A Complete Guide on How to Build an IP Rights Database
A Complete Guide on How to Build an IP Rights Database, available at $44.99, has an average rating of 4.45, with 37 lectures, 1 quizzes, based on 33 reviews, and has 9801 subscribers.
You will learn about This course will help you to build your own database for intellectual property assets; You will be able to manage all your intellectual property rights in one place. All information and documents for your intellectual property (IP) rights will be organised in one place. You won’t miss important deadlines regarding the registration process of your patents, trademarks, industrial designs, domain names. You will be aware what copyrights, trademarks, patents etc. you own, without the risk to miss some important details. You can manage all license agreements from one place including the communication with your contractors and partners. You will be able to communicate with your intellectual property attorney right from the database storing all of the information in one place. You will have a clear view of your IP assets You will save time and money building a simple and user friendly database This course is ideal for individuals who are Wide range from small to large business owners or Startup companies or Entrepreneurs, founders, investors, researchers etc. or Marketing and brand building agencies and experts or Different artists, designers and freelancers or Law students and legal professionals or Teachers or Everyone with an interest in the field It is particularly useful for Wide range from small to large business owners or Startup companies or Entrepreneurs, founders, investors, researchers etc. or Marketing and brand building agencies and experts or Different artists, designers and freelancers or Law students and legal professionals or Teachers or Everyone with an interest in the field.
Enroll now: A Complete Guide on How to Build an IP Rights Database
Title: A Complete Guide on How to Build an IP Rights Database
Price: $44.99
Average Rating: 4.45
Number of Lectures: 37
Number of Quizzes: 1
Number of Published Lectures: 37
Number of Published Quizzes: 1
Number of Curriculum Items: 44
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 44
Original Price: $119.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- This course will help you to build your own database for intellectual property assets;
- You will be able to manage all your intellectual property rights in one place.
- All information and documents for your intellectual property (IP) rights will be organised in one place.
- You won’t miss important deadlines regarding the registration process of your patents, trademarks, industrial designs, domain names.
- You will be aware what copyrights, trademarks, patents etc. you own, without the risk to miss some important details.
- You can manage all license agreements from one place including the communication with your contractors and partners.
- You will be able to communicate with your intellectual property attorney right from the database storing all of the information in one place.
- You will have a clear view of your IP assets
- You will save time and money building a simple and user friendly database
Who Should Attend
- Wide range from small to large business owners
- Startup companies
- Entrepreneurs, founders, investors, researchers etc.
- Marketing and brand building agencies and experts
- Different artists, designers and freelancers
- Law students and legal professionals
- Teachers
- Everyone with an interest in the field
Target Audiences
- Wide range from small to large business owners
- Startup companies
- Entrepreneurs, founders, investors, researchers etc.
- Marketing and brand building agencies and experts
- Different artists, designers and freelancers
- Law students and legal professionals
- Teachers
- Everyone with an interest in the field
Welcome to the course “A Complete Guide on How to Build an IP Database Using Asana”
This course is designed to teach you how to build your own database where to store all the information for your intellectual property (IP) rights in a way that will allow you to manage them properly.
You will learn how to build such a database using one of the most well-known project management applications Asana.
Why having such a database is important?
Without a database, the protectionof your patents, trademarks, designs, domains, copyrights, etc. can be jeopardized,which in turn can lead to lost profit and business opportunities.
What is the chance of this happening?
Nowadays one of the biggest competitive advantages is the so-called intangible assets. According to some research, intangible assets represent 80% of the companies’ value in developed countries.
In most cases, these intangible assets are different intellectual property rights such as patents for inventions, trademarks, copyrights, designs, domain names, copyrights, etc.
These rights can be the main reason for a company’s success or failure especially for startups and entrepreneurs because they can represent their sole market advantage.
In light of this, monitoring and management of all available intellectual property assets in one company is vitalfor its development.
Intellectual property protection requires some actions to be done in compliance with the law. That is to say, dealing with different procedures, negotiations, and deadlines will allow this protection to be granted.
Because of this, the information for all intellectual property rights has to be stored and managed in one database with easy access for daily monitoring.
This will help the intellectual property owner to know all the developments and deadlines and based on that to take the necessary decisions.
Without such a database, the existence of a company’s intellectual property can be jeopardized.
