Communications in the Supply Chain
Communications in the Supply Chain, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 4.25, with 129 lectures, based on 24 reviews, and has 458 subscribers.
You will learn about You will understand the communication of Social Media has evolved into more than just another advertising channel for retailers, within the Supply Chain You will appreciate the need for the development and the ability to communicate with communities is central to understanding the implications of supply within the new demand chain You will grasp the ramifications on to the supply chain with the emergence and development of multi-channel retailing You will comprehend how the development of e-commerce has added significant complexity to the Supply Chain, through multiple communication channels You will realise the extent in which open, transparent communications in the supply chain, is driving extreme volatility in demand forecasting You will recognise the world is moving into e-relationships between; manufacture, producer, supplier, retailer and consumer and the impact this has on the supply chain and logistics You will understand communications within the supply chain and logistics is now a measurable commodity in terms of performance management measurable commodity in terms of performance management You will appreciate that instant communication is now interrupting established business models, with new technology This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is applicable to anyone who operates in; procurement, planning, operations, warehouse, distribution, wholesale, third party logistics and or undertaking academic studies. At whatever level you are operating, you will take away positive knowledge that you can use at your place of work or studies. or This course presents a framework in understanding how communications allied with new technology is impacting on the supply chain & logistics. Students will gain a detailed insight of the key communications that are driving increased complexity throughout the end-to-end supply chain. or This course focuses and delivers real time experience on multiple functions within complex operations, which is being impacted and exacerbated by the integration of multi-channel communications in social media assisted with increasingly new powerful consumer friendly technology. or This course is providing the student with a practical understanding of the key communication issues and challenges multiple stakeholders in the Supply Chain & Logistic face on a daily basis. or Students will only require access to a modern PC /Laptop/Tablet to engage for this course. The course has been design with practicality in mind. It does not matter if you are a season professional and or just embarking on your Supply Chain and Logistics Career. It is particularly useful for This course is applicable to anyone who operates in; procurement, planning, operations, warehouse, distribution, wholesale, third party logistics and or undertaking academic studies. At whatever level you are operating, you will take away positive knowledge that you can use at your place of work or studies. or This course presents a framework in understanding how communications allied with new technology is impacting on the supply chain & logistics. Students will gain a detailed insight of the key communications that are driving increased complexity throughout the end-to-end supply chain. or This course focuses and delivers real time experience on multiple functions within complex operations, which is being impacted and exacerbated by the integration of multi-channel communications in social media assisted with increasingly new powerful consumer friendly technology. or This course is providing the student with a practical understanding of the key communication issues and challenges multiple stakeholders in the Supply Chain & Logistic face on a daily basis. or Students will only require access to a modern PC /Laptop/Tablet to engage for this course. The course has been design with practicality in mind. It does not matter if you are a season professional and or just embarking on your Supply Chain and Logistics Career.
Enroll now: Communications in the Supply Chain
Title: Communications in the Supply Chain
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 4.25
Number of Lectures: 129
Number of Published Lectures: 129
Number of Curriculum Items: 129
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 129
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You will understand the communication of Social Media has evolved into more than just another advertising channel for retailers, within the Supply Chain
- You will appreciate the need for the development and the ability to communicate with communities is central to understanding the implications of supply within the new demand chain
- You will grasp the ramifications on to the supply chain with the emergence and development of multi-channel retailing
- You will comprehend how the development of e-commerce has added significant complexity to the Supply Chain, through multiple communication channels
- You will realise the extent in which open, transparent communications in the supply chain, is driving extreme volatility in demand forecasting
- You will recognise the world is moving into e-relationships between; manufacture, producer, supplier, retailer and consumer and the impact this has on the supply chain and logistics
- You will understand communications within the supply chain and logistics is now a measurable commodity in terms of performance management
- measurable commodity in terms of performance management You will appreciate that instant communication is now interrupting established business models, with new technology
Who Should Attend
- This course is applicable to anyone who operates in; procurement, planning, operations, warehouse, distribution, wholesale, third party logistics and or undertaking academic studies. At whatever level you are operating, you will take away positive knowledge that you can use at your place of work or studies.
- This course presents a framework in understanding how communications allied with new technology is impacting on the supply chain & logistics. Students will gain a detailed insight of the key communications that are driving increased complexity throughout the end-to-end supply chain.
- This course focuses and delivers real time experience on multiple functions within complex operations, which is being impacted and exacerbated by the integration of multi-channel communications in social media assisted with increasingly new powerful consumer friendly technology.
- This course is providing the student with a practical understanding of the key communication issues and challenges multiple stakeholders in the Supply Chain & Logistic face on a daily basis.
- Students will only require access to a modern PC /Laptop/Tablet to engage for this course. The course has been design with practicality in mind. It does not matter if you are a season professional and or just embarking on your Supply Chain and Logistics Career.
Target Audiences
- This course is applicable to anyone who operates in; procurement, planning, operations, warehouse, distribution, wholesale, third party logistics and or undertaking academic studies. At whatever level you are operating, you will take away positive knowledge that you can use at your place of work or studies.
- This course presents a framework in understanding how communications allied with new technology is impacting on the supply chain & logistics. Students will gain a detailed insight of the key communications that are driving increased complexity throughout the end-to-end supply chain.
- This course focuses and delivers real time experience on multiple functions within complex operations, which is being impacted and exacerbated by the integration of multi-channel communications in social media assisted with increasingly new powerful consumer friendly technology.
