Continual Improvement Proficiency for Business Leaders
Continual Improvement Proficiency for Business Leaders, available at $129.99, has an average rating of 4.4, with 187 lectures, 10 quizzes, based on 16 reviews, and has 63 subscribers.
You will learn about Understand the nature of organizational issues and how to lead organization-wide actions for continual improvement. Act as an effective participant and project team member on cross-functional improvement activities. Apply structured problem-solving concepts and principles in improvement projects within your own work area. Apply the principles of statistical thinking, process analysis, and systems engineering in pursuit of improvement actions. Learn how to read and interpret the basic graphical tools of lean and statistical process analysis for work improvement. Communicate the organization’s strategy to assure continual improvement of its work activities and results. Launch an improvement project that you will supervise. This course is ideal for individuals who are People serving in any executive or leadership function or Small business owners or Functional managers in cross-functional organization or Business leaders of administration and operations or Chief quality officers and directors of the quality function or Quality professionals who coach business leaders or Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belts or Business and operations excellence leaders or Professionals interested in improving organizations It is particularly useful for People serving in any executive or leadership function or Small business owners or Functional managers in cross-functional organization or Business leaders of administration and operations or Chief quality officers and directors of the quality function or Quality professionals who coach business leaders or Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belts or Business and operations excellence leaders or Professionals interested in improving organizations.
Enroll now: Continual Improvement Proficiency for Business Leaders
Title: Continual Improvement Proficiency for Business Leaders
Price: $129.99
Average Rating: 4.4
Number of Lectures: 187
Number of Quizzes: 10
Number of Published Lectures: 187
Number of Published Quizzes: 10
Number of Curriculum Items: 197
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 197
Original Price: $129.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Understand the nature of organizational issues and how to lead organization-wide actions for continual improvement.
- Act as an effective participant and project team member on cross-functional improvement activities.
- Apply structured problem-solving concepts and principles in improvement projects within your own work area.
- Apply the principles of statistical thinking, process analysis, and systems engineering in pursuit of improvement actions.
- Learn how to read and interpret the basic graphical tools of lean and statistical process analysis for work improvement.
- Communicate the organization’s strategy to assure continual improvement of its work activities and results.
- Launch an improvement project that you will supervise.
Who Should Attend
- People serving in any executive or leadership function
- Small business owners
- Functional managers in cross-functional organization
- Business leaders of administration and operations
- Chief quality officers and directors of the quality function
- Quality professionals who coach business leaders
- Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belts
- Business and operations excellence leaders
- Professionals interested in improving organizations
Target Audiences
- People serving in any executive or leadership function
- Small business owners
- Functional managers in cross-functional organization
- Business leaders of administration and operations
- Chief quality officers and directors of the quality function
- Quality professionals who coach business leaders
- Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belts
- Business and operations excellence leaders
- Professionals interested in improving organizations
Are you a business leader? Do you have responsibility for a broad part of your organization? Is quality important to you? Sure, delivering quality in the products or services that are delivered to customers is important, but that can be delegated! Are you sure that the total responsibility for quality should be in fact borne by the operational part of your organization? What about responsibility for the quality of the current business, its financial performance, its contribution to society, or its ability to sustain its future performance? Can these responsibilities for quality be delegated to the operational component in your organization?
Have you ever sat in a quality training program (whether it be Total Quality Management, Lean training, or Lean Six Sigma training) and wondered how learning about Fishbone diagrams, Pareto charts, control statistics, etc. can make you a better leader? Are these the tools of leadership or is there something that is missing?
If you are frustrated by what you have been through it is most likely because you have not found a guide who can take you on this journey. That is the purpose of this training. To enable management teams to become thequality leaders that they need to be to manage a successful business.
The first step in this process is to become proficientin the basic aspects of quality as it applies to the job of the executive function. That is the purpose of this first program. It was designed by Dr. Gregory H. Watson, one of today’s thought leaders in quality who has focused on developing programs that enable executives to create quality as a competitive differencein their organizations. His 1994 book, Strategic Benchmarking, opened management’s vision to a different way of learning about how to manage their organizations. After then, Dr. Watson has been engaged in a private consulting practice dedicated to helping executives and their companies learn how to manage quality in a more comprehensive way.
His retirement from this active consultancy has led to a unique opportunity to package his experiences and lessons learned into a series of executive-directed quality engagements. Each module in this basic proficiency training consist of lectures that are punctuated with workshop activitiesfor the leaders of an organization to perform. Step-by-step, a logical progression expands business leader thinking from a myopic understanding of quality as applying merely to products or service activity of operations, but also to come to understand and exercise their own responsibility for developing the systemthat will establish quality as a discipline that leads to cultural differentiation, which is a sustainable competitive advantage.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introducing the Business Leader Role
Lecture 1: Introduction of the course
Lecture 2: One size does not fit for all
Lecture 3: Module 1 preview
Lecture 4: The Quest – Pursuit of a Learning Journey
Lecture 5: Three levels of Gemba
Lecture 6: Four levels of improvement
Lecture 7: Cycles of learning for process improvement
Lecture 8: Becoming mindful
Lecture 9: Business leaders as drivers of improvement processes
Lecture 10: Developing human dimensions for cooperation
Lecture 11: Developing a strategic mindset
Lecture 12: [Activity] Self-assessment of motivation
Lecture 13: Feedback of activity: Self-assessment of motivation
Lecture 14: Becoming a "reflective practitioner!"
