Business Law for Entrepreneurs
Business Law for Entrepreneurs, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 4.3, with 19 lectures, 12 quizzes, based on 66 reviews, and has 1127 subscribers.
You will learn about Compare and contrast between a sole proprietorship, general partnership, limited partnership, and corporation, List, in detail: cost, complexity, legal requirements, financing advantages and disadvantages, tax implications, liability, and related lifespan issues, Recommend additional legal procedures to improve your current legal status, regardless of which structure you currently employ, Thoughtfully consider whether to engage legal assistance for further registration or maintenance procedures to best position your company. Provide thoughtful assessment of which structure might be the best for your emerging company based on your company’s future goals, and Pinpoint why following the procedures for incorporation is so important, and how failure to do so can potentially result in losing corporate protection altogether. Provide a detailed analysis of corporate ownership, including who owns the corporation, who directs corporate affairs, directors’ obligations and liability, and Pinpoint the sole fundamental issue of shareholder accountability as it applies to corporate behavior. Explain the principal – agency relationship to employees and partners, including how it impacts the company regarding third party/suppliers, general and limited partners, clearly describe the importance of remaining within the scope of authority, distinguish between “actual” agency authority in its three forms, versus “apparent” authority, strategize how to retroactively elevate apparent authority to actual authority, and pinpoint the importance of ensuring apparent authority remains consistent with actual authority. Identify the three essential elements of a contract, as well as at least half-dozen defenses to a contact claim, with reference to three primary courtroom remedies to a breached contract, and which form, of the three, is most likely to be imposed in a court of law. Confidently discuss, analyse, and strategize your business success with your legal and financial advisors. This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is for you if you are . . . or launching or running your own business, and wanting a stronger understanding of basic business law. or serving on a Board of Directors, or plan to be, and want to understand your obligations and liailities. or Thinking about incorporating your own business and not sure what it involves. or Thinking about going into a business partnership, and not sure what it involves. or Selling any product or service that could potentially result in a lawsuit against you personally. or Wanting to upgrade your own personal life and professional career with a stronger understanding of the power of law on the job in and your life. or wanting a quick, easy review of basic legal principles. It is particularly useful for This course is for you if you are . . . or launching or running your own business, and wanting a stronger understanding of basic business law. or serving on a Board of Directors, or plan to be, and want to understand your obligations and liailities. or Thinking about incorporating your own business and not sure what it involves. or Thinking about going into a business partnership, and not sure what it involves. or Selling any product or service that could potentially result in a lawsuit against you personally. or Wanting to upgrade your own personal life and professional career with a stronger understanding of the power of law on the job in and your life. or wanting a quick, easy review of basic legal principles.
Enroll now: Business Law for Entrepreneurs
Title: Business Law for Entrepreneurs
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 4.3
Number of Lectures: 19
Number of Quizzes: 12
Number of Published Lectures: 19
Number of Published Quizzes: 12
Number of Curriculum Items: 35
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 35
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Compare and contrast between a sole proprietorship, general partnership, limited partnership, and corporation,
- List, in detail: cost, complexity, legal requirements, financing advantages and disadvantages, tax implications, liability, and related lifespan issues,
- Recommend additional legal procedures to improve your current legal status, regardless of which structure you currently employ,
- Thoughtfully consider whether to engage legal assistance for further registration or maintenance procedures to best position your company.
- Provide thoughtful assessment of which structure might be the best for your emerging company based on your company’s future goals, and
- Pinpoint why following the procedures for incorporation is so important, and how failure to do so can potentially result in losing corporate protection altogether.
- Provide a detailed analysis of corporate ownership, including who owns the corporation, who directs corporate affairs, directors’ obligations and liability, and
- Pinpoint the sole fundamental issue of shareholder accountability as it applies to corporate behavior.
- Explain the principal – agency relationship to employees and partners, including how it impacts the company regarding third party/suppliers, general and limited partners,
- clearly describe the importance of remaining within the scope of authority,
- distinguish between “actual” agency authority in its three forms, versus “apparent” authority,
- strategize how to retroactively elevate apparent authority to actual authority, and
- pinpoint the importance of ensuring apparent authority remains consistent with actual authority.
- Identify the three essential elements of a contract, as well as at least half-dozen defenses to a contact claim, with reference to three primary courtroom remedies to a breached contract, and which form, of the three, is most likely to be imposed in a court of law.
- Confidently discuss, analyse, and strategize your business success with your legal and financial advisors.
Who Should Attend
- This course is for you if you are . . .
- launching or running your own business, and wanting a stronger understanding of basic business law.
- serving on a Board of Directors, or plan to be, and want to understand your obligations and liailities.
- Thinking about incorporating your own business and not sure what it involves.
- Thinking about going into a business partnership, and not sure what it involves.
- Selling any product or service that could potentially result in a lawsuit against you personally.
- Wanting to upgrade your own personal life and professional career with a stronger understanding of the power of law on the job in and your life.
- wanting a quick, easy review of basic legal principles.
Target Audiences
- This course is for you if you are . . .
- launching or running your own business, and wanting a stronger understanding of basic business law.
- serving on a Board of Directors, or plan to be, and want to understand your obligations and liailities.
- Thinking about incorporating your own business and not sure what it involves.
- Thinking about going into a business partnership, and not sure what it involves.
- Selling any product or service that could potentially result in a lawsuit against you personally.
