Agile Leadership and Resilient Teams
Agile Leadership and Resilient Teams, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.41, with 25 lectures, 8 quizzes, based on 5051 reviews, and has 12777 subscribers.
You will learn about The ultimate guide to building high performance teams as an agile leader Define agile leadership and assess your team's resilience Express how heat within teams can lead to breakthrough and how to foster the right kind of heat as an agile leader Develop strong, flexible, and fair business relationships Use your team meetings to create an agile team culture Respond to change and uncertainty with resilient leadership This course is ideal for individuals who are Leaders, managers and team members who want their teams to be more agile and resilient, even under stress and rapid change It is particularly useful for Leaders, managers and team members who want their teams to be more agile and resilient, even under stress and rapid change.
Enroll now: Agile Leadership and Resilient Teams
Title: Agile Leadership and Resilient Teams
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.41
Number of Lectures: 25
Number of Quizzes: 8
Number of Published Lectures: 25
Number of Published Quizzes: 8
Number of Curriculum Items: 33
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 33
Number of Practice Tests: 1
Number of Published Practice Tests: 1
Original Price: $59.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- The ultimate guide to building high performance teams as an agile leader
- Define agile leadership and assess your team's resilience
- Express how heat within teams can lead to breakthrough and how to foster the right kind of heat as an agile leader
- Develop strong, flexible, and fair business relationships
- Use your team meetings to create an agile team culture
- Respond to change and uncertainty with resilient leadership
Who Should Attend
- Leaders, managers and team members who want their teams to be more agile and resilient, even under stress and rapid change
Target Audiences
- Leaders, managers and team members who want their teams to be more agile and resilient, even under stress and rapid change
Team members in today’s growth organizations need more than technical or operational management from their leader. Today’s top performers want an agile team culture where they can thrive during times of high stress and rapid change, and a leader they can trust and respect even when times are hard. The best teams use conflict for innovation and creative solutions and can leverage diverse points of view and act together as a collaborative team.
Your instructor, Michael Papanek, has advised leaders at top global companies like Apple, Google, VMWare, Cisco, Kaiser, Clorox and Verizon, and has built the course on their best practices for Agile Leadership.
In this course you will master the tools used by Agile Leaders for making decisions, resolving conflict and building team relationships, so you can create a team that overcomes any change or challenge that comes your way.
This course will make you a master of the interpersonal skills you need now to inspire your team to achieve high performance, and break through any internal or external barriers to realizing your full potential – as an individual and as a group. As an Agile leader you will discover the tools and strategies you need to address the root causes of performance issues so they are no longer pulling your team down.
In this course you’ll learn:
What Agile Leadership is and how to assess your team’s agility and resilience
How the right kind of “heat” on your team will lead to breakthrough
How to build strong, flexible, and fair business relationships
How to change your team culture by changing team meetings
How to be a resilient leader in times of volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity
I’ve included lots of exercises, free access to my online team assessment, downloadable tools and links to additional resources so you can put your new skills into practice and execute your personal action plan for becoming an Agile Leader.
If you’re ready to take charge and become an Agile Leader, then enroll today!
CPE (Continuing Professional Education)
Learning Objectives
Define agile leadership and explain the key benefits and attributes of an agile team.
Assess your own team’s resilience.
Identify, discuss and change team dynamics to create more resilience on your own teams.
Explain the heat curve framework and why it is important.
Explain how undiscussable issues keep a team from performing well and list examples of undiscussable issues.
Describe how to define and improve the strength of a business relationship.
List strategies for improving the strength of a business relationship.
Explain how to use a simple tool (issues, positions, interests) to work through a conflict and demonstrate more flexibility.
List the components of fairness and trust (the trust formula) and describe ways to increase levels of trust.
Describe a process for making decisions that will increase the perception of fairness.
Describe different kinds of meetings and identify an optimally effective approach to meetings.
List some best practices for improving meetings and thereby improving culture.
Define the VUCA environment in which agile leaders work.
List some key strategies that agile leaders use to respond in difficult (VUCA) times.
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Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: What is Agile Leadership?
Lecture 3: Agility and resilient relationships
Lecture 4: Exercise: Assessing your team's resilience
Chapter 2: Riding the Heat Curve
Lecture 1: The Heat Curve
Lecture 2: Types of Heat Curves
Lecture 3: Exercise: Where is my team on the Heat Curve?
Chapter 3: Building strong relationships
Lecture 1: Strong business relationships
Lecture 2: Know your people
Lecture 3: Exercise: Assess the strength of your key business relationships
Chapter 4: Building flexible relationships
Lecture 1: Flexible business relationships
Lecture 2: Focus on interests, not positions
Lecture 3: Exercise: Assess the flexibility of your key business relationships
Chapter 5: Building fair business relationships
Lecture 1: Fair business relationships
Lecture 2: Building trust
Lecture 3: Exercise: Assess the fairness of your key business relationships
Chapter 6: Agile team meetings: Going up the Heat Curve
Lecture 1: Meetings make your team culture
Lecture 2: Changing culture by changing meetings
Lecture 3: Exercise: Your next team meeting
Chapter 7: Resilient leadership
Lecture 1: We live in "VUCA" times and need resilient leadership
Lecture 2: Understanding VUCA
Lecture 3: Responding to VUCA with resilient leadership
Lecture 4: Exercise: Delivering resilient leadership in a VUCA world
Chapter 8: Conclusion
Lecture 1: Agile leadership: Key takeaways
Lecture 2: Additional resources
Michael Papanek
Leadership Coach and Organizational Development Consultant
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 46 votes
- 2 stars: 100 votes
- 3 stars: 637 votes
- 4 stars: 1967 votes
- 5 stars: 2301 votes
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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