In this course, I will show you:
How to build your own IP database in a simple way, using one very well-known free project management application called Asana.
You will learn what an intellectual property database is and what its main components and elements are.
I will acquaint you with Asana’s main characteristics and options and based on them how to create a logical structure for a database and what essential information for every IP asset to be included in it.
In the end, I will give you some tips and hints on how to manage this database in an efficient and less time-consuming way.
As a bonus, I will also include a PDF document that summarizes the database structure, including its sections and main elements for every intellectual property asset that has to be included in it.
Why choose this course?
This course will help you build a database where you will be able to store information for your intellectual property assets.
Having such a database you will not miss important deadlines regarding your intellectual property rights.
Gathering all data related to your intellectual property will allow you to manage it more efficiently, finding out at any moment what you have and what you need to acquire in order for your business to be operational and viable.
Managing such a database will save you from losing essential IP rights because of missed deadlines or failure to meet the Patent Office procedure’s requirements.
An IP database can save you from potential legal conflicts about intellectual property rights that you need to acquire for your activity.
You will be able to communicate with your team, IP attorneys, and contractors on all tasks and issues related to intellectual property matters.
What makes me qualified to teach you?
My name is Ventsi. I’ve been working in the field of intellectual property protection and management for more than 12 years. I’ve participated in many corporate projects to launch new brands on the market and the related process of their registration before the Patent Offices. Some of my responsibilities include building and managing huge corporate intellectual property databases which allow efficient and time-consuming work over all intellectual property assets within a company. From that perspective, I’ve gained significant expertise in how to successfully deal with such IP databases which in turn supports the entire company’s business development.
What knowledge will I gain from this course?
Lifetime access to the course covers the most essential aspects of building an intellectual property database.
Interactive screencast videos that give you a clear view of how to build an IP database.
Tests and assignments throughout the course will help you to put the knowledge that you will gain into practice.
Guidance on common pitfalls and best practices regarding storing and managing intellectual property information.
Disclaimer: The materials available in this course are for educational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing legal advice or opinion. You should contact an attorney to obtain advice with respect to any particular issue or problem. The aim of this course is to teach you how to build an intellectual property database in general. This database and its structure can vary depending on your particular needs. The opinions expressed at or through this course are the opinions of the individual author only.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to the course
Lecture 1: Welcome to the course
Lecture 2: Brief Introduction to the course content
Lecture 3: What is intellectual property?
Lecture 4: Which IP assets need database management?
Lecture 5: What is a database for intellectual property assets and why it is so important?
Lecture 6: What are the options for building an IP database?
Lecture 7: What is Asana and why it can be used as an IP database?
Lecture 8: End of the section
Chapter 2: First steps in Asana
Lecture 1: How to create an account in Asana?
Lecture 2: Asana main characteristics
Lecture 3: End of the section
Chapter 3: Create an intellectual property database
Lecture 1: Section introduction
Lecture 2: Define the structural elements and data that will be collected
Lecture 3: Define the structural elements and data that will be collected – Part 2
Lecture 4: How to create database structure
Lecture 5: Create sections in projects
Lecture 6: Create sections in every project – Part 2
Lecture 7: Fill in the sections with information about your IP assets
Lecture 8: Fill in the sections with information- Part 2
Lecture 9: Make your database more flexible
Lecture 10: How to use tags to enter your database and find information easier
Lecture 11: Add information for the rest of the IP assets in the database
Lecture 12: Add information to the Design database
Lecture 13: Add information to the Domain names database
Lecture 14: Add information to the Copyright database
Lecture 15: Add information to the IP Infringements database
Lecture 16: Add information to the IP Deals database
Lecture 17: End of the section
Chapter 4: Manage your intellectual property database
Lecture 1: Manage your intellectual property database
Lecture 2: How to manage your IP records in a systematic way?
Lecture 3: How to enter the database in a more convenient way?
Lecture 4: How to use the task status to manage your IP records?
Lecture 5: How to communicate with your team and IP Attorney through Asana?
Lecture 6: Reminders and how you can be notified
Lecture 7: The finished IP database
Lecture 8: End of the section
Chapter 5: Additional content
Lecture 1: A course summary
Ventsi Stoilov
Intellectual Property Teacher
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 6 votes
- 4 stars: 15 votes
- 5 stars: 10 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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