7 Keys To Success When Developing Your Smart Product Design
7 Keys To Success When Developing Your Smart Product Design, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 3.9, with 48 lectures, 7 quizzes, based on 21 reviews, and has 126 subscribers.
You will learn about Target opportunities to add information and additional product value through the stakeholder journey mapping process Identify a data strategy for smart product design Understand four distinct types of digital business models Validate core product design elements through agile development methodology Determine pre-launch digital product and business model feasibility This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone involved in the product development or product management process or Product managers who need to gain experience with smart, connected product strategy It is particularly useful for Anyone involved in the product development or product management process or Product managers who need to gain experience with smart, connected product strategy.
Enroll now: 7 Keys To Success When Developing Your Smart Product Design
Title: 7 Keys To Success When Developing Your Smart Product Design
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 3.9
Number of Lectures: 48
Number of Quizzes: 7
Number of Published Lectures: 48
Number of Published Quizzes: 7
Number of Curriculum Items: 55
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 55
Original Price: $39.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Target opportunities to add information and additional product value through the stakeholder journey mapping process
- Identify a data strategy for smart product design
- Understand four distinct types of digital business models
- Validate core product design elements through agile development methodology
- Determine pre-launch digital product and business model feasibility
Who Should Attend
- Anyone involved in the product development or product management process
- Product managers who need to gain experience with smart, connected product strategy
Target Audiences
- Anyone involved in the product development or product management process
- Product managers who need to gain experience with smart, connected product strategy
For every one digital product success story, there are more than a dozen that have failed. Why? Designing a smart, connected product– and developing a proper digital business model to support this new product– requires a completely new approach. Smart, connected products create a fundamental shift in how we do business, altering the landscape of how we develop and validate our products and deliver value to our customers.
In this course, you will learn how to successfully develop and validate your smart product and digital business model design for optimum information value.
Each course section targets one of the seven keys to your success when validating your smart product design. Optimizing for information value– delivered via your smart product and supported by the right digital business model– increases your odds for success in bringing a smart product to market that customers will want to buy and stakeholders will support.
The course leverages a range of real-world problems showing you how to redesign your products and business model to better meet user needs and for increased competitive advantage. Each of the course’s activities embodies a ‘learning by doing’ approach, applying module concepts to develop and refine your own smart product concepts and digital business models.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: DPS 101: Digital Stakeholder Journey Mapping
Lecture 1: DPS 101 Module 1: Digital Product Strategy
Lecture 2: DPS 101 Module 2: Stakeholders
Lecture 3: DPS 101 Module 3: Mapping Stakeholder Actions & Outcomes
Lecture 4: DPS 101 Module 4: Information Value Opportunities
Lecture 5: DPS 101 Module 5: Information Value Impact Points
Lecture 6: DPS 101 Module 6: Journey Mapping for Digital Product Design
Chapter 2: DPS 102: Information Sources and Challenges
Lecture 1: DPS 102 Module 1: Digital Product Strategy
Lecture 2: DPS 102 Module 2: Stating Your Hypotheses
Lecture 3: DPS 102 Module 3: Information Sources
Lecture 4: DPS 102 Module 4: Data Combinations
Lecture 5: DPS 102 Module 5: Information Challenges
Lecture 6: DPS 102 Module 6: Data Strategy for Hypothesis Testing
Lecture 7: DPS 102 Module 7: Digital Product Design for Hypothesis Testing
Chapter 3: DPS 103: Digital Competitive Positioning
Lecture 1: DPS 103 Module 1: Digital Product Strategy
Lecture 2: DPS 103 Module 2: Information-Centric Business Definitions
Lecture 3: DPS 103 Module 3: Information Value Opportunities
Lecture 4: DPS 103 Module 4: Information Value Feasibility
Lecture 5: DPS 103 Module 5: Information Value Competitors
Lecture 6: DPS 103 Module 6: Digital Competitive Advantage
Chapter 4: DPS 104: Digital Business Models
Lecture 1: DPS 104 Module 1: What is a Business Model?
Lecture 2: DPS 104 Module 2: Value Creation in Business Models
Lecture 3: DPS 104 Module 3: Value Creation in Digital Business Models
Lecture 4: DPS 104 Module 4: Types of Digital Business Models
Lecture 5: DPS 104 Module 5: Porous Pipelines
Lecture 6: DPS 104 Module 6: Closed Networks
Lecture 7: DPS 104 Module 7: Open Networks
Chapter 5: DPS 105: Agile Development for Digital Products
Lecture 1: DPS 105 Module 1: Agile Development Methodology
Lecture 2: DPS 105 Module 2: Your Initial Hypotheses
Lecture 3: DPS 105 Module 3: Journey Mapping for Digital Product Design
Lecture 4: DPS 105 Module 4: Data Strategy Matrix Refinements to Digital Product Hypotheses
Lecture 5: DPS 105 Module 5: Formulating Measurable Digital Product Design Hypotheses
Lecture 6: DPS 105 Module 6: Information Value Impacts for Digital Product Design
Lecture 7: DPS 105 Module 7: Prototyping for Testing Digital Product Hypotheses
Lecture 8: DPS 105 Module 8: Digital Prototyping
Lecture 9: DPS 105 Module 9: Field Study Options for Testing Digital Product Hypotheses
Lecture 10: DPS 105 Module 10: Field Study Strategy for Testing Digital Product Hypotheses
Chapter 6: DPS 106: Agile Digital Pitfalls & Mistakes: Digital Product Feasibility
Lecture 1: DPS 106 Module 1: Avoiding Digital Pitfalls & Mistakes
Lecture 2: DPS 106 Module 2: Information Value Journey Mapping
Lecture 3: DPS 106 Module 3: Feasible Information Value Opportunities
Lecture 4: DPS 106 Module 4: Competitively Attractive Information Value Opportunities
Lecture 5: DPS 106 Module 5: Digital Product Functions
Lecture 6: DPS 106 Module 6: Digital Feasibility Framework
Lecture 7: DPS 106 Module 7: Digital Design Feasibility Matrix
Chapter 7: DPS 107: Get Funding for your Digital Initiative: The Digital Product Pitch Deck
Lecture 1: DPS 107 Module 1: Perfect Pitch Gets You Funded
Lecture 2: DPS 107 Module 2: Pitching Your Digital Product Concept to Investors
Lecture 3: DPS 107 Module 3: Pitching Your Digital Product Business Model to Investors
Lecture 4: DPS 107 Module 4: Sealing the Deal: Tips for Preparing an Effective Conclusion
Lecture 5: DPS 107 Module 5: Secrets for Delivering an Effective Pitch Presentation
Todd Hostager
Director of Digital Strategy Curriculum, Logic PD
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 6 votes
- 4 stars: 4 votes
- 5 stars: 9 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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