Amazon Kindle Publishing Masterclass – Self-publish an eBook
Amazon Kindle Publishing Masterclass – Self-publish an eBook, available at $59.99, has an average rating of 4.4, with 161 lectures, based on 129 reviews, and has 2208 subscribers.
You will learn about ANSWER important questions about whether self-publishing is the correct choice for you DISCOVER how to increase your writing productivity and the number of words you write each day LEARN how to dissect the elements that make up a bestselling book in your niche or genre DISCOVER the true financial costs involved in self-publishing CREATE a strategic plan for your writing with clear objectives CREATE a daily schedule with the day-to-day tasks needed to achieve your planned objectives DISCOVER how to find the keyword phrases that readers are searching for in your niche or genre DISCOVER the best places for sourcing images for your books UNDERSTAND the different elements that make up a professional looking cover for your book COMPILE professional looking eBooks within Scrivener FORMAT your book's front and back matter WRITE compelling copy for your book's description PUBLISH an ebook to the Amazon Kindle Store UNDERSTAND the importance of giving away valuable content to your readers for free LEARN important concepts such as perma free and lead magnets This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone, who is thinking about self-publishing a book or Anyone, who is considering beginning a part-time career as a self-published author or Part-time self-published authors, who are struggling to make time for their writing or Self-published authors looking to increase the number of books they write each year or Self-published authors looking to include images within their books or Self-published authors looking to improve the effectiveness of their book's cover or Self-published authors who want to save time and money formatting their eBooks or Authors who would like to stay ahead of the curve in their particular niche or genre or Authors, who are new to self-publishing, and are looking to publish their first eBook or Authors who have already published books, but who would like to sell more books on the Amazon Kindle Store It is particularly useful for Anyone, who is thinking about self-publishing a book or Anyone, who is considering beginning a part-time career as a self-published author or Part-time self-published authors, who are struggling to make time for their writing or Self-published authors looking to increase the number of books they write each year or Self-published authors looking to include images within their books or Self-published authors looking to improve the effectiveness of their book's cover or Self-published authors who want to save time and money formatting their eBooks or Authors who would like to stay ahead of the curve in their particular niche or genre or Authors, who are new to self-publishing, and are looking to publish their first eBook or Authors who have already published books, but who would like to sell more books on the Amazon Kindle Store.
Enroll now: Amazon Kindle Publishing Masterclass – Self-publish an eBook
Title: Amazon Kindle Publishing Masterclass – Self-publish an eBook
Price: $59.99
Average Rating: 4.4
Number of Lectures: 161
Number of Published Lectures: 161
Number of Curriculum Items: 161
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 161
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- ANSWER important questions about whether self-publishing is the correct choice for you
- DISCOVER how to increase your writing productivity and the number of words you write each day
- LEARN how to dissect the elements that make up a bestselling book in your niche or genre
- DISCOVER the true financial costs involved in self-publishing
- CREATE a strategic plan for your writing with clear objectives
- CREATE a daily schedule with the day-to-day tasks needed to achieve your planned objectives
- DISCOVER how to find the keyword phrases that readers are searching for in your niche or genre
- DISCOVER the best places for sourcing images for your books
- UNDERSTAND the different elements that make up a professional looking cover for your book
- COMPILE professional looking eBooks within Scrivener
- FORMAT your book's front and back matter
- WRITE compelling copy for your book's description
- PUBLISH an ebook to the Amazon Kindle Store
- UNDERSTAND the importance of giving away valuable content to your readers for free
- LEARN important concepts such as perma free and lead magnets
Who Should Attend
- Anyone, who is thinking about self-publishing a book
- Anyone, who is considering beginning a part-time career as a self-published author
- Part-time self-published authors, who are struggling to make time for their writing
- Self-published authors looking to increase the number of books they write each year
- Self-published authors looking to include images within their books
- Self-published authors looking to improve the effectiveness of their book's cover
- Self-published authors who want to save time and money formatting their eBooks
- Authors who would like to stay ahead of the curve in their particular niche or genre
- Authors, who are new to self-publishing, and are looking to publish their first eBook
- Authors who have already published books, but who would like to sell more books on the Amazon Kindle Store
Target Audiences
- Anyone, who is thinking about self-publishing a book
- Anyone, who is considering beginning a part-time career as a self-published author
- Part-time self-published authors, who are struggling to make time for their writing
- Self-published authors looking to increase the number of books they write each year
- Self-published authors looking to include images within their books
- Self-published authors looking to improve the effectiveness of their book's cover
- Self-published authors who want to save time and money formatting their eBooks
- Authors who would like to stay ahead of the curve in their particular niche or genre
- Authors, who are new to self-publishing, and are looking to publish their first eBook
- Authors who have already published books, but who would like to sell more books on the Amazon Kindle Store
The Amazon Kindle Publishing Masterclass is the definitive resource on How to Self-publish an eBook
The course has been split up into 17 different modules, which I call the 17 ‘ings’ of Self-publishing, is 8 hours in length and is continuously being developed (last updated: 9th November 2017) !!!
