Complete Course Entrepreneurship All In One for Entrepreneur
Complete Course Entrepreneurship All In One for Entrepreneur, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.45, with 171 lectures, 3 quizzes, based on 28 reviews, and has 200 subscribers.
You will learn about Start. No more "thinking". Convert ideas and thoughts to influence! Let's start with nothing. Use our exclusive interactive tools to check: idea strength, BP strength, your readiness, etc. Get the power and skill of BUILDING BUSINESS! then you can build any business. Building busiess is like riding bicycle. Once you get it, you can never forget. However, you must teach yourself. Building business is like a baby walking – you must allow yourself to fail a couple of time. Start now. Start safe. Go big. Convert any idea to businss. Get VC funding. Identify the secret tactics of Musk, Jobs and Gates – and use them. Flesh out your yet un-polished ideas, follow along recipes, fine tune your investment deck, go after first customer, break open the channel Have freedom. Start create your business immediately, get to end, improve your idea on the go, get customers, and grow your business to profit. Safe start. Have a veteran mentor on your side. A complete startup guide for absolute beginners with veteran designed check list and turn by turn navigation. Six stage check list and work sheets. 20+ case studies. 7 Idea power moves. Practical tips. Get market validation feedbacks. High value end to end straight talk entrepreneur action class – you will learn while doing and complete a cycle, now. Veteran designed real-action guide with safety checks from first principle to first action. Personal path navigator. Four stages planning. Prepare ingredients – five jewel pieces to prepare. Killer idea designers for unicorn and VC fundable companies. Six time serial veteran and CEO teaches power move script for spotting Unicorn company Identify path that you can make an impact. If you are looking at this, you have what it takes to be rich. Clear out vagueness and fantasies and get your ideas into action towards a profitable and growth business Veteran's notebook with actional recipes This course is ideal for individuals who are Aspirational business creator who have many ideas and have been thinking forever. It is particularly useful for Aspirational business creator who have many ideas and have been thinking forever.
Enroll now: Complete Course Entrepreneurship All In One for Entrepreneur
Title: Complete Course Entrepreneurship All In One for Entrepreneur
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.45
Number of Lectures: 171
Number of Quizzes: 3
Number of Published Lectures: 166
Number of Published Quizzes: 3
Number of Curriculum Items: 179
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 174
Number of Practice Tests: 1
Number of Published Practice Tests: 1
Original Price: $124.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Start. No more "thinking". Convert ideas and thoughts to influence! Let's start with nothing.
- Use our exclusive interactive tools to check: idea strength, BP strength, your readiness, etc.
- Get the power and skill of BUILDING BUSINESS! then you can build any business.
- Building busiess is like riding bicycle. Once you get it, you can never forget. However, you must teach yourself.
- Building business is like a baby walking – you must allow yourself to fail a couple of time. Start now. Start safe.
- Go big. Convert any idea to businss. Get VC funding. Identify the secret tactics of Musk, Jobs and Gates – and use them.
- Flesh out your yet un-polished ideas, follow along recipes, fine tune your investment deck, go after first customer, break open the channel
- Have freedom. Start create your business immediately, get to end, improve your idea on the go, get customers, and grow your business to profit.
- Safe start. Have a veteran mentor on your side. A complete startup guide for absolute beginners with veteran designed check list and turn by turn navigation.
- Six stage check list and work sheets. 20+ case studies. 7 Idea power moves. Practical tips. Get market validation feedbacks.
- High value end to end straight talk entrepreneur action class – you will learn while doing and complete a cycle, now.
- Veteran designed real-action guide with safety checks from first principle to first action.
- Personal path navigator. Four stages planning. Prepare ingredients – five jewel pieces to prepare.
- Killer idea designers for unicorn and VC fundable companies.
- Six time serial veteran and CEO teaches power move script for spotting Unicorn company
- Identify path that you can make an impact. If you are looking at this, you have what it takes to be rich.
- Clear out vagueness and fantasies and get your ideas into action towards a profitable and growth business
- Veteran's notebook with actional recipes
Who Should Attend
- Aspirational business creator who have many ideas and have been thinking forever.
