Business Plan Development
Business Plan Development, available at $74.99, has an average rating of 4.43, with 68 lectures, 3 quizzes, based on 117 reviews, and has 415 subscribers.
You will learn about The four key elements of a business plan Preparation steps in developing a business plan Guidelines for creating an effective business plan Different parts of a business plan The results of an internal analysis and the business plan Conducting an external analysis for business planning Market influences that may affect your business plan How a SWOT analysis affects a business plan Connection between planning, implementation, and control in business planning Coordinate the implementation of a business plan Use action planning to facilitate the implementation of a business plan Ways to build support for implementation of a business plan Create a reporting structure and the business plan Components of a business plan-modification process This course is ideal for individuals who are Business leaders, professionals, and managers who want to gain or refine their skills for planning and developing strategic business plans It is particularly useful for Business leaders, professionals, and managers who want to gain or refine their skills for planning and developing strategic business plans.
Enroll now: Business Plan Development
Title: Business Plan Development
Price: $74.99
Average Rating: 4.43
Number of Lectures: 68
Number of Quizzes: 3
Number of Published Lectures: 68
Number of Published Quizzes: 3
Number of Curriculum Items: 76
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 76
Original Price: $39.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- The four key elements of a business plan
- Preparation steps in developing a business plan
- Guidelines for creating an effective business plan
- Different parts of a business plan
- The results of an internal analysis and the business plan
- Conducting an external analysis for business planning
- Market influences that may affect your business plan
- How a SWOT analysis affects a business plan
- Connection between planning, implementation, and control in business planning
- Coordinate the implementation of a business plan
- Use action planning to facilitate the implementation of a business plan
- Ways to build support for implementation of a business plan
- Create a reporting structure and the business plan
- Components of a business plan-modification process
Who Should Attend
- Business leaders, professionals, and managers who want to gain or refine their skills for planning and developing strategic business plans
Target Audiences
- Business leaders, professionals, and managers who want to gain or refine their skills for planning and developing strategic business plans
Welcome to the Business Planning Series! You will learn here how to preparea Business Plan, perform Key Analyses for Business Planning and how to Prepare the Implementation of a Business Plan.
Preparing a Business Plan
Consider three people in three very different business situations. Harriet manages a long-established sporting goods chain that wants to expand into new markets but lacks capital. Evan has big plans for his IT startup but hasn’t yet attracted the investment he needs.
Laura heads a hardware retailer’s Marketing Department, which is in need of a change of direction. The one thing they all have in common is they would benefit from creating a business plan.
With a business plan, Harriet should be able to persuade her company’s bank to approve a loan that will enable her operation to grow. Similarly, Evan could use a business plan to persuade investors to get on board.
And Laura could use a plan to persuade senior management to allow her to overhaul the department, making it more effective. In each instance, an effective business plan can contribute toward making the business prosper.
There are many important reasons to create a business plan. If your business is just starting out, business plans can help you attract investors. For new and established businesses alike, business plans map out how they’ll negotiate opportunities and challenges.
At a departmental level, business plans are developed to address medium-term planning needs and to secure approval and resources from senior management for new ideas and initiatives.
This course will help you develop your own business plan. It starts with an introduction to business plans that illustrates the benefits of business planning and describes the main elements of a plan.
It continues on to discuss the six preparatory steps you should take before developing a business plan and provide examples of each of these steps. And finally, it details how you can create your own plan by following a number of key guidelines.
Performing Key Analyses
Organizations have always had to plan for the future. Currently, however, the ability to develop and implement strategic plans is more important than ever. Managers need to look at the big picture to better understand what will and won’t work for their companies. They must determine where potential obstacles might exist, and how a proposed initiative – no matter how big or small – would support a company’s vision and objectives.
Say you want to plan your department’s future activities to support your organization’s strategic objectives. What would a good business plan look like? It should include a thorough review of the internal and external environment to determine how your idea fits in the business and market contexts.
An internal analysis examines your organization’s strengths and weaknesses. An external analysis tries to anticipate opportunities and threats in the political, economic, societal, and technological environment – for instance, a PEST analysis. You need to conduct internal and external analyses regularly. This will help promote creativity, uncover opportunities and challenges, and ensure a more effective review process.
