Aspen Plus V11 : Flash , Distillation & Extraction Processes
Aspen Plus V11 : Flash , Distillation & Extraction Processes, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.35, with 32 lectures, based on 11 reviews, and has 126 subscribers.
You will learn about Identify and explain the various classes of distillation and separations models available in Aspen Plus Gain the skills and knowledge to model distillation, separation and extraction processes Reduce process design time by using advanced features of RadFrac distillation columns Use column analysis tools to optimize the feed location and number of stages and improve energy utilization for distillation columns Add and manipulate column specifications to meet process objectives Construct, run, manipulate and analyze a distillation column Specify required parameters in order to execute flash calculations and fully define material streams Use Aspen Plus to perform property analysis of pure components and mixtures Use Aspen Plus in thermodynamics instruction for Vapor-Liquid, Liquid-Liquid and Vapor-Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium calculations Perform Case Studies to determine the optimum operating points for a process Use the Model Analysis Tools to run sensitivity analysis and optimize your process Understand best practices and learn how to troubleshoot simulations This course is ideal for individuals who are Engineers who will be using Aspen Plus in their daily work or Process engineers doing process design and optimization projects and studies or Plant engineers checking plant performance under different operating conditions or Engineers wishing to gain experience in simulating distillation and separation processes or Aspen Plus users who need exposure to steady-state simulation as preparation for using Aspen Plus Dynamics® It is particularly useful for Engineers who will be using Aspen Plus in their daily work or Process engineers doing process design and optimization projects and studies or Plant engineers checking plant performance under different operating conditions or Engineers wishing to gain experience in simulating distillation and separation processes or Aspen Plus users who need exposure to steady-state simulation as preparation for using Aspen Plus Dynamics®.
Enroll now: Aspen Plus V11 : Flash , Distillation & Extraction Processes
Title: Aspen Plus V11 : Flash , Distillation & Extraction Processes
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.35
Number of Lectures: 32
Number of Published Lectures: 32
Number of Curriculum Items: 32
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 32
Original Price: €24.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Identify and explain the various classes of distillation and separations models available in Aspen Plus
- Gain the skills and knowledge to model distillation, separation and extraction processes
- Reduce process design time by using advanced features of RadFrac distillation columns
- Use column analysis tools to optimize the feed location and number of stages and improve energy utilization for distillation columns
- Add and manipulate column specifications to meet process objectives
- Construct, run, manipulate and analyze a distillation column
- Specify required parameters in order to execute flash calculations and fully define material streams
- Use Aspen Plus to perform property analysis of pure components and mixtures
- Use Aspen Plus in thermodynamics instruction for Vapor-Liquid, Liquid-Liquid and Vapor-Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium calculations
- Perform Case Studies to determine the optimum operating points for a process
- Use the Model Analysis Tools to run sensitivity analysis and optimize your process
- Understand best practices and learn how to troubleshoot simulations
Who Should Attend
- Engineers who will be using Aspen Plus in their daily work
- Process engineers doing process design and optimization projects and studies
- Plant engineers checking plant performance under different operating conditions
- Engineers wishing to gain experience in simulating distillation and separation processes
- Aspen Plus users who need exposure to steady-state simulation as preparation for using Aspen Plus Dynamics®
Target Audiences
- Engineers who will be using Aspen Plus in their daily work
- Process engineers doing process design and optimization projects and studies
- Plant engineers checking plant performance under different operating conditions
- Engineers wishing to gain experience in simulating distillation and separation processes
- Aspen Plus users who need exposure to steady-state simulation as preparation for using Aspen Plus Dynamics®
Welcome to this online course on chemical engineering simulation using Aspen Plus.
Aspen Plus is a powerful engineering simulation software that you can use to model a wide range of chemical processes.
It is widely used in engineering universities and in the industry, in research, development, modeling and design.
Aspen Plus serves as the engineering platform for modeling processes from Upstream through Gas Processing to Petroleum Refining, Petrochemicals, Chemicals and Pharmaceutical processes.
