Counting Cards for Long-Term Wins: The Simplified Way
Counting Cards for Long-Term Wins: The Simplified Way, available at $59.99, has an average rating of 4.75, with 36 lectures, 11 quizzes, based on 165 reviews, and has 968 subscribers.
You will learn about Count Cards and win money manage a bankroll wisely avoid common pitfalls that separate winning players from losing players learn all the skills you need to start playing winning blackjack as a professional business or a lucrative hobby This course is ideal for individuals who are This course applies to beginners and experts, veteran gamblers and those who have never set foot in a casino. or It is not required that you be of legal gambling age to take the course but you should be of legal gambling age before you implement it. or This course is not recommended for recovering or struggling gambling addicts or anyone in crippling amounts of debt. Counting Cards is NOT a financial "get out of jail free" card! It is particularly useful for This course applies to beginners and experts, veteran gamblers and those who have never set foot in a casino. or It is not required that you be of legal gambling age to take the course but you should be of legal gambling age before you implement it. or This course is not recommended for recovering or struggling gambling addicts or anyone in crippling amounts of debt. Counting Cards is NOT a financial "get out of jail free" card!.
Enroll now: Counting Cards for Long-Term Wins: The Simplified Way
Title: Counting Cards for Long-Term Wins: The Simplified Way
Price: $59.99
Average Rating: 4.75
Number of Lectures: 36
Number of Quizzes: 11
Number of Published Lectures: 35
Number of Published Quizzes: 11
Number of Curriculum Items: 47
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 46
Original Price: $59.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Count Cards and win money
- manage a bankroll wisely
- avoid common pitfalls that separate winning players from losing players
- learn all the skills you need to start playing winning blackjack as a professional business or a lucrative hobby
Who Should Attend
- This course applies to beginners and experts, veteran gamblers and those who have never set foot in a casino.
- It is not required that you be of legal gambling age to take the course but you should be of legal gambling age before you implement it.
- This course is not recommended for recovering or struggling gambling addicts or anyone in crippling amounts of debt. Counting Cards is NOT a financial "get out of jail free" card!
Target Audiences
- This course applies to beginners and experts, veteran gamblers and those who have never set foot in a casino.
- It is not required that you be of legal gambling age to take the course but you should be of legal gambling age before you implement it.
- This course is not recommended for recovering or struggling gambling addicts or anyone in crippling amounts of debt. Counting Cards is NOT a financial "get out of jail free" card!
Learn to Count Cards and Make Money While Playing Ordinary Blackjack!
- Learn the basic strategy foundation to playing good blackjack.
- Learn to keep the count and use it to know when to strike!
- Build easy skills that maximize your profit potential while reducing your risks.
- Avoid common mistakes and pitfalls that have ended many a budding blackjack career.
- Tailor your play and your technique to any sized bankroll and any beatable blackjack game (including multi-deck games!)
Sure most of us have heard that Blackjack is a beatable game if you can count cards, maybe you heard it from a gambling buddy or from a grandparent like I did. Maybe you saw a movie or TV show which featured a genius card counter, maybe you heard about the MIT team or any other college teams who feature the best and brightest sticking it to the house.
You may even want to be them.
But to you, like me, card counting may have seemed out of reach. So many of us are not mathematical geniuses or even mathematically inclined. We may not have stacks of thousands per hand we’d be willing to lose or have a team of players to help us spot the good tables.
What I’m about to say may seem hard to believe, but you needNONE of the above to learn to count cards and make money.
I started out myself as an ADD arts major, better with words than with numbers and that’s an understatement (I could barely count down the register at the gas station where I worked!) I was absolutely shocked at how easy it was to learn this lucrative skill and since then I’ve played all over the US for big bucks and even trained and managed a team of my own. I finally decided it was time to take these advantage player skills I was teaching people 1-on-1 and share them with the world.
This course will take you from being just another chump gambler, to beating casinos at their own game! I will admit, this isn’t for everyone. Not everyone can handle practicing for a few minutes per day to build these skills, not everyone can handle the pressure of putting money out on the table even with an edge, and not everyone can maintain calm, cool, and collected while taking their big paydays. Like I said, counting cards isn’t for everyone, but EVERYONE can learn, and with this course you’ll get the fast-track to success that I’ve developed over several years of research and experience to build my own blackjack career.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Intro to the Course
Lecture 1: Anyone can beat the house!
Lecture 2: How to take this course
Lecture 3: Gambling strategies that don't work
Lecture 4: Myths Debunked: Why counting cards works
Chapter 2: The Game: Basics
Lecture 1: Rules of Blackjack
Lecture 2: Basic Strategy: hard hands
Lecture 3: Basic Strategy: soft hands
Lecture 4: Basic Strategy: splits
Lecture 5: Basic Strategy: surrender
Chapter 3: The Game: Counting Cards
Lecture 1: Getting started with the running count
Lecture 2: How to lock the running count in your head
Lecture 3: Running Count Video Quiz!
Lecture 4: Running Count + Basic Strategy Video Quiz
Lecture 5: True Count Explained
Lecture 6: Deck Estimation Explained
Lecture 7: How you will use the true count to win money
Lecture 8: True Count + Running Count + Basic Strategy Video Quiz
Chapter 4: The Game: Making your play pristine
Lecture 1: What are variations?
Lecture 2: Best H17 variations
Lecture 3: Best S17 variations
Chapter 5: The Game: Putting it all together
Lecture 1: How to practice the complete system effectively
Lecture 2: The Blackjack "Function"
Chapter 6: Bankroll Management
Lecture 1: What is a bankroll?
Lecture 2: Bet Spreading: The most important concept for beating casinos
Lecture 3: Blackjack Nerdy Concepts: Expected Value and House Edge
Lecture 4: Blackjack Nerdy Concepts: Variance and Standard Deviation
Lecture 5: Blackjack Nerdy Concepts: Risk of Ruin
Lecture 6: The BEST way to lose less and win more
Chapter 7: Taking it to the tables: The Casino Environment
Lecture 1: Why you aren't ready for the casino yet
Lecture 2: Game Scouting: Good and Bad Playing conditions
Lecture 3: The PEN is mightier than the counter
Lecture 4: Never trust your dealer!
Lecture 5: Heat and Backoffs: Part 1
Lecture 6: Heat and Backoffs: Part 2
Chapter 8: TEST OUT!
Geoff Bowman
Card Counter, Blackjack Entrepreneur, Info Junkie
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 14 votes
- 4 stars: 42 votes
- 5 stars: 109 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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