Target Audiences
- Aspirational business creator who have many ideas and have been thinking forever.
The investors and angels know THE big secret but he will never tell you. Why?
This class is meant to be honest end to end – offering full grounded action tips and clarity.
Entrepreneurship is contrary to everything you learned at schools. Business runs on different logics. I am serious. I have engineering Phd degree from Caltech and was engineering professor for 2 decades. When I quit my job and started my real journey of entrepreneurship, that is when real learning started for me. So I want to share with you the essence of innovation, business and startup.
Nothing I teach here can be found by googling. But investors and industry veterans know. They have been there, done that. They don’t tell you.
Entrepreneurship is unlearning school. Schools don’t help, and skipping schools don’t help either. Everyone is born an entrepreneur like Jobs and Musk, but few become.
I have walked the supply chain in China and talked to countless VCs in the silicon valley, Shenzhen and Beijing. It took a long journey for me to get to the truth that no one tells or writes. I have developed and sold my own products in my own store as coder, founder, CEO and project manager. I have walked the entire research-startup-funding cycle and traversed the realms of consumers, engineers, and business. I wrote four books on the subject and taught very popular courses at top schools. During the COVID years I finally put everything I know down – here.
Being a Caltech grad, I have a unique way of telling the truth. This is an HONEST and CLEAR class that not everyone will like immediately. I tell the truth, from experience. I paid the tuition and dear price, so I hope you can be safer and have more fun. Please watch the previews and my channels, blogs, tools. My mission is to help people get the clarity, and jump from engineer to businessman, from buyer to seller, from consumer to product maker. Entrepreneurship is a long journey – don’t waste all the time before the start.
Face it, entrepreneurship is a giant life-sized puzzle. Should I be entrepreneur? where to start? I have too many ideas. I have no ideas. In this class, I want to give you straight useful answer end to end. Yes, you should have your own business. You should have a business person’s mindset even if you work for someone as employee! the world will never be the same once you get the business mindset, the “er” mindset vs the “ee” mindset. It is magical. Take this course and let’s get practical.
Entrepreneurship is easy – everyone can do it. Entrepreneurship is building business, find who needs you, and growing a money tree for yourself. It is hard enough. Books alone don’t teach you how to actually create. Don’t do it in a state of guessing, projecting, or false confidence. Start one and learn as you do it – with someone watching and showing and explaining as you go! I am a six time entrepreneur. I wish I had this class before I started.
This is a hands on engagement class that really make you think deep and come out with a tangible business at the end. No more guessing and “dry learning” – learn on the fly, use turn by turn navigation and learn from cases.
This class is inspired by the rocket launch and the cooking shows – startups should be as easy and intuitive as that. Startup should not be a mystery, a torture, a guess, and risky gamble. In this class we put a structure to it in ways no other books can teach.
We break into six major sections/stages:
Idea structuring and improvement to a business concept;
Learn how to build product-store-market-audience pairing vision;
Learn how to enter a niche market and compete;
Validate and finding the first customer!
Learn how to get funding! get the story right.
Learn how to scale your company and grow the demand!
As a former professor of Northwestern University and the University of Illinois, I started six companies, wrote four books, hundreds of research papers. What makes me unique is that I studied the entrepreneurship process inside and out! I took the risk so I can tell you where risks are lying. Yes I read all the books on startup before I started, that is why I know what the books are not teaching and I know what your questions are – because I had them!
You don’t need a perfect idea to start. This class will make you start on a half baked idea, improve it, and get a business going. Let’s FINISH building your first business.
Is my idea good enough to go? Do I have what it takes to have my own business? Yes and Yes! take this course and learn what books don’t teach you, and build your business along the way. Work hard, but with the right mindset.
Best startup turn by turn guide for first time entrepreneurs with no experience and no budget. You have read all the books and come up with many ideas. This course gives you an access to veteran mentor’s experience, who understand you precisely and give you precious tips as you journey to uncertainty – as a navigator, follow along coach, and honest advisor.
