Birth Your Christian Business in 7 Days
Birth Your Christian Business in 7 Days, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 4.65, with 26 lectures, 1 quizzes, based on 12 reviews, and has 23 subscribers.
You will learn about Launch your business or online business within 7 days (based on Biblical principles) To accurately identify your business purpose, specific niche market & ideal offering & ideal customer To create a success action plan within 7 days for Christian entrepreneurs Create a customized marketing action plan for your business based on the Bible Start your business or online business within 7 days (based on CHRISTIAN principles) This course is ideal for individuals who are New or recent entrepreneurs or OR a person thinking about starting their own business and in need of guidance to get started or Christian entrepreneurs welcome or persons who want success the right way It is particularly useful for New or recent entrepreneurs or OR a person thinking about starting their own business and in need of guidance to get started or Christian entrepreneurs welcome or persons who want success the right way.
Enroll now: Birth Your Christian Business in 7 Days
Title: Birth Your Christian Business in 7 Days
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 4.65
Number of Lectures: 26
Number of Quizzes: 1
Number of Published Lectures: 26
Number of Published Quizzes: 1
Number of Curriculum Items: 27
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 27
Original Price: $22.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Launch your business or online business within 7 days (based on Biblical principles)
- To accurately identify your business purpose, specific niche market & ideal offering & ideal customer
- To create a success action plan within 7 days for Christian entrepreneurs
- Create a customized marketing action plan for your business based on the Bible
- Start your business or online business within 7 days (based on CHRISTIAN principles)
Who Should Attend
- New or recent entrepreneurs
- OR a person thinking about starting their own business and in need of guidance to get started
- Christian entrepreneurs welcome or persons who want success the right way
Target Audiences
- New or recent entrepreneurs
- OR a person thinking about starting their own business and in need of guidance to get started
- Christian entrepreneurs welcome or persons who want success the right way
Welcome to Birth Your Christian Business in 7 Days for successfor new/recent entrepreneurs.
This detailed training Course is a tool for the modern-day entrepreneur who is seeking to boost your start or restart, birth, grow, market and explosively expand your business in this 7-day challenge and enhance your leadership skills and business development.
BCB-7 course was created with new business owners and recently-formed Entrepreneurs in mind. It is mainly for those who would like guidance on how to effectively lead your business organization into greater success.
A combination of established business success principles and Biblical success strategies are shared so that you can put them into practice in your business startup or emerging business.
The Birth Your Christian Business in 7 Days challenge is designed to help take you from whatever level you are at now and propel you into a higher stage in your Entrepreneurial journey to even greater success – not merely to move you from one place to a higher place how to market your business to transform you and your business success levels … like how a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly.
*This course will challenge you to clarify your entrepreneurial role in your business and the course instructor will show you how to create and accomplish your upgraded personal and professional best.
*They will also show you the actual steps needed to lead yourself and others to pursue and achieve the extraordinary sharing from my own personal experiences.
*FINALLY, this course will show you amazing ways to deal with the problems and overcome the hurdles that didn’t even exist for the entrepreneurs of previous time periods to project your business into a new level of high success.
See you inside the course soon – take action and let’s get started now… 😉
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Welcome to Birth Your Christian Business in 7 Days
Lecture 2: Course Outline. What we will cover?
Lecture 3: Course Pre-Assessment (Pre-course quiz)
Lecture 2: Day 1 part 2: YOUR JOURNEY TOWARDS SUCCESS'
Lecture 3: Day 1 part 3: YOUR JOURNEY TOWARDS SUCCESS'
Lecture 4: Day 1 part 4: YOUR JOURNEY TOWARDS SUCCESS'
Chapter 3: Day 2: Developing your personal & Business purpose BIBLICALLY
Lecture 1: Day 2: Identify Personal purpose
Lecture 2: Day 2: Business purpose
Lecture 3: Day 2: Personal & Business purpose set in place
Chapter 4: Day 3: Identifying your specific niche market & your ideal customer
Lecture 1: Day 3: Identifying your specific niche market & your ideal customer Part 1
Lecture 2: Day 3: Identifying your specific niche market & your ideal customer Part 2
Lecture 3: Day 3: Identifying your specific niche market & your ideal customer Part 3
Lecture 4: Day 3: Identifying your specific niche market & your ideal customer Part 4
Lecture 5: Day 3: Identifying your specific niche market & your ideal customer Part 5
Chapter 5: Day 4: How to Create a post-Covid Success Action-plan BIBLICALLY
Lecture 1: Create a post-Covid Success Action-plan for your Business 1
Lecture 2: Create a post-Covid Success Action-plan for your Business 2
Lecture 3: Create a post-Covid Success Action-plan for your Business 3
Chapter 6: Day 5: Create a post-Covid MARKETING Action-plan BASED ON BIBLICAL PRINCIPLES
Lecture 1: Day 5: Create a MARKETING Action-plan for business1
Lecture 2: Day 5: Create a MARKETING Action-plan for business 2
Lecture 3: Day 5: Create a MARKETING Action-plan for business 3
Lecture 4: Day 5: Create a MARKETING Action-plan for business 4
Chapter 7: Day 6: Set up major online platforms for success BASED ON BIBLICAL PRINCIPLES
Lecture 1: Day 6: Set up the major online platforms needed for success- Part 1
Lecture 2: Day 6: Set up the major online platforms needed for success- Part 2
Lecture 3: Day 6: Set up the major online platforms needed for success- Part 3
Chapter 8: Day 7: Birth your Business/re-birth and/or launch your Business
Lecture 1: Birth your Business/Re-birth your Business BASED ON BIBLICAL PRINCIPLES 1
Jackie Watson
Business Lecturer, Successful Entrepreneur & Published Author on Business
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 2 votes
- 4 stars: 0 votes
- 5 stars: 10 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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