Advanced Business Analysis
Advanced Business Analysis, available at $89.99, has an average rating of 4.58, with 134 lectures, 10 quizzes, based on 1535 reviews, and has 8852 subscribers.
You will learn about 35 IIBA PDUs (17 hours of video + 18 hours of reading, tests, and case studies) Deep understanding of business analysis More than 50 business analysis techniques with examples and case studies All six BA knowledge areas Five BA perspectives Best practices and common pitfalls Practice IIBA CBAP(r) exam (120 questions) Get prepared for IIBA CBAP(r) exam This course is ideal for individuals who are Aspiring and experienced business analysts or Business analysts preparing for IIBA CBAP(r) certification exam or Other professionals who may benefit from business analysis skills (e.g. project managers, UX designers, change managers etc.) or Line managers and business analysis practice leaders It is particularly useful for Aspiring and experienced business analysts or Business analysts preparing for IIBA CBAP(r) certification exam or Other professionals who may benefit from business analysis skills (e.g. project managers, UX designers, change managers etc.) or Line managers and business analysis practice leaders.
Enroll now: Advanced Business Analysis
Title: Advanced Business Analysis
Price: $89.99
Average Rating: 4.58
Number of Lectures: 134
Number of Quizzes: 10
Number of Published Lectures: 134
Number of Published Quizzes: 10
Number of Curriculum Items: 144
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 144
Number of Practice Tests: 1
Number of Published Practice Tests: 1
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- 35 IIBA PDUs (17 hours of video + 18 hours of reading, tests, and case studies)
- Deep understanding of business analysis
- More than 50 business analysis techniques with examples and case studies
- All six BA knowledge areas
- Five BA perspectives
- Best practices and common pitfalls
- Practice IIBA CBAP(r) exam (120 questions)
- Get prepared for IIBA CBAP(r) exam
Who Should Attend
- Aspiring and experienced business analysts
- Business analysts preparing for IIBA CBAP(r) certification exam
- Other professionals who may benefit from business analysis skills (e.g. project managers, UX designers, change managers etc.)
- Line managers and business analysis practice leaders
Target Audiences
- Aspiring and experienced business analysts
- Business analysts preparing for IIBA CBAP(r) certification exam
- Other professionals who may benefit from business analysis skills (e.g. project managers, UX designers, change managers etc.)
- Line managers and business analysis practice leaders
Hi there!
This course is designed for practitioners with a few years of experience who want to become significantly betterat business analysis.
I’ve been doing business analysis for more than a decade, and I’ve seen what works and what doesn’t work and how the theory from popular industry books and frameworks (such as the BABOK® Guide) applies to real life scenarios. In the course, we will follow the structure of the Guide to the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge® (BABOK® Guide) and will discuss it in detail and augment with real-life examples from different industries, mock applications and walk-throughs.
This course will help you build a holistic understanding of business analysis knowledge areas, learn all the techniquesfrom the BABOK Guide, and form an opinion on what good business analysis looks like.
The knowledge gained in the course will help you prepare for a much sought for certification– Certified Business Analysis Professional™ (CBAP®). You will get the theory and practical skills to apply business analysis in a variety of contexts. Business analysis offers a variety of skills that can be easily transferrable- you will benefit from them as a project manager, a change manager, an operations specialist, an architect or a strategist.
As a bonus, you will get CBAP® sample exam questions with detailed explanations of the answers to test your knowledge before going for a real exam.
I hope you’ll enjoy!
Have fun.
This course is officially endorsed by the International Institute of Business Analysis™ (IIBA®) and qualifies for 35 professional development units for the purposes of certification.
That is all the PDUs you need to become eligible for CBAP exam.
