A Clear Logical Argument Guaranteed
A Clear Logical Argument Guaranteed, available at $39.99, has an average rating of 4.6, with 32 lectures, based on 49 reviews, and has 327 subscribers.
You will learn about After engaging the lectures, asking your questions, and following the carefully designed practice process, you should be able construct clear logical reasoning based on your facts in support of any claim with ease, confidence, and rigor. To reach this goal you will learn the five steps to constructing clear logical arguments using a universally applicable logical template and the process to mastery of this skill. 3.75 MCLE General or Practical Skills credits approved with the Oregon State Bar. This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is appropriate and accessible for students from high school through graduate school, teachers of critical thinking and analytical writing at any level, business people, intelligence analysts, scientists, lawyers, politicians, journalists, and anyone else who needs to quickly learn to construct clearer and more convincing logical arguments. Perhaps surprisingly, there is no prerequisite knowledge or skills. Only a willingness to thoughtfully engage learning a new way of thinking about reasoning is required. or For attorneys there are 3.75 MCLE General or Practical Skills credits approved with the Oregon State Bar. It is particularly useful for This course is appropriate and accessible for students from high school through graduate school, teachers of critical thinking and analytical writing at any level, business people, intelligence analysts, scientists, lawyers, politicians, journalists, and anyone else who needs to quickly learn to construct clearer and more convincing logical arguments. Perhaps surprisingly, there is no prerequisite knowledge or skills. Only a willingness to thoughtfully engage learning a new way of thinking about reasoning is required. or For attorneys there are 3.75 MCLE General or Practical Skills credits approved with the Oregon State Bar. .
Enroll now: A Clear Logical Argument Guaranteed
Title: A Clear Logical Argument Guaranteed
Price: $39.99
Average Rating: 4.6
Number of Lectures: 32
Number of Published Lectures: 32
Number of Curriculum Items: 32
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 32
Original Price: $39.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- After engaging the lectures, asking your questions, and following the carefully designed practice process, you should be able construct clear logical reasoning based on your facts in support of any claim with ease, confidence, and rigor. To reach this goal you will learn the five steps to constructing clear logical arguments using a universally applicable logical template and the process to mastery of this skill.
- 3.75 MCLE General or Practical Skills credits approved with the Oregon State Bar.
Who Should Attend
- This course is appropriate and accessible for students from high school through graduate school, teachers of critical thinking and analytical writing at any level, business people, intelligence analysts, scientists, lawyers, politicians, journalists, and anyone else who needs to quickly learn to construct clearer and more convincing logical arguments. Perhaps surprisingly, there is no prerequisite knowledge or skills. Only a willingness to thoughtfully engage learning a new way of thinking about reasoning is required.
- For attorneys there are 3.75 MCLE General or Practical Skills credits approved with the Oregon State Bar.
Target Audiences
- This course is appropriate and accessible for students from high school through graduate school, teachers of critical thinking and analytical writing at any level, business people, intelligence analysts, scientists, lawyers, politicians, journalists, and anyone else who needs to quickly learn to construct clearer and more convincing logical arguments. Perhaps surprisingly, there is no prerequisite knowledge or skills. Only a willingness to thoughtfully engage learning a new way of thinking about reasoning is required.
- For attorneys there are 3.75 MCLE General or Practical Skills credits approved with the Oregon State Bar.
As a trial and appellate attorney for nearly 40 years, my livelihood depends on constructing practical real-world winning arguments. Whether simple or complex, those arguments must be both logical and clear to my audience. And as an adjunct law professor for advanced argumentation, teaching students how to quickly and easily make such quality arguments is my mission.
In this course, I would like to share with you how to use or teach the same simple natural language logic template that I rely upon in court to ensure that any argument is both logical and clear.
I just fit the sentences of my reasoning within that logic template and out comes a logical and clear argument every time. It’s fail-safe, rigorous, robust, and nearly automatic. The type, complexity, or subject matter of the reasoning does not matter—the logic template is universal. And if the reasoning cannot be made to fit within the structure, you know that the reasoning is not logical.
Fortunately, you will NOT need to learn or teach about the typical long list of logical argument and reasoning curriculum topics. Just scratch them off your list of “need-to-know” to construct logical and clear arguments. There are just five simple steps to follow to complete the logic template.
It is academically sound as an extension of the seminal work of Professors Fred Sommers and George Englebretsen in the natural language New Syllogistic and peer-reviewed (Oxford Journal articles). And it has been field tested for years in actual litigation.
Of course, like improving any expertise, you will need to practice. But you only need to practice the same five simple steps for any argument.
To the contrary, based on traditional curriculum, studies have shown that practical logical reasoning “is often ill understood and poorly deployed even among those in the upper tiers of our educational systems.”(van Gelder, T., Bissett, M., & Cumming, G. (2004). Enhancing expertise in informal reasoning. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, 58, 142–152.)
Hasn’t the time come for learning and teaching how to make logical and clear arguments to stop being so complex and difficult? We have all been working at it harder than is really needed! The right tool makes all the difference.
The focus of this course is narrow—how to easily construct practical clear logical arguments every time whether supporting your own position or attacking another position. That’s it!
While there is certainly more to critical thinking than constructing logical and clear arguments, without real competence in this one skill, the other important areas of critical thinking cannot overcome its absence.
Course Curriculum
Lecture 1: Welcome to the Course
Chapter 1: A Universal Argument Structure
Lecture 1: Logical Argument
Lecture 2: The Logic-bridge
Lecture 3: Sentence Structure
Lecture 4: Start and Finish
Lecture 5: Linking Premises
Lecture 6: Amount of Certainty
Lecture 7: Qualifiers
Lecture 8: Assumptions
Chapter 2: Assumption Sets
Lecture 1: Assumption Sets
Chapter 3: Structure Variations
Lecture 1: Multiple Links
Lecture 2: Multiple Linkage Effects
Lecture 3: Multiple Lines
Lecture 4: Multi-Level
Lecture 5: Missing Premises
Lecture 6: Missing Assumptions
Chapter 4: Argument Dialogue
Lecture 1: Dialogue
Lecture 2: Toulmin Model of Argument
Chapter 5: Objections
Lecture 1: Opposing Attack
Lecture 2: Diverting Attack
Lecture 3: Obstructing Attack
Chapter 6: Flow of Certainty
Lecture 1: Flow of Certainty Overview
Chapter 7: Practice Resources
Lecture 1: Argument Construction Practice Protocol
Chapter 8: Argument Reconstruction
Lecture 1: Argument Reconstruction Example 1
Lecture 2: Argument Reconstruction Example 2
Lecture 3: Argument Reconstruction Example 3
Lecture 4: Argument Reconstruction Example 4
Lecture 5: Argument Reconstruction Example 5
Lecture 6: Argument Reconstruction Example 6
Lecture 7: Argument Reconstruction Example 7
Chapter 9: Inference Mode
Lecture 1: Logic-bridge Mode of Inference OPTIONAL
Chapter 10: Argument Mapping
Lecture 1: Inadequacies of Typical (tree-like) Argument Diagramming (Mapping) OPTIONAL
Joseph A. Laronge
Trial / Appellate Attorney and Adjunct Law School Professor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 7 votes
- 4 stars: 22 votes
- 5 stars: 20 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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