This course looks at how to use internal and external analyses of your company to guide you in developing business plans. An internal analysis involves assessing your company’s market strategy and resources, evaluating organization and management strategy, and evaluating your organization’s financial position. You’ll then learn about the factors to consider when analyzing your external environment. This includes a PEST analysis and scenario planning. You’ll then learn how to conduct a SWOT analysis of your organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
Preparing for Implementation
As a manager, you’ll probably need to create business plans from time to time. For example, you may want to set out the strategies your department will follow for the next 12 months.
Or you might need to develop a plan for a new product, service, or process. Although creating a successful business plan is a significant achievement, implementing it effectively is not without its challenges.
Implementing a business plan requires the development of action plans. It also involves assigning responsibility for carrying out the necessary actions to individual employees and departments.
You should review and evaluate the results achieved on an ongoing basis. If things go wrong and you don’t get the expected results, it’s important to be able to modify your plans and take corrective action to get back on track.
In this course, you’ll learn how to coordinate and manage all implementation-related activities in an effective way. You’ll discover how to develop action plans to help you implement your strategies and ideas.
And you’ll find out how to ensure your implementation efforts can be supported in your organization. You’ll also determine how to create a reporting system to help you monitor progress, how to control and modify your action plans, and how to assess the resulting outcomes.
After taking this course, you should be in a better position to implement your business plans effectively. This can help you achieve your own goals as a manager – as well as support your organization’s strategic objectives.
That’s it! Now go ahead and hit that “Take this course!” button and see you on the inside!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Business Planning
Lecture 1: Program Overview
Lecture 2: Effective Learning
Lecture 3: FAQs
Chapter 2: Preparing a Business Plan
Lecture 1: Section Overview
Lecture 2: Business Plans
Lecture 3: Business plan benefits
Lecture 4: The Science of Better Learning
Lecture 5: Elements of business plans
Lecture 6: Organizing Your Thoughts
Lecture 7: Preparing to Develop Your Business Plan
Lecture 8: Defining your mission
Lecture 9: Doing research
Lecture 10: Establishing goals
Lecture 11: Identifying strategies
Lecture 12: Assessing resources and risks
Lecture 13: Preparing to Develop Your Business Plan
Lecture 14: Creating Your Business Plan
Lecture 15: The parts of a business plan
Lecture 16: Creating a Business Plan
Lecture 17: Business plan review
Lecture 18: Business plan guidelines
Lecture 19: Business Plan Guidelines
Lecture 20: Preparing a Business Plan
Chapter 3: Performing Key Analyses
Lecture 1: Section Overview
Lecture 2: Using an Internal Analysis to Guide Business Planning
Lecture 3: Benefits of business plans
Lecture 4: Conducting an internal analysis
Lecture 5: Market strategy
Lecture 6: Resources
Lecture 7: Organization and management strategy
Lecture 8: Financial position
Lecture 9: Conducting an Internal Analysis
Lecture 10: An Internal Analysis
Lecture 11: Analyzing the External Environment
Lecture 12: External analysis – PEST
Lecture 13: External analysis – scenario planning
Lecture 14: Examining the External Environment
Lecture 15: Market analysis – customer groups
Lecture 16: Market analysis – competitors
Lecture 17: Market analysis – industry
Lecture 18: Market Analysis
Lecture 19: Identifying Opportunities and Challenges
Lecture 20: What is a SWOT?
Lecture 21: Conducting a SWOT analysis
Lecture 22: Using a SWOT for your business plan
Lecture 23: Blazerfire's SWOT
Lecture 24: Performing Key Analyses
Chapter 4: Preparing for Implementation
Lecture 1: Section Overview
Lecture 2: Coordinating the Implementation of a Business Plan
Lecture 3: Implementing a business plan
Lecture 4: Facing challenges
Lecture 5: Benefits of effective implementation
Lecture 6: Coordinating the process
Lecture 7: Coordinating Implementation Activities
Lecture 8: Action Planning to Support Business Plan Implementation
Lecture 9: Action plans
Lecture 10: Content of action plans
Lecture 11: Action planning steps 1 to 3
Lecture 12: Action planning steps 4 to 7
Lecture 13: Supporting implementation
Lecture 14: Implementing a Business Plan
Lecture 15: Measuring and Controlling Business Plan Implementation
Lecture 16: Creating a reporting system
Lecture 17: Developing control procedures
Lecture 18: Modifying plans
Lecture 19: Plan-modification process
Lecture 20: Preparing for Implementation
Lecture 21: What's next?
Sorin Dumitrascu
Management trainer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 8 votes
- 4 stars: 19 votes
- 5 stars: 89 votes
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