Once you have watched this course, not only will you know how to write and publish your first book, but you will also have learned how it is possible to make a living, or at least a part-time income, from your writing.
- Module One on QUESTIONING whether you should write a book or not
In this module, I attempt to help you answer the extremely important question of whether the writing and publishing of a book is the correct choice for you personally, by first asking a series of other questions, such as:
- Why do you want to self-publish a book?
- What type of books are you going to write?
- How are you going to go about writing your book?
- Are you in this for the long haul?
- Are you able to write a series of books? (Literary Factors)
- Are you able to write a series of books? (Commercial Factors)
- Module Two on PLANNING the Writing of Your Book
In this module, I show you how you can easily create both a Strategic Plan and Your Daily Work Schedule with WorkFlowy, a simple to use online notebook for lists. Specifically, we shall look at:
- The importance of planning in order to increase productivity
- An overview of the online list tool, WorkFlowy
- How to use WorkFlowy to create a long-term strategic plan
- Writing part-time versus writing full-time
- The importance of writing every day
- How to use WorkFlowy to create a daily work schedule
- Module Three on BUILDING your Writer Platform
This module looks at the importance of building an online presence and ultimately creating a direct relationship with your readers; in short your Writer Platform. Specifically, we shall cover:
- The building of your Brand
- The building of your Author Website
- The building of a Mailing List
- Module Four on the RESEARCHING of your Book
In this module, I take a look at the researching of your topic or genre, to see if it is commercially viable. Specifically, we shall look at:
- Researching the type of books that are selling well in your niche or sub-genre
- Researching the categories and sub-categories in your niche or sub-genre
- Researching the factors that help make a bestseller in your niche or sub-genre
- Researching the best selling authors in your niche or sub-genre
- Researching keyword phrases in your niche or sub-genre
- Module Five on Writing your Book
In this module, I discuss the writing process; from the initial idea right through to completing the first draft, as well as the importance of writing quickly. Specifically, I shall look at:
- The Writing Process
- The importance of writing quickly
- Factors that have increased the speed of my writing
- Scrivener and why it is a must for all self-published authors
- The importance of researching your book and the rules of the genre
- Researching characters and settings within Scrivener
- The importance of outlining – Are you a Pantser or a Plotter?
- Why an Elevator Pitch is still good practice
- Mapping out your scenes and chapters
- Distraction free writing in Scrivener
- Setting daily writing targets
- Project Statistics in Scrivener
- Project Targets in Scrivener and Write or Die 2
- Why it is important to remember that the first draft doesn’t have to be perfect
- Module Six on the POLISHING of your manuscript
This module looks at what you need to do once you have finished writing that first draft. Specifically, we shall look at:
- How to rewrite your first draft
- The rules of writing
- The elements of a story
- Module Seven on the EDITING of your book
In this module, I discuss the different types of editing that your book should go through before it is ready to be published. I also go through my own editing process in detail and what you can do if you are unable to afford the professional editing of your book. Specifically, you will learn:
- The importance of editing
- Self-editing your book
- Substantive editing
- Copy editing
- Proofreading
- What you can do if you can’t afford an editor?
- Module Eight on the ILLUSTRATING of your book
This module looks at the sourcing and editing of those images that form part of your book’s content and promotion, as well as advice on the most important image of all, your book’s cover. Specifically, we shall look at:
- Sourcing images for your books
- Image manipulation and editing
- Illustrating your book
- The alternatives available for creating a cover for your book
- Module Nine on the FORMATTING of your ebook
This module shows you the various options available to you so can quickly and easily format and validate your book without pulling your hair out! Specifically, we shall look at:
- The two different format types that you will need to consider formatting to
- My personal thoughts on manual formatting
- How you can easily format your ebooks using Scrivener’s compile feature
- An over-the-shoulder walkthrough of how to compile an eBook within Scrivener.
