONTROLS– Where you will study about different visual control tools.This level follows a final ‘PRACTICE TEST’ section that helps you check your string and weak areas of knowledge.
How do I really know that I have learned enough?
There are 3 ways to do so inside the course-
By learning through Case Studies and Simulated Case Studies
By checking your knowledge through other Quizzes
By participating in FINAL PRACTICE TEST.
What’s the safety?
With 30 days money back guaranteeyou can sit back and relax as you learn. Give it a try because this course will change your organizational improvement knowledge and that’s the promise from the instructor.
Let’s make it a learning celebration and a ‘skill for lifetime’. Welcome to the course!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: How to use this course?
Lecture 2: Support
Chapter 2: Before we start course: Working with Asana for Visual Project Management
Lecture 1: Asana I
Lecture 2: Asana II
Lecture 3: Asana III
Lecture 4: More on the learning approach..
Lecture 5: What is visual management?
Lecture 6: Visual workplace
Lecture 1: Visual Instructions
Lecture 2: Color coding in Visual Management
Lecture 3: Andon system of visual management
Lecture 4: SIMULATED CASE STUDY: Before application of Andon System
Lecture 5: SIMULATED CASE STUDY: After application of Andon
Lecture 6: Kanban and e-kanban
Lecture 7: SIMULATED CASE STUDY: Kanban System of Visual Management
Lecture 8: SIMULATED CASE STUDY: Kanban and Pulll System
Lecture 9: Cross Training Charts
Lecture 10: Intermission !
Lecture 11: Visual Footprints
Lecture 12: Visual Tagging or Red Tagging
Chapter 4: Work Place Organization with 5S
Lecture 1: Introduction to 5S
Lecture 2: Download the 5S checksheets
Lecture 3: SIMULATED GAME: Understanding 5S
Lecture 1: How to install Minitab and Companion for Minitab
Lecture 1: Run Chart
Lecture 2: Observing stability of data with control chart
Lecture 3: MINITAB TUTORIAL: Run chart with Minitab
Lecture 4: Pareto Chart
Lecture 5: EXCEL TUTORIAL: Pareto Chart with Excel
Lecture 6: MINITAB TUTORIAL: Pareto Chart with Minitab
Lecture 7: Histogram
Lecture 8: EXCEL TUTORIAL: Histogram with Excel
Lecture 9: MINITAB TUTORIAL: Histogram with Minitab
Lecture 1: What are visual controls?
Lecture 2: Poka Yoke (Mistake Proofing)
Lecture 3: Poka Yoke Roadmap
Chapter 8: Work Standardization
Lecture 1: Work Standardization
Lecture 2: Standard Work Chart
Lecture 3: Work Combination Sheet
Lecture 4: Production Capacity Sheet
Chapter 9: FINAL EXAM
Lecture 1: Download your Udemy Certificate
Chapter 10: Conclusion
Lecture 1: Bonus Lecture
Gunjan Subedi
Lean Six Sigma and Quality Assurance Specialist
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 2 votes
- 4 stars: 4 votes
- 5 stars: 4 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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