Conflict Resolution and De-Escalation for Upset Customers
Conflict Resolution and De-Escalation for Upset Customers, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.56, with 57 lectures, based on 7132 reviews, and has 26776 subscribers.
You will learn about You'll learn how to effectively address and de-escalate conflicts with clients, using appropriate techniques to deal with the person's emotions or complaints You'll learn how to protect yourself in the middle of harsh client interactions, dealing with elements like stress or compassion fatigue You'll learn how to mediate tense situations between clients and the organisation, evaluating both positions impartially You'll learn how to avoid the common traps in terms of conflicts, which can actually make a conflict worse You'll learn about using technology to both prevent and resolve clients with customers, helping prioritise, research, and respond to various problems. This course is ideal for individuals who are You're someone dealing with customers (high- or low-value, high- or low-touch), and especially dealing with unhappy ones or You're someone in Customer Success or Customer Service or You're someone in Client Relations or Investor Relations or You're someone who wants to learn how to better deal with any person in a professional context It is particularly useful for You're someone dealing with customers (high- or low-value, high- or low-touch), and especially dealing with unhappy ones or You're someone in Customer Success or Customer Service or You're someone in Client Relations or Investor Relations or You're someone who wants to learn how to better deal with any person in a professional context.
Enroll now: Conflict Resolution and De-Escalation for Upset Customers
Title: Conflict Resolution and De-Escalation for Upset Customers
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.56
Number of Lectures: 57
Number of Published Lectures: 34
Number of Curriculum Items: 57
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 34
Original Price: €59.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You'll learn how to effectively address and de-escalate conflicts with clients, using appropriate techniques to deal with the person's emotions or complaints
- You'll learn how to protect yourself in the middle of harsh client interactions, dealing with elements like stress or compassion fatigue
- You'll learn how to mediate tense situations between clients and the organisation, evaluating both positions impartially
- You'll learn how to avoid the common traps in terms of conflicts, which can actually make a conflict worse
- You'll learn about using technology to both prevent and resolve clients with customers, helping prioritise, research, and respond to various problems.
Who Should Attend
- You're someone dealing with customers (high- or low-value, high- or low-touch), and especially dealing with unhappy ones
- You're someone in Customer Success or Customer Service
- You're someone in Client Relations or Investor Relations
- You're someone who wants to learn how to better deal with any person in a professional context
Target Audiences
- You're someone dealing with customers (high- or low-value, high- or low-touch), and especially dealing with unhappy ones
- You're someone in Customer Success or Customer Service
- You're someone in Client Relations or Investor Relations
- You're someone who wants to learn how to better deal with any person in a professional context
Client management is not an easy position. In fact, any relationship management position is tough.
Namely, because clients are frequently angry or disappointed at your company.
And whose job is it to fix the mess? Yours.
Not to mention that you have to both make the company AND the client satisfied.
All in all, it’s not a very easy position.
What most professionals underestimate, however, is the role of conflict management in client management.
A lot of the position is about conflict resolution.
Effectively “defusing” the person. Finding out what’s wrong. Finding out how it can never happen again.
Therefore, in order to effectively manage clients, we have to learn how to effectively manage conflict.
And that is what we are here to do.
Naturally, you will find multiple courses on social skills.
So… why this one?
Easy. Because it’s the most complete one out there.
I’ve been coaching top executives and professionals for over 5 years, helping with conflict resolution in many different contexts:
Conflicts with co-workers that are competing in terms of workload or credit;
Conflicts with other executives to obtain support for key initiatives;
Conflicts with subordinates or managers in terms of not agreeing with the given performance ratings or reviews;
And many others;
What this mean in practice is that I know the techniques that disarm people. That get people to talk. That make people feel safe to voice their concerns. That reveal the source of conflicts. That make adversaries create alliances.
And many other use cases. You see where I’m going with this.
For years, I’ve been leveraging exclusive, proprietary techniques.
Now it’s time I share some of them with you.
This short course will walk you through some core techniques for conflict resolution, especially if you’re leading a team, including showing respect and empathy, analyzing the person’s rules, detecting whether the person goes violent or silent, and many others.
The course has three major components:
– The Diagnostic (how to assess what type of conflict you have on your hands, and what rules were broken that led to it);
– The Techniques (techniques to use to de-escalate the situation including empathy, understanding, respect, guiding towards implementation, and others);
– The Traps (traps to avoid that can escalate the situation or cause a misalignment of expectations later);
Not only is it a conflict resolution course, it’s also, in many ways a social skills course in general, which means you will be able to transplant many of these techniques from this context to other areas of life (relationships, family, friends, and others).
Some people – including me – love to know what they’re getting in a package.
And by this, I mean, EVERYTHING that is in the package.
