Caption This! Become a Pro in Video Captioning and Subtitles
Caption This! Become a Pro in Video Captioning and Subtitles, available at $49.99, has an average rating of 4.65, with 42 lectures, based on 194 reviews, and has 680 subscribers.
You will learn about CREATE closed captions and open captions EDIT subtitles and captions with software and online tools IMPROVE your captions with respect to many guidelines TRANSCRIBE your videos for an easier captioning process USE captions online with YouTube and Udemy or offline with the VLC media player INTEGRATE captions into your videos as a track TRANSLATE your videos using captions This course is ideal for individuals who are Video producers who want to appeal to an even greater audience or YouTubers and (Udemy) video course creators who want to create and use captions for their videos or (Explanatory/learning) video creators who want to translate their videos for their international audience It is particularly useful for Video producers who want to appeal to an even greater audience or YouTubers and (Udemy) video course creators who want to create and use captions for their videos or (Explanatory/learning) video creators who want to translate their videos for their international audience.
Enroll now: Caption This! Become a Pro in Video Captioning and Subtitles
Title: Caption This! Become a Pro in Video Captioning and Subtitles
Price: $49.99
Average Rating: 4.65
Number of Lectures: 42
Number of Published Lectures: 42
Number of Curriculum Items: 42
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 42
Original Price: €44.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- CREATE closed captions and open captions
- EDIT subtitles and captions with software and online tools
- IMPROVE your captions with respect to many guidelines
- TRANSCRIBE your videos for an easier captioning process
- USE captions online with YouTube and Udemy or offline with the VLC media player
- INTEGRATE captions into your videos as a track
- TRANSLATE your videos using captions
Who Should Attend
- Video producers who want to appeal to an even greater audience
- YouTubers and (Udemy) video course creators who want to create and use captions for their videos
- (Explanatory/learning) video creators who want to translate their videos for their international audience
Target Audiences
- Video producers who want to appeal to an even greater audience
- YouTubers and (Udemy) video course creators who want to create and use captions for their videos
- (Explanatory/learning) video creators who want to translate their videos for their international audience
Captions and subtitles
[Remark: This course contains manually created/timed captions in English and German. Feel free to use this feature to follow along the course contents. Deaf and hearing impaired people as well as people whose second language is English (or German) can follow this course without any problems.]
You may know the closed caption icon from YouTube or Netflix. Captions are an important tool in video production to make videos and even entire movies or TV shows accessible to a larger – possibly even international – audience. Deaf and hearing impaired people can easily follow and understand your videos through subtitles. You help foreign language learners to learn a new language. Maybe you have even used subtitles in your favorite TV show yourself to improve your foreign language skills – especially if English is not your first language.
In this course I will teach you a lot about subtitles and captions. You will not only learn how to create and edit subtitles with free offline and online editors, but also some theoretical background on formats, guidelines to create great captions, transcriptions and even translations. This video course contains nine sections:
In this section I present the course contents and give you a quick introduction to captions. -
This section gives you some nice to have background knowledge on the difference between subtitles, closed captions and open captions as well as an overview on the most important subtitle formats. If you are already at an intermediate or expert level, you may skip this sections. Beginner, however, should definitely take a look at those videos. -
This is one of the most important sections. Many courses and videos teach about how to create captions. However, a lot of them fail to explain how to design great captions that are easy to follow and that do not distract from the video content. Captions should support the viewer in his understanding of your video contents. While well designed captions add value to a video, bad captions may even disturb the viewer. I explain some of the most important guidelines to you and even show you a short example of good and bad captions. Please to not skip this section, even if you want to start creating captions right away! -
