Agile PM 301 – Mastering Agile Project Management
Agile PM 301 – Mastering Agile Project Management, available at $119.99, has an average rating of 4.45, with 65 lectures, 12 quizzes, based on 7283 reviews, and has 24181 subscribers.
You will learn about Develop an objective understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of both an Agile and traditional plan-driven approach to project management and how they can be combined in the right proportions to fit any given situation in an integrated approach to Agile Project Management Learn what's fundamentally different about Agile Project Management and the shifts in thinking that project managers might need to make to operate successfully in an Agile environment Better understand the impact of Agile on the project management profession, the new challenges that Agile creates for project managers, and the potential roles that an Agile Project Manager can play This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone who is interested in developing a well-integrated Agile Project Management strategy for their organization to align an Agile development approach with the company's business or Project Managers who want to learn how Agile impacts the project management profession and want to develop a more adaptive approach to project management to enhance their project management skills and develop new opportunities for career growth It is particularly useful for Anyone who is interested in developing a well-integrated Agile Project Management strategy for their organization to align an Agile development approach with the company's business or Project Managers who want to learn how Agile impacts the project management profession and want to develop a more adaptive approach to project management to enhance their project management skills and develop new opportunities for career growth.
Enroll now: Agile PM 301 – Mastering Agile Project Management
Title: Agile PM 301 – Mastering Agile Project Management
Price: $119.99
Average Rating: 4.45
Number of Lectures: 65
Number of Quizzes: 12
Number of Published Lectures: 65
Number of Published Quizzes: 9
Number of Curriculum Items: 77
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 74
Original Price: $149.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Develop an objective understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of both an Agile and traditional plan-driven approach to project management and how they can be combined in the right proportions to fit any given situation in an integrated approach to Agile Project Management
- Learn what's fundamentally different about Agile Project Management and the shifts in thinking that project managers might need to make to operate successfully in an Agile environment
- Better understand the impact of Agile on the project management profession, the new challenges that Agile creates for project managers, and the potential roles that an Agile Project Manager can play
Who Should Attend
- Anyone who is interested in developing a well-integrated Agile Project Management strategy for their organization to align an Agile development approach with the company's business
- Project Managers who want to learn how Agile impacts the project management profession and want to develop a more adaptive approach to project management to enhance their project management skills and develop new opportunities for career growth
Target Audiences
- Anyone who is interested in developing a well-integrated Agile Project Management strategy for their organization to align an Agile development approach with the company's business
- Project Managers who want to learn how Agile impacts the project management profession and want to develop a more adaptive approach to project management to enhance their project management skills and develop new opportunities for career growth
This course is part of an integrated, university-level curriculum of seven courses (See details below). This course is the fifth course in that series and should be taken in sequence. Please take the prerequisite courses before taking this course.
Course Statistics:
Over 125,000 students in my courses!
Over 7,000 5-star reviews in my courses!
Earn PDU’s:Students who complete this course are eligible to receive 7.0 PDU’s in PMI continuing education credits. Instructions for claiming PDU’s are provided with the last lesson in the course.
Qualify for PMI-ACP Certification: Completion of all seven courses in this series will meet the requirement for 21 hours of training to qualify for PMI-ACP certification.
Money-back Guaranty:Try this course and if you are not satisfied with the value you received from the course, just send an email to Udemy support and they will give you a 100% refund within 30 days.
Course Summary:
Learn how to blend Agile and traditional plan-driven project management principles and practices in the right proportions to fit any situation!
The concept of Agile Project Management is very rapidly evolving and will have a significant impact on the project management profession; however, we are in the early stages of that transformation and there is a lot of confusion about what impact it has on project managers. This course will help you unravel a lot of the confusion that exists; develop a totally new perspective to see both Agile and traditional project management principles and practices in a new light as complementary to each other rather than competitive; and learn to develop an adaptive approach to project management to blend those principles and practices together in the right proportions to fit any situation.
This course is part of a sequence of courses that are designed to cover most of the knowledge required for PMI-ACP® certification but the courses present that knowledge in a very practical, real-world context to provide a much deeper understanding of the principles behind it. The course also includes a number of case studies to show how to apply this knowledge in a typical real-world situation.
Special Note:
This course is part of an overall curriculum that is designed around helping students develop the skills required for a high-impact Agile Project Management role. Most students will want to take the complete curriculum rather than individual courses. The complete curriculum should be taken in the following order:
Agile PM 101 – Learn the Truth About Agile versus Waterfall
Agile PM 102 – What’s the Future of Agile Project Management?
Agile PM 201 – Understanding Agile at a Deeper Level
Agile PM 202 – Introduction to Agile Project Management
Agile PM 301 – Mastering Agile Project Management
Agile PM 401 – Advanced Agile Project Management
Agile PM 402 – Enterprise-level Agile Project Management
Students who complete the entire curriculum of all seven courses shown above will receive a signed certificate of completion from the Agile Project Management Academy. The complete set of seven courses will also meet the 21 hours of training required for PMI-ACP certification.
