Advanced Visual Merchandising & Store Design
Advanced Visual Merchandising & Store Design, available at $24.99, has an average rating of 4.2, with 16 lectures, based on 20 reviews, and has 365 subscribers.
You will learn about Explain the Principles of Design Used in Display Explain What is Balance Describe the Types of Balance Explain the Strategies to Create Emphasis in Displays Explain What is Proportion Describe Ways in Which Proportion is Achieved Explain What is Rhythm Describe Strategies to Create Rhythm in Displays Explain the Various Category of Colors Explain What is a Color Wheel Describe the Various Color Schemes Describe the Types of Lighting Used in Store Illumination Explain What is Harmony Describe the Various Forms of Harmony Describe the Common Window Display Errors This course is ideal for individuals who are Retail Store owners or Managers or Entrepreneurs or Interior Designers & Architects or Supervisors It is particularly useful for Retail Store owners or Managers or Entrepreneurs or Interior Designers & Architects or Supervisors.
Enroll now: Advanced Visual Merchandising & Store Design
Title: Advanced Visual Merchandising & Store Design
Price: $24.99
Average Rating: 4.2
Number of Lectures: 16
Number of Published Lectures: 16
Number of Curriculum Items: 16
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 16
Original Price: $29.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Explain the Principles of Design Used in Display
- Explain What is Balance
- Describe the Types of Balance
- Explain the Strategies to Create Emphasis in Displays
- Explain What is Proportion
- Describe Ways in Which Proportion is Achieved
- Explain What is Rhythm
- Describe Strategies to Create Rhythm in Displays
- Explain the Various Category of Colors
- Explain What is a Color Wheel
- Describe the Various Color Schemes
- Describe the Types of Lighting Used in Store Illumination
- Explain What is Harmony
- Describe the Various Forms of Harmony
- Describe the Common Window Display Errors
Who Should Attend
- Retail Store owners
- Managers
- Entrepreneurs
- Interior Designers & Architects
- Supervisors
Target Audiences
- Retail Store owners
- Managers
- Entrepreneurs
- Interior Designers & Architects
- Supervisors
Very useful course for retail store owners, retailers etc. In order to design and create a display that attracts customers and sells merchandise, it is crucial that retailers should have a working knowledge of the principles of design. All of these principles of design when applied correctly and appropriately will help to create a display that is effective, purposeful, elegant, aesthetically beautiful and pleasing to the eyes. Moreover, when you understand the principle of design it will be easier for you to design a display for any kind of merchandise, any kind of target customers and in any kind of space.
Balance means the harmonious arrangement or relation of parts or elements within a whole as in a design. Hence, ‘Balance’ involves the equilibrium and distribution of weight of elements evenly between two sides of a display. Balance is based on a theory of equals. A ‘Traditional or Symmetrical Balance’ is such that it has a large element on one side and a large element on the other side. Such a type of balance is especially suited for and effective in stores where expensive and quality merchandise is being presented.
An ‘Informal or Asymmetrical Balance’ is such that the two sides of a display appear to be of equal weight. However, they are not exact replicas of each other. Such a balance creates a flow or rhythm and a feeling of excitement. In such an asymmetrical balance, a large element is balanced by several small items or an area of empty space, a bright color or a shot of lights. Several soft colors are kept in a large space. These soft colors are then balanced by one bright color in a small area. The balance occurs as the intensity of the bright color counter balances its small size.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Explain the Principles of Design Used in Display
Lecture 3: Explain What is Balance
Lecture 4: Describe the Types of Balance
Lecture 5: Explain the Strategies to Create Emphasis in Displays
Lecture 6: Explain What is Proportion
Lecture 7: Describe Ways in Which Proportion is Achieved
Lecture 8: Explain What is Rhythm
Lecture 9: Describe Strategies to Create Rhythm in Displays
Lecture 10: Explain the Various Category of Colors
Lecture 11: Explain What is a Color Wheel
Lecture 12: Describe the Various Color Schemes
Lecture 13: Describe the Types of Lighting Used in Store Illumination
Lecture 14: Explain What is Harmony
Lecture 15: Describe the Various Forms of Harmony
Lecture 16: Describe the Common Window Display Errors
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Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 3 votes
- 4 stars: 7 votes
- 5 stars: 8 votes
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