Autonomous Cars: How Do They Work and Impact Us?
Autonomous Cars: How Do They Work and Impact Us?, available at $64.99, has an average rating of 4.55, with 33 lectures, based on 2341 reviews, and has 7560 subscribers.
You will learn about Estimate costs of future mobility options. See challenges from a development perspective. Explain how autonomous cars perceive and think. Reconstruct latest developments and upcoming trends. Determine when to get safe and legal autonomous cars. Assess the impact of autonomous cars on society, economy and live. This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone interested in autonomous cars. or Car drivers who are interested in future mobility. or Beginner automotive sector. This course is not for experienced automotive engineers. or This course is not about programming and engineering skills. It will provide everyone a comprehensive yet high quality introduction. It is particularly useful for Anyone interested in autonomous cars. or Car drivers who are interested in future mobility. or Beginner automotive sector. This course is not for experienced automotive engineers. or This course is not about programming and engineering skills. It will provide everyone a comprehensive yet high quality introduction.
Enroll now: Autonomous Cars: How Do They Work and Impact Us?
Title: Autonomous Cars: How Do They Work and Impact Us?
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 4.55
Number of Lectures: 33
Number of Published Lectures: 33
Number of Curriculum Items: 33
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 33
Original Price: €99.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Estimate costs of future mobility options.
- See challenges from a development perspective.
- Explain how autonomous cars perceive and think.
- Reconstruct latest developments and upcoming trends.
- Determine when to get safe and legal autonomous cars.
- Assess the impact of autonomous cars on society, economy and live.
Who Should Attend
- Anyone interested in autonomous cars.
- Car drivers who are interested in future mobility.
- Beginner automotive sector. This course is not for experienced automotive engineers.
- This course is not about programming and engineering skills. It will provide everyone a comprehensive yet high quality introduction.
Target Audiences
- Anyone interested in autonomous cars.
- Car drivers who are interested in future mobility.
- Beginner automotive sector. This course is not for experienced automotive engineers.
- This course is not about programming and engineering skills. It will provide everyone a comprehensive yet high quality introduction.
“In 20 years driving a traditional car will feel like riding a horse on the highway today.”
The development of autonomous cars is changing not only the way we buy and use cars, but also our cities, economy, society, the environment and our way of life in general.
Talking to friends, family and business partners, I noticed a great interest in the subject, which includes concepts such as fully autonomous cars, vehicles and driving as well as self-driving, driverless, automated and robot cars.
If you are a motorist or generally interested in autonomous cars, what they are, how they work and influence us, this course will give you exciting insights into the race to autonomous cars and prepare you for what’s coming.
Major questions which will be answered for you are the following:
· What are autonomous cars?
· Is it safe?
· How do cars perceive?
· How do cars think?
· How will it impact us?
I will be contributing my 7 years of experience at Continental, where I was deeply involved in research and development of Advanced Driving Assistance, Vehicle Dynamics, Intra Vehicle and Vehicle2X Communication Systems. Enriched by the autonomous driving study I did during my MBA, I will show you what matters and what doesn’t.
Each video is produced in English, avoiding deep technical terms and explanations. Anyone with a general education should be able to follow.
Just like the race to the moon, the race to fully autonomous driving was started. On the one hand, we have a development driven by traditional players such as Audi / Volkswagen, BMW, Mercedes, Volvo, Ford, GM, Toyota. On the other hand, start-ups like Google / Waymo, Uber, Cruise and Byton and other disruptive players invest to beat them in a revolutionary way.
Instead of rockets and spacecrafts, the race will be decided by acoustics, camera, radar, laser/lidar sensors and algorithms using deep learning and closed loop theory.
The goal is a multi-trillion-dollar mobility as a service market that not only changes the industry, but everything from personal to everyone’s life.
Join the race and see you inside the course. You’ll enjoy it!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Welcome!
Lecture 1: What will you learn?
Lecture 2: Who is David?
Chapter 2: What are autonomous cars?
Lecture 1: What are autonomous cars?
Lecture 2: What does level 0-5 mean?
Lecture 3: When can I get one?
Lecture 4: Who is first?
Lecture 5: Is it legal?
Lecture 6: How is the course?
Chapter 3: Is it safe?
Lecture 1: How do car accidents happen?
Lecture 2: How do humans fail?
Lecture 3: How do cars fail?
Lecture 4: Why do cars fail?
Lecture 5: How do cars get safer?
Chapter 4: How do autonomous cars work?
Lecture 1: How do autonomous cars work?
Chapter 5: How do cars perceive?
Lecture 1: How do cars perceive?
Lecture 2: How do cars hear?
Lecture 3: How do cars see?
Lecture 4: Cameras?
Lecture 5: Radars?
Lecture 6: Lasers?
Chapter 6: How do cars think?
Lecture 1: How do cars think?
Lecture 2: How do cars communicate?
Lecture 3: How do cars recognize?
Lecture 4: How do cars orientate?
Lecture 5: How do cars plan?
Chapter 7: How will it impact us?
Lecture 1: How will it impact us?
Lecture 2: Will the infrastructure change?
Lecture 3: Will it help the environment?
Lecture 4: What does it cost?
Lecture 5: Nap in the car?
Lecture 6: Own car?
Chapter 8: Thank you!
Lecture 1: Thank you!
Lecture 2: WHAT'S NEXT?
David Kleinz
Autonomous Cars Engineer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 6 votes
- 2 stars: 23 votes
- 3 stars: 189 votes
- 4 stars: 920 votes
- 5 stars: 1207 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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