Business Case Specialist: Create Captivating Business Cases
Business Case Specialist: Create Captivating Business Cases, available at $84.99, has an average rating of 4.81, with 104 lectures, 11 quizzes, based on 254 reviews, and has 1352 subscribers.
You will learn about How to write an effective and compelling Business Case? Download Business Case Template & Learn How to Update the different components of the Business Case in this Template How to document a detailed Executive Summary? How to define the Project Problem and Identify Possible Solutions How to calculate Projected Financials such as Present Value (PV), Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR) How to determine financial terms such as Payback Period, Cost-Benefit Analysis, & Opportunity Cost How to identify and engage Project Stakeholders? How to write Project Risks, Assumptions, Constraints, and Resource Requirements? Understand the Do's and Don'ts of Writing Compelling Business Cases This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginners in Project Management or Practicing Project Managers or Professionals looking to apply for PMP® Certification Exam or Process Consultants and Freelancers It is particularly useful for Beginners in Project Management or Practicing Project Managers or Professionals looking to apply for PMP® Certification Exam or Process Consultants and Freelancers.
Enroll now: Business Case Specialist: Create Captivating Business Cases
Title: Business Case Specialist: Create Captivating Business Cases
Price: $84.99
Average Rating: 4.81
Number of Lectures: 104
Number of Quizzes: 11
Number of Published Lectures: 103
Number of Published Quizzes: 11
Number of Curriculum Items: 115
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 114
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- How to write an effective and compelling Business Case?
- Download Business Case Template & Learn How to Update the different components of the Business Case in this Template
- How to document a detailed Executive Summary?
- How to define the Project Problem and Identify Possible Solutions
- How to calculate Projected Financials such as Present Value (PV), Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
- How to determine financial terms such as Payback Period, Cost-Benefit Analysis, & Opportunity Cost
- How to identify and engage Project Stakeholders?
- How to write Project Risks, Assumptions, Constraints, and Resource Requirements?
- Understand the Do's and Don'ts of Writing Compelling Business Cases
Who Should Attend
- Beginners in Project Management
- Practicing Project Managers
- Professionals looking to apply for PMP® Certification Exam
- Process Consultants and Freelancers
Target Audiences
- Beginners in Project Management
- Practicing Project Managers
- Professionals looking to apply for PMP® Certification Exam
- Process Consultants and Freelancers
Are you looking to draft a compelling business case?If so, you have come to the right place.
The Business Case Specialist Masterclassprovides you a practical perspective on documenting compelling business cases. This is one of the best Business Case Specialization Programs available online. This Business Case program not only helps you understand how to write compelling Business Cases but also helps you go through a Business Case Real-Life Anecdote that is an actual case study that evolves in a step-by-step manner. The structure of this Business Case Specialist program allows you to quickly understand how to apply your knowledge and skills in your work environment. This, in turn, helps you get the desired visibility in your organization resulting in career growth and a positive impact on your salary. The Business Case Specialist program provides you the proficiency in 15+ tools, techniques, templates, and financial calculations (combined). This course is a package that includes a downloadable Business Case template to write practical business cases and a step-by-step guide to complete writing the template. This Business Case Specialist course not only adds the Business Case Specialist qualification to your skill set but also provides you an opportunity to enhance your resume helping you stand out in this competitive world.
Two Types of Business Cases
There are mainly two types of Business Cases – external and internal.
External Business Cases involve pitching an idea to investors, funders, or external parties to invite them to invest in your organization.
Internal Business Cases are those where you work on improving business processes, business metrics, and key performance indicators and pitch the improvement idea to the senior management and internal stakeholders.
This course trains you to craft compelling Internal Business Cases.
By choosing this Business Case Specialist Training Program, you are enrolling in the most in-depth, beginner to intermediate-level Business Case Specialization.
This Course is Industry Independent
Learning how to create compelling Business Cases can help impact your career positively. The ability to add this knowledge of crafting Business Cases to your resume proves your commitment to improving your business acumen and business case writing skills. Accepted globally, the principles of writing compelling Business Cases find applications in countless manufacturing, service, and all industries worldwide.
What’s included in this Business Case Specialist Masterclass Training Course?
What is a Business Case?
Understanding the Business
Identify Stakeholders and Engage Them
Define the Problem
Identify Root Causes and Possible Solutions
Document Project Assumptions and Constraints
Identify Project Risks
Determine Project Resource Requirements
Articulate Project High-Level Timelines
Document Project Benefits and Financial Projections
Calculate Present Value (PV) using Excel
Calculate Net Present Value (NPV) using Excel
Calculate Internal Rate of Return (IRR) using Excel
Understand Financial Concepts such as Payback Period, Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) and Opportunity Cost
Identify Key Metrics
Write a compelling Executive Summary
What would you get after taking this course: Business Case Specialist Masterclass?