- This course is providing the student with a practical understanding of the key communication issues and challenges multiple stakeholders in the Supply Chain & Logistic face on a daily basis.
- Students will only require access to a modern PC /Laptop/Tablet to engage for this course. The course has been design with practicality in mind. It does not matter if you are a season professional and or just embarking on your Supply Chain and Logistics Career.
Important notes:
- Current promotional price is $29, but will increase to $149
- New lectures and updates
- Support
Good communications is about developing image, reputation, credibility and authority. It influences opinion and behaviour all organisations have to communicate.
They have no choice.
They must influence all those groups around them, upon which their success relies, by the projection of their actions and reactions.
Manufactures, producers, retailers, suppliers all have to make sure their messages are communicated consistently and coherently to every audience both inside and outside of the business.
Development of a strong brand positions a range of products and services a company brings to the market. It conveys the value of the company.
Branding is increasingly important where product differentiation is less easy to establish. The rise of social media and technology and the ability to deal direct with the end consumer, is generating significant complexity in the supply chain.
As today’s consumers have been conditioned by multiple industries, to expect personalised interactions across different channels.
It is all about customer connectivity. Omnichannel retailing has created multiple sales opportunities for retailers. Simultaneously it is creating havoc in their operating model and upstream supply chains, whilst they attempt to integrate the e-commerce purchasing volumes. Allowing them to develop the buy-anywhere-fulfil anywhere and return anywhere retail consumer experience.
This course provides a practical examination of the communication process within the modern SC&L.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Welcome
Lecture 2: Course Title
Lecture 3: Resources needed for the Course
Lecture 4: Course Landscape
Chapter 2: Building Communities
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Communities impact on Supply Chain
Lecture 3: A statement for your journey….
Chapter 3: Key Benefits of Social Media in the Supply Chain
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Social Media Quotes
Lecture 3: Key Benefit 1 – Connecting people
Lecture 4: Key Benefit 2 – Connecting members with each other
Lecture 5: Key Benefit 3 – Connects members with no members
Lecture 6: Community at work – The Scottish referendum
Lecture 7: Conclusion
Chapter 4: Why do Companies use Social Media
Lecture 1: Advantage of Social Media in the product development stage
Lecture 2: Develop a customer base prior launch
Lecture 3: Finding early brand advocates
Lecture 4: Gaining Trust
Chapter 5: Supply Chain Management & the Use of Social Media
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Logistics
Lecture 3: Supply Chain strategy
Lecture 4: Supply Chain planning
Lecture 5: Supply Chain application
Lecture 6: A real operational example
Lecture 7: Asset Management
Lecture 8: My challenge with procurement
Lecture 9: Product life cycle management
Lecture 10: Conclusion
Chapter 6: Supply Chain Community Triangle
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Connect brands and customers
Lecture 3: Connects members
Lecture 4: Connect non-members
Chapter 7: Brand Community Pillars
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Participation in a group based collaborative effort
Lecture 3: Individual Membership into a community
Lecture 4: Common desires/goals/interest/passions/values
Lecture 5: Brand production and consumption activities
Lecture 6: Mutual trust and reward
Lecture 7: Socialness, dialogue and interaction
Lecture 8: Customisation of experience
Lecture 9: Online platform with off line experiences
Chapter 8: The End Game for Brands
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Accelerated Sales
Lecture 3: More foot fall / web traffic
Lecture 4: Save Operating Cost
Lecture 5: Drive marketing efficiencies
Lecture 6: Entrench Brand loyalty
Lecture 7: Aldi and Lidl -example of Brand loyalty
Lecture 8: Improve Operations
Lecture 9: Support Products
Lecture 10: Upsell Services
Chapter 9: The Direct Benefits for Brands
Lecture 1: Lead the Industry Agenda and Conversation
Lecture 2: Organisation wide – Customer centricity
Lecture 3: Galvanise employees / vendors
Lecture 4: Superior Innovation and Solutions
Lecture 5: Favourable grassroots perception
Lecture 6: New distribution selling/distribution/ customisation channel
Chapter 10: The Power of Word of Mouth
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Examples of the power of Word of Mouth (WOM)
Lecture 3: Ryanair and the impact of WOM
Lecture 4: Importance of WOM and examples
Lecture 5: Impact of WOM on the Supply Chain
Lecture 6: Five Principles of Word of Mouth
Chapter 11: Performance Management
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Social Media gives us Information before Interaction
Lecture 3: Real Case -impact of social media
Lecture 4: How to apply the information into an operation
Lecture 5: The evolution of the driver job to a company ambassador
Lecture 6: Conclusion
Chapter 12: Social Dimension in the B2B Relationship
Lecture 1: The acceptance of social media for companies
Lecture 2: TRIP
Lecture 3: About Collaboration
Lecture 4: Exchange and Execution
Lecture 5: The key function of drivers explained
Chapter 13: Maslows Pyramide
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Our need to survive
Lecture 3: We need to improve
Lecture 4: Our values
Lecture 5: Conclusion
Chapter 14: Social Media encourages Collaboration
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Collaboration and Trust
Lecture 3: The traditional ways are changing
Lecture 4: B2B-B2C-C2B Collaboration
Lecture 5: Conclusion
Lecture 6: Mc Kinsey
Chapter 15: Who are the Social Media Actors
Nigel Devenish
Supply Chain and Logistics Career Professional
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 3 votes
- 3 stars: 7 votes
- 4 stars: 7 votes
- 5 stars: 7 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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