Climate Science and Climate Risk Masterclass
Climate Science and Climate Risk Masterclass, available at $24.99, has an average rating of 2.5, with 55 lectures, based on 4 reviews, and has 29 subscribers.
You will learn about In depth understanding of Climate Science with sufficient examples to drive the point home Understanding the drivers of Climate Change Detailed analysis of Impact of Climate Change Popular debates and myths around Climate Change Deep dive into Climate Risk fundamentals This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone who is not Alien and want to see our planet earth thrives or Students who are our future Climate Risk Crusaders or Management and Senior Leaderships who can help the society to manage and mitigate the climate change and climate risk or Climate Science professionals or Consulting, HR, Sales, Marketing Professionals It is particularly useful for Anyone who is not Alien and want to see our planet earth thrives or Students who are our future Climate Risk Crusaders or Management and Senior Leaderships who can help the society to manage and mitigate the climate change and climate risk or Climate Science professionals or Consulting, HR, Sales, Marketing Professionals.
Enroll now: Climate Science and Climate Risk Masterclass
Title: Climate Science and Climate Risk Masterclass
Price: $24.99
Average Rating: 2.5
Number of Lectures: 55
Number of Published Lectures: 55
Number of Curriculum Items: 55
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 55
Original Price: $39.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- In depth understanding of Climate Science with sufficient examples to drive the point home
- Understanding the drivers of Climate Change
- Detailed analysis of Impact of Climate Change
- Popular debates and myths around Climate Change
- Deep dive into Climate Risk fundamentals
Who Should Attend
- Anyone who is not Alien and want to see our planet earth thrives
- Students who are our future Climate Risk Crusaders
- Management and Senior Leaderships who can help the society to manage and mitigate the climate change and climate risk
- Climate Science professionals
- Consulting, HR, Sales, Marketing Professionals
Target Audiences
- Anyone who is not Alien and want to see our planet earth thrives
- Students who are our future Climate Risk Crusaders
- Management and Senior Leaderships who can help the society to manage and mitigate the climate change and climate risk
- Climate Science professionals
- Consulting, HR, Sales, Marketing Professionals
This Course contains three separate modules clubbed together – Climate Science, Climate Change and Climate Risk. Post completion of this course, you will be a Udemy certified climate risk professional. In this course I have discussed following topics in details with sufficient practical examples –
-Science behind the climate change
-Climate and Weather and extreme events
-Impact of climate change on systems
-Green House Gas Emission and Greenhouse effect
-Contribution of CO2 in global warming and climate change
-Contribution of Human to Global Warming
-Global warming and arctic amplification factor
-Climate change : A Green Swan Event and climate risk
-Role of clean energy in climate change
-Impact of climate change on supply and demand
-Impact and Concern group of climate change
-Monetary and financial instability due to climate change
-Inter-relation between climate risk and financial risk
-Climate risk index
-Geographies and sectors most impacted and
benefitted out of climate change
-Debates and myths around climate change
-Key Climate Change Summits and Decisions
-COP 26 Goals and objectives
-Regulatory trends around climate change
-Maladaptation to Climate change
-Urban Climate resilience
-Interesting survey around climate change
-Impact of climate change on mental health
This course is designed to inform everyone about the true consequence of climate change, and what we need to know to mitigate the climate risk. Post completion of this course, you will well equipped with all the necessary knowledges required to understand the climate science, climate change and climate risk
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Who Should Enroll for the Course
Lecture 3: Introduction to the Faculty
Lecture 4: Your Resources for the Course
Lecture 5: Climate Change: Enemy at the Gate
Lecture 6: The Science behind Climate Change
Chapter 2: Climate and Weather
Lecture 1: Climate and Weather: Extreme Events
Lecture 2: Green House Gas and Green House Effect
Lecture 3: Global Warming and Climate Change: Same Phenomena
Chapter 3: Scientific Evidences of Climate Change
Lecture 1: Scientific Evidences that Climate is Warming
Lecture 2: Ocean is Receiving All of the Global Warming
Lecture 3: Increase in Sea Level: Deep Dive
Lecture 4: Global Warming is an Amplifying System
Lecture 5: Arctic Amplification Factor
Chapter 4: Contribution of Emission to Climate Change
Lecture 1: Atmospheric CO2 Concentration for 800,000 Years
Lecture 2: Increase in CO2 Emission and CO2 Concentration
Lecture 3: Why CO2 Concentration is of so much Concern
Lecture 4: Critical Contribution of Black Carbon
Lecture 5: Global Greenhouse Gas Emission Statistics Countrywise
Lecture 6: Effect of Deforestation
Chapter 5: Climate Risk Puzzles
Lecture 1: Global Warming Potential of Different GHGs
Lecture 2: Why Scientist Thinks Human Contribution is 100%
Lecture 3: Why Rate of Warming Varies
Lecture 4: Can we Reach CO2 Invariant and CO2 Tipping Point
Lecture 5: We Feel Some Winters Severe Despite Global Warming
Chapter 6: Climate Change
Lecture 1: Climate Change: Green Swan Event
Lecture 2: Nature of Climate Risk
Lecture 3: Impact of Climate Change on Five Systems
Lecture 4: Global Climate Risk Index
Chapter 7: Climate Change and Important Factors
Lecture 1: Role of Clean Energy to Mitigate Climate Change
Lecture 2: Impact of Climate Change Shocks on Supply and Demand
Chapter 8: Impact of Climate Change on Financial and Monetary Policy
Lecture 1: Financial Instability due to Climate Change
Lecture 2: Monetary Instability due to Climate Change
Lecture 3: Monetary Policy Challenge due to Climate Change
Chapter 9: Impact of Climate Change
Lecture 1: Impact and Concern Group of Climate Change
Lecture 2: Most Prone to Climate Risk Impact
Lecture 3: Beneficiaries of Climate Change
Chapter 10: Debates and Myths Around Climate Change
Lecture 1: Debate 1
Lecture 2: Debate 2
Lecture 3: Debate 3
Lecture 4: Debate 4
Lecture 5: Myths of Climate Change
Chapter 11: Climate Change Summits and Focus Points
Lecture 1: Key Climate Change Summits and Decisions
Lecture 2: COP26 Objectives and Goals
Lecture 3: COP26 Key Outcomes
Chapter 12: Regulatory Expectations
Lecture 1: Regulatory Expectations on Climate Change
Lecture 2: Regulatory Trends and What Firms are doing
Chapter 13: Maladaptation Towards Climate Change
Lecture 1: Maladaptation Towards Climate Change
Lecture 2: Reasons of Climate Maladaptation
Chapter 14: Climate Resiliency Program
Lecture 1: Urban Climate Resilience Program
Lecture 2: Urban Climate Resilience Parameters
Chapter 15: Climate Related Survey and Impact of Climate Change on Mental Health
Lecture 1: Climate Survey
Lecture 2: Impact of Climate Change on Mental Health
Chapter 16: Conclusion
Lecture 1: Mitigating Climate Risk
Lecture 2: See you soon !
Manab Majumdar
Management Consultant
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 2 votes
- 5 stars: 0 votes
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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