Constructive Feedback: Manager's Step-By-Step Guide
Constructive Feedback: Manager's Step-By-Step Guide, available at $64.99, has an average rating of 4.19, with 41 lectures, 6 quizzes, based on 1727 reviews, and has 5691 subscribers.
You will learn about You will be able to confidently follow the framework for delivering constructive feedback to staff. You will be able to effectively discuss performance and/or behavioural issues with staff. You will recognize why you sometimes delay providing feedback. You will understand where constructive feedback fits within the framework of progressive performance management. You will learn what the most common coaching pitfalls are the many managers fall into and that you need to avoid. You will be given a list of some of the most common core reasons for employee under-performance. Provide effective constructive feedback, and you will encourage effort, enhance performance, increase efficiency, reduce mistakes, and accelerate staff careers. The principles taught are common practice in Australia, New Zealand, USA, and some other countries. You may need to adapt some of the content to fit yours If you already have extensive experience in providing constructive feedback This course is ideal for individuals who are Middle management: managers – supervisors – team leaders. or Employees who aspire to a management position. or Managers in training. or Anyone is a leadership position who needs/wants a refresher on how to provide effective constructive feedback. or This course is not designed for: 1. leaders who already have extensive practical experience and knowledge in this area 2. Students who are not prepared to appreciate that they may need to adapt the recommended process to the work practices and rules of the country they work in. It is particularly useful for Middle management: managers – supervisors – team leaders. or Employees who aspire to a management position. or Managers in training. or Anyone is a leadership position who needs/wants a refresher on how to provide effective constructive feedback. or This course is not designed for: 1. leaders who already have extensive practical experience and knowledge in this area 2. Students who are not prepared to appreciate that they may need to adapt the recommended process to the work practices and rules of the country they work in.
Enroll now: Constructive Feedback: Manager's Step-By-Step Guide
Title: Constructive Feedback: Manager's Step-By-Step Guide
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 4.19
Number of Lectures: 41
Number of Quizzes: 6
Number of Published Lectures: 41
Number of Published Quizzes: 6
Number of Curriculum Items: 47
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 47
Original Price: $74.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You will be able to confidently follow the framework for delivering constructive feedback to staff.
- You will be able to effectively discuss performance and/or behavioural issues with staff.
- You will recognize why you sometimes delay providing feedback.
- You will understand where constructive feedback fits within the framework of progressive performance management.
- You will learn what the most common coaching pitfalls are the many managers fall into and that you need to avoid.
- You will be given a list of some of the most common core reasons for employee under-performance.
- Provide effective constructive feedback, and you will encourage effort, enhance performance, increase efficiency, reduce mistakes, and accelerate staff careers.
- The principles taught are common practice in Australia, New Zealand, USA, and some other countries. You may need to adapt some of the content to fit yours
- If you already have extensive experience in providing constructive feedback
Who Should Attend
- Middle management: managers – supervisors – team leaders.
- Employees who aspire to a management position.
- Managers in training.
- Anyone is a leadership position who needs/wants a refresher on how to provide effective constructive feedback.
- This course is not designed for: 1. leaders who already have extensive practical experience and knowledge in this area 2. Students who are not prepared to appreciate that they may need to adapt the recommended process to the work practices and rules of the country they work in.
Target Audiences
- Middle management: managers – supervisors – team leaders.
- Employees who aspire to a management position.
- Managers in training.
- Anyone is a leadership position who needs/wants a refresher on how to provide effective constructive feedback.
- This course is not designed for: 1. leaders who already have extensive practical experience and knowledge in this area 2. Students who are not prepared to appreciate that they may need to adapt the recommended process to the work practices and rules of the country they work in.
The main focus of this course is a step by step guide for providing constructive feedback to staff as a means of addressing under-performance and/or behavioural issues.
Framing the prime focus of this training is an overview of additional leadership skills that build on constructive leadership abilities to help to ensure the desired outcomes are achieved:
You will learn how important it is to be aware of, and work within the guidelines of, your company disciplinary policies.
The course also gets you thinking about complimentary skills you should possess that will ensure you present your concerns in a non-biased, caring, and effective manner.
This course offers an awareness of why constructive feedback is often ineffective and does not deliver the desired results.
This training also touches on the importance of identifying the root cause of an issue, and not just dealing with the symptoms.
Leaders sometimes delay providing feedback and there are a multitude of reasons as to why this might happen. You will be invited to do some self-analysis and consider whether any of these self imposed limitations might apply to you.
This course is all about Constructive Feedback, designed to addresses performance areas or behavioural standards in need of improvement. It is an essential complement to Positive Feedback designed to reinforce desired behaviours and/or performance.
The course includes exercises that you are invited to complete so that you can test your knowledge and understanding, and there is also an Action Plan to keep you on track with ‘how and when’ you acknowledge your staff efforts and achievements.
Please note that this course offers a full 30-day money back guarantee.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Welcome
Lecture 2: Course Overview
Lecture 3: The Value Of Feedback
Lecture 4: Setting The Scene
Lecture 5: Section 1 Summary
Lecture 6: Exercise Time – Section 1
Chapter 2: Step-by-Step Guide To Delivering Constructive Feedback.
Lecture 1: Constructive Feedback Step-by-Step Form
Lecture 2: Delivering Constructive Feedback
Lecture 3: Constructive Feedback Framework
Lecture 4: Step 1 Is To Pre-plan
Lecture 5: Explain The Specifics
Lecture 6: It's Time To Engage In Conversation
Lecture 7: Control Your Emotions
Lecture 8: Explain Consequences Of Their Actions
Lecture 9: How Good Are You At Communicating?
Lecture 10: Collaborate On A Course Of Action
Lecture 11: Training, Tools and a Time-line.
Lecture 12: It's A Bond
Lecture 13: Section 2 Summary Constructive Feedback Guide
Lecture 14: Exercise Time – Section 2
Chapter 3: Common Pitfalls You Need To Avoid
Lecture 1: Pitfalls Managers Need To Avoid
Lecture 2: Common Management Pitfalls
Lecture 3: Disengagement From Staff
Lecture 4: Section 3 Summary
Lecture 5: Exercise Time – Section 3
Chapter 4: Why Aren't Performance Issues Addressed
Lecture 1: Failure To Address Brewing Issues
Lecture 2: Why Brewing Issues Are Ignored.
Lecture 3: Declare War On Your Stumbling Blocks
Lecture 4: Section 4 Summary
Lecture 5: Exercise Time: Section 4
Chapter 5: Why Employees Sometimes Perform Poorly
Lecture 1: Employee Performance Issues
Lecture 2: Why Do Employees Sometimes Perform Or Behave Poorly?
Lecture 3: Is It Time For A Reality Check?
Lecture 4: Section 5 Summary
Lecture 5: Exercise Time: Section 5
Chapter 6: Performance Management – The Big PIcture
Lecture 1: Disciplinary Policies And Procedures Documents.
Lecture 2: Performance Management Levels
Lecture 3: Section 6 Summary
Lecture 4: Exercise Time – Section 6
Chapter 7: Congratulations
Lecture 1: Wrap Up
Lecture 2: Bonus Lecture
Silvia Wright-Davies
Business Skills Corporate Trainer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 17 votes
- 2 stars: 37 votes
- 3 stars: 270 votes
- 4 stars: 710 votes
- 5 stars: 693 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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