PMI-ACP Certification Course
In addition, there are one optional courses that is designed to supplement the above curriculum for students who are interested in PMI-ACP certification:
How to Prepare for PMI-ACP Certification is intended for students who are interested in using this curriculum to prepare for PMI-ACP certification
Agile Business Management Curriculum
There is also a condensed version of this curriculum that is designed for any business people who are involved in Agile projects including Product Owners, Business Sponsors, and Business Analysts
Introduction to Agile Business Management
Mastering Agile Business Management
Enterprise-level Agile Business Management
Note:These courses for Agile Business Management are an abridged version of the Agile Project Management courses and there is no need to take both
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Course Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Agile Estimation and Time-boxing
Lecture 1: Review of Traditional Project Management Estimation Practices
Lecture 2: Project Estimation Best Practices
Lecture 3: Time-boxing and Time-boxing Advantages
Lecture 4: General Agile Estimation Approach
Lecture 5: Story Points and Velocity
Lecture 6: Definition of Done and Definition of Ready
Lecture 7: Wideband Delphi and Planning Poker
Lecture 8: Estimation by Analogy and Relative Sizing
Lecture 9: Agile Estimation Example
Chapter 3: Agile Risk Management
Lecture 1: Overview of Project Risk Management
Lecture 2: Agile Risk Identification Part 1
Lecture 3: Agle Risk Identification Part 2
Lecture 4: Project Risk Analysis
Lecture 5: Project Risk Response
Lecture 6: Monitoring and Controlling Risks
Lecture 7: Agile Risk Management Summary
Chapter 4: Agile Metrics
Lecture 1: Overview of Project Management Metrics
Lecture 2: How Are Agile Metrics Different?
Lecture 3: Project Progress Metrics
Lecture 4: Baseline Metrics and Project Scope
Lecture 5: Risk Management Metrics
Lecture 6: Project Profitability Metrics
Lecture 7: Earned Value Metrics Part 1
Lecture 8: Earned Value Metrics Part 2
Lecture 9: Team Productivity Metrics
Lecture 10: Quality and Customer Satisfaction Metrics
Lecture 11: Agile Metrics Summary and Best Practices
Chapter 5: Agile Communications Practices
Lecture 1: Overview of Agile Communications
Lecture 2: Effective Communications Traits and Skills
Lecture 3: Information Radiators
Lecture 4: Agile Team Space
Lecture 5: Face-to-Face Communications
Lecture 6: Collocated and Distributed Teams and Daily Standups
Chapter 6: Agile Communications and Collaboration Tools
Lecture 1: The Importance of Collaboration
Lecture 2: Types of Communication and Collaboration Tools
Lecture 3: Wiki's and Document Sharing Tools
Lecture 4: The Influence of Social Media
Lecture 5: An Example of a Communication and Collaboration Tool
Lecture 6: How to Use Communication and Collaboration Tools
Chapter 7: Agile Project Management Tools
Lecture 1: Overview of Agile Project Management Tools
Lecture 2: Capabilities of Team-level Agile Project Management Tools
Lecture 3: Team-level Tool Demo
Lecture 4: Capabilities of Enterprise-level Agile Project Management Tools
Lecture 5: Enterprise-level Tool Planning Demo
Lecture 6: Enterprise-level Tool Tracking Demo
Chapter 8: Agile Development Practices
Lecture 1: Overview of Agile Development Practices
Lecture 2: Agile Architecture
Lecture 3: Code Refactoring
Lecture 4: Continuous Integration
Lecture 5: Pair Programming
Lecture 6: Test-driven Development
Lecture 7: Agile Prototyping
Chapter 9: Agile Quality and Testing Practices
Lecture 1: Overview of Agile Quality and Testing Practices
Lecture 2: Definition of "Done" and Definition of "Ready"
Lecture 3: The Role of QA Testing in an Agile Project
Lecture 4: Types of Testing
Lecture 5: Acceptance Test-driven Development
Lecture 6: Repeatable Tests and Automated Regression Testing
Lecture 7: Value-based and Risk-based Testing
Chapter 10: Overall Summary and Resources to Help
Lecture 1: Summary of Project Management Trends
Lecture 2: Student Case Study
Lecture 3: Overall Summary and Resources to Help
Lecture 4: How to Claim PDU's
Lecture 5: Bonus Material
Agile Project Management Academy – Chuck Cobb
Author of The Project Manager's Guide to Mastering Agile
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 38 votes
- 2 stars: 90 votes
- 3 stars: 743 votes
- 4 stars: 3045 votes
- 5 stars: 3367 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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