What our students say:
☆☆☆☆☆“Crystal clear and so well organized.”— Eric
☆☆☆☆☆“Igor is obviously professional and I respect his effort to deliver his knowledge to other people in a understandable manner. BABOK is pretty complicated and it is essential that such people as Igor help other learn it in a proper way. Thank you so much.”— Yaroslav
☆☆☆☆☆“Igor is an expert in his field and it’s a joy to learn from him – he is humble, engaging, clever and thorough, and it reflects in the course.”— Philipp
☆☆☆☆☆“I took this course to prepare for the CBAP exam and not necessarily to learn more about Business Analysis, and yet I learned a ton. I have been a BA for over 10 years (for a small company), and I learned what I was doing correct, what I could improve on, and all the things that I’ve been told which are incorrect. This course was amazing and enlightening! Igor brings a ‘realistic’ approach to the course and takes time to personally explain any questions you might have throughout the course.” — Steven
This course will offer:
Detailed explanationof business analysis knowledge areas, soft skills, and perspectives.
Overview and examples of all 50 business analysis techniques from the BABOK® Guide
Case studies of examples and practical applications of selected techniques
Examples and practical explanationsof sometimes complicated definitions from the BABOK® Guide and other resources
A way to systematize your experience and bring it into a common BA method through IIBA® Core Concept Model™ and the BABOK® knowledge areas
Quizzes with detailed explanations of the answers to check your knowledge
Additional reading materials to further deepen your knowledge.
A sample set of CBAP® exam questions with detailed explanations of answers to prepare for the exam
A way to earn a few extra PDUs/CDUs online: this course has been reviewed by IIBA experts and qualifies for 35 development units.
An official IIBA Endorsed Education Provider certificate of completion in addition to the standard Udemy certificate.
This course is an updated and refined version of my previous course – Full business analysis study guide. This one is primarily designed for established professionals seeking to attempt CBAP certification level; and as such can be considered a next stage after completing the previous one. However, taking the previous course is not a pre-requisite.
The course is 100% aligned with the Guide to the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge® (BABOK® Guide) – the key standard explaining the business analysis profession. Created by the IIBA, it is probably the best and most comprehensive guide into all the knowledge areas, hard and soft skills required to become a successful business analyst.
In addition to the Guide, IIBA offers a set of professional certifications for business analysis professionals:
The Entry Certificate in Business Analysis™ (ECBA™) which tests foundational knowledge on how to approach business analysis according to the BABOK® Guide
The Certification of Capability in Business Analysis™ (CCBA®) which recognises your 2 – 3 years of experience and tests the ability to take on larger and or more complex project responsibilities
The Certified Business Analysis Professional™ (CBAP®) which tests your extensive (5+ years) business analysis experience and in-depth knowledge of the profession. The CBAP® recipients are recognised as the leading, senior members of the BA community.
This course provides with enough information to pass any level of certification above, and is specifically designed for the hardest and most rewarding level – Certified Business Analysis Professional™ (CBAP®).
But more importantly, it will help you become a better business analyst.
Note: I am an Endorsed Education Provider™ by IIBA®, which means the materials and references to IIBA® and its publications used in this course are licensed for me to do so. By enrolling in this course you support legal use of intellectual property and contribute to the development of business analysis profession.
All the trademarks belong to their rightful owners.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to business analysis
Lecture 1: Introduction to the course
Lecture 2: What is business analysis?