This section deals with transcriptions. Do you think you can create captions directly without a script? Maybe that will work. But maybe it won’t. A transcription of the video can help you later on. Keep in mind that this is not an in-depth course about transcriptions. I just want to introduce you to the topic of transcriptions and show you some tricks, software and hardware to use. -
The Offline Way
This section is the one you were all waiting for. In this section I teach you how to use offline tools like Subtitle Edit or Aegisub to create captions for your videos. To benefit the most, I advise you to also download these tools and try them out yourself. Create some captions for your own videos to train your captioning skills! -
The Subtitle Track
After you have created your own captions in the last section, this section shows you how to use subtitles offline. I will explain how to embed subtitles into MP4 and MKV video files as a track and how to use captions with the VLC media player. This section is relevant for you, if you want to work with videos and captions offline. If you want to create subtitles for your online videos, take a look at the next section, instead. -
The Online Way
This section presents different websites and online editors to create, edit and upload closed captions to your videos. I will explain why different formats are important and show you ways to use captions for your YouTube videos and Udemy courses. You need this section for any online videos, because websites cannot read the subtitle tracks you may have created in the sixth section. -
Through captions you can appeal to an international audience and grow your community over time. This section presents processes and tools for an easy and cheap translation of your videos. -
The End
In this last video I recap what you have learned in the course. Congratulations on coming this far!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction – What It's All About
Lecture 1: Introduction: Felix Tuna
Lecture 2: Course Outline
Lecture 3: Definition: Captions
Lecture 4: Subtitling in Practice
Lecture 5: Workflow for Captioning Videos
Chapter 2: Theory – About Subtitles and Closed Captions
Lecture 1: Theory: Overview
Lecture 2: Motivation: Benefits of Subtitles and Captions
Lecture 3: Differences Between Subtitles and Captions
Lecture 4: The Most Important Subtitle Formats
Lecture 5: [BONUS] Live-Captioning: How to Add Captions to Video-Streams in Real-Time
Chapter 3: Guidelines – Nice and Clean Captions
Lecture 1: Guidelines: Overview
Lecture 2: Language: Pay Attention to Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation
Lecture 3: Style Guidelines: How to Create Great Captions
Lecture 4: Example and Discussion: Good and Bad Captions
Chapter 4: Preparation – Transcribe Your Video
Lecture 1: Preparation: Overview
Lecture 2: Definition: Transcription
Lecture 3: Reasons for Transcription
Lecture 4: The Other Way Around: Convert Captions to Plain Text
Lecture 5: Tools for Transcribing Videos
Chapter 5: The Offline Way – Manually Prepare Captions With Desktop Tools
Lecture 1: The Offline Way: Overview
Lecture 2: Benefits of Captioning Software
Lecture 3: Subtitle Edit
Lecture 4: Tip: Adjust Timings
Lecture 5: Tip: Convert Subtitles
Lecture 6: Aegisub Advanced Subtitle Editor
Lecture 7: Other Programs to Create Subtitles
Chapter 6: The Subtitle Track – Integrate Captions into Your Video File
Lecture 1: The Subtitle Track: Overview
Lecture 2: How to Add Captions to MKV Videos
Lecture 3: How to Add Captions to MP4 Videos
Lecture 4: How to Use Captions With the VLC media player
Lecture 5: Open Captions Vs. Closed Captions
Lecture 6: Tip: The Other Way Round: Extract Captions From Videos
Chapter 7: The Online Way – Caption Videos Manually and Automatically Online
Lecture 1: The Online Way: Overview
Lecture 2: YouTube: Create, Edit and Add Captions to Your Videos
Lecture 3: Udemy: Create and Use Captions for Your Video Courses
Lecture 4: Subtitling Platforms
Lecture 5: Download Subtitles for Any YouTube Video
Chapter 8: Translation – Appeal to Your International Audience
Lecture 1: Translation: Overview
Lecture 2: Motivation: Translate Videos into Many Different Languages Using Captions
Lecture 3: The Translation Procedure: Translate Transcriptions, Not Captions!
Lecture 4: Online Translation Tools
Chapter 9: The End – What Did You Learn?
Lecture 1: Summary of the Course
Felix Tuna
IT Consultant
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 10 votes
- 4 stars: 68 votes
- 5 stars: 115 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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