Coaching and Consulting on Business & Corporate Strategy
Coaching and Consulting on Business & Corporate Strategy, available at $64.99, has an average rating of 4.75, with 50 lectures, based on 31 reviews, and has 6699 subscribers.
You will learn about Develop a diverse set of tools and frameworks used for a strategy creation Refine your understanding how to compete on the market Understand how different factors influence a strategy Understand different approaches in a strategy creation Structure your own coaching or consulting sessions This course is ideal for individuals who are Business coaches, consultants, managers, entrepreneurs and investors willing to deeply explore strategy and management coaching It is particularly useful for Business coaches, consultants, managers, entrepreneurs and investors willing to deeply explore strategy and management coaching.
Enroll now: Coaching and Consulting on Business & Corporate Strategy
Title: Coaching and Consulting on Business & Corporate Strategy
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 4.75
Number of Lectures: 50
Number of Published Lectures: 50
Number of Curriculum Items: 50
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 50
Original Price: $79.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Develop a diverse set of tools and frameworks used for a strategy creation
- Refine your understanding how to compete on the market
- Understand how different factors influence a strategy
- Understand different approaches in a strategy creation
- Structure your own coaching or consulting sessions
Who Should Attend
- Business coaches, consultants, managers, entrepreneurs and investors willing to deeply explore strategy and management coaching
Target Audiences
- Business coaches, consultants, managers, entrepreneurs and investors willing to deeply explore strategy and management coaching
Hello there! Welcome to the course: Coaching and Consulting on Business & Corporate Strategy.
Let’s demystify Strategy and Management coaching & consulting!
Most of the courses focused on coaching are based on explaining why is coaching important, what should be the benefits, general approaches and processes, and similar. And, that might be OK for Life coaching since the Coach is rather focused to help a client to define his own goals, alternatives, and similar, and where a coach does not have to be an expert since he shouldn’t give an advice.
On the other hand, I would like to help you here to become a real Business Strategists, someone’s true Strategy Thinking Partner, or Sparring Partner – whatever you call it. And, I believe that requires going a bit deeper into the Strategy related Content and Processes – not just Coaching or Consulting per se. As a Business Coach, you’ll be required to demonstrated expertize and first-hand experience relevant for managing organizations, and sometimes, to give advice – simply, that requires a Coach who “walks the talk”.
As a Coach Ajit Nawalka once said: “People will not hire you for the time they spend talking to you. They will hire you because of the insights they will get after working with you…because of the results they will see translating into their everyday life, the shifts in mindset and behavior they will experience.” Coaches are looking for occasional insights that restructure thinking, and change client’s behavior. So, we are here to help strategists to synthesize vast arrays of soft information into new perspectives.
To do that – we have structured this course around four Sections:
– How do you compete?
– What does your strategy creation process look like?
– How you are going to coach them? And
– Running Discovery Conversations (or Diagnosing).
In the Section where we discuss how you compete, we are going to set the stage for deep strategy conversations. We are combining theory and business philosophy packed around many useful tools and frameworks that consultants use in their everyday practice – and this should help a coach (or a consultant) to structure his sessions and ask relevant questions for the Strategy related Context and Content. For example, we are going to explore generic strategies, applying different business models, how Design Thinking philosophy can help us with innovations, what does Blitzscaling means and should you experiment with it and when, and similar.
In the next Section where we discuss different approaches to strategy creation – we are focusing on habits of a strategist regarding how he is approaching his strategy creation process – the Coach’s role is to challenge that and broaden the perspectives or possibilities. Here, we are going to present 10 different approaches like Classic, Strategic planning, Positioning, Entrepreneurial, Learning, like a Pirate, and similar. The point is to explore and distinguish different possibilities for the strategy creator.
Next, we are going to help you better understand how to apply coaching skills into the Strategy related topics. We are going to present here:
– Some basic rules of a coaching, including the logic behind great coaching questions;
– Explain how to apply the most common coaching frameworks (GROW, STEPPA, OSKAR, etc.);
– Give you hints how to cope with the most demanding coaching issues; and
– Give you an example of a well-structured coaching questions applied in a “Strategy Stress-Test”, developed by a Harvard Business School Professor;
Finally, we added another Section (or Chapter) in this course, with an idea to have an integrative role, to give you more ideas and guidance, and help you in running your own Discovery Conversations, or Diagnosing talks. You’ll be able to find a lot of useful questions, some interesting distinctions, and similar – all related to different factors affecting Strategy of any business.
But remember, all those elements relevant for the coaching rules, frameworks and hints can be used to design and structure your entire coaching conversations (sessions or meetings), while all the tools and frameworks related to the strategy topics (like business model canvas, generic strategies, BCG matrix, etc.) you can use for some specific sub-topics within that dialog, meaning areas you would like to explore in more details, and then jump-back to the main coaching storyline.
On top of all of that, you can find a lot of supplementary materials within Attachments (or Resources Sections) – hidden here and there. Enjoy!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Course Introduction
Lecture 2: Why Strategy as a coaching topic
Lecture 3: Why messing Coaching with Strategy
Lecture 4: Course structure
Lecture 5: Who can use the course
Chapter 2: How do you compete?
Lecture 1: How do you compete – introduction
Lecture 2: Entrepreneur’s idea
Lecture 3: Competitive strategies
Lecture 4: Strategy direction
Lecture 5: Competing with innovative business models
Lecture 6: Business Model example – “Creators economy”
Lecture 7: Example – business model and technology in gambling industry
Lecture 8: Applying Design Thinking philosophy
Lecture 9: Blitzscaling challenge
Lecture 10: Resilience challenge
Lecture 11: Thinking through different strategic layers
Lecture 12: Key takeaways
Chapter 3: What does your Strategy creation process look like?
Lecture 1: What does your Strategy creation process look like – introduction
Lecture 2: Classic (basic) approach
Lecture 3: (Strategic) Planning approach
Lecture 4: Positioning approach
Lecture 5: Entrepreneurial approach
Lecture 6: Learning (through experimentation) approach
Lecture 7: Pirate's approach
Lecture 8: Culture-based approach
Lecture 9: Configuration (situational) approach
Lecture 10: Coaching approach
Chapter 4: How you are going to coach them?
Lecture 1: How you are going to coach them – introduction
Lecture 2: Basic rules of Coaching
Lecture 3: Blending “Wheel of Life” with “7S” Model
Lecture 4: GROW Model
Lecture 5: PRACTICE Model
Lecture 6: OSKAR model
Lecture 7: STEPPA model
Lecture 8: Hints for dealing with “Defining Problems”
Lecture 9: Hints for dealing with “Setting Goals”
Lecture 10: Hints for “Developing Options / Solutions”
Lecture 11: Hints for dealing with “Action Steps”
Lecture 12: Example of a Strategy “Stress-Test” coaching questions
Chapter 5: Discovery Conversations (Diagnosing, Factors Influencing Strategy)
Lecture 1: Discovery Conversations – Introduction
Lecture 2: Company Life-cycle
Lecture 3: Market Impact
Lecture 4: Internal Capabilities
Lecture 5: Structure & Domain
Lecture 6: Managerial Systems
Lecture 7: Culture, or Collective Mindset
Lecture 8: Stakeholders & Purpose
Lecture 9: Financials & Overall Performance
Lecture 10: Leadership Style
Chapter 6: Conclusion
Lecture 1: Conclusion
Boris Jovanovic
Consultant and instructor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 12 votes
- 5 stars: 17 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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