Create your first strategy: masterclass on strategy planning
Create your first strategy: masterclass on strategy planning, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.15, with 38 lectures, 1 quizzes, based on 84 reviews, and has 427 subscribers.
You will learn about Create your first strategy from start to finish Design an end-to-end strategic plan for your startup or small business Turn your ideas into action by engaging others with your vision Apply a toolkit of tried and tested methods to improve business effectiveness Lead strategy planning sessions within your business Situation analysis (SWOT and PESTLE), scenario planning, visioning, creating project plans, risk analysis This course is ideal for individuals who are Those who want to make their business more effective through a clear strategy or Startups or small businesses looking to develop a strategic plan quickly and effectively, without creating rigid structures or Those with a big idea that they want to put into action but don’t know where to start or Those who want to develop their strategic thinking skills and learn recognised business tools It is particularly useful for Those who want to make their business more effective through a clear strategy or Startups or small businesses looking to develop a strategic plan quickly and effectively, without creating rigid structures or Those with a big idea that they want to put into action but don’t know where to start or Those who want to develop their strategic thinking skills and learn recognised business tools.
Enroll now: Create your first strategy: masterclass on strategy planning
Title: Create your first strategy: masterclass on strategy planning
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.15
Number of Lectures: 38
Number of Quizzes: 1
Number of Published Lectures: 38
Number of Published Quizzes: 1
Number of Curriculum Items: 43
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 43
Original Price: $109.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Create your first strategy from start to finish
- Design an end-to-end strategic plan for your startup or small business
- Turn your ideas into action by engaging others with your vision
- Apply a toolkit of tried and tested methods to improve business effectiveness
- Lead strategy planning sessions within your business
- Situation analysis (SWOT and PESTLE), scenario planning, visioning, creating project plans, risk analysis
Who Should Attend
- Those who want to make their business more effective through a clear strategy
- Startups or small businesses looking to develop a strategic plan quickly and effectively, without creating rigid structures
- Those with a big idea that they want to put into action but don’t know where to start
- Those who want to develop their strategic thinking skills and learn recognised business tools
Target Audiences
- Those who want to make their business more effective through a clear strategy
- Startups or small businesses looking to develop a strategic plan quickly and effectively, without creating rigid structures
- Those with a big idea that they want to put into action but don’t know where to start
- Those who want to develop their strategic thinking skills and learn recognised business tools
If you want to increase your impactand implement your best business idea, you will need to think strategically. Strategy planning may sound complicated, but in this course, you will have the chance to try it out for yourself.
In this practical course, you will create your first strategy, following a simple tried and tested method used by many companies. You will apply effective tools to develop your own strategy, from start to finish. And you will learn key concepts about strategic planning.
After completing this course:
You will have a complete strategy document, and you will be ready to start making it a reality;
You will have applied a range of recognised strategy planning tools used by businesses around the world; and
You will have a practical understanding of what makes a good strategy.
This course is the complete toolkit for creating and delivering an effective strategy.
An effective strategy:
Can make your business more successful;
Inspires others by creating clarity and getting people committed to your goals; and
Sets out a clear plan to changeor improveyour business faster.
You will learn key concepts of strategic planning:
You will be able to identify the key elements of any good strategy;
You will learn the benefits of having a robust strategic plan;
We will discuss some common misconceptions about strategies.
Then you will build your strategy:
You will produce a situation analysis using effective tools, such as SWOTand PESTLEanalysis;
You will create your vision, defining the target situation to create clarity about what you are trying to achieve;
Then it’s time to make your vision a reality. You will come up with a proposal, setting the direction of how to deliver your strategy, through scenario planning;
Finally, you will develop with a step-by-step plan to put your business idea into action.
And you will come up with a plan of how to engage others in the strategic process. And you will also have access to a Q&A video, so that you have everything you need to make your strategy a success.
A good strategy can set a clear directionthrough an inspiring vision. It can make businesses more effective, by prioritising the resources available. And best of all, strategy planning doesn’t need to be complicated. Some of the best tools in this course are great exactly because they achieve great results by being simple.
It’s time to create your first strategy. Sign up to get started now.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Welcome to the course!
Chapter 2: Introduction to strategic planning
Lecture 1: A simple tool for strategic planning
Lecture 2: Key elements of a strategy
Lecture 3: Key elements of a strategy: written summary
Lecture 4: The benefits of a strategy
Lecture 5: The benefits of a strategy: written summary
Lecture 6: Strategy mythbusting
Chapter 3: Step 1. Defining the current situation
Lecture 1: Defining the situation: key questions to answer
Lecture 2: Defining your problem or opportunity
Lecture 3: SWOT analysis
Lecture 4: PESTLE analysis
Lecture 5: Measuring what matters
Lecture 6: Measuring what matters: written summary
Lecture 7: Define the current situation: complete the first section of your strategy
Chapter 4: Step 2. Defining the target: what do you want to achieve?
Lecture 1: Defining the target: key questions to answer
Lecture 2: From/To technique
Lecture 3: Creating a vision
Lecture 4: Define the target state: complete the second section of your strategy
Chapter 5: Step 3. Proposal: Defining options and making recommendations
Lecture 1: Proposal: key questions to answer
Lecture 2: Introduction to scenario planning
Lecture 3: How to create different scenarios
Lecture 4: Selecting the best scenario
Lecture 5: Define the proposal: complete the third section of your strategy
Chapter 6: Step 4. Planning: Delivering your strategy
Lecture 1: Plan: key questions to answer
Lecture 2: Creating a project plan
Lecture 3: Creating a project plan: written summary
Lecture 4: Assumptions, constraints and dependencies
Lecture 5: Managing risks
Lecture 6: Planning in a group: Joint Planning Session
Lecture 7: Completing the fourth section of your strategy: planning
Chapter 7: Step 5. Completing your strategy and sharing it with others
Lecture 1: Introduction to section
Lecture 2: Finalising your strategy
Lecture 3: Sharing your strategy
Lecture 4: Sharing your strategy: written summary
Lecture 5: Q&A
Lecture 6: Q&A: written summary
Chapter 8: CONGRATULATIONS on completing the course!
Lecture 1: You did it! Congratulations on completing the course
Chapter 9: BONUS: Strategy Made Easy
Lecture 1: Bonus: Strategy Made Easy: A Step-by-Step Guide For Good Strategic Thinking
Julia Barbosa
Personal Development and Business Effectiveness specialist
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 5 votes
- 3 stars: 9 votes
- 4 stars: 25 votes
- 5 stars: 44 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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