Become a mental health first aider
Become a mental health first aider, available at $79.99, has an average rating of 4.55, with 26 lectures, based on 386 reviews, and has 1110 subscribers.
You will learn about Provide rapid relief to someone in distress and so prevent a more serious condition arising How the stress response can translate into mental health issues and how knowing this is therapeutic Identify the causes of stress in the work place and learn the key factors that develop a positive work culture Help someone come out of a panic attack quickly and prevent them experiencing one in the future Use the understanding of the twelve emotional needs to help lift anxiety and depression language skills to help someone overcome blocks to utilising their own innate resources Deflect destructive language and instead use new language skills to stimulate positive change Normalise conversations about mental health so as to encourage positive change in the workplace Simple relaxation techniques to prevent stressed thinking and behaviour Dispel nine harmful myths about mental health and psychotherapy that create confusion, doubt and resistance to change This course is ideal for individuals who are As a mental health first aider you can provide peer to peer first response to a colleague or friend who may be showing signs of distress. or The COVID pandemic has increased the importance of mental health first aid for line managers, HR managers, supervisors, and team leaders. or This course is a useful refresher if you have already taken first aid training in mental health, as there is much NEW knowledge that you may not have found elsewhere. It is particularly useful for As a mental health first aider you can provide peer to peer first response to a colleague or friend who may be showing signs of distress. or The COVID pandemic has increased the importance of mental health first aid for line managers, HR managers, supervisors, and team leaders. or This course is a useful refresher if you have already taken first aid training in mental health, as there is much NEW knowledge that you may not have found elsewhere.
Enroll now: Become a mental health first aider
Title: Become a mental health first aider
Price: $79.99
Average Rating: 4.55
Number of Lectures: 26
Number of Published Lectures: 26
Number of Curriculum Items: 26
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 26
Original Price: £22.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Provide rapid relief to someone in distress and so prevent a more serious condition arising
- How the stress response can translate into mental health issues and how knowing this is therapeutic
- Identify the causes of stress in the work place and learn the key factors that develop a positive work culture
- Help someone come out of a panic attack quickly and prevent them experiencing one in the future
- Use the understanding of the twelve emotional needs to help lift anxiety and depression
- language skills to help someone overcome blocks to utilising their own innate resources
- Deflect destructive language and instead use new language skills to stimulate positive change
- Normalise conversations about mental health so as to encourage positive change in the workplace
- Simple relaxation techniques to prevent stressed thinking and behaviour
- Dispel nine harmful myths about mental health and psychotherapy that create confusion, doubt and resistance to change
Who Should Attend
- As a mental health first aider you can provide peer to peer first response to a colleague or friend who may be showing signs of distress.
- The COVID pandemic has increased the importance of mental health first aid for line managers, HR managers, supervisors, and team leaders.
- This course is a useful refresher if you have already taken first aid training in mental health, as there is much NEW knowledge that you may not have found elsewhere.
Target Audiences
- As a mental health first aider you can provide peer to peer first response to a colleague or friend who may be showing signs of distress.
- The COVID pandemic has increased the importance of mental health first aid for line managers, HR managers, supervisors, and team leaders.
- This course is a useful refresher if you have already taken first aid training in mental health, as there is much NEW knowledge that you may not have found elsewhere.
Just like physical first aid, timely competent help from a mental health first aider can really prevent more serious problems developing. This is a much needed skill as the mounting stress in so many people’s lives is harming our individual and collective mental health as well as our physical well-being and economic prosperity. So, this first aid course is designed for you to be able to first explain to a friend or colleague exactly what is going on in their mind and secondly, and even more important, the training will help you alleviate their immediate sense of chaos, confusion, isolation and fear.
Timely intervention with mental health first aid can literally help turn someone’s life around.
In addition to human suffering, stress and poor mental health also adds significant costs to any organization. Consequently, we see these extra costs in terms of lower productivity, employee disengagement, more accidents, mistakes, absenteeism, a decline in creative problem solving, loss of talented staff and more. In this respect applying the practical mental health first aid tips you will acquire from this course will reap dividends in terms of cost savings and enhanced people performance.