So, here is a list of everything that this course covers:
You’ll learn about what is, technically, a conflict with a client, the major types of reasons for it, the usual process to deal with conflicts, and the benefits of being able to effectively resolve issues with clients;
You’ll learn about the usual client types, grouped by their type and number of purchases/purchase values, the priorities of each type and the best ways to deal with them, and you’ll also learn about the various levels of “touch” for clients;
You’ll learn about the major types of client-facing disciplines (customer support, customer success, account managers), the major goals and scope of each role, and where they intersect in dealing with client conflicts. Also, the departments you may have to coordinate with, such as product management, accounting, finance, marketing, and more;
You’ll learn about diagnosing conflicts with clients. The main causes of the conflict (changes in pricing, personal expectations, breaking of personal rules, etc), the behaviors that clients usually show of two major types (“hot conflicts” and “cold conflicts”), and how to deal with these, as well as some general best practices to effectively resolve the conflict;
You’ll learn about using empathy and respect when dealing with the client, which help ramp down their emotions and make them feel understood – especially valuable in tense situations;
You’ll learn about reassuring and supporting clients that may need it, including spotting the signs of negative emotions (verbal, nonverbal and written), the major methods you can use to reassure them, and the dilemmas present, such as possibly overpromising or promising things beyond our control;
You’ll learn about making the client focused on implementation – getting them to focus on a solution, even when they’re not inclined on doing that – as well as getting them to come up with options, which increases their satisfaction when a solution is found, having come from them;
You’ll learn about how to optimise the four major modes of communication with clients – your words, your body language, your tone, and your emotions – including tips such as being clear, having open body language, not showing overtly negative emotions, and others;
You’ll learn about the major traps in terms of disrespecting the other side, such as rushing the client, being patronising, simply not caring, and more, and how to avoid them;
You’ll learn about the major traps in terms of lack of alignment, including mismatches in expectations, glossing over important details, false promises, being naive, and more, and how to avoid these;
You’ll learn about the major traps in terms of the interaction with the client, including taking things personally, getting into arguments, lecturing the other side or playing favorites, as well as how to avoid these;
You’ll learn about the major spectrums of behavior, or dichotomies, and the consequences of being on the extremes of each of these spectrums, such as providing automated versus human support, being an objective advisor versus being salesy, going the extra mile versus just being “good enough”, being formal versus informal, and a lot more;
You’ll learn about how to protect yourself using personal boundaries, politely refusing requests which are not acceptable, or attitudes which you do not tolerate;
You’ll learn about effectively dealing with stress, be it due to dealing with large volumes of clients, difficult clients, tension due to important clients, or emotional labor in general, ways to recognise the signs of stress in yourself, and ways to deal with that stress;
You’ll learn about effectively dealing with compassion fatigue, be it due to emotionally intense interactions, prolonged emotional interactions, or lack of recovery time, for example, ways to recognise the signs of emotional fatigue in yourself, and coping strategies to diminish that effect in yourself;
You’ll learn about the role of technology in customer conflicts, both in terms of technology helping identify – and resolve – conflicts. You’ll learn about behavioral and sentiment analysis using various tools, the major traps to avoid with technology (detection issues, overreliance, data privacy issues, others), as well as specific tips when using ChatGPT (including matching the tone and language, fact-checking for hallucinations, and so on);
You’ll learn about dealing with pain points and “combustion points” – points in the customer journey where the client faces an issue, and points that are usually neutral but that can become pain points very quickly, respectively. You’ll learn about the usual types of pain points that must be hedged (product quality issues, lack of employee training, unnecessary hurdles, not having contingencies for breakdowns), and also the usual “combustion points” in various industries (such as inventory issues in retail, appointment issues and wait times in healthcare, and many others) that must be hedged;
You’ll see some examples of dealing with upset customers in specific scenarios, such as a client angry with raised fees in banking, customers that feel wronged by a promotion in retail, and more;
Remember that you always have a 30-day money-back guarantee, so there is no risk for you.
Also, I suggest you make use of the free preview videos to make sure the course really is a fit. I don’t want you to waste your money.
If you think this course is a fit and can take your knowledge to the next level… it would be a pleasure to have you as a student.
See on the other side!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction 3.0
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Useful Information
Chapter 2: Fundamentals 3.0
Lecture 1: Module Intro
Lecture 2: Conflict Resolution with Clients
Lecture 3: Usual Customer Types
Lecture 4: Roles and Departments
Lecture 5: Module Outro
Chapter 3: Dealing with Conflict 3.0
Lecture 1: Module Intro
Lecture 2: Conflict Psychology/Diagnostic
Lecture 3: Techniques: Respect and Empathy
Lecture 4: Techniques: Reassurance and Support
Lecture 5: Techniques: Implementation Focus
Lecture 6: Techniques: Effective Communication
Lecture 7: Traps: Disrespect
Lecture 8: Traps: Misalignment
Lecture 9: Traps: Interaction
Lecture 10: The Dichotomies
Lecture 11: Module Outro
Chapter 4: Well-Being and Self-Care 3.0
Lecture 1: Module Intro
Lecture 2: Personal Boundaries
Lecture 3: Dealing with Stress
Lecture 4: Dealing with Compassion Fatigue
Lecture 5: Module Outro
Chapter 5: Organisational Strategies
Lecture 1: Module Intro
Lecture 2: Tech in Customer Conflicts
Lecture 3: Dealing with Pain Points
Lecture 4: Module Outro
Chapter 6: Full Run-Throughs 3.0
Lecture 1: Module Intro
Lecture 2: Raised Fees in Banking
Lecture 3: Wronged Retail Customers
Lecture 4: Patient with Billing Issues
Lecture 5: Module Outro
Chapter 7: Conclusion 3.0
Lecture 1: Course Outro
Chapter 8: Bonus Lecture
Lecture 1: Bonus Lecture
Vasco Patrício
Executive Coach, Past MIT Portugal IEI-Backed Founder
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 88 votes
- 2 stars: 173 votes
- 3 stars: 859 votes
- 4 stars: 2427 votes
- 5 stars: 3585 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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