- Wanting to upgrade your own personal life and professional career with a stronger understanding of the power of law on the job in and your life.
- wanting a quick, easy review of basic legal principles.
Should I incorporate my business?
Do I need a Board of Directors? What can they do for me?
Should I sign that contract? What if I need to back out?
What exactly is a partnership agreement?
In this super-simple primer, you’ll learn the basics of business structures, agency, and contracts, specially designed for those who are launching or running a new business.
If you’re an entrepreneur who’s ready to easily master the basics of business law, corporations, and contracts, this course is for you.
Leverage Your Business to Greater Success by Mastering Legal Principles.
I created this course because I hated to see so many smart, focused, entrepreneurial adult students struggle with the basics of business law in my classroom.
I have practiced, researched, and/or taught law in two countries and yes, it’s complicated – but the principals of law are so incredibly powerful, so perfectly developed to turbocharge your business efforts (or sink them, if you don’t know the basics) that I set out to teach this in an easy, accessible manner so anyone can master the basics, speak the language, and even enjoy the learning.
This I firmly believe:
If you’re smart enough to launch or run a business, or even launch your own professional career, you’re more than smart enough to master the fundamentals of business law.
So I designed this narrated video series for smart, hard-working adults who are brand new to law, and not ready to commit to a complicated course series.
Each narrated video includes a quick concept overview, storyline update, learning review, vocabulary lists, questions for thought — all this in just 2 to 3-minutes – followed by a super-simple spot-check quiz to position you for success from the very first lesson.
Who should take this course? This course is for you if you are:
Launching or running your own business
Working and collaborating with legal advisers
Serving on a Board of Directors — or plan to be!
Managing a professional career
Need to understand the basics of business or commercial law
Click “Add to Cart” to get started!
In Business Structures you’ll learn:
What a sole proprietor is . . . and how you’re probably one already without realizing it.
What a partnership is . . . and the single step to minimize the biggest risk to your partnership and your personal finances.
What a limited partnership is . . . and how you can use it to bring in extra financing, without losing control.
What it means to incorporate . . . how you might be reducing your risk, but doubling your tax exposure.
Who’s really at fault, when corporations go bad. (Hint: it’s uncomfortably close to home.)
In Contract law, you’ll learn:
What three things are necessary to make a promise into a legally enforceable contract.
How you might not be liable, even if you do breach a contract.
What a court might do, what a court will almost always do, and what a court will never do, to fix a broken contract.
Five types of contracts that must be in writing – and a super-simple way to remember the list!
In Principal/Agency Law, you’ll learn:
What the true legal relationship is between an employee, an employer . . . and the rest of the world.
How your employees represent your company . . . and how you might be liable for their decisions.
How you can sometimes “adopt” a decision that was never yours to begin with.
Why being on the Board of Directors can open you up to legal liability.
“Just 12 hours ago one of my clients was making inquiries on Incorporation and most of my response was taken from these modules.”
– Business Law Graduate, April 2012
I can’t promise you’ll use your first lesson within 12 hours like this student did!
But I can promise you will master this material so much more easily and more quickly than you ever thought possible.
Please join us! I love the law, and I think you will too.
Who this course is for:
This course is for you if you are . . .
Launching or running your own business, and wanting a stronger understanding of basic business law.
Serving on a Board of Directors, or plan to be, and want to understand your obligations and liabilities.
Thinking about incorporating your own business and not sure what it involves.
Thinking about going into a business partnership, and not sure what it involves.
Selling any product or service that could potentially result in a lawsuit against you personally.
Ready to upgrade your own personal life and professional career with a stronger understanding of the power of law on the job in and your life.
Wanting a quick, easy review of basic legal principles.
Click “Add to Cart” to get started!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Welcome! How to Use (and Enjoy) this course
Lecture 1: Three Hot Tips: How to Enjoy this Course
Lecture 2: Pick and Choose, Part One: Incorporation Lessons to suit your business
Lecture 3: Pick and Choose, Part Two: Contract Law Lessons to suit your business
Lecture 4: Pick and Choose, Part Three: Principal-Agency law Lessons to suit your business
Chapter 2: Business Structures and Corporations Law
Lecture 1: Working for Yourself? Your Business is YOU.
Lecture 2: Add a Friend; Add Two! Partnerships
Lecture 3: More Money, Honey!! Limited Partnerships
Lecture 4: YOU, Incorporated
Lecture 5: Savannah's Notes – A Super-Simple Cheat-Sheet and Review
Lecture 6: Quick Update: LLP, LLC and S-Corps
Chapter 3: Law of Contracts
Lecture 1: Promises, Promises! the Law of Contracts
Lecture 2: When is a Contact NOT a Contract?
Lecture 3: How do they Fix a Broken Contract?
Lecture 4: Only as Good as the Paper It's Written On?
Chapter 4: Principal – Agency Law
Lecture 1: Agency: Ultimate Responsibility for Your Business
Lecture 2: Agency: Actual, Apparent, or Ratified
Lecture 3: Who's in Charge at YOU, Incorporated?
Lecture 4: The Buck Stops Here: Board of Directors
Chapter 5: Success!
Lecture 1: Congratulations to our Business Law Graduates!
Christine Williams
Professional Financial Consultant and Educator
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 3 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 5 votes
- 4 stars: 18 votes
- 5 stars: 38 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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