- FREE applications that are available for formatting different types of ebooks
- Professionally formatted books using Vellum
- How you can validate your ebooks and check that they render correctly on your target devices
- Module Ten on COPYWRITING
This module is concerned with the different places where it is essential that you write good copy, before you can actually publish your book. Specifically, we shall look at writing copy for:
- Your book’s title
- Your book’s subtitle
- The tagline of your book
- Your book’s description
- The front and back matter of your books
- Module Eleven on PUBLISHING your ebook
This module offers a step-by-step, over-the-shoulder look at publishing your book to the Amazon Kindle Store, where you will learn:
- How to enter your book details
- How to create a description for your Amazon sales page
- How to set up your book’s pricing
- How to incorporate your keyword phrases
- How to use HTML so that your book stands out from the crowd
- Module Twelve on SELECTING the distribution channels for your book
This module discusses the pros and cons of distributing your book exclusively through Amazon’s KDP Select and just when an author should consider distributing wide. Specifically, I shall look at:
- The concept of exclusivity
- The advantages of KDP Select
- The disadvantages of KDP Select
- Why new authors should choose KDP Select
- Why established authors should distribute wide
- Some of the other book distributors
- Module Thirteen on the LAUNCHING of your book
This module is a step-by-step guide to launching your first ebook. In the class, you will learn about:
- The importance of the setting up of a pre-launch landing page
- The creation of your Street Team
- The importance of early reviews
- The pricing of your book
- The soft launch of your book
- The primary launch phase
- The secondary launch phase
- Module Fourteen on GIVING your readers high quality content for free
This module shows you what is without doubt the most effective marketing tool that self-published authors currently have at their disposal. In the class, you will learn about:
- Giving away your product for FREE
- The Perma-free Book
- The Lead Magnet
- Turning your subscribers into true fans
- Continuing to give value through your author website
- Making a name for yourself
- Adding value, before self-promotion
- Module Fifteen on MARKETING
In this module you will learn the Importance of marketing your book at each and every stage of its development, including the various book marketing strategies that you should implement both before and after you publish your book. In the class, you will learn about:
- Marketing your book during the researching, writing and publishing of your book
- Evergreen strategies to optimise your author website
- A reminder of promotional strategies available for authors
- The importance of engaging with your readers through a suitable social media channel
- Amazon Author Central
- Module Sixteen on LEARNING
This module looks at the importance of life-long learning and keeping abreast of what is happening in both your own niche as well as in the self-publishing industry. Specifically, you will learn:
- Why it is important to make learning a daily habit in order to stay ahead of the curve in your niche
- What are the best resources for keeping abreast of what’s going on in the world of self-publishing
- How to set up a Google Alert for a topic within your niche or genre
- How to refine your Google Alert to make it more relevant to your niche
- Module Seventeen on EXPANDING
The final module of the course discusses the importance of repurposing the content you have already created for your ebooks in order to expand your product range. Specifically, you will learn about repurposing your content into:
- Print versions of your books
- Foreign language versions of your books
- Audiobooks
- Online Courses
If you are serious about becoming a Self-published author, then the Amazon Kindle Publishing Masterclass is simply a must watch.So enrol in the course today and I look forward to seeing you on the inside.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: An Introduction to the Course
Lecture 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Module 01: Questioning Whether Publishing a Book is Right For You
Lecture 1: Are You in This for the Long Haul?
Lecture 2: Why Do You Want to Write a Book?
Lecture 3: What Type of Book Are You Going to Write?
Lecture 4: How Are You Going to Write Your Book?
Lecture 5: Are You Able to Write a Series of Books? (Literary Factors)
Lecture 6: Are You Able to Write a Series of Books? (Commercial Factors)
Chapter 3: Module 02: Planning the Writing of Your Book
Lecture 1: An Introduction to Planning
Lecture 2: An Introduction to WorkFlowy
Lecture 3: How to Create a Medium to Longterm Strategic Plan
Lecture 4: How to Set Up a Strategic Plan Within WorkFlowy
Lecture 5: Day-To-Day Tasks One: Part-Time Versus Full-Time
Lecture 6: Day-To-Day Tasks Two: The Importance of Writing Daily
Lecture 7: Day-To-Day Tasks Three: Planning Your Daily Work Schedule
Lecture 8: How to Set Up a Daily Work Schedule in Workflowy
Lecture 9: An Introduction to Healthy Habits
Lecture 10: Why You Should Make Time for a Daily Walk
Lecture 11: The Importance of Taking Regular Breaks
Lecture 12: The Pomodoro Technique
Chapter 4: Module 03: Building a Writer Platform – The Key to Self-publishing Success
Lecture 1: An Introduction to Building Your Writer Platform
Lecture 2: Building Your Brand
Lecture 3: Building an Author Website
Lecture 4: Choosing a Domain Name
Lecture 5: Choosing Hosting for Your Website
Lecture 6: Why Choose WordPress?