Lecture 3: Article: Four Types of Requirements Summarised
Lecture 4: Career as a business analyst
Lecture 5: Introduction to the BABOK(r) Guide
Lecture 6: Core concepts of business analysis (BACCM model)
Lecture 7: Technique: Concept modelling
Lecture 8: The difference between requirements and designs
Lecture 9: References to the BABOK(r) Guide
Lecture 10: Case study exercise
Chapter 2: Strategy Analysis
Lecture 1: Strategy Analysis: Overview
Lecture 2: Current State Analysis
Lecture 3: Technique: Business Model Canvas
Lecture 4: Technique: SWOT
Lecture 5: Technique: Business Process Analysis
Lecture 6: Technique: Benchmarking and Market Analysis
Lecture 7: Real live examples of Benchmarking
Lecture 8: Technique: Document Analysis
Lecture 9: Real live example of Business Capabilities analysis
Lecture 10: Future state definition
Lecture 11: Article: Goal setting frameworks
Lecture 12: Technique: Metrics and KPIs
Lecture 13: Challenges of defining good KPIs
Lecture 14: Technique: Balanced Scorecard
Lecture 15: Technique: Business Case
Lecture 16: Assess Risks
Lecture 17: Real live examples of risk assessment
Lecture 18: Define Change Strategy
Lecture 19: Technique: Vendor assessment
Lecture 20: Article: Practical Ontology – a Tool for Making Sense of New Domains
Lecture 21: References to the BABOK(r) Guide
Lecture 22: Case study exercise
Chapter 3: Elicitation and Collaboration
Lecture 1: Elicitation and Collaboration: Overview
Lecture 2: Prepare for Elicitation
Lecture 3: Conduct Elicitation
Lecture 4: Technique: Interviews
Lecture 5: Case study: Interview Guide
Lecture 6: Engage with the community
Lecture 7: Technique: Focus Groups
Lecture 8: Technique: Collaborative Games
Lecture 9: Technique: Brainstorming
Lecture 10: Technique: Workshops
Lecture 11: Technique: Mindmapping
Lecture 12: Technique: Decision modelling
Lecture 13: Confirm elicitation results
Lecture 14: Communicate BA information
Lecture 15: Manage stakeholder collaboration
Lecture 16: References to the BABOK(r) Guide
Lecture 17: Case study exercise
Chapter 4: Requirements Analysis and Design Definition
Lecture 1: Requirements Analysis and Design Definition: Overview
Lecture 2: Specify and model requirements and designs
Lecture 3: Technique: User Stories
Lecture 4: Article: Anatomy of a User Story
Lecture 5: Technique: Use Cases and Scenarios
Lecture 6: Real live example of using Scenarios and Use cases
Lecture 7: Technique: Process Modelling
Lecture 8: Article: Make Your Process Flows Easy to Read
Lecture 9: Technique: Prototyping
Lecture 10: Technique: Functional Decomposition
Lecture 11: Technique: State Modelling
Lecture 12: Functional Decomposition and State Modelling using a modelling software
Lecture 13: Technique: Sequence Diagrams and Interface Analysis
Lecture 14: Real live example of sequence diagrams and interface analysis
Lecture 15: Technique: Scope Modelling
Lecture 16: Technique: Non-Functional Requirements
Lecture 17: Technique: Roles and Permissions Matrix
Lecture 18: Verify and Validate Requirements
Lecture 19: Technique: Reviews
Lecture 20: Define Requirements Architecture
Lecture 21: Technique: Data Modelling
Lecture 22: Define Design Options
Lecture 23: Analyze Potential Value and Recommend Solutions
Lecture 24: Technique: Financial Analysis
Lecture 25: Financial Analysis in action
Lecture 26: Technique: Acceptance and Evaluation Criteria
Lecture 27: References to the BABOK(r) Guide
Lecture 28: Case study exercise
Chapter 5: Requirements lifecycle management
Lecture 1: Requirements Lifecycle Management: Overview
Lecture 2: Trace requirements
Lecture 3: Maintain requirements and designs
Lecture 4: Prioritise requirements
Lecture 5: Technique: Prioritisation
Lecture 6: Technique: Backlog management
Lecture 7: Backlog management using Jira
Lecture 8: Assess requirements changes
Lecture 9: Technique: Item tracking
Lecture 10: Approve requirements
Lecture 11: References to the BABOK(r) Guide
Lecture 12: Case study exercise
Chapter 6: Solution evaluation
Igor Arkhipov | Analyst's corner
Certified Business Analysis Professional (CBAP)
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 3 votes
- 2 stars: 9 votes
- 3 stars: 108 votes
- 4 stars: 487 votes
- 5 stars: 928 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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