Becoming a Manager Bootcamp
Becoming a Manager Bootcamp, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 3.5, with 122 lectures, based on 11 reviews, and has 1206 subscribers.
You will learn about You will learn the art of controlling procrastination You will learn how to give yourself a confidence boost once in a while And from that learn how to deal with your fears You will also learn how to develop strong, good habits You will learn how to set, accomplish and keep goals. You will learn how important it is in leadership to create a more meaningful life You will learn how our brain functions so that you can take better advantage of the capabilities yours offers And most importantly we you will learn all about relationships, personal relationships but the principles apply to relating to employees and contemporaries This course is ideal for individuals who are I have created this course drawing on my years of experience in counseling individuals and couples and the experiences I have gained coaching high-level sales professionals and industry leaders. I have combined that experience with hundreds of hours of research. This has culminated in this course. My target audience is anyone who knows they can do more or that they have more within themselves but are just struggling to move to the next level. The goal here is to change your life so that you will be noticed. When you are noticed for good things at work, good things will begin to happen to you. It is particularly useful for I have created this course drawing on my years of experience in counseling individuals and couples and the experiences I have gained coaching high-level sales professionals and industry leaders. I have combined that experience with hundreds of hours of research. This has culminated in this course. My target audience is anyone who knows they can do more or that they have more within themselves but are just struggling to move to the next level. The goal here is to change your life so that you will be noticed. When you are noticed for good things at work, good things will begin to happen to you.
Enroll now: Becoming a Manager Bootcamp
Title: Becoming a Manager Bootcamp
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 3.5
Number of Lectures: 122
Number of Published Lectures: 122
Number of Curriculum Items: 122
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 122
Original Price: $124.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You will learn the art of controlling procrastination
- You will learn how to give yourself a confidence boost once in a while
- And from that learn how to deal with your fears
- You will also learn how to develop strong, good habits
- You will learn how to set, accomplish and keep goals.
- You will learn how important it is in leadership to create a more meaningful life
- You will learn how our brain functions so that you can take better advantage of the capabilities yours offers
- And most importantly we you will learn all about relationships, personal relationships but the principles apply to relating to employees and contemporaries
Who Should Attend
- I have created this course drawing on my years of experience in counseling individuals and couples and the experiences I have gained coaching high-level sales professionals and industry leaders. I have combined that experience with hundreds of hours of research. This has culminated in this course. My target audience is anyone who knows they can do more or that they have more within themselves but are just struggling to move to the next level. The goal here is to change your life so that you will be noticed. When you are noticed for good things at work, good things will begin to happen to you.
Target Audiences
- I have created this course drawing on my years of experience in counseling individuals and couples and the experiences I have gained coaching high-level sales professionals and industry leaders. I have combined that experience with hundreds of hours of research. This has culminated in this course. My target audience is anyone who knows they can do more or that they have more within themselves but are just struggling to move to the next level. The goal here is to change your life so that you will be noticed. When you are noticed for good things at work, good things will begin to happen to you.
Are you ready to become something better? Something more than you are now?
All great leaders have a few things in common and one of those is they are all well-rounded. They, of course are laser focused on their job, department or company but that isn’t their entire life. They have outside interests, outside relationships, and personal goals and personal self-improvement projects they are working on.
This course is not a chapter by chapter book on how to lead but rather in-depth conversations about you and how to improve you. Then the new, more solidly founded you can lead with power giving a sense of security to those that report to you and even your peers
What I’m talking about here is embarking on a journey of self-discovery and self-transformation that will leave you smarter, more confident, calmer, more capable and better able to conquer and succeed in every aspect of your life. And of course that means at work also. Am I making too many grand statements? I don’t think so! If you finish this course, earnestly striving to include in your life the principles taught you can achieve all that I presented and possibly more.
But we’re not going to take the path that most self-improvement guides take. I am not interested in ‘five easy hacks’ or anything remotely related to that way of thinking. Instead, we’re going to be diving into neuroscience, into philosophy and into ancient tradition in order to look at powerful and useful tools that can turn you into something more than you are now.
We will take a hard look at what motivates you, how to stop procrastinating once and for all. Learning how to deal with your fears and giving yourself a confidence boost. You will learn how to develop good, productive habits and how to get rid of those that are holding you back.
Setting and keeping goals is a simple thing to do when you follow my simple step by step guide. And did you know, all successful leaders set and keep goals consistently?
We will spend about an hour learning all about relationships, how to strengthen them and how to find new ones. This is personal stuff but as you go through the lectures you will discover how so much of what you are learning can be applied to leadership principles.
Finally, we will take all this new found wisdom and knowledge and use it to create a meaningful life, both a personal life and a career life.
Then, as sort of the cherry on top of the sundae you will take a journey with me through mindfulness.
Jump on board! It’s a great journey!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Course Introduction
Chapter 2: Self-Confidence Boost
Lecture 1: Lecture 1 Introduction
Lecture 2: Lecture 2 Why Self-Confidence Can Change Your Life
Lecture 3: Lecture 3 How To Boost Your Confidence
Lecture 4: Lecture 4 Intrinsic Confidence
Lecture 5: Lecture 5 Training Your Confidence
Lecture 6: Lecture 6 Improve Your Verbal Communication Skills
Lecture 7: Lecture 7 Understanding Intonation and Tone
Lecture 8: Lecture 8 Practice, Practice, Practice
Lecture 9: Lecture 9 Develop Great Listening Skills
Lecture 10: Lecture 10 Listening Skills Are Essential
Chapter 3: You Have Greatness Within You
Lecture 1: How Do We Gain A Better Understanding of Ourselves?