Lecture 7: Choosing Premium Themes and Skins For Your Website
Lecture 8: What Should Your Author Website Include?
Lecture 9: A Look at Other Products You Can Sell on Your Website
Lecture 10: Creating a Mailing List to Connect with Your Readers
Lecture 11: Component One: Sign-up Forms and Landing Pages
Lecture 12: Component Two: Lead Magnets
Lecture 13: Component Three: Email Marketing Provider
Chapter 5: Module 04: Researching Your Book's Niche or Genre Before You Begin Writing
Lecture 1: An Introduction to Researching Your Book's Niche or Genre
Lecture 2: Taking a Commercial Perspective During Your Research
Lecture 3: Researching the Categories and Sub-Categories in Your Niche or Sub-Genre
Lecture 4: Researching the Best-Selling Books in Your Niche or Sub-Genre
Lecture 5: Researching the Best-Selling Authors in Your Niche or Sub-Genre
Lecture 6: Researching the Best Keyword Phrases for Your Book
Lecture 7: Researching Keyword Phrases Using the Amazon Search Box
Chapter 6: Module 05: Writing Your Book and How To Increase The Number of Words You Write
Lecture 1: Introduction to the Writing Process
Lecture 2: The Importance of Writing Quickly
Lecture 3: The Factors That Have Increased the Speed of My Writing
Lecture 4: Scrivener and Why it is the Must-have Application for All Self-published Authors
Lecture 5: The Importance of Researching Your Book and the Rules of the Genre
Lecture 6: The Researching of Characters and Settings within Scrivener
Lecture 7: The Importance of Outlining – And are You a Pantser or a Plotter?
Lecture 8: Why an Elevator Pitch is Still Good Practice
Lecture 9: Mapping Out Your Scenes and Chapters
Lecture 10: Distraction Free Writing in Scrivener
Lecture 11: Setting Daily Writing Targets
Lecture 12: Project Statistics within Scrivener
Lecture 13: A Closer Look at Scrivener's Project Statistics
Lecture 14: A Closer Look at Scrivener's Text Statistics
Lecture 15: Project Targets within Scrivener and Write or Die 2
Lecture 16: A Closer Look at Scrivener's Project Targets
Lecture 17: Remember the First Draft Doesn't Have to Be Perfect
Chapter 7: Module 06: Polishing Your Manuscript – the Rewriting and Self-editing Process
Lecture 1: So What Exactly Do I Mean by Polishing?
Lecture 2: The Rewriting of Your First Draft
Lecture 3: With One Eye on the Rules of Writing
Lecture 4: And Another Eye on the Elements of a Story
Chapter 8: Module 07: Editing Your Book and What to Do if You Can't Afford a Professional
Lecture 1: The Importance of Editing
Lecture 2: The Different Types of Editing
Lecture 3: Self-editing Your Book
Lecture 4: Substantive Editing
Lecture 5: Copy Editing
Lecture 6: Proofreading
Lecture 7: What You Can Do if You Can't Afford an Editor?
Chapter 9: Module 08: Illustrating Your Book, Sourcing Images and DIY Cover Design
Lecture 1: Illustrating for Authors
Lecture 2: The Types of Images You May Use Within Your Book
Lecture 3: A Word About Licensing
Lecture 4: Taking Your Own Photos
Lecture 5: Getting Photos from the Public Domain
Lecture 6: Getting Photos from Creative Commons
Lecture 7: Paid Royalty Free Stock Photo
Lecture 8: Image Manipulation and Editing
Lecture 9: Illustrating Your Book
Lecture 10: Why Your Book Cover is So Important
Lecture 11: Getting a Professionally Designed Cover
Lecture 12: Alternative Options Available for Your Cover Design
Lecture 13: Designing a Cover Yourself
Chapter 10: Module 09: Formatting and Validating Your Books without Pulling Your Hair Out
Lecture 1: A Look at the Different Formatting Types
Lecture 2: My Thoughts on Manually Formatting a Book
Lecture 3: Compiling Your Book in Scrivener
Lecture 4: Front Matter and Back Matter and Why They Matter !!!
Lecture 5: How to Set Up Your Front Matter in Scrivener (Part One)
Lecture 6: How to Set Up Your Front Matter in Scrivener (Part Two)
Lecture 7: How to Set Up Your Back Matter in Scrivener
Lecture 8: An Overview of Scriviner's Compile
Lecture 9: Installing Kindle Gen Within Scrivener
Lecture 10: Scrivener Compilation Options: Contents
David James Ault
Author, Internet Marketer & Instructor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 3 votes
- 3 stars: 17 votes
- 4 stars: 41 votes
- 5 stars: 67 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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