AMAZING Agile Requirements Gathering
AMAZING Agile Requirements Gathering, available at $39.99, has an average rating of 4.27, with 57 lectures, based on 98 reviews, and has 587 subscribers.
You will learn about Work with first time Agile customers who are new to Agile and may not understand the process to solicit and gather requirements. Work with angry or disenfranchised customers or apathetic and disinterested customers to solicit and gather requirements. Use the techniques, feel confident in using the techniques, and feel confident to amend the techniques to suit their own situations / customers needs. Evaluate the right technique for the right situation. Set up and use techniques, capture and learn lessons to modify the techniques for your circumstances. Use, change and shift techniques depending on what is working with different customers. Push back when there is too little or too much from the customer. This course is ideal for individuals who are Product Owners responsible for representing a wide-range of stakeholders (from customers, operational business management and staff, as well as technical administration and maintenance) and accountable for the definitive list of requirements. or Agile Developers who closely interact (daily or very frequently) with Super Users, SMEs, Business Reps, Change Management coordinators. or Agile Project Managers coordinating user role definitions and setting stakeholder expectations of time, effort and involvement throughout the project. or Business users, SMEs, etc dedicated to supporting and working with an Agile team, representing and providing day-to-day decision making on behalf of the business. It is particularly useful for Product Owners responsible for representing a wide-range of stakeholders (from customers, operational business management and staff, as well as technical administration and maintenance) and accountable for the definitive list of requirements. or Agile Developers who closely interact (daily or very frequently) with Super Users, SMEs, Business Reps, Change Management coordinators. or Agile Project Managers coordinating user role definitions and setting stakeholder expectations of time, effort and involvement throughout the project. or Business users, SMEs, etc dedicated to supporting and working with an Agile team, representing and providing day-to-day decision making on behalf of the business.
Enroll now: AMAZING Agile Requirements Gathering
Title: AMAZING Agile Requirements Gathering
Price: $39.99
Average Rating: 4.27
Number of Lectures: 57
Number of Published Lectures: 57
Number of Curriculum Items: 57
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 57
Original Price: $22.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Work with first time Agile customers who are new to Agile and may not understand the process to solicit and gather requirements.
- Work with angry or disenfranchised customers or apathetic and disinterested customers to solicit and gather requirements.
- Use the techniques, feel confident in using the techniques, and feel confident to amend the techniques to suit their own situations / customers needs.
- Evaluate the right technique for the right situation.
- Set up and use techniques, capture and learn lessons to modify the techniques for your circumstances.
- Use, change and shift techniques depending on what is working with different customers.
- Push back when there is too little or too much from the customer.
Who Should Attend
- Product Owners responsible for representing a wide-range of stakeholders (from customers, operational business management and staff, as well as technical administration and maintenance) and accountable for the definitive list of requirements.
- Agile Developers who closely interact (daily or very frequently) with Super Users, SMEs, Business Reps, Change Management coordinators.
- Agile Project Managers coordinating user role definitions and setting stakeholder expectations of time, effort and involvement throughout the project.
- Business users, SMEs, etc dedicated to supporting and working with an Agile team, representing and providing day-to-day decision making on behalf of the business.
Target Audiences
- Product Owners responsible for representing a wide-range of stakeholders (from customers, operational business management and staff, as well as technical administration and maintenance) and accountable for the definitive list of requirements.
- Agile Developers who closely interact (daily or very frequently) with Super Users, SMEs, Business Reps, Change Management coordinators.
- Agile Project Managers coordinating user role definitions and setting stakeholder expectations of time, effort and involvement throughout the project.
- Business users, SMEs, etc dedicated to supporting and working with an Agile team, representing and providing day-to-day decision making on behalf of the business.
Working with customers who don’t know what they want, but want you to create it for them, can be unbelievably frustrating! This course can help identify a variety of requirements gathering techniques that you can use to help tease out those customer wants and needs.
Conversely, working with customers who know what they want, but have not done any due diligence to know that they want that, can be equally frustrating! This course can help identify a variety of requirements gathering techniques that you can use to ensure the team create the right solution.
