Building a Niche Website Business From Home
Building a Niche Website Business From Home, available at $39.99, has an average rating of 3.7, with 38 lectures, based on 126 reviews, and has 907 subscribers.
You will learn about You will learn how to research markets and determine the level of competition in a particular niche. You will be able to determine if a market is a viable option for making money from your niche website. You will be able to setup, build out and manage a great niche website. You will learn how to do detailed keyword research that cherry picks the best topics in a market. You will understand how to craft content that works best for attracting visitors to your website and converting them into potential buyers. You will be able to find products that you can promote to a potential audience in a market. You will have the knowledge on how to scale a niche website into a business that generates monthly income as well as creating an asset that grows in value over time. This course is ideal for individuals who are People who want to build an online business as a side hustle project. or People interested in building profitable website assets that generate income and increase in value over time. It is particularly useful for People who want to build an online business as a side hustle project. or People interested in building profitable website assets that generate income and increase in value over time.
Enroll now: Building a Niche Website Business From Home
Title: Building a Niche Website Business From Home
Price: $39.99
Average Rating: 3.7
Number of Lectures: 38
Number of Published Lectures: 38
Number of Curriculum Items: 38
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 38
Original Price: $129.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You will learn how to research markets and determine the level of competition in a particular niche.
- You will be able to determine if a market is a viable option for making money from your niche website.
- You will be able to setup, build out and manage a great niche website.
- You will learn how to do detailed keyword research that cherry picks the best topics in a market.
- You will understand how to craft content that works best for attracting visitors to your website and converting them into potential buyers.
- You will be able to find products that you can promote to a potential audience in a market.
- You will have the knowledge on how to scale a niche website into a business that generates monthly income as well as creating an asset that grows in value over time.
Who Should Attend
- People who want to build an online business as a side hustle project.
- People interested in building profitable website assets that generate income and increase in value over time.
Target Audiences
- People who want to build an online business as a side hustle project.
- People interested in building profitable website assets that generate income and increase in value over time.
Everyone wants their own little slice of success on the internet, don’t we?
No doubt, you’ve found yourself on websites and thought, “I wonder who owns this site?“
You’d probably be surprised to find out that many of the websites that you visit on a day-to-day basis are owned by people just like you!
In this course, I’m going to teach you how to build a niche website business just like those sites you visit and wonder about!
Ever since the original dotcom boom in the late 1990’s people dreamed about what it would be like to build an online business, but then they dismiss the idea because they think that the technology is beyond them or that they need to create the next Microsoft or Google to be successful.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
For the last ten years, I’ve been building websites in a variety of different markets, attracting free traffic, turning those site visitors into various forms of revenue and then either keeping those sites or selling them at up to 40x their monthly net profit!
And here’s the thing, it doesn’t take any in-depth technical skills at all to build and run a niche website business.
I’ve been working on and perfecting my processes for a decade now and I have the entire thing locked down tight – when I decide to go into a new market and build a site, my chances of success are extremely high.
So you might be thinking, “Why would you share this process away if it works so well?“
The truth is stranger than fiction – the market for building a portfolio of income generating web properties is enormous and strangely, as more people enter the industry, with my system it becomes easier to spot opportunities, but it also attracts more INVESTORS into the asset class.
Investors? Asset class? Web properties?
Yeah, income producing niche websites that accrue in value over time as assets are now an investment class that serious investors are beginning to put money into in a big way.
Website brokerage marketplace, Flippa, brokers over $5m per month in site sales and in 2017, brokered 30,000 sales.
The New York Times in 2016 bought a site dedicated to technology and gadget reviews called “The Wirecutter” for over $30m and that site was bootstrapped by one guy, from his own only a few years earlier.
This is a growing industry and the more quality assets that are built out, the more money that will pour in.
So what am I going to teach you exactly?
I’m going to teach you how I think about the entire process of investigating markets and then I’m going to show you how I do it.
You’re going to learn:
How to spot potentially valuable and profitable niches
Identify serious competitors and ones that you can overtake
Which topics you can focus on to establish your footprint in the market
How to setup and build your niche website
What tools are going to help you get the best outcome
How to research and create content that attracts free traffic
What you need to do to scale and grow your site over time
And much, much more…
What do you need to do to have success?
I think it’s important to spell out for people upfront what’s expected of them to achieve the kind of success that I’m talking about because the truth is, it would be easy to “sell the dream” and make people believe that they can push one or two buttons and money will fall out of the sky, but that’s simply not the case.
You’re going to have to put the work in!
You’re going to need to watch the lectures in the course, take notes and then go out and put what I show you into practice.
The process is easy, I show you the tips, tricks and tactics, but the thing that I can’t teach you is… hard work and consistency.
If you’re willing to put the effort in over three, six and even twelve months, then that’s not something I help you with.
But if you want it, and you’re able to put in a couple hours of work every week, then this system and process that I teach in this course is something that you can totally make work for you.
So what are you waiting for? See you on the inside!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Course Introduction
Lecture 2: What Are Niche Websites?
Lecture 3: Can Anyone Build a Niche Website Business?
Lecture 4: Skills Required to be Successful
Lecture 5: Quick Overview of the Course Mechanics
Lecture 6: Connect With Sean
Lecture 7: Join Our Slack Community
Chapter 2: Understanding How You Make Money With Niche Websites
Lecture 1: Introduction to Monetization
Lecture 2: Affiliate Marketing
Lecture 3: Advertising
Lecture 4: Products – Physical and Digital Products
Chapter 3: Choosing Your Market For Your Niche Website
Lecture 1: Introduction to Selecting Your Market
Lecture 2: Brainstorming Market Ideas
Lecture 3: Niche Research Spreadsheet
Lecture 4: Generating Niche Website Ideas with Amazon and Wikipedia
Lecture 5: Assessing the Market's Competition and Monetization Potential
Lecture 6: Completing Your Niche Assessment Spreadsheet
Lecture 7: "Can I Make Money in this Niche?"
Chapter 4: Keyword and Topic Research Tool Demonstrations
Lecture 1: Introduction to Topic and Keyword Research Tools
Lecture 2: Demonstration: Keywords Everywhere and MozBar
Lecture 3: Demonstration: Answer The Public
Lecture 4: Demonstration: SimilarWeb
Lecture 5: Demonstration: Ubersuggest
Lecture 6: Demonstration: Mangools
Lecture 7: Demonstration: SerpStat
Lecture 8: Demonstration: Ahrefs
Chapter 5: Basic Website Setup and Suggested Plugins
Lecture 1: Introduction to Hosting and Building Your Niche Website
Lecture 2: Getting Your Domain Name
Lecture 3: Overview of Website Hosting Options
Lecture 4: Suggested WordPress Themes for Building Your NIche Website
Lecture 5: Plugins You Should Consider for Your Niche Website
Lecture 6: Pages That You Need To Have On Your Site
Chapter 6: Content: The Most Important Part of Your Niche Website
Lecture 1: Introduction to Content for Niche Websites
Lecture 2: Informational Content vs Content That Sells
Lecture 3: Reviews and Meta-Analysis
Lecture 4: Content Type: Informational Content
Lecture 5: Content Type: Round Up Reviews
Lecture 6: Content Type: Product Reviews
Sean Kaye
Enterprise Technologist and Online Marketing Expert
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 5 votes
- 2 stars: 3 votes
- 3 stars: 14 votes
- 4 stars: 43 votes
- 5 stars: 61 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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