Lecture 2: Why Is It So Hard To Find Inner Greatness
Lecture 3: Jump Ship and Get Out of Your Comfort Zone
Lecture 4: Therefore, We All Have Greatness Within Us
Chapter 4: Journaling For Self-Improvement
Lecture 1: Lecture 1 So Why Journal?
Lecture 2: Lecture 2 Choosing the Best Self-Improvement Journal
Lecture 3: Lecture 3 Creating Awareness and Change
Lecture 4: Lecture 4 Personal Goals and Achieving Them
Lecture 5: Lecture 5 Expressing Yourself Through Self Portraits
Lecture 6: Lecture 6 Remembering to Give Gratitude
Chapter 5: How to Get and Stay Motivated
Lecture 1: Lecture 1 Introduction
Lecture 2: Lecture 2 Introducing the Salience Network
Lecture 3: Lecture 3 Taking Back Control
Lecture 4: Lecture 4 Jedi Mind Tricks
Lecture 5: Lecture 5 The Power of Meditation
Chapter 6: End Procrastination, NOW
Lecture 1: Lecture 1 Introduction
Lecture 2: Lecture 2 Why Discipline is So Important
Lecture 3: Lecture 3 How to Gain Awesome Discipline
Lecture 4: Lecture 4 The Importance of Reward
Chapter 7: Overcoming Your Fear
Lecture 1: Lecture 1 Introduction
Lecture 2: Lecture 2 It’s Time We Destroyed Fear Once And For All
Lecture 3: Lecture 3 The Samurai Code
Lecture 4: Lecture 4 Fear Setting
Lecture 5: Lecture 5 Taking Chances
Chapter 8: How to Develop Powerful, Lasting Good Habits
Lecture 1: Lecture 1 Introduction
Lecture 2: Lecture 2 Leadership is a Verb Not a Noun
Lecture 3: Lecture 3 The Golden Rule of Habit Change
Lecture 4: Lecture 4 The Power of Routine
Lecture 5: Lecture 5 Take a Moment
Lecture 6: Lecture 6 Addressing the Critics
Lecture 7: Lecture 7 What About Rewards?
Lecture 8: Lecture 8 Let's Develop Some Positive Habits
Lecture 9: Lecture 9 Now We Can Shift Our Behavior
Lecture 10: Lecture 10 What Happens in 30 Days?
Lecture 11: Lecture 11 Piggyback Good Habits
Lecture 12: Lecture 12 Building Routines Add Power
Lecture 13: Lecture 13 Have a Plan
Chapter 9: How to Create a Meaningful Life
Lecture 1: Lecture 1 So, What is a Meaningful Life?
Lecture 2: Lecture 2 What Are Your Needs?
Lecture 3: Lecture 3 The Monomyth
Lecture 4: Lecture 4 The Evolutionary Shadow
Lecture 5: Lecture 5 How To Give Your Life Meaning
Lecture 6: Lecture 6 Motivation Tips to Keep You Going
Lecture 7: Lecture 7 Motivation Tips to Keep You Going
Lecture 8: Lecture 8 Motivation Tips to Keep You Going
Lecture 9: Lecture 9 Motivation Tips to Keep You Going
Lecture 10: Lecture 10 Motivation Tips to Keep You Going
Lecture 11: Lecture 11 Motivation Tips to Keep You Going
Lecture 12: Lecture 12 Motivation Tips to Keep You Going
Lecture 13: Lecture 13 Motivation Tips to Keep You Going
Lecture 14: Lecture 14 Motivation Tips to Keep You Going
Lecture 15: Lecture 15 Motivation Tips to Keep You Going
Lecture 16: Lecture 16 Motivation Tips to Keep You Going
Lecture 17: Lecture 17 Motivation Tips to Keep You Going
Chapter 10: Master Your Brain??
Lecture 1: Lecture 1 Instruction Manuals
Lecture 2: Lecture 2 How Our Brains Work
Lecture 3: Lecture 3 Neurotransmitters and Outside Influences
Lecture 4: Lecture 4 The Evolutionary Shadow
Lecture 5: Lecture 5 Controlling Neurotransmitters
Lecture 6: Lecture 6 Let's Talk About Our Working Memory
Lecture 7: Lecture 7 The Law of Attraction
Lecture 8: Lecture 8 Taking Massive Action
Lecture 9: Lecture 9 Making Your Own Luck
Lecture 10: Lecture 10 Do We Really Make Our Own Luck
Chapter 11: Goal Setting Made Simple
Lecture 1: Lecture 1 Let's First Look at BAD Goal Setting
Lecture 2: Lecture 2 Now Let's Write a GOOD Goal
Lecture 3: Lecture 3 Don't Get Too Ambitious Right Away
Lecture 4: Lecture 4 Maybe Goal Setting is Like a Computer Game
Lecture 5: Lecture 5 What Is the Basis of All Goals?
Lecture 6: Lecture 6 The Blueprint
Lecture 7: Lecture 7 Tell Me a Story
Lecture 8: Lecture 8 Dreaming in Images
Chapter 12: The Power of Mindfulness
Lecture 1: Lecture 1 What is Mindfulness
Lecture 2: Lecture 2 Let's Deal With Negative Thoughts Right Now
Lecture 3: Lecture 3 Some of Us Need Instant Gratification Learn How Here
Lecture 4: Lecture 4 Introducing Cognitive Restructuring
Lecture 5: Lecture 5 How to Use Cognitive Restructuring in the Real World
Brent Dalley
Trainer in: Leadership, Marketing, Family Counseling
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 3 votes
- 3 stars: 1 votes
- 4 stars: 1 votes
- 5 stars: 5 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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