Some of these techniques you might already know and use. Then, the sections for them can be nice refreshers of what to be doing and what to be looking out for. We all get into some bad habits now and then. It’s nice to be reminded of what we should be doing.
Other techniques might be new for you. When your “go to” techniques aren’t working with a customer for some reason (who knows why?), you can pull these techniques out of your tool box and try them out. Sometimes it just takes a different perspective or a different way of looking at things that make things click.
For each technique there are exercises to practise before trying them out on a real project. I truly believe it helps to gain the confidence first and then start to apply.
There are also several additional resources to help you get started with the techniques.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction – Agile Requirements Gathering
Lecture 1: Introduction to Agile Requirements Gathering
Lecture 2: What is Requirements Gathering?
Lecture 3: What is Agile Requirements Gathering?
Lecture 4: When to run Requirements Gathering sessions?
Lecture 5: Who should attend Requirements Gathering sessions?
Lecture 6: Take Away
Chapter 2: Brainstorming
Lecture 1: What is Brainstorming?
Lecture 2: How to: Brainstorming
Lecture 3: Pitfalls to avoid when Brainstorming
Lecture 4: Agile considerations: Brainstorming
Lecture 5: Brainstorming Take Away
Chapter 3: PESTLE
Lecture 1: What is PESTLE?
Lecture 2: How to: PESTLE
Lecture 3: Pitfalls to avoid with PESTLE
Lecture 4: Agile considerations: PESTLE
Chapter 4: User Stories
Lecture 1: What are User Stories?
Lecture 2: How to: User Stories
Lecture 3: Pitfalls to avoid with User Stories
Lecture 4: Agile considerations: User Stories
Lecture 5: User Stories TAKE AWAY
Chapter 5: Acceptance Criteria
Lecture 1: What are Acceptance Criteria
Lecture 2: What is the difference between Functional and Non-Functional
Lecture 3: How to: Acceptance Criteria
Lecture 4: Pitfalls to avoid with Acceptance Criteria
Lecture 5: Agile considerations: Acceptance Criteria
Lecture 6: Acceptance Criteria TAKE AWAY
Chapter 6: Interviews
Lecture 1: What are Interviews
Lecture 2: How to: Interviews
Lecture 3: Pitfalls to avoid with Interviews
Lecture 4: Agile considerations: Interviews
Lecture 5: Interviews TAKE AWAY
Chapter 7: A Day in the Life
Lecture 1: What is A Day in the Life
Lecture 2: How to: A Day in the Life
Lecture 3: Pitfalls to avoid with A Day in the Life
Lecture 4: Agile considerations: A Day in the Life
Lecture 5: A Day in the Life TAKE AWAY
Chapter 8: Follow the Data
Lecture 1: What is Follow the Data
Lecture 2: How to: Follow the Data
Lecture 3: Pitfalls to avoid with Follow the Data
Lecture 4: Agile considerations: Follow the Data
Lecture 5: Follow the Data TAKE AWAY
Chapter 9: Time Travel
Lecture 1: What is Time Travel
Lecture 2: How to: Time Travel
Lecture 3: Pitfalls to avoid with Time Travel
Lecture 4: Agile considerations: Time Travel
Lecture 5: Time Travel TAKE AWAY
Chapter 10: Visualisations
Lecture 1: What are Visualisations
Lecture 2: How to: Visualisations
Lecture 3: Pitfalls to avoid with Visualisations
Lecture 4: Agile considerations: Visualisations
Lecture 5: Visualisations TAKE AWAY
Chapter 11: Unhappy Path
Lecture 1: What is Unhappy Path
Lecture 2: How to: Unhappy Path
Lecture 3: Pitfalls to avoid with Unhappy Path
Lecture 4: Agile considerations: Unhappy Path
Lecture 5: Unhappy Path TAKE AWAY
Susan Tuttle
Author and Trainer: PRINCE2, MSP, Agile & Change Management
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 12 votes
- 4 stars: 47 votes
- 5 stars: 38 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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