This online course is designed around a series of separation process examples which we work through to a model solution. It is an essential guide to understanding the principles, features and functions of Aspen Plus when modeling liquid-liquid and vapor-liquid separation processes.
This understanding is a prerequisite for a successful design, simulation, rating& optimizationofyour distilling columns, flash separators and extraction processes.
The knowledge gained in this course will set you apart from your peers, whether you are a graduate student, a practicing chemical engineer, or a manager, and will give you an edge over your competitors when seeking employment at industrial facilities.
So with no further ado, check out the free preview videos and the curriculum of the course and we look forward to seeing you in the first section.
Hope to see you there
WR Training
Spread the wings of your knowledge
Aspen Plus is a complex process simulator and, in our opinion, the best way to learn is with hands-on experience, by attempting each example provided in this online course, and when difficulties are encountered, by referring to the problem setup and solution that you can find in the downloadable resource section.
The downloadable resources contain the input and solutions to all of the examples and workshops covered in this online course. There is a root folder for each section, within which, there are subfolders named Examples. Each example is provided in.bkp Aspen Plus format and.txt format. The .bkp files are set up as input files to view details and may be executed. The.txt files are solutions and may be viewed with Notepad. We recommend that while reading the text, Aspen Plus be used simultaneously to execute and review each example.
Lastly, we have made an effort to provide the describing equations of most of the models referred to in this online course and if not possible, because of the proprietary nature of the software, we have described the functionality. Please keep in mind that Aspen Plus is a proprietary software and the source code and implementation details are not available. Additionally, there are frequently several ways to solve the equations that describe the blocks, and there is no way to ascertain these details since Aspen Technology does not provide them.
The Aspen Plus software, like most other software, is being developed on a continuous basis and new versions are released frequently. This online course covers Aspen Plus version 11, which is the most recent version at the moment we recorded this video. Please keep in mind that this online course covers the fundamental features of Aspen Plus which do not change from version to version. The course covers the use of Aspen Plus on computers that use the Windows operating system. We assume that Aspen Plus is installed on your computer and that you have basic knowledge of operating the computer. If you are new to Aspen Plus and have little or no experience in chemical engineering simulation, then you have come to the right place.
Course Curriculum
Lecture 1: Introducing this Aspen Plus module
Lecture 2: Software and hardware
Lecture 1: What is Aspen Plus ?
Lecture 2: Why is Aspen Plus so important ?
Lecture 3: Who uses Aspen Plus ?
Lecture 4: How can we translate a chemical process into an Aspen Plus simulation model ?
Lecture 1: Flash separation & distillation : Learning objectives
Lecture 2: Adding a second mixer and a flash separation unit
Lecture 3: Design specifications / Sensitivity analysis
Lecture 4: Distillation column options
Lecture 5: "DSTWU" distillation column
Lecture 6: "Distl" distillation column
Lecture 7: "RadFrac" distillation column
Lecture 8: Some interesting graphic features
Lecture 9: Section wrap-up
Lecture 1: Extraction processes : Learning objectives
Lecture 2: Selecting a property method for extraction processes
Lecture 3: Setting-up our model for a single stage extraction unit
Lecture 4: Defining a new property set
Lecture 5: Property methods vs experimental data using sensitivity analysis
Lecture 6: Multistage extraction columns
Lecture 7: Checking for azeotropic conditions using the triangle diagram
Lecture 8: Practice session #2
Chapter 5: WHAT IS NEXT ?
Lecture 1: Taking your Aspen Plus skills to the next level ?
Lecture 2: Chemical Reactor Module : Introduction
Lecture 3: Piping System Module : Introduction
Lecture 4: Economic Optimization Module : Introduction
Lecture 5: Heat Exchanger Module : Introduction
Lecture 6: Solids handling Module : Introduction
Lecture 7: Fluidized bed modeling in Aspen Plus
Lecture 8: Aspen Plus Safety Environment : Process description
Lecture 9: Bonus
WR Training
Petroleum Petrochemical & Chemical Engineering
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 2 votes
- 4 stars: 3 votes
- 5 stars: 6 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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