Get your business going, with zero experience. Finish building one. Get first customer. Add CEO to your resume. Improve your idea on the go. Get funding. Get customers and scaling. A complete recipe designed by veteran to help you navigate the startup turns and twists. Six vital worksheets, killer idea power moves, proven recipes, marketing and validation tips, checklists for product, market and validation.
Step by step, turn by turn, navigation and feedback powered by veterans. Upgrade your idea to business concept. Gain business mindset, build a profitable company for yourself.
This is one of a kind action activity class. You will learn how to start as you build, following along expert checklists and feedback to reduce the risk. You will become a doer, be motivated at each step, and go through the process once.
A practical class that let you start to create, and learn as you do it. The course seeks your status report and provide turn by turn diagnosis and feed backs to you. Modules allow creation of freelancer business, ecommerce, local business, and tech startups.
Sure start with zero experience startup guide step by step
Follow the veteran’s foot steps in a follow along recipe and strategy for each step.
Create your freelance, e-commerce or VC funded tech business today! Don’t wait.
Having your business is a great achievement – you have what it takes already. In this class, let’s start your first business with a turn by turn recipe and turn your idea into a business NOW.
Create Your First Business: Step by Step Complete Recipe
Learn by doing. Build your business and convert your idea to business now, with turn by turn follow along navigation
You can read all the books, but they won’t really help you create. Take this course and get your dream into action. Learn with feedback and start safety, gain the business mindset.
The three benefits:
1. You will start now.
2. You will have lower risks.
3. You will go through the whole process once and gain the business mindset.
Entrepreneur: Create Your Business Follow Along Step by Step
Learn by doing with veteran | Create, follow along, with check list and canvas feedbacks |
If you want to start a business or company, follow along and get started with us being the pacer and coach.
New Business launch guide: step by step follow along
Entrepreneurship Start Complete Steps: Follow Along Tutorial
Expert AI evaluation and diagnosis from idea to bank.
Reduce the risk of start. Have a navigator and pacer, have a buddy.
Immersion follow along first person founding tutorial.
Get turn by turn information and feedback. Self guided turn by turn navigator and feedback.
There are many hidden pitfalls, and that is why they are called risks. Some things are hard to accept until you experience it. For example, it is competition at edge and details; it is insider knowledge and experience; many ways to succeed and many to fail.
Entrepreneurship: Easy Startup Step by Step Guide In A Box
Freelancer, ecommerce and tech startups learn by DOING. Create from zero w/ veteran navigator turn by turn recipe book.
Creating My First Real Business Safely: Follow Along Guide
Get one done, with veteran designed step by step check list and navigation guide | Freelancer, small business or tech
Start your first business with me: Step by Step Cook Book
Stop the infinite loop of ideas and get into the infinite path of personal growth. Turn by turn navigation by veteran
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: A new way to teach creation of business to anyone
Lecture 2: Learn by doing, learn while creating
Lecture 3: Suitable students and benefits
Lecture 4: The secret: take big risk, safely.
Lecture 5: The class method and organization
Lecture 6: Constructing an idea – an idea stand on three legs
Lecture 7: All risks are hidden – otherwise it is not risk
Lecture 8: The course syllabus introduced
Chapter 2: Your personalized strategy session
Lecture 1: Section Intro: Success can not be designed. Really. Success is found.
Lecture 2: Is this your first time?
Lecture 3: The rocket launch analogy – our resource mindset
Lecture 4: A sketch of path
Lecture 5: Six stages of business launch
Lecture 6: The first step of a fruitful journey
Lecture 7: Entrepreneurs success matrix – four levels
Lecture 8: Work sheets resource and download center
Lecture 9: Multiple stages feedback and recursive improvements
Chapter 3: Step 1: Evaluation and compete your idea
Lecture 1: Goal of this section: filter, pick, focus
Lecture 2: Three legs of an idea
Lecture 3: One killer ingredient of a killer idea
Lecture 4: Constructing a great idea with Tripod theory
Lecture 5: Case: How to sell socks permanently at 50% off?