Lecture 15: Wisdom from Japan
Lecture 16: Supplemental reading assignment
Lecture 17: [Article] Stimulating Improvement by Managing Appropriately
Chapter 2: Developing an Openness to Learn
Lecture 1: Module 2 preview
Lecture 2: A journey of 1,000 miles begins a first step
Lecture 3: Triple loop learning
Lecture 4: Deploying learning activities to organizations
Lecture 5: The first learning loop
Lecture 6: [Activity] How well do you learn in the first loop?
Lecture 7: The second learning loop
Lecture 8: [Activity] How well do you learn in the second loop?
Lecture 9: The third learning loop
Lecture 10: [Activity] How well do you learn in the third loop?
Lecture 11: Learning evaluation methods
Lecture 12: [Activity] How well do you learn together?
Lecture 13: Understanding business system
Lecture 14: Operational components of business system
Lecture 15: Understanding processes
Lecture 16: [Activity] Distinguishing core from support processes
Lecture 17: Understand, Document, Simplify
Lecture 18: Understanding business model through SIPOC
Lecture 19: [Activity] How well do you know your own work?
Lecture 20: How to achieve operational excellence?
Lecture 21: Supplemental reading assignment
Lecture 22: Wisdom from Japan
Lecture 23: [Article] Develop Mindful Issue Inquiry – Self-Bracketing
Chapter 3: Understanding the Current State of Maturity
Lecture 1: Module 3 preview
Lecture 2: Learning from the wisdom of Yoda
Lecture 3: Different perspective of process activities
Lecture 4: Learning about your customers
Lecture 5: [Activity] Learn to “know your customers!”
Lecture 6: What is process maturity?
Lecture 7: Different levels of process maturity
Lecture 8: [Activity] How mature is your organization?
Lecture 9: Toyota’s way to organizational competence
Lecture 10: Quality infrastructure implicit for maturity
Lecture 11: Your culture eats your strategy for breakfast
Lecture 12: [Activity] Do you have a quality culture?
Lecture 13: Wisdom from Japan
Lecture 14: Supplemental reading assignment
Lecture 15: [Article] Linking Customer Requirements to Critical-to-Tree Performance Objectiv
Chapter 4: Pursuing Profound Business Knowledge
Lecture 1: Module 4 preview
Lecture 2: Yoda pursed profound knowledge
Lecture 3: Profane knowledge creates legacy losses
Lecture 4: Different work has different wastes
Lecture 5: Linkage of muri, mura and muda
Lecture 6: Different categories of waste
Lecture 7: Conditions that employees can be held accountable for the quality of their work
Lecture 8: [Activity] Name your own waste!
Lecture 9: Profound knowledge
Lecture 10: How does profound knowledge operate?
Lecture 11: Workplace efficiency requires integration
Lecture 12: Difference between Gemba 1 and Gemba 2
Lecture 13: Gemba 3
Lecture 14: What do we mean by “quality”?
Lecture 15: [Activity] Defining Quality for ourselves
Lecture 16: Supplemental reading assignment
Lecture 17: Wisdom from Japan
Lecture 18: [Article] Things Gone Wrong Equals a State of Un-quality
Chapter 5: Understanding the Effect of Variation on Results
Lecture 1: Module 5 preview
Lecture 2: What does Master Yoda have to say?
Lecture 3: What is “statistical thinking”?
Lecture 4: What is “central tendency” in a measure?
Lecture 5: What is “dispersion” in a measure?
Lecture 6: Using averages distorts data interpretation
Lecture 7: What if you look at ALL of Friday’s data?
Lecture 8: Statistical thinking interprets variation
Lecture 9: Apply statistical analysis to process data
Lecture 10: What can be learned from a process?
Lecture 11: What can you learn from a measure?
Lecture 12: Establishing “control within limits”
Lecture 13: Understanding categories of INTERNAL loss
Lecture 14: Variation in processes
Lecture 15: [Activity] Reflection on Data Proficiency
Lecture 16: What is “Exploratory Data Analysis”?
Lecture 17: The analytical methods of EDA
Lecture 18: I-Charts show special cause variation
Dr. Gregory H. Watson
Executive Consultant -
Jukka-Matti Turtiainen
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 2 votes
- 4 stars: 4 votes
- 5 stars: 10 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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