Beyond Upwork: How to Find Freelance Clients Outside Upwork
Beyond Upwork: How to Find Freelance Clients Outside Upwork, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.35, with 45 lectures, based on 114 reviews, and has 645 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn to find clients beyond greedy Upwork so you're not subject to their evil whims. Discover the best places to pick up clients so you earn higher pay faster than ever. Reveal useful tactics and techniques for getting clients to respond even if they don't know you. Never worry about greedy Upwork charging you ridiculous fees again because you don't need them! Finally take back control over your earning power and freelance career! This course is ideal for individuals who are You should understand that this is a BEGINNER LEVEL course. or You should NOT expect to pay $10 and get elite information sent from the gods. or You should be someone who can watch a talking head video, take the information, and apply it to get results. or If you have a poor mindset then this course will be useless for you and you should not enroll. or Only enroll in this course if you are ready to put in the effort to get results. It is particularly useful for You should understand that this is a BEGINNER LEVEL course. or You should NOT expect to pay $10 and get elite information sent from the gods. or You should be someone who can watch a talking head video, take the information, and apply it to get results. or If you have a poor mindset then this course will be useless for you and you should not enroll. or Only enroll in this course if you are ready to put in the effort to get results.
Enroll now: Beyond Upwork: How to Find Freelance Clients Outside Upwork
Title: Beyond Upwork: How to Find Freelance Clients Outside Upwork
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.35
Number of Lectures: 45
Number of Published Lectures: 45
Number of Curriculum Items: 45
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 45
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn to find clients beyond greedy Upwork so you're not subject to their evil whims.
- Discover the best places to pick up clients so you earn higher pay faster than ever.
- Reveal useful tactics and techniques for getting clients to respond even if they don't know you.
- Never worry about greedy Upwork charging you ridiculous fees again because you don't need them!
- Finally take back control over your earning power and freelance career!
Who Should Attend
- You should understand that this is a BEGINNER LEVEL course.
- You should NOT expect to pay $10 and get elite information sent from the gods.
- You should be someone who can watch a talking head video, take the information, and apply it to get results.
- If you have a poor mindset then this course will be useless for you and you should not enroll.
- Only enroll in this course if you are ready to put in the effort to get results.
Target Audiences
- You should understand that this is a BEGINNER LEVEL course.
- You should NOT expect to pay $10 and get elite information sent from the gods.
- You should be someone who can watch a talking head video, take the information, and apply it to get results.
- If you have a poor mindset then this course will be useless for you and you should not enroll.
- Only enroll in this course if you are ready to put in the effort to get results.
Upwork is in a bad state. They don’t care about freelancers. They don’t care about clients. They care about one thing only…money. To that end, they steal your income off the top by taking 20% of your earnings. That’s cash straight out of your pocket. Food out of your family’s mouth. And it gets worse…
When greedy Upwork went public they suddenly had shareholders to please. So they had to find new ways to suck more cash out of freelancers. By now you’ve probably noticed that Upwork charges you $0.15 per Connect, which wouldn’t be that big of a deal, except most gigs cost 4-6 Connects. And the real problem is that the gigs haven’t changed.
So even though you might have to pay nearly $1.00 just to apply, you’re applying to the same old gigs. The same old clients (Clients who don’t respond. Clients who aren’t serious about hiring. Clients who waste your time.). I don’t know about you, but I’m not spending all of my money just trying to get an interview through Upwork. Especially when there are better, faster, easier ways to find high-paying clients outside of Upwork.
And that’s what this course is about.
When you enroll in this course I will show you:
How I find freelance clients beyond Upwork that pay way more than Upwork clients and are easier to work with
Freelance platforms that don’t charge you an arm and a leg for a chance to have your time wasted
Which social platforms I use to find clients outside of Upwork and how I get those clients to come to me
Cold emailing methods that actually get high-paying freelance clients to respond fast and easy
Unconventional approaches to earn clients that probably no one else is doing anywhere
Secrets to help you escape Upwork for good so you can actually make money and never look back!