Lecture 6: Idea, plan, execution – their relations
Lecture 7: Critically think about yoru critical thinking – Musk discusses
Lecture 8: Section Conclusions
Lecture 9: Sidenote: Profit, scaling, and automation
Chapter 4: Entrepreneur tools collection
Lecture 1: Tool: Evaluating your BP canvas
Lecture 2: MVP=Miracle Value Proposition. Designing validation campaign
Lecture 3: Designing benefits
Lecture 4: Tool: Computer Interactive APP to Evaluating your pitch deck
Lecture 5: Tool: Evaluating your idea canvas
Chapter 5: Step 2: Identifying buyer, goods, and interests match
Lecture 1: Three boxes to check in two steps
Lecture 2: Products, store, market, and qualified customers
Lecture 3: Learn to sell first
Lecture 4: Not too late, not too late, just right
Chapter 6: Step 3: Identify markets, channel and stores
Lecture 1: Marketing is science followed by hustle
Lecture 2: Marketing is 90% of work
Lecture 3: Checklist and work sheet to identify market
Lecture 4: Marketing has no rules – complete out of box thinking after getting INSIDE
Chapter 7: Step 4: Business plan and acquiring investor
Lecture 1: Investors are hitchhikers and your necessary booster rocket
Lecture 2: What compells an investor to fund you? what code words they want to listen?
Lecture 3: Getting investment is a long game of its own right
Lecture 4: What kind of business after you succceed?
Lecture 5: Protecting idea while telling people
Lecture 6: Business exit strategy – three kinds of exits
Lecture 7: Founder exit and investor exit – two kinds of exits
Lecture 8: Side note: Investment is CEO's Full Time Job
Chapter 8: Step 5: Making first sale – prove it
Lecture 1: Finding validation is science and hustle – not business
Lecture 2: Schooling vs entrepreneurship. How schools hurts your chance of making business
Lecture 3: Craft of finding first sale
Chapter 9: Step 6: Scaling – The long fruitful journey after the long journey
Lecture 1: Scaling and reduce lead generation cost: Be flashy, be nimble, be honest
Lecture 2: Example: actual speed of growth of busiess
Lecture 3: The entrepreneurial mindset
Chapter 10: Summary: Recursive evaluation of the pieces
Lecture 1: Success is result of recurrsive search by trial and error
Chapter 11: Appendix: Useful side hustle: building a dropshipping business
Lecture 1: Gain the seller's mindset – the core of business logic and entrepreneurship mind
Lecture 2: 4 tips for making money online
Lecture 3: Is dropshipping worth it? Dropshipping is a good warmup side hustle.
Lecture 4: Ten kinds of dropshipping routes
Lecture 5: Ten skills of dropshipping entrepreneurs
Lecture 6: 5 steps to start dropshipping as side hustle
Lecture 7: Store making craft – having a good store
Chapter 12: Appendix: For engineers, STEM students and coders
Lecture 1: Why schools don't teach entrepreneurship?
Lecture 2: Don't build tech and then try to sell it: hear Jobs
Lecture 3: Don't build tech and then try to sell: hear failure story 1
Lecture 4: If you made something great, you must prove it. You must sell it.
Lecture 5: "A" student must work in markets made by C students
Lecture 6: Business is selling promise and benefits – not just fun prototypes
Chapter 13: In their own words hear Musk, Jobs and Jack Ma's honest thoughts
Lecture 1: Quality takes money
Lecture 2: Don't do unimportant things
Lecture 3: Startup quotes: founders find wisdom after struggle
Lecture 4: Make mistakes – every mistake is a gift
Lecture 5: Steve Jobs first startup – and it is not apple
Lecture 6: First create Steve Jobs, then he will create Apple
Lecture 7: Steve Jobs – Refusing to just be a great engineer
Chapter 14: Conclusions: Steps to become an enterpreneur and enjoy the fight
Lecture 1: Entrepreneur mindset and owner will power
Lecture 2: Risk, failure, success
Lecture 3: The power start scripts
Lecture 4: Steps to become an entrepreneur
Chang Liu
Engineer, author, CEO, and entrepreneur
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 2 votes
- 4 stars: 8 votes
- 5 stars: 16 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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