Twelve learning points
As a mental health first aider, you will be able to lead and normalize conversations around mental health. The simple skills on this course can literally put a smile back on someone’s face and so prevent a difficult situation getting worse. The most important major learning points are:
Advice, tools and techniques to provide timely help with stress, burnout, emotional distress and mild to moderate mental health problems.
An understanding of the risk factors that create mental health problems and how to spot the symptoms.
The biological mechanics of stress and how long-term stress leads to both mental and physical ill-health.
A working understanding of common mental health issues and stressors.
How to quickly calm someone down and get them back into their rational brain.
How to ease someone out of a panic or anxiety attack and prevent it occurring again.
Help someone identify key stressors in their life and deal with them.
How to help prevent distress becoming a more serious mental health problem.
Key stress prevention strategies that improve well-being for the individual and so automatically improve their productivity and performance at work.
Guidance on how to support someone who needs to seek professional help.
The ability to communicate mental health concerns to appropriate managers.
Ways to help develop a positive work culture that will ease workplace stress and incidentally stimulate more productive working.
And a lot more that will help you make someone’s day.
The course content is based upon the Human Givens school of psychotherapy which comprises powerful science-based treatments that routinely provide rapid and sustainable relief for mental distress and illnesses. These include chronic anxiety and anger, depression, PTSD, phobias, psychosis, schizophrenia and addiction.
As such, this course utilizes recent scientific knowledge about:
· The physiological process called the stress response,
· The role our innate physical and emotional needs play in triggering stress,
· How innate physical and emotional needs help maintain health and mental well-being,
· How identifying someone’s unfulfilled needs can lift a variety of symptoms quickly,
· The stress continuum and its role in the onset of mental ill-health,
· The different functions of the brain’s hemispheres,
· The cycle of depression and how to break out of it quickly,
· The role of the dopamine system – nature’s reward system, in maintaining balance,
· The role of trance in learning, human behaviour, and problematic states,
· How the dream state de-arouses the day times’ stressful stimuli,
· How your imagination can both create and help solve psychological problems,
· How the ‘observing self’ separates someone’s problem from their core identity,
· How the healing response comprises a rich system of mind-body interaction,
· The role of ultradian rhythms in making internal mental & physical repairs,
“Really excellent content – so useful for any manager or HR practitioner. There is a huge amount of material in here” Head of workforce transformation at an NHS Trust
“One of the best seminars/ workshops I have attended, ten out of ten!” – Training and education officer (Social Services)
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Video 1 The mental health continuum
Lecture 3: Video 2 Mental health myths
Lecture 4: Video 3 Four facts about depression
Lecture 5: Video 4 The stress response
Lecture 6: Video 5 Stressed decision-making
Lecture 7: Video 6 Natural and stressed brain states
Chapter 2: Section 2 Our emotional needs
Lecture 1: Introduction to our twelve emotional needs
Lecture 2: Video 1 A review of our twelve emotional needs
Lecture 3: Video 2 The impact of the COVID crisis on the emotional needs
Chapter 3: Section 3 Our innate resources and inner guidance system
Lecture 1: Our innate resources introduction
Lecture 2: A review of our innate resources
Chapter 4: Section 4 How to offer first aid
Lecture 1: How to offer first aid introduction
Lecture 2: Video 1 Qualities of a mental health first aider
Lecture 3: Video 2 How to structure a first aid session
Lecture 4: Video 3 Reflective listening
Lecture 5: Video 4 Information gathering
Lecture 6: Video 5 Questionnaires to help get the facts
Lecture 7: Video 6 Therapeutic goal setting
Lecture 8: Video 7 The power of language
Lecture 9: Video 8 Relaxation techniques
Lecture 10: Video 9 How to handle panic attacks
Lecture 11: Video 10 The importance of a natural routine
Lecture 12: Video 11 The role of journaling in clearing the mind
Lecture 13: Video 12 COVID action plan templates
Chapter 5: Section 5 A summary of the whole course
Lecture 1: A summary of the whole course
Jeremy Old
Psychotherapist, coach and business improvement specialist
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 5 votes
- 3 stars: 40 votes
- 4 stars: 118 votes
- 5 stars: 221 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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