Bottom line?
If you’re sick and tired of greedy Upwork’s dirty business practices, suspending your account for no reason, charging you out the wazoo because they have a poor money model, and generally treating you like dirt (when they wouldn’t exist without you)… Then stick it to them when you enroll in this course and take back control!
Because once you have other ways to find clients, and once you’ve found the one that works for you…you will NEVER need Upwork again.
If that makes sense for you, scroll up and enroll in Escape Upwork now!
Your Escape Instructor,
Lex DeVille
P.S. I know greedy Upwork is the holy grail of freelance websites, and I know finding clients outside of Upwork seems scary, but as long as you give up control by using their platform, you will never have true freedom even if you work from home. Just like they’ve done to me numerous times, they can and will suspend or ban your freelance account at a moment’s notice if they think you’ve broken a rule (even when you haven’t).
If you are trying to build a career as a freelancer, then you need to take this seriously. Control is EVERYTHING and without it you put your entire freelance business and your income at stake (and that’s on top of all the money you pay them). Think about that, and then make the choice that is best for you.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Greedy Upwork: A History of Dirty Business
Lecture 3: Control is EVERYTHING: No Control No Career
Lecture 4: A New Approach: What You Will Have to Change to Take Back Your Power!
Chapter 2: Client Sourcing Through Other Freelance Platforms
Lecture 1: My Top Picks for Alternate Freelance Platforms
Lecture 2: Platform 1
Lecture 3: Platform 1 Supplemental Materials
Lecture 4: Platform 2
Lecture 5: Platform 2 Supplemental Materials
Lecture 6: Platform 3
Lecture 7: Platform 3 Supplemental Materials
Lecture 8: BIG List of 100+ Freelance Platforms and Websites
Lecture 9: Helpful Practice Activity 1
Chapter 3: Client Sourcing Through Social Platforms
Lecture 1: Introduction to Sourcing Clients Through Social Platforms
Lecture 2: Social Platform 1
Lecture 3: Social Platform 1 Supplemental Materials
Lecture 4: Social Platform 2
Lecture 5: Social Platform 2 Supplemental Materials
Lecture 6: Social Platform 3
Lecture 7: Social Platform 3 Supplemental Materials
Lecture 8: Helpful Practice Activity 2
Chapter 4: Client Sourcing by Word of Mouth
Lecture 1: Word of Mouth Client Sourcing
Lecture 2: The Best Source of Word of Mouth Clients
Lecture 3: Incentivizing Client Referrals
Lecture 4: Local Word of Mouth Clients
Lecture 5: Helpful Practice Activity 3
Chapter 5: Client Sourcing Through Your Website
Lecture 1: Should You Have a Website?
Lecture 2: Thoughts on Creating a Website
Lecture 3: How Will Clients Find You?
Lecture 4: Helpful Practice Activity 4
Chapter 6: Alternate Client Sourcing Methods
Lecture 1: Alternate Method 1
Lecture 2: Alternate Method 1 Supplemental Materials
Lecture 3: Alternate Method 2
Lecture 4: Alternate Method 2 Supplemental Materials
Lecture 5: Alternate Method 3
Lecture 6: Alternate Method 3 Supplemental Materials
Lecture 7: Alternate Method 4
Lecture 8: Alternate Method 4 Supplemental Materials
Lecture 9: Alternate Method 5
Lecture 10: Alternate Method 5 Supplemental Materials
Lecture 11: Thoughts on Stealing Clients From Upwork
Lecture 12: Helpful Practice Activity 5
Chapter 7: Conclusion
Lecture 1: Last Minute Tips and Strategies
Lecture 2: Thoughts on Learning New Skills (Teaching English, Transcription etc.)
Lecture 3: Where to Go From Here
Lex DeVille
It's Time to Build a Freelance Empire!
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 12 votes
- 4 stars: 19 votes
- 5 stars: 80 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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