Master 10+ Tools, Techniques, Templates, and Financial Calculations (combined)
Become a pro at drafting compelling business cases
Understand how to document a business case by reviewing a real-life anecdote
Pitch any business problem to the senior management using the most effective and compelling techniques
learn the techniques to understand an end-to-end business process at a holistic level
master the art of identifying and managing project stakeholders
Define the project problem like a pro
Learn root-cause analysis techniques
Document Project Risks, Assumptions, and Constraints
Identify Resource Requirements and High-Level Project Timelines
Build Project Financials
Get access to 4+ hours of video content and 100+ Downloadable Resources
This Business Case Specialist Training program is suitable for:
Beginners in Project Management
Practicing Project Managers
Professionals looking to apply for PMP® Certification Exam
Process Consultants and Freelancers
This is an industry-independent course. This course is mainly for beginners. It is not for professionals with advanced knowledge in writing Business Cases.
This course is designed and produced by industry practitioners in Project Management who have trained and certified thousands of professionals for several Project Management, Six Sigma Certifications, Lean Specializations, and Data Analytics expertise.
This Business Case Specialist course is comprehensive yet straightforward and designed to help you learn Business Case writing tools and techniques using real-life anecdote and many activities.
This Business Case Specialist Course assumes you have no prior project management background. However, it does assume that you have a basic knowledge of excel. With over 4+ hours of on-demand video, over 100 lectures, over 100 supplemental resources, and 10+ activities, this comprehensive tutorial covers everything you’ll ever need to become a Business Case Specialist.
Whether you want to:
Get an in-demand Business Case Specialization
Be an excellent project manager with exceptional business case writing skills
Go freelance and work from home, setting your schedule and rates
Sharpen your project management skills in writing compelling Business Cases
this complete Business Case Specialist Course is exactly what you need and more.
Obtain Your PDU and CPD Credit Certificates
AIGPE takes pride in being an official Authorized Training Partner (ATP) of the prestigious Project Management Institute (PMI). Provider Number: 5573. The PMI Authorized Training Partner (ATP) Seal is a registered mark of the Project Management Institute, Inc. Completing this course enables you to earn 4 pre-approved PDU (Professional Development Units) Credits, supporting your continuous professional development in line with PMI’s standards.
In addition, this course has received official accreditation from the CPD Certification Service. Provider No: 14627. Certificate No: 40177. This accreditation ensures that participants earn 4 pre-approved CPD/CEU (Continuing Professional Development / Continuing Educational Units) Credits upon completion of this course, further endorsing your commitment to maintaining and enhancing your professional skills.
To formally recognize your achievement, PDU or CPD/CEU Credit Certificates are available upon request. A minimal processing fee of $3.99 per certificate applies. These certificates serve as an official documentation of the accrual of the PDU or CPD/CEU credits and are endorsed by these leading organizations, Project Management Institute (PMI) and CPD Certification Service respectively. Requesting these certificates is entirely optional and is not a part of the course purchase. Further details are provided in the course content.
What makes this course a Bestseller?
Like you, thousands of others were frustrated and fed up with fragmented online know-it-all tutorials which assumed you could understand the complex jargon involved in Business Case documentation and left you without having you practice what you have learned.
Like you, they were tired of low-quality lessons, poorly explained topics, and all-around confusing info presented in the wrong way. That’s why so many find success in this Business Case Specialist Masterclass. It’s designed with simplicity and seamless progression in mind though its high-definition, comprehensive tutorials.
The course is very well structure:
The course duration is 4+ hours
You become an expert in 10+ Business Case writing tools, techniques, templates, and financial calculations (combined)
These are covered in 15 sections and 90+ lectures
Each section is dedicated to a specific Business Case concept
Each lecture covers bite-sized information; easy to grasp and apply
Each lecture consists of a video screencast
Each section is well-rounded with:
A section objective discussed at the beginning
Then the concept is discussed at length
Then real-life anecdote is discussed to review the concepts learned from a practical perspective
This is followed by an exciting quiz
Each section ends with an apt summary
Numerical activities are supplemented with life process data
There are multiple downloadable ready-to-use templates
There are over 90 supplemental downloadable resources that are comprehensive and pertinently cover everything you’ll need to become a Business Case Specialist
There is a high focus on the Real-Life Anecdote to prepare you well to succeed in any Project Management related role (for documenting Business Cases)
The market is never short of jobs in the field of Project Management and Process Excellence functions. There are ample jobs. They only need skilled individuals. They are ready to hire individuals with hands-on knowledge and those who outshine the interview process.
Ready to get started on the part to writing compelling Business Cases?
So why wait? Enroll today and Become a Master at drafting a compelling Business Case and Start Streamlining Your Business Process with a mark of excellence!!!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Business Case: Introduction
Lecture 1: Course Introduction
Lecture 3: Real-Life Anecdote Introduction
Lecture 4: Special Message from Rahul
Lecture 5: Download Center
Lecture 6: Business Case Specialist Certification Requirements
Lecture 7: How to obtain your PDU and CPD Credit Certificates?
Lecture 8: How to Download Udemy's Certificate of Completion?
Chapter 2: Business Case: Introduction to the Business Case
Lecture 1: Section Introduction
Lecture 2: What is a Business Case?
Lecture 3: What are the reasons for developing an internal Business Case?
Lecture 4: Approval of your Business Case a Success Criteria?
Lecture 5: What are the different components of a Business Case?
Lecture 6: Real-Life Anecdote: Business Case in 30 Days
Lecture 7: Section Conclusion
Chapter 3: Business Case: Understanding the Business
Lecture 1: Section Introduction
Lecture 2: What is involved in Understanding the Business?
Lecture 3: What is a SIPOC?
Lecture 4: What are the steps to create a SIPOC?
Lecture 5: Real-Life Anecdote: Understanding the Business using a SIPOC
Lecture 6: What is a Hierarchy Flowchart?
Lecture 7: How to Create a Hierarchy Flowchart?
Lecture 8: Real-Life Anecdote: Creating a Hierarchy Flowchart
Lecture 9: Capture High-Level Data
Lecture 10: Create Inference
Lecture 11: Section Conclusion
Chapter 4: Stakeholder Identification & Engagement
Lecture 1: Section Introduction
Lecture 2: What is Stakeholder Identification & Engagement?
Lecture 3: Stakeholder Analysis using the Power/Interest Grid
Lecture 4: The Low Power and Low-Interest Quadrant
Lecture 5: The Low Power and High-Interest Quadrant
Lecture 6: The High Power and Low-Interest Quadrant
Lecture 7: The High Power and High-Interest Quadrant
Lecture 8: Real-Life Anecdote: Stakeholder Analysis
Lecture 9: Real-Life Anecdote: Stakeholder Analysis_Continued
Lecture 10: Section Conclusion
Chapter 5: Define the Problem
Lecture 1: Section Introduction
Lecture 2: How to define the project problem?
Lecture 3: Real-Life Anecdote: Define the Problem
Lecture 4: Section Conclusion
Chapter 6: Identify Possible Solutions
Lecture 1: Section Introduction
Lecture 2: Introduction to Identify Possible Solutions & Brainstorming
Lecture 3: What is a Fishbone Diagram?
Lecture 4: What is Multi-Voting?
Lecture 5: Brainstorming Possible Solutions
Lecture 6: Real-Life Anecdote: Identify Root-Causes & Fishbone Diagram
Lecture 7: Real-Life Anecdote: Ascertain Root-Causes using Multi-Voting
Lecture 8: Real-Life Anecdote: Validating the Root-Causes
Lecture 9: Real-Life Anecdote: Determine Possible Solutions
Lecture 10: Section Conclusion
Chapter 7: Project Assumptions & Constraints
Lecture 1: Section Introduction
Lecture 2: What are Project Assumption(s)?
Lecture 3: Real-Life Anecdote: Identify Project Assumptions
Lecture 4: What are Project Constraints?
Lecture 5: Section Conclusion
Chapter 8: Project Risks, Resource Requirements & High-Level Timelines
Lecture 1: Section Introduction
Lecture 2: What are Project Risks?
Lecture 3: How to Determine Resource Requirements?
Lecture 4: Real-Life Anecdote: Determine Resource Requirements
Lecture 5: Determine High-Level Timeline
Lecture 6: Real-Life Anecdote: Determine High Level Timeline
Lecture 7: Section Conclusion
Chapter 9: Project Benefits
Lecture 1: Section Introduction
Lecture 2: What are Project Benefits?
Lecture 3: Real-Life Anecdote: Determine Project Benefits
Lecture 4: Building Project Financials
Lecture 5: Section Conclusion
Chapter 10: Present Value (PV)
Lecture 1: Section Introduction
Lecture 2: Present Value (PV): Time Value of Money
Lecture 3: Present Value (PV): Discounting
Lecture 4: How to calculate the Present Value (PV) in Excel?
Lecture 5: Section Conclusion
Chapter 11: Net Present Value (NPV)
Lecture 1: Section Introduction
Lecture 2: What is Net Present Value (NPV)?
Lecture 3: How to calculate the Net Present Value (NPV) in Excel?
Lecture 4: Pros and Cons of Net Present Value (NPV)
Lecture 5: Section Conclusion
Chapter 12: Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
Lecture 1: Section Introduction
Lecture 2: What is Internal Rate of Return (IRR)?
Lecture 3: How to calculate the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) in Excel?
Advanced Innovation Group Pro Excellence (AIGPE)
Drive Success to Excellence
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 24 votes
- 4 stars: 70 